新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 08:00 2015/10/26(在线收听

 The Beijing HourMorning EditionSpencer Musick with you on this Monday October 26th 2015.

Welcome to the Beijing Hour, live from the Chinese capital.
Coming up on the program this morning...
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang resassuring that China's economic growth remains in a reasonable range despite challanges faced in the global economy...
Analysts at a British think-tank hailing Chinese President Xi Jinping's state visit to the UK...
And European leaders meeting in Brussels to find ways to ease the ongoing migrant crisis...
In Business....China's central bank rolls out a slew of monetary easing measures...
In Sports..... the Chinese Super League title race moves down to the wire with a suprise draw...
And in Entertainment.... A Chinese superstar hits red carpet in Beijing for the premier of 'Mountains May Depart...'
Top NewsChina's growth in 'reasonable range'
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said China's economic growth of 6.9 percent in the first three quarters was within a "rea-sonable range" but was not easily achieved.
He made the comments during his third economic public lecture on Friday.
Li Keqiang reiterated that China's growth has not been achieved with ease, given the scenario of a global economic recovery and a complicated domestic situation.
China on Friday cut interest rates for the sixth time in less than a year.
Li has also noted in recent remarks that China's financial system is under control and reforms will not stop despite temporary market turbulences.
Li made the remarks ahead of a key meeting this week that will set economic and social targets for the next five years.
The Communist Party of China's central committee will meet from today through Thursday to set out the 13th country's five-year plan.
The meeting marks the final countdown to reaching the country's first Centenary Goal.
The first Centenary Goal, in celebration of the founding of the CPC in 1921, is to double 2010 GDP and double the 2010 income of both urban and rural residents by 2020, completing the building of a moderately prosperous society.
China invests 31.5 billion yuan to improve rural eco-environmentChina has invested some 31.5 billion yuan, around 5 billion US dollars, since 2008 to improve the environment in 59,000 villages covering some 110 million local residents.
The Ministry of Environmental Protection and the Ministry of Finance issued a joint statement on Sunday in Nanjing confirming the investment.
The two ministries said that they had made collective efforts to improve road infrastructure, waste disposal, sewage treatment and drinkable water systems in rural areas across China.
Minister of Environmental Protection Chen Jining said that environmental protection is a weak point in rural areas.
"In the next stage, the financial support from the central authorities will focus on the villages and regions nearby important water sources and national water diversion projects such as the Danjiangkou Reservoir, the central and eastern routes of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project and the Three Gorges Reservoir. Meanwhile, we will continue to push forward the management of the environmental issues in rural areas. Such problems will be solved once they are found."Deputy Finance Minister Liu Kun said that the central authorities will continue to increase their investment in improving the environment in the 130,000 villages newly added to the campaign's must-do list over the next five years.
Stroke has become No. 1 cause of death in China: reportChinese Stroke Association said in a report that strokes have become the No. 1 cause of death in China.
About 1.3 million people die of stroke-related causes each year.
Wang Yongjun is the deputy director of Beijing Tian Tan Hospital.
"Surveys show that there are as many as 23.9 million people suffering from mild cerebrovascular diseases in China. This special group may feel weak in limbs for just a few minutes, numb, or have language impairment and those symptoms are often ignored by them. Even if they go to the hospital, they may not get proper diagnoses. But more than 70 percent of this group may suffer from stroke, which can result in disability or death."The report showed that the occurrence of the disease among Chinese people is much higher than the world average.
China Makes World's 1st 3D Blood Vessel Bio-printerA Chinese biotechnological company has released the world's first 3D blood vessel bio-printer, which makes it possible to produce personalized functional organs.
The breakthrough is fulfilled by Revotek, a company based in southwest China's Chengdu.
With two nozzles working alternatively, the bio-printer can finish a 10-centimeter blood vessel within two minutes.
Kang Yujian, chief scientist at Revotek explains the method used by the machine.
"The core of the printer is the BioBrick, in which there are stem cells. Given certain environment and conditions, it (the stem cell) can, according to our requirements, differentiate into the cells we need."Dai Kerong, an academician at the Chinese Academy of Engineering says that the technique creates the possibility to produce functional organs.
"The achievement (of making the 3D blood vessel bio-printer) is not just about printing one blood vessel, but finding the method of sustaining vascular cells and other active substances. The method is useful in blood vessel printing, and in the printings of livers, kidneys and other organs."Dai adds there is still a long way to go before it can be applied to human medical care.
China, Britain can focus on mutual benefits despite differences: British analystAnalysts from the British think-tank Chatham House are hailing Chinese President Xi Jinping's state visit to the UK, saying the two countries can concentrate on mutual benefits rather than differences.
President Xi concluded his five-day visit to Britain on Friday, the first state visit by a Chinese president in a decade.
Chatham House director Robin Niblett said the two sides can look to the future with good prospects despite differences and historic problems.
"But I think at the moment the impression that one gets from this visit is of the mutual benefit rather than the differences. Mutual benefit of economic interests, but also a sense that as two old nations, China is older than Britain, but two old nations, we can take a longer view about the future."Niblett also said the two countries are facing similar challenges since both sides are big importers of resources and want to lead industrial and technological change.
He said the two countries can be stronger together when it comes to making rules in international organizations.
"The governance structure of resources management is one in which I think China needs to be much more actively involved. Britain, as one of the first industrializing countries, is already there. We're a smaller country and I think if we can bridge the two together we have real opportunities."China and Britain signed a series of agreements in various fields worth of some 40 billion pounds.
Beijing-Tokyo Forum concludes with no consensusThe 11th Beijing-Tokyo Forum has concluded in Beijing with issues discussed covering political trust, economic cooperation and security.
However, no consensus was announced this year, unlike in the two years previous.
Jointly organized by China International Publishing Group and Japan's Genron NPO, this year's forum focused on the various difficulties in the China-Japan relationship.
President of the China International Publishing Group Zhou Mingwei said the discussions have exceeded expectations.
"This year's conference, the depth of the questions discussed, the extensiveness of the sincerity and honesty as well as the impact brought by this conference have far exceeded our expectations. Speaking for the Chinese side, we want to better pursue our goals, which is to make the forum a better place for people from both countries to be able to share their best views and communicate with each other. This is the most important purpose of our forum."For his part, executive chairman of the Japanese side Yasushi Akashi echoed the remarks, saying the discussions were very frank and direct.
"The advantage of the Beijing-Tokyo Forum is that it is not official. It is not governmental. So we can be more relaxed. We can be perhaps more frank and honest in expressing our views, and try to find a common ground, which is not official, but officials will also listen to our discussion."More than 500 representatives from both countries in fields such as economy, media and politics took part in the discussions.
Established in 2005, the forum has developed into one of the most important platforms for bilateral dialogue between China and Japan.
Retired Official on Beijing-Tokyo ForumAnchorA retired Chinese official who helped launch the annual Beijing-Tokyo Forum over a decade ago says the event, which has been held once-again this weekend, has done a lot to help maintain links between China and Japan.
CRI's Tu Yun reports.
ReporterAs a founder of the Beijing-Tokyo Forum, Zhao Qizheng says it was originally designed to be a non-governmental communication platform amid China-Japan relations that featured "cold politics but warm economics."Zhao Qizheng says the forum itself has some unique advantages to help foster communication between the two governments.
"When we first started it, non-governmental exchanges were the popular way for the two sides to get together. But events like this forum took things a step further by adding retired government officials into the mix. These people have a sound knowledge of China-Japan relations and know how to communicate with the Japanese participants in a proper way. They also have the ability to more-easily inform the governments of the day about the progress made at the forum."Among this year's discussions is the role of the media in China-Japan relations.
Zhao Qizheng suggests media organizations from both sides can do more to help improve bilateral ties.
"Chinese and Japanese media outlets should not be held responsible for the current souring of bilateral ties. But on the other hand, they should be expected to do more to help promote ties, including reporting on each other's country from a more elevated perspective. There is a big picture and it should be always kept in mind that friendship benefits both."The 75-year-old is also calling on young people to continue what his generation has started.
"It's inevitable that those of us at this year's meeting will eventually have to quit because of our age. But right now, there still not enough younger people able to take over the job. What they need is not only the language skills, but also experience. I hope more young people will join us to promote exchanges between China and Japan. I'm looking forward to them picking up the baton."Zhao Qizheng served as the Minister of the State Council Information Office from 1998 to 2005.
From there, he was appointed as vice-Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the country's advisory body.
The Beijing-Tokyo Forum first began in August 2005.
For CRI, I'm Tu Yun.
Taiwan marks 70th anniversary of recovery from Japan's occupationTaiwan authorities have held a ceremony to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the island's recovery from Japanese occupation.
The gathering was held in the Zhongshan Hall, originally named the Taipei City Hall, which saw a surrender-acceptance ceremony of the Japanese forces held on October 25, 1945.
Taiwan leader Ma Ying-jeou said the commemorating was intended to remember history.
"The anti-aggression and anti-colonialism armed resistance against the Japanese forces in Taiwan lasted for 20 years after 1895, and then it turned into unarmed resistance. Even though the mistake of invasion might be forgiven, the history of blood and tears should never be forgotten."More than 1000 people attended the ceremony, including relatives of the martyrs in the resistance against the Japanese aggression.
Some people from Taiwan who fought against Japanese occupation and descendants of martyrs attended a seminar in a history museum to share their memories and honor the heroes.
Taiwan was occupied by Japan for 50 years after the Sino-Japan War of 1895.
Earlier on Saturday, the mainland also held a high-profile gathering to mark the anniversary.
King Willem-Alexander Attends Football Promotional Activity in BeijingAnchorKing Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands has begun a 5-day visit to China, attending an activity in Beijing to promote football across the country.
CRI's Victor Ning reports.
ReporterThe King has been joined at the event by retired Dutch national goalkeeper Edwin van der Sar, who says football in China needs to be developed and nurtured.
"I think it's sustainable. That's the right work you need. It's not about buying big players into the super league. It's focus on the grassroots football and schools and getting good coaches that can help. And grow better players in China."The Dutch football legends says playing football don't have to be a profession.
"Yeah, you know, I think don't look at it as a job or make it a profession. I think it's important to first create series of football schools or environment where kids can play football. And study and play football. Don't just looking at it making money or something else. It's just start to play football from there on. With the sheer amount of students you have in China, every year should be able to develop to a certain point and create good players."Huang Jianxiang, sports commentator and co-founder of Sport8 International, says they're working with their Dutch partners to get more young people in China involved in organized football.
"All we have to do is to let Children have fun in football. That's very important and everything starts from having fun. And then the right method, the right way to organise a club. A training session is also very important. So we are going to work with our Dutch partners for years to help more Chinese children, their parents and their teachers to know what is the right thing to do when we want our Chinese children to play football."The Chinese government launched an action plan last year to try to upgrade China's skill level in international football through youth development programs.
Despite having the largest population in the world to choose from, China's national men's football team currently ranks 81st in the world.
For CRI, I'm Victor Ning.
Dutch King's China visit signifies closer China-EU relations: ExpertAnchorA leading European observer here in China is suggesting the arrival of the Dutch King for a 5-day visit to China this week is another sign of the growing ties China is fostering with Europe.
CRI's Wang Mengzhen has more.
ReporterAs part of his 5-day stay in China, Netherlands King Willem-Alexander and his wife will make stops in the cities of Beijing, Shanghai and Hangzhou.
He is also due to travel to Shaanxi to tour through the Loess Plateau while making a stop in the city of Yan'an, which the Communist Party of China maintained its wartime headquarters.
The King's time in Beijing with Xi Jinping is the Chinese President's 2nd brush with the European monarchy this month, having just returned from the UK where he and his wife were the guests of Queen Elizabeth at Buckingham Palace.
Professor Feng Zhongping, European Studies expert with the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, says the meetings with Europe's royalty has significant value from a public relations perspective.
"Even thought these monarchs don't have much political power in their country, their role still conveys an important symbolic meaning. Not only have the British and Dutch royal families reached out to the Chinese government, other monarchs from Sweden and Belgium have also either visited China or invited Chinese leaders to their countries. I think this is a sign European countries are racing to forge closer ties with China."Apart from the Dutch King's time in China, German chancellor Angela Merkel is due to make a stop in China this coming week.
French President Fran?ois Hollande is due to make a trip to China in early November.
Professor Feng Zhongping says these trips are a good opportunity for the Chinese side to make Europe more comfortable with China.
"The high-level reciprocal visits are an opportunity to build more political trust between state leaders. Only by promoting political trust, economic and trade cooperation, as well as people-people exchanges, can we guarantee a closer China-EU relationship. Right now, China-EU cooperation is on a fast track. It's the result of strong efforts from both sides."The Dutch King is here in China as part of a broader delegation from the Netherlands, which includes government officials and business leaders.
A number of Dutch companies, including KLM, Shell and the Port of Rotterdam have representatives on the trip.
Its expected several business deals in areas such as agriculture, finance, sports and tourism will be finalized as part of Willem-Alexander's time in China.
His time in Shaanxi is being highlighted as one area of significant interest, as its expected the Chinese side will be pressing for more cooperation from the Dutch delegation when it comes to the environment.
Shaanxi is on the edge of the Gobi Desert, and is an area the government has been focused on in its attempt to stop soil erosion and help clean up the air.
It's also an area where Xi Jinping spent 7-years as a "zhiqing," or educated youth, in the 1960's and 70's.
For CRI, I am Wang Mengzhen.
Poland Ruing Party Concedes DefeatPoland's Prime Minister has conceded defeat in the country's latest election.
An exit poll showed that the right-wing Law and Justice Party won with 39.1-percent of the vote while the incumbent Civic Platform party took only 23.3-percent.
Despite the loss, Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz said her government has achieved great success during the past eight years.
"It wouldn't have been possible had the people of Poland not trusted us twice. But please remember these eight years have not been wasted. Without a shadow of a doubt, Poland today is much more beautiful. Today's Poland is a country of a growing economy, low unemployment. That's the legacy we pass onto today's winners."The official results of the vote are due out today.
The Law and Justice party is expected to gain 242 seats in the 460-seat lower house of parliament, allowing it to govern alone.
It would be the best showing so far for the party in a parliamentary election.
EU Holds Emergency Summit Over MigrationEuropean leaders on Sunday met in Brussels to find ways to ease the ongoing migrant crisis.
The Slovenian Prime Minister Miro Cerar highlighted the urgency of the issue.
"If we do not deliver some immediate and concrete actions on the ground in the next few days and weeks, I do believe that the European Union and Europe as a whole will start to fall apart."Cera said Slovenia will not be able to endure the unabated influx of migrants in the coming weeks. Calling for more involvement from other European nations, he said Slovenia will take actions to ensure security if left alone to deal with the crisis.
Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras on Sunday said little could be achieved if Turkey was not involved.
"A critical partner in this -Turkey - it is not invited. So today, the discussion will be among the countries of the corridor of the refugee flows, but everybody knows that at the end of the corridor there is an entrance, so if we will not be able to agree with the country at the entrance, I am afraid that it will be very difficult to find a solution."Turkey and Greece have served as entry points for the migration into Europe, mainly from Syria and Afghanistan.
Migrant Influx Continues into SloveniaThousands of refugees and migrants arrived in Slovenia on Sunday. Most have entered from the neighboring Croatia, on their way to Western European countries such as Germany and Austria.
Slovenia has borne the brunt of the influx on the Balkan route, since Hungary closed its border with Croatia about a week ago.
Slovenia said on Sunday that more than 60,000 people had arrived in the country over the last 10 days.
The migrants will be registered in Slovenia before heading to Austria.
Express Rail Links China with EuropeAnchorAuthorities in Sichuan's capital, Chengdu, are suggesting the city is poised to become a key logistics hub for markets across Asia and Europe.
Expectations are running high amid the early success of a newly-launched rail service which is sending goods from central Asia and eastern Europe back to China.
CRI's Zhao Jianfu has more.
ReporterThe West China Railway Logistics Center in Chengdu is bustling like never before.
Most of the goods processed through the facility are either coming or going along the Chengdu-Europe Express.
The service started moving goods from China in 2013, with stops in Kazakhstan, Russia, and Belarus before hitting its terminus in the city of Lodz of Poland.
Chinese goods including electronic devices, auto parts, shoes, clothing and various other exports head out of the Chengdu station every Saturday, packed in 41 containers.
But starting last month, those containers are now coming back to China filled with European products, many of them perishables.
Izabela Kalinowska is chief representative of the express railway's Lodz office in Chengdu.
"The goods include agricultural goods, like food and beverages. We have the containers at a controlled temperature, so they can carry goods such as foods that have very quick expiry dates. That's the advantage of the connection because it just takes 10 days to come to Chengdu."It would take 40 days to transport the same products by ocean.
Its this advantage as an inland rail hub which authorities in Chengdu are hoping will turn the city into logistics powerhouse under the "Belt and Road" strategy the Chinese government has laid-out.
Chen Zhongwei, director of the Chengdu Logistics Development Office, says their office is already looking beyond central Asia and Europe.
"We have opened railway traffic with Xiamen, in the hope of bridging East China and Europe. We have also opened traffic with Shenzhen to connect Hong Kong and Macau with Europe. We are planning to open traffic with Kunming, so that Southeast Asia and Europe can be connected as well."Logistics officials in Chengdu say they're eventual goal is to have trains running between Chengdu on a daily basis, rather than just once a week.
To help facilitate increased trade through Chengdu, an International Port Economic and Trade Logistics Cooperation Conference is being held in the city.
It's part of the West China Import Expo and International Investment Fair, which will come to a close this coming Tuesday.
For CRI, this is Zhao Jianfu.
WeatherBeijing will be cloudy with a high of 15 degrees Celsius.
It will be clear overnight with temperatures down to 6.
Shanghai will be cloudy with a high of 26, showers tonight with a low of 17.
Chongqing will have light rain with a high of 21 and a low of 18.
Elsewhere in the world, staying here in Asia,Islamabad will see light rain with a high of 20.
Kabul, cloudy, 12.
Over to North America,New York will be overcast with a high of 13.
Washington, overcast, high of 14.
Honolulu, light rain, 28.
Toronto will be cloudy with a high of 10.
Finally, on to South America,Buenos Aires will be cloudy with a high of 24.
And Rio de Janeiro will be cloudy with a high of 27 degrees Celsius.
Headline NewsChina's growth in 'reasonable range'
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said China's economic growth of 6.9 percent in the first three quarters was within a "rea-sonable range" but was not easily achieved.
He made the comments during his third economic public lecture on Saturday.
Li Keqiang reiterated that China's growth has not been achieved with ease, given the scenario of a global economic recovery and a complicated domestic situation.
China on Friday cut interest rates for the sixth time in less than a year.
Li made the remarks ahead of a key meeting this week that will set economic and social targets for the next five years.
The Communist Party of China's central committee will meet from today through Thursday to set out the 13th country's five-year plan.
The meeting marks the final countdown to reaching the country's first Centenary Goal.
The first Centenary Goal, in celebration of the founding of the CPC in 1921, is to double 2010 GDP and double the 2010 income of both urban and rural residents by 2020, completing the building of a moderately prosperous society.
Hong Kong Ferry Accident Injures 83A ferry sailing from Macao to Hong Kong hit an object in waters near Lantau Island on Sunday, injuring 83 people.
The boat was carrying 163 passengers and 11 crew members. It lost power following the accident, creating chaos on board.
Boats were sent to the scene, and ambulances stood by at the Central Ferry Piers. After arriving in Hong Kong, those injured were sent to hospital.
No casualties were reported in the accident.
Indonesian Fire Kills 12A fire broke out at a karaoke bar on Sunday in the Indonesian city of Manado, killing 12 and injuring 73.
The fire triggered heavy smoke, trapping many people on the second and third floors of the building. Many died of smoke inhalation.
The injured were sent to nearby hospitals.
China, Russia and Mongolia Sign Tourism Development DealsChina, Russia and Mongolia have signed a number of cross-border agreements in tourism.
The ten projects, worth a total of 220 million US dollars, were signed at the first China-Mongolia Expo. The expo opened last Friday in Hohhot, capital of north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.
The deals cover areas including tourism route development, personnel training and hotel construction.
In 2014, Inner Mongolia received more than 800-thousand visitors from Mongolia and more than 600-thousand from Russia.
Biz ReportsMarket PreviewAnchorTurning onto business news. First let's get a preview of what we can expect on the markets this week.
Here in China, e-commerce giant Alibaba Group is expected to release its earnings report for the three months ending in September on Tuesday.
However, the company has signaled that the growth of total value of transactions across online shopping sites will be less than expected.
In the United States, markets go into this week with both stocks and the dollar enjoying strong rallies. The dollar should continue its gains unless the Federal Reserve interrupts this with its statement on interest rates later this week.
US economic growth likely braked sharply in the third quarter as businesses worked through an inventory glut and a strong dollar hurt exports. Growth was also likely hampered by continued spending cuts in the energy sector.
On Monday, reports are set to show that new U.S. single-family home sales likely dipped in September, but the trend should remain consistent with a strengthening housing market.
On Tuesday, a survey by Reuters will show U.S. third-quarter GDP likely expanded at a 1.6 percent annual rate, sharply down from the second quarter's 3.9 percent pace.
Meanwhile, data is likely to show that orders for long-lasting U.S. manufactured goods fell for a second straight month in September.
The U.S. Federal Reserve's Federal Open Market Committee is set to hold a two-day meeting on interest rates starting on Tuesday.
Consumer spending data expected on Friday will likely show continued growth in September, offering confirmation that domestic demand remains solid.
Economists forecast consumer spending rising 0.2 percent after increasing 0.4 percent in August.
Finally, on the corporate front, Apple is ready to report its fourth-quarter results on Tuesday, and the revenue is expected to be above analysts' estimates.
China's rate cut to promote growthOver the weekend, China's central bank once again cut the reserve requirement ratio(RRR) of banks and benchmark interest rates.
From Saturday, People's Bank of China cut its benchmark one-year lending and deposit rates by 25 basis points each to 4.35 percent and 1.5 percent respectively.
The reserve requirement ratio for all financial institutions has also been slashed by half a percentage point, to further reduce the cost of financing.
This is the fifth RRR reduction and the sixth round of interest cuts since last year.
At the same time, the central bank has decided to remove the 50 percent ceiling for banks' deposit rates.
For more on this topic, we are now joined on the line by Mike Bastin, director of the China Business Center based in London.
Questions1) What are the main reasons for the latest round of central bank's interest rate and RRR cuts? How is this cut connected the central authorities reaction to China's 6.9 percent third-quarter GDP, the lowest quarterly data in 6 years?
2) Looking ahead, is there still room for the central bank to further relax its monetary policy for the rest of this year and early next year?
3) At the same time, the PBOC decided to remove the upper limits for banks' deposit rates over the weekend. How does this move relate to China's interest rate liberalization and financial reform?
Back anchorMike Bastin, director of China Business Center based in London.
China to donate fuel to NepalChina is going to provide Nepal with 1.3 million liters of gasoline to help it cope with severe fuel shortages as a result of restricted supplies from India.
The gasoline will be brought to a town near the China-Nepal border.
It will take about 100 tanker trucks to transport the gasoline to Kathmandu.
This will be the first time for Nepal to get fuel from China.
China's building materials sector remains sluggishChina's building materials sector has remained weak as the property market showed little signs of improvement.
The latest statistics indicate that cement output fell nearly 5 percent in the first three quarters, in contrast to the 3-percent gain seen during the same period last year.
Output of flat glass dropped 7.5 percent, compared with the 3.8-percent rise in the same period last year.
Meanwhile, the factory price of cement edged down 0.8 percent in September compared with August.
The data came as the property sector is plagued by a nationwide supply glut, especially in third-tiered cities.
Registered capital of entities triples in Tianjin FTZThe number of newly registered market entities in the Tianjin Pilot Free Trade Zone has grown nearly 140 percent.
Official statistics show that the registered capital went up at least 240 percent year-on-year in the first half of this year.
The Tianjin FTZ saw 8-thousand new entities with a total registered capital of 210 billion yuan, or 30 billion U.S. dollars, between April and October.
These new entities have included more than 300 foreign-invested enterprises, with combined capital of 66 billion yuan.
The Tianjin FTZ was officially launched on April 21 along with the FTZs in Guangdong and Fujian provinces.
Chinese listed company to buy Texas oil fields in 8.3 bln yuan dealA Chinese listed investment company is expected to buy oil fields in the United States.
Shandong-based Xinchao Shiye has signed a letter of intent to purchase oil fields in Texas for 8.3 billion yuan, or 1.3 billion U.S. dollars.
The oil fields are in counties of Howard and Borden, Texas.
Mmeanwhile, Xinchao Shiye has inked a deal with Ningbo Dingliang Huitong Equity Investment Center, a limited liability partnership.
The Center is going to purchase the oil fields from Tall City Exploration and Plymouth Petroleum, two limited liability companies registered in Nevada, through Moss Creek Resources, LLC, the Center's subsidiary.
Such a transaction has already received approval from the US Committee on Foreign Investment.
Tesla's China sales to catch up with US in 5-6 yearsCEO of electric automaker Tesla Motors Elon Musk says it will probably see a equal or higher sales of Tesla in China than in the United States over the next five years.
Data shows that sales of Tesla in the Chinese market reached over 3-thousand cars in the first three quarters.
Musk says the company is in talks with officials at the national and provincial levels about potential joint ventures here in China.
In addition, the CEO introduced earlier that Tesla is planning to localize production and engineering in China in three years.
Tesla has been increasing its retail outlets and supercharging networks in China.
It currently has 84 superchargers and 15-hundred destination chargers across the country.
MENA airlines eye China for aviation growthSeveral airlines in Middle East and North Africa are set to launch flights to China in order to bank on aviation growth along the new Silk Road.
Airline companies include Dubai's Flydubai, Afghan carrier Safi Airways and RwandAir of Rwanda.
China became Dubai's largest foreign trade partner last year, with exchange totaling around 50 billion U.S. dollars.
CEO of Flydubai says that the western part of China will be the first area where their low-cost carriers would fly to.
At the same time, Afghanistan's first and largest privately-owned carrier Safi Airways is also looking at China as a market to expand operations.
Safi Airways is planning to add the three top airports, Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, to their network.
Guangzhou is also on the radar of RwandAir, the flagship carrier of the Central African country.
SportsCSL recapBeginning with some very intriguing football action from the Chinese Super League,A disputable Shandong Luneng buzz equalizer became the most important goal this season as it completely altered the possible outcome for the teams.
Luneng held Guangzhou Evergrande 2-2 to drag the title race down to the wire.
Evergrande, which needed a win to secure their fifth CSL title, were denied their crown at home and will have wait till the last round to find out their position.
Evergrande claimed the goal in the last minute in stoppage time an offside and have filed an appeal to China's football association.
They are still the front runners but second-placed Shanghai SIPG closed the gap to two points on the table after beating Changchun Yatai 2-0.
Luneng got one point from the draw and leapfrogged Beijing Guo'an to come up to third place on the table.
Guo'an suffered a 4-0 loss by Tianjin Teda and are at risk of losing their qualification for next season's AFC Champions League.
The prospects of Teda avoiding relegation became brighter with the demolition of Guo'an.
Guizhou Renhe also stayed alive with a 2-1 victory over Shijiazhuang Everbright.
Renhe are two points behind Teda in the danger zone.
EPL, Liga, Bundesliga recapSome more football action from Europe,Manchester United and Manchester City played to a dull goalless draw in their city derby at Old Trafford.
Both teams think they could have done better but have to do away with one point.
City are still on top of the standings, ahead of Arsenal on goal difference.
Liverpool recorded their fifth straight draw in a game that ended 1-all against Southampton.
Coach Juergen Klopp is still waiting for his first win in the Premier Leauge.
And defending champions Chelsea's woe continued as they went down to West Ham 2-1.
In La Liga,Real Madrid dealt Celta de Vigo their first defeat of the season, beating the home team 3-1.
They are leading the field with 21 points, ahead of Barcelona on goal difference.
Luis Suarez's hat trick helped Barca with a 3-1 win over Eibar.
In the Bundesliga,Second-placed Dortmund maintained their deficit on leaders Bayern Munich at 7 points with a 5-1 sweep of Augsburg.
Bayern Munich had earlier recorded their historical 1,000th victory in the Bundesliga with a 4-0 thrashing of Cologne. They have claimed all 10 wins in the best start of the season and picked up a maximum 30 points.
Lewis Hamilton wins US Grand Prix, world championshipIn formula one,Lewis Hamilton has claimed his third world championship with victory in the United States Grand Prix.
Hamilton is holding an unassailable 76 points lead ahead of his closest rival Sebastian Vettel on the drivers' standings with three races to go this season.
Hamilton described it the greatest feeling in the world.
"It is the greatest feeling in the world it is what I live my whole life for it is what I wake up and train for, it is every driver's dream. When I was out there I was just saying this is something that very few drivers get to experience in their lives, a car like this and a team like this, so it is very important just to step back and enjoy the moment."Rain disrupted practices and canceled qualifying. Places on the starting grid were determined according to the timesheet of the second practice session.
Rosberg led the Mercedes pair from front row of the grid.
He came home in second place to make another Mercedes one-two.
Ferrari's Vettel finished third.
Rossi penalized, title race to go onIn more racing news,The title in MotoGP will be decided in the last race after Valentino Rossi had his lead cut to seven points in Malaysia.
Rossi finished third in a race that saw Dani Pedrosa and Jorge Lorenzo come home before him.
But Rossi was penalized for kicking Marc Marquez off his bike as the two were exchanging positions on the track.
Rossi received three penalty points and will start from the back of the grid in the season-ending Valencia Grand Prix.
Australia beat Argentina to make final of RWCIn rugby,Australia have defeated Argentina 29-15 to set up a world cup final against defending champions New Zealand.
Winger Adam Ashley-Cooper scored a hat trick of tries to send Australia into their first final in 12 years.
Coach Michael Cheika says his players are committed and it's time they started working for the final agasint New Zealand.
"They're obviously the world number one aren't they and they are there for a reason. I think, you know, we've only beaten them once, I think, out of the last 10, around something like that, so they'll be, I think they'll be feeling pretty good. They've got our measure and it's going to be up to us to do something special, you know, do something extra to just be competitive. And then, you know, we'll see what happens from there"The final is scheduled for Saturday at Twikenham.
Argentina and South Africa will play for third place a day before.
EntertainmentFan Bingbing Supports 'Mountains May Depart' Beijing PremierChinese superstar Fan Bingbing surprised the audience by gracing the red carpet of 'Mountains May Depart' Beijing premier.
The actress says she came to support award-winning director Jia Zhangke's upcoming film.
"I'm so happy to be here and watch 'Mountains May Depart' with all of you. I like very much director Jia Zhangke. I hope that this film will have success in box office. I will watch and appreciate the movie soon."Being Jia Zhangke's eighth feature film, 'Mountains May Depart' explores the story among three close friends that took place in three different time periods.
The director's previous film 'A Touch of Sin' won the award for Best Screenplay at Cannes Film Festival in 2013, but failed to be shown in Chinese cinemas.
Speaking at the premier, the 45-year-old director says he's excited that this latest drama film can meet audiences in China.
"In 2013, I expected to meet with Chinese audience with my then latest film 'A Touch Of Sin', but it didn't come true till today. So I shot the film " Mountains May Depart ". Finally, it will meet Chinese audience in cinemas. It will be a very important day for me. Thank you."'Mountains May Depart' was partly shot in the director's home town Fenyang in Shan'xi province, and partly shot in Australia.
The film is scheduled to hit theaters on October 30th in China.
MTV European Music Awards Wrapped up in MilanThe MTV EMA European music awards have lighted up Italy's fashion capital of Milan on Sunday.
British singer Ed Sheeran has enjoyed a busy night, acting as host, nominee and performer at the event.
Australian model and actress Ruby Rose, who co-host the awards ceremony, says her preparations before the show were not that easy.
"A little bit nervous, a little bit excited. It was very Murphy's Law today. Everything that could of gone wrong, went wrong. I've torn my calf muscle, I'm using a cane, my hair was dyed green last night. Everything on stage went wrong. I feel over on my opening link, so awesome."Taylor Swift leads all artists with nine nominations, including for best female vocalist.
New Wave rocker Duran Duran have been named music video pioneers.
The awards ceremony held in a different European city every year, as winners of the awards are selected by fans across the continent.
Collection of James Bond Showcased in Mexico CityA huge collection of James Bond memorabilia, photographs, trinkets and videos is now in full showcase in Mexico City.
Bond mania is on the rise with the forthcoming release of its latest installment, 'Spectre' in a few weeks.
Curator of The Designing 007, Bronwyn Cosgrave, gives more details on the exhibition.
"Viewers all over the world have really enjoyed about our show is that, is not a static..., is not a static exhibition. There's film footage, there's sound, music and you know costumes that come to life; so it really is this immersive experience in a fantasy world."Another curator of the exhibition, AB Rogers, also unveils that visitors can see the costumes appearing in the upcoming Bond film for the first time.
The exhibition runs in Mexico city until January 10th, before transferring to Paris.
Five Celebrities Honored at 2015 Environmental Media Awards in CaliforniaThe annual Environmental Media Awards kicked off at Burbank California, with five celebrities being honored for their influential positive role modeling in environmental protection and lifestyle improvement.
This year's honorees include business man Van Jones, filmmakers George Miller and Kristin Davis, actress Gwyneth Paltrow, and musician Don Henley.
Paltrow's mother, actress Blythe Danner elaborates on the environmental efforts of her daughter.
"Her lobbying and campaigning in Washington is so articulate with Barbara Boxer and Senator Leahy. I'm just aways astonished at her articulate abilities, which I don't have. She is extremely eloquent. And I'm so proud of her passion, and her mind and heart coming together and speaking do well for the cause."This year's event was held on the backlot of the Warner Bros. studios, and hosted by musician Lance Bass.
That's it for this edition of the Beijing Hour.
Recapping our top stories this morning...
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang resassuring that China's economic growth remains in a reasonable range despite challanges faced in the global economy...
Analysts at a British think-tank hailing Chinese President Xi Jinping's state visit to the UK...
On behalf of the Beijing Hour staffers, Spencer Musick in Beijing hoping you'll join us for our next edition of the Beijing Hour to open a window to the world together.