

  艺术及工艺 Arts and Crafts
  版画 engraving
  贝雕画 shell carving picture
  彩塑 painted sculpture
  瓷器 porcelain; china
  刺绣 embroidery
  雕刻 carving
  宫灯 palace lantern
  国画 Chinese painting
  剪纸 paper-cut
  景德镇瓷 Jingdezhen porcelain
  景泰蓝 cloisonné enamel
  蜡染 batik
  卖秸画 straw patchwork
  木/石/竹刻 wood/stone/bamboo carving
  木刻画 wood engraving
  泥人儿 clay figure
  皮影 shadow puppet
  漆画 lacquer painting
  漆器 lacquer ware
  双面绣 two-sided embroidery
  水墨画 Chinese brush drawing ; ink and wash painting
  檀香扇 sandalwood fan
  唐三彩 Tang tri-colored pottery
  陶器 pottery ; earthenware
  图章 seal
  拓碑 making rubbings from inscriptions , pictures , etc . on stone tablets
  拓片 rubbing
  微雕 miniature engraving
  象牙雕刻 ivory carving
  宜兴陶 Yixing pottery
  篆刻 seal cutting