
   It is less important to eat with families regularly nowadays.和家人有规则地聚餐已经不再那样重要,是否认同?

  1. 增强家庭纽带,和谐家庭关系,为家人交流创造更多的机会。
  2. 家庭聚餐更加健康,更加经济。相反,经常外出吃饭不仅仅不健康,而且增加经济负担。
  3. 父母一起买菜做饭是一种生活情趣,为子女做出榜样,家庭聚餐可以提高家人厨艺。
  1. strengthen the family tie v增强家庭纽带
  2. harmonize the family relationship v和谐家庭关系
  3. set a fine learning example for their children v为孩子们树立榜样
  4. impose much pressure upon a family economically v增加家庭的经济负担
  5. add financial burden to a family v增加家庭的经济负担
  6. improve one’s cuisine v提高厨艺
  【解析】cuisine = cooking skill n厨艺
  7. eat out v 外出吃饭
  【拓展】eat out for a change 出去吃饭,换换口味
  8. create splendid opportunities for family communication v 为家庭交流创造美好机会
  9. enjoy the happiness of family reunion v享受家庭团聚的乐趣
  10. family meal is, comparatively speaking, more economical v家庭聚餐相比较而言,更加经济。