听歌学英语:艾薇儿的摇滚态度 Rock N Roll(在线收听

《Rock N Roll》是加拿大女歌手艾薇儿第五张专辑的单曲,于2013年8月27日正式发行。艾薇儿在MV中手拿电锯吉他和一只大鲨鱼熊怪兽打斗的场面十分有趣。

Let 'em know that we're still rock 'n roll 让他们知道,摇滚就是我们的态度
I don't care about my make-up 不在乎脸上妆花了没有
I like it better with my jeans all ripped up 破烂牛仔裤才是我的最爱
Don't know how to keep my mouth shut 老是学不会该要何时闭嘴
You say, "So what (what)?" 你说,那又怎样
I don't care if I'm a misfit 不在乎是否和大家格格不入
I like it better than the hipster of all shit我比什么潮痞人士都更劲酷
I am the mother freaking princess 因为我是你酷翻天的的摇滚公主
You still love me 你就是喜欢
Some-somehow 不知道怎么回事
It's a little different when 当我跟你在一起
I'm with you 好像哪里不一样
You know what I really am 我的本色你都了解
All about还有我的全部
You know how it really goes 我说的话你一清二楚
Oh, oh, oh, oh, yeah
Some some way 一定有办法
We'll be getting out of this 我们会摆脱这一切
Time one day 总有一天
You're the only one that I Want with me 你是唯一我想要的
You know how the story goes 我们的摇滚故事,现正进行中
Oh, oh, oh
When it's you and me 只要是你和我
We don't need no one to tell us who to be 不需要任何人来告诉我们该怎么做
We'll keep turning up the radio 把电台音量开到爆表就好
What if you and I 就是你和我
Just put up a middle finger to the sky 向天空比出中指
Let them know that we're still rock 'n roll 让他们知道,摇滚就是我们的态度
Rock 'n roll摇滚万岁
Hey hey hey
Rock 'n roll摇滚万岁
Hey hey hey
Call it a bad attitude dude 不要给我摆脸色,老兄
I'm never gonna cover up that tattoo 我绝对不会遮住那个刺青
I might have a couple issues 或许我有一些问题
You say, "Me too." (yeah) 你说,“我也是”
Don't care about a reputation 我不在乎有没有好名声
Must be living in the wrong generation 大概是生错了时代
This is your invitation 这是我给你的邀请函
Let's get wasted(yeah)让我们来玩闹一场
Some-somehow 不知道怎么回事
It's a little different when 当我跟你在一起
I'm with you 好像哪里不一样
You know what I really am 我的本色你都了解
All about还有我的全部
You know how it really goes 我说的话你一清二楚
Oh, oh, oh
When it's you and me 只要是你和我
We don't need no one to tell us who to be 不需要任何人来告诉我们该怎么做
We'll keep turning up the radio 把电台音量开到爆表就好
What if you and I 就是你和我
Just put up a middle finger to the sky 向天空比出中指
Let them know that we're still rock 'n roll 让他们知道,摇滚就是我们的态度
Rock 'n roll 摇滚万岁
Hey hey hey
Rock 'n roll 摇滚万岁
Hey hey hey
Rock 'n roll, yeah 摇滚万岁
Oh, oh, oh, oh, yeah
When it's you and me 只要是你和我
We don't need no one to tell us who to be 不需要任何人来告诉我们该怎么做
We'll keep turning up the radio 把电台音量开到爆表就好
What if you and I 就是你和我
Just put up a middle finger to the sky 向天空比出中指
Let them know that we're still rock 'n roll 让他们知道,摇滚就是我们的态度
When it's you and me 只要是你和我
We don't need no one to tell us who to be 不需要任何人来告诉我们该怎么做
We'll keep turning up the radio 把电台音量开到爆表就好
What if you and I 就是你和我
Just put up a middle finger to the sky 向天空比出中指
Let them know that we're still rock 'n roll 让他们知道,摇滚就是我们的态度
Rock 'n roll 摇滚万岁
Hey hey hey
Rock 'n roll 摇滚万岁
Hey hey hey

歌词:I like it better with my jeans all ripped up.
She sewed up the rip in his sleeve. 她缝好了他衣袖上的裂口。
The poster had been ripped to pieces. 那张广告画已被撕得粉碎。
歌词中的rip up表示“撕坏”,再比如:
She ripped the letter up angrily. 她生气地撕毁了信。
口语中rip off表示“收取不合理的高价”,也就是“宰客”,例如:
This saleswoman is trying to rip off the customer.
歌词:I don't care if I'm a misfit.
He applied for a transfer due to a misfit of the current job.
He always felt a bit of a misfit in the business world.
歌词的意思是我不在乎是否和大家格格不入-I don't care if I'm a misfit.

歌词:We'll keep turning up the radio.
Turn up在歌词中表示调大音量。We'll keep turning up the radio意思是我们会继续调大收音机音量。
Turn up的意思还有很多,可以表示“出现、露面”。
We invited her to dinner but she didn't even bother to turn up.
Something unexpected has turned up.
Turn up也可以表示“上翻、卷起”
He turned up his coat collar against the chill wind.

歌词:Call it a bad attitude dude. I'm never gonna cover up that tattoo.
He did cartoons and covers for the New Yorker magazine.
Snow covered the ground. 雪覆盖了大地。
He tried to cover his mistakes. 他设法掩饰自己的错误。
I had covered 200 pages by ten o'clock last night.
短语cover against表示“保险”,例如:
These goods are covered against fire.这些货物已保火险。
Cover for 的意思是“代替、顶替”。
John's ill today so will you cover for him,Jean?约翰今天生病了,你替代他好吗,吉恩?

歌词:Don't care about a reputation.Must be living in the wrong generation.
He earned a high reputation for his learning.
A man of high reputation指名誉好的人。比如:
He is a man of high reputation. 他是一个有名望的人。
