听歌学英语: 我的世界你不懂 Welcome to My Life(在线收听

Welcome To My Life,来自Simple Plan----简单计划乐队。这是一支来自加拿大的流行朋克乐队。他们作品表现了朋克们那中经典的愤世嫉俗。

Do you ever feel like breaking down? 你有觉得快要崩溃的时候吗?
Do you ever feel out of place? 你有觉得格格不入的时候吗?
Like somehow you just don't belong,反正就是怎么也无法融入
And no one understands you 没人懂你。

Do you ever want to run away? 有没有想过逃跑呢?
Do you lock yourself in your room? 你会把自己关在房间吗?
With the radio on turned up so loud 把收音机开得山响,
That no one hears you screaming 这样别人就听不见你的嘶吼?
No you don't know what it's like 不,你不明白,
When nothing feels alright 什么都不对劲的那种感觉。
You don't know what it's like 你根本不知道,
To be like me 我的生活是什么样子。

To be hurt, to feel lost 受伤害,迷失自己,
To be left out in the dark 被遗弃在黑暗中/被蒙蔽,
To be kicked when you're down 被人落井下石,
To feel like you've been pushed around 觉得人人都针对你,
To be on the edge of breaking down 在崩溃的边缘。
And no one's there to save you 没有人来拯救你,
No you don't know what it's like 不,你不知道这种感觉。
Welcome to my life 欢迎来到我的世界。

Do you wanna be somebody else? 你想成为别人吗?
Are you sick of feeling so left out? 你再也不想被排挤在外吗?
Are you desperate to find something more 你在拼命寻找更多的东西
Before your life is over? 在你的生命结束之前吗?
Are you stuck inside a world you hate? 你滞留在你讨厌的世界里吗?
Are you sick of everyone around? 你厌倦了你身边所有的人吗?
With their big fake smiles and stupid lies 他们脸上挂着假笑,满嘴谎言,
While deep inside you're bleeding 而你的内心正在流血。
No you don't know what it's like 不,你不知道,
When nothing feels alright 一切都不对的那种感觉。
You don't know what it's like 你不知道,
To be like me 我的心情是怎样的。

To be hurt, to feel lost 受伤害,迷失自己,
To be left out in the dark 被遗弃在黑暗中,
To be kicked when you're down 被人落井下石,
To feel like you've been pushed around 觉得人人都针对你,
To be on the edge of breaking down 在崩溃的边缘。
And no one's there to save you 没有人来拯救你,
No you don't know what it's like 不,你不知道这种感觉。
Welcome to my life 欢迎来到我的世界。

No one ever lied straight to your face 没有人对你撒谎,
And no one ever stabbed you in the back 没有人在你背后桶你一刀。
You might think I'm happy 你觉得这样我会开心,
But I'm not gonna be ok 但是我心里不好受。
Everybody always gave you what you wanted 你要什么有什么,
You never had to work 你从来不用工作,
It was always there 只是等现成的,
You don't know what it's like 你不知道,
What it's like 我的心情是怎样的。

Do you ever feel like breaking down? 你有觉得快要崩溃的时候吗?
break down:分解;发生故障;坍塌;崩溃
She broke down and wept at the sad news.那个消息让她崩溃地哭了。
Unless he stops driving himself like this he'll have a breakdown.他要是总这样拚命干下去会吃不消的。
His frequent depressions were the prelude to a complete mental breakdown.他经常抑郁寡欢,后来精神完全崩溃了。

Do you ever feel out of place? 你有觉得格格不入的时候吗?
out of place:不合适的, 碍事儿的, 格格不入的
He felt out of place in their company.与他们在一起他感到不自在。
Everything in the room was out of place.房间内所有东西没一样摆对。
His remarks were a bit out of place.他的话有点不恰当。

To be left out in the dark 被遗弃在黑暗中/被蒙蔽
left out,原型 leave out: 遗漏,省去;不考虑
His name is left out of the membership list.他的名字被从会员名单中划掉了。
She left out the date on the cheque.支票上她漏写了日期。
I notice that the advertisement leaves out the price of the product.我注意到广告里没有提到产品的价格。

in the dark 在黑暗中, 秘密地,不知道,被蒙在鼓里
He was completely in the dark about the plan.他对这计划一无所知。
He kept me in the dark about it.他将此事隐瞒不让我知道。
I had to feel about in the dark for the light switch.我得在黑暗中摸索著找电灯开关。

What is it like to...句型:...是怎么样子的;...是什么滋味
What is it like to be famous?出名到底是一种什么感觉呢?
What's it like to be 30?到了三十岁到底是一种什么感觉呢?

To feel like you've been pushed around 觉得任人摆布
push around: 摆布,欺骗,欺负,驱使
I' m not the kid brother you used to push around我不再是那个听凭你使唤的小弟弟了。
I was never afraid to speak my mind and I never could stand to see a bully push people around.我这人有啥说啥,并且见不得别人受欺凌。

To be on the edge of breaking down 在崩溃的边缘
on the edge 在边缘上;坐立不安
on the edge of: 就要;濒于;在…边缘
His voice teetered on the edge of hysteria.他的声音近乎歇斯底里。(teeter: v 摇晃;倾斜)
She is on the edge of despair.她处于绝望的边缘。
