听歌学英语:欢乐的时光 The Days - Avicii(在线收听

Avicii 原名Tim Bergling,知名瑞典DJ及音乐制作人。自小迷恋音乐的他对电音舞曲情有独钟,受到了Daft Punk的熏陶,加上瑞典地区发达的电音产业让他萌生了成为DJ的念头。 《The Days》这首歌从歌曲封面上看就相当有创意,非常具有街头艺术的动感。

[Verse 1]
Under the tree where the grass don't grow 在草不生长的树下
We made a promise to never get old 我们许诺永远不会老
You had a chance and you took it on me 你有个机会,但你把它给我
And I made a promise that I couldn't keep 我做了个我没办法坚持的承诺

Heart ache, heart break 心痛、心碎的感觉
All over town 满溢全城
But something flipped like a switch when you came around 但当你来到时有东西却失去控制
And I'm in pieces, pick me up, and put me together 而当我遍体鳞伤时来接我以及把我疗愈

These are the days we've been waiting for 这是我们一直等待的日子
On days like these you could ask for more 像这样的日子你要求更多
Keep them coming 让他们来吧
Cause we're not done yet 因为我们还没完呢
These are the days we won't regret 这些都是我们无法後悔的日子
These are the days we won't forget 这些也是我们无法忘记的日子

These are the days we've been waiting for 这是我们一直期盼的日子
Rattle the cage and slam that door 笼子嘎嘎作响而门被猛力关上
And the world is calling us as we're not just yet 世界正呼唤著我们,我们却未准备好
These are the days we won't regret 这些都是我们无法後悔的日子
These are the days we won't forget 这些也是我们无法忘记的日子

[Verse 2]
Out on the midnight 在午夜时
The wild ones howl 野性却放声大叫
Last of the lost boys have thrown in the towel 剩下迷路的男孩早已放弃
We used to believe we were stars aligned 我们曾经坚信我们的誓言如星星般永恒
You made a wish and I fell out of time 你许了个愿但我却已没时间

Time flew, cut through 时光飞逝,穿透了
All over town 全城
You make me bleed when I look up 当我仰望时你却让我流血
And you're not around 而你不在身边
But I'm in pieces, pick me up, and put me together 而当我遍体鳞伤时来接我以及把我疗愈

These are the days we've been waiting for 这是我们一直等待的日子
And days like these you couldn't ask for more 像这样的日子你无法要求更多
Keep them coming 让他们来吧
Cause we're not done yet 因为我们还没完呢
These are the days we won't regret 这些都是我们无法後悔的日子
These are the days we won't forget 这些也是我们无法忘记的日子

These are the days we've been waiting for 这是我们一直期盼的日子
Neither of us knows what's in store 我们都不知道什麼即将发生
You just pull your window down and place your bets 你只是关起窗户及下注好
These are the days we won't regret 这些都是我们无法後悔的日子
These are the days we won't forget 这些也是我们无法忘记的日子

And these are the days 这些日子啊
And these are the days 这些日子呀

歌词:Under the tree where the grass don't grow, we made a promise to never get old.
Promise作名词表示“诺言;预示;约定”,作动词表示“允诺;发誓;答应;有希望”。短语make promise表示“许诺”。
Once he made a promise, he would stick to it.
相反的”食言; 不守诺言“则break one's promise,例如:
I'm sorry that I broke my promise. 对不起,我食言了。

歌词:I'm in pieces, pick me up, and put me together.
短语in pieces表示“破碎地”。例如:
The cup lay in pieces on the floor.
The next morning, my mum came to pick me up.
He picked up the girl at a college disco.
She soon picked up French when she went to live in France.

歌词:These are the days we won't regret.
I regret to hear of your sister's death.
I regret causing him so much inconvenience.

歌词:Rattle the cage and slam that door.
When the window blows,all the doors rattle.
She seemed rattled about our presence.
He closed the door with a slam.
