英语听力:自然百科 圣河之旅 Yangtze 长江—35(在线收听

 The waking up of the soul that is clearly happening here will have enormous implications, this isn't just about religion, this is the transformation that will affect politics, it could help to redefine China's relationship with the rest of the world. The next day having said goodbye to Lily i headed out to the point where the mighty Yangtze finally flows out into the sea.As i come towards the end of this journey, it's really clear to me that huge numbers of people in this country are turning to religion and faith, and the reason they are doing that is in my view because this country has advanced even further and even faster than many of us in the west realise, hundreds of millions of people here have lifted out of poverty, often their material needs are being met, now they want new purpose and meaning in their lives that neither communism nor capitalism seem would to provide.

Here we are, this is the memorial monument, just a mark really for the end of the Yangtze. Look, the end of the Yangtze, we see for miles, look, right out to sea. it's been an amazing series of journeys, it's been thrilling and surprising for me actually, just how much i feel like i've learned from following these sacred rivers about the cultures and the countries the rivers flow through. These rivers are polluted, they are battled over, but they are still life giving arteries that support hundreds of millions of people, these rivers have shaped civilizations and they'll continue to shape our modern world.