

  V119 Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students for every subject. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
  Some country allow women to join the armed forces, well some others think not such as navy, army doesn't suit for women, do you agree or disagree? Use your own experience and reasons.
  V119的关键词有两个,every subject , equal number 这道题,很难折衷地说,每个学科既应该男女人数均等,又不该均等,所以结构上只能写单边支持,或者单边反对,两条路,要么写每个学科男女生人数应该均等,要么写每个学科男女生人数不必强求一致,有趣的是,在写作强化班我给大家的小册子里,两篇V119的高分范文,观点截然相反,但使用的“工具”,或者论据都一模一样,实际上,我们在考场上,想到的可用的论点论据往往是有限的,怎样用有限的工具,去解决花样繁多的作文题目,还能巧妙地自圆其说呢?以该题为例:我们可以初步检查一下可用的论点。
  “存在的往往就是合理的”,学过雅思写作的同学对这一点一定是深有体会!想一下身边的具体的现象,真的会帮助我们把抽象的作文题具体化,提供最初的写作灵感。中国的大学和国外的大学,现在每个学科有没有做到男女生人数均等呢?答案是否定的。我们接着想原因,有可能是我们该作文的一条重要论据。大家马上就可以告诉我, gender feature 是主要原因,的确,male and female tend to have different physical traits and way of thinking , being adept at certain fields in tertiary education. 以上的论点,正好可以支持“不必强求一致”派。性别特点是一个重要的工具,是我们写男女权利要用的最重要的论据之一。问题是,我们能否用这个论据,来支持“人数均等”派呢?只要想到我们写作课常用的一个表达,就解决问题了:正因为 different gender feature, they tend to complement each other both physically and psychologically , bringing their talents and strengths into full play. 其中,complement 是很多雅思作文都要用到的一个词汇,说男女生互补。也可换形容词用,complementary to each other.
  第一个自然段有了着落,我们来看还有什么论据可用。除了性别差异,我们接着找社会原因,发现Sex discrimination 也是导致该现状的主要因素。不少同学都能成功地写出类似的表达:In the old days majority of women were deprived the right of further education, which has been changed dramatically thanks to the growing gender equality in the modern society .这个道理我们很容易认同,想想这句话是哪一派的论据,显然,它帮助了“人数均等”派的论证。现在的问题是,有没有办法用同样的工具,帮“不必强求一致”派说话?如果能做到这一点,大家的辩论能力是很强的了。这是我们从V119的两篇范文中拿出的一个论证部分:
  To eliminate sex discrimination means rather taking special consideration of the willingness and qualification of the two gender rather than purely statistical data , otherwise an overwhelming waste of talents would arise as the university turn down those eligible as well as enthusiastic applicants, based on superficial apprehension of sex equality.
  The ultimate purpose of the tertiary education is to cater for the demand of the society for intelligent resources.
  大家都认同的一个道理,想想看,这个论据可以拿来支持谁?答案是两派都可以,只要做到自圆其说,“不必强求一致”派可以说,由于现在社会上以男女为划分的社会分工,并不均衡,(uneven division of labor in terms of gender)所以为了跟现实同步(keep abreast with the reality), 学校的招生政策也应顺其自然。而“男女人数均等”派可以说,随着社会文明的进步,以性别为划分的社会分工正在日趋一致,因此,学校的招生政策应该做出调整。
  Enrolment policy should be adjusted accordingly along with the progress of the social civilization and sexual equality.
  With the nature of the modern war changed from physical-oriented to the one replete with high technology , female could exhibit their versatile talents in the various posts of the army, such as detective , nursing , information analysis and even commanding .
  Deemed as passive , caring and gentle, females could hardly fit in the masculine, aggressive and cold-blooded battlefield not only physically but also mentally.
  With the increasingly improved sexual equality in all walks of life , it has been an inevitable trend that women are entitled to serve in the army .
  It is understandable that to tear down the sex discrimination means more freedom and options rather than compulsory military service for the women.
  第三个自然段还可探讨部队存在的目的,To build up the defensive ability of the country is the original intention of the military service.
  Complementing their male counterparts, females would help enhance the overall efficiency and morale of the army ,thus sharpening the edge of the military .
  Highly effective maneuvering and operating is the key to success for military force, which is hard to secure since recruiting female soldiers would induce more discriminated and complex rules , regulations and sometimes even compromises.