澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2015-10-29(在线收听

 Police charged the man with murderof Karki Perce Vincincen. The young mother's body was found in blank.. forest 2010. The 41-year-old man was arrested 6 knock and is expected to face court today. Police is also investigating the murder of Karki's daughter Kandoulice. Two Australia's must-wanted men have been charged with murder after 8 years on the run. Jeno and Mark Stokle were captured at property...in central west New South Wales yesterday. Police also found a body at the property believed to be that of a missing 68-year-old man.

A man has been charged over the death of 11-year-old girl in Victorian North East on the weenken. The girl's body was found at her... at home on Sunday morning, following a party at the property. The 29-year-old man has been charged with 3 offences, including murder and sexual assault.
The Queensland town of..., northwest of ... is cleaning up a severe heal storm. Golfball sides... destructive wings torn three town... cutting part of 5000 residents and damaging home, businesses and cars.
And Amlisty? international says it has evidence that officials... seekers and pay peoples smuggler to turn back boats.  In a year report, the right groups say the solen seekers' lives were put at risk in two incidents, in May and July. The ... government has denied those allegations.