

  21.In contrast,
  22.By contrast,
  23.On the contrary,
  24.Whether …depends on whether…
  25.It is wrong to assume that
  26.When it comes to something,
  27.… for the reason that
  28.… for the simple reason that
  29.For one thing,
  30.For another,
  31.There is an element of truth in both views.
  32.Both views make sense.
  33.Some people fail to take into account the fact that
  34.In view of the seriousness of this problem,
  35.It is indisputable that
  36.To make matters worse,
  37.To make things worse,
  38.On a substantial level,
  39.Nothing is more significant than to do something.
  40.Nothing is more critical than doing something.