新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 20:00 2015/10/28(在线收听

 The Beijing HourEvening EditionPaul James with you on this Wednesday, October 28th, 2015.

Welcome to the Beijing Hour, live from the Chinese capital...
Coming up on the program this evening...
China's ambassador to the United States has come out swinging following a move by the US Navy to sail into the Nansha Islands.
Germany's ambassador to China is suggesting Angela Merkel's trip this week to China is a sign of the tightness of ties between the two countries.
A Hong Kong businessman allegedly kidnapped a month ago on Taiwan has been rescued by police.
In Business... a new round of Bilateral Investment Treaty talks are underway between the US and China.
Sports... Lucie Safarova's chances to make the WTA Finals semis hang in the balance tonight.
In entertainment.... a new film and TV investment fund is being endorsed by the Chinese and UK governments.
All of that coming up in the next hour, but first, just a reminder there are several ways to reach out to us here on the Beijing Hour.
You can follow us on our weibo account at
WeChat: search "beijinghour"Email us directly at [email protected].
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Top NewsChinese Ambassador on U.S. warship Entering Waters off South China SeaChina's Ambassador to the US is lashing out at the Obama administration for its move to send a warship into Chinese-controlled territory in the South China Sea.
Cui Tiankai is accusing Washington of launching a serious provocation.
"Well, I think first of all, what the U.S. is doing is very serious provocation politically and militarily. It is a clear attempt to escalate the situation and to militarize the region."At the same time, Cui Tiankai is accusing the US of holding a double-standard, asking players in the region not to militarize the region, while sending its own warships and planes into the area.
"Whatever is happening now will not change our position on the sovereignty in the region. We are not to weaken our determination to safeguard our sovereignty and would not weaken our commitment to seeking a peaceful solution to the disputes with countries concerned. And certainly we're not going to weaken our position and commitment to developing a healthy and strong relation with the United States."The Chinese government has called-in US ambassador Max Baucus in for a sit-down, calling the US action a "serious provocation."The US Navy sailed one of its warships within 12 nautical miles of Chinese-controlled islands in the Nansha Island group earlier this week without first asking permission from China.
The Chinese military says the move is a "show of military force" intended to militarize the South China Sea.
US' action in the South China Sea not in line with international laws: Chinese ExpertsAnchor:
Chinese military observers are suggesting the US Navy's move to sail a ship into the Nansha Islands area violates international legal norms and threatens stability in the region.
CRI's Wang Mengzhen has more.
On Tuesday morning, the naval destroyer USS Lassen sailed within 12 nautical miles of Zhubi Reef in the South China Sea without notifying the Chinese government.
This has raised strong oppositions from the Chinese side, as sailing within 12 nautical miles of a territory held by a different country is viewed internationally as a violation of territorial sovereignty.
The US Defense Department claims the ship was conducting routine operations in line with the international law.
Chinese naval expert Yin Zhuo says the US side is in the wrong.
"The right of "innocent passage" insisted by the US sounds plausible, but it has not received widespread recognition around the world. At the same time, international legal documents including the UN Convention on the law of the sea and Convention on the High Seas, along with domestic laws in many countries have clearly stipulated that any military vessels have to obtain permission from the local government before entering the country's territory. "The US government has been promoting a Freedom of Navigation program around the world since 1979, insisting that it is within the framework of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.
However, the US itself has not formally ratified that UN treaty.
Two weeks ago, US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter warned the US will fly, sail and operate wherever international law permits, saying there will be no exception to that.
Professor Su Hao with the Center for Strategic and Peace Studies at China Foreign Affairs University says that statement appears directed specifically at China.
"We know that the South China Seas' situation is very complicated. The United States, possibly if it wanted, could sail to some other countries and claimed areas. But it is not the real intention of the United States to provoke other countries, and is intentionally trying to make trouble with China.
Naval expert Yin Zhuo says the United States is deliberately intervening in affairs in the South China Sea.
"The main goal of the US is to get more deeply involved in the South China Sea, and is always putting the spotlight on the area when it comes to talking about China on the international stage. The United States sis taking advantage of the South China sea issue to isolate China from other countries in this region. As such, this could negatively affect China's economic development, especially among the ASEAN Plus 3 and the ASEAN Plus 6 groupings, as well as the free trade area through the Asia and Pacific region."The US Defense Department is dispatching its new head of its Pacific Fleet to Beijing next week for talks.
Commander Harry Harris will arrive in Beijing on November 2nd to meet with Chinese naval officials to try to ease tensions and avoid any unnecessary escalation.
For CRI, I am Wang Mengzhen.
China Germany ties at historical best: German AmbassdorAnchor:
Ahead of German Chancellor Angela Merkel's visit to China this week, the country's Ambassador to China is suggesting bilateral ties between the two sides are at their "historic best."CRI's Zhou Jingnan hasReporter:
"I believe that German-Chinese relations are at their historic best these days. And Germany is obviously the most important partner for China in economic and political things in Europe."German Ambassador Michael Clauss makes the suggestion ahead of German Chancellor Angela Merkel's 2-day visit to China, which will kick off on Thursday.
The ambassador notes that China and Germany have taken part in a number of high-level political exchanges in recent years, with both the Chinese President and Premier visiting Berlin and the Chancellor herself also coming to Beijing last year.
Clauss says stronger business cooperation will be the top priority on Angela Merkel's agenda this week.
"We have 6,000 companies here, German companies in China, which is 10 times more than, for example, the UK has. And she will be accompanied again by a small but very high-ranking economic delegation and it will be partially CEOs of big companies like Volkswagen, which is the company which is most strongly invested into China. And she will also be accompanied by CEOs of small- and-medium-sized companies who are the backbone of German economic strength and innovation."On top of meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang in Beijing, Angela Merkel will also make a stop-over in Anhui's capital, Hefei, where she will attend a meeting of the Sino-German Advisory Committee on Economics, together with Li Keqiang.
Germany is currently China's biggest partner in Europe in terms of trade and investment.
Trade volumes between China and Germany hit 177.8-billion US dollars in 2014, accounting for around 30 percent of China's overall trade with the European Union.
German Ambassdor Michael Clauss says quite a lot of trade with China is coming in the area of high-tech.
"And also the framework is quite beneficial and positive for Chinese companies, a lot of legal safety; and on the other hand you have a very strong research and development environment. And there is a strong tradition in Germany that companies and research and development institutions closely work together in order to promote innovation, technological innovation."A recent German Trade and Invest report shows China was the largest investor in Germany in 2014, followed by the United States and Japan.
For CRI, I am Zhou Jingnan.
Rescue efforts to reach victims of Afghanistan earthquakeSearch and rescue personnel are struggling to make it to areas rattled by this week's deadly 7.5-magnitude quake which hit the Hindu Kush in Afghanistan.
The death toll from the quake has climbed to over 350.
The 7.5-magnitude earthquake hit north-eastern Afghanistan on Monday morning, with tremors felt in neighboring Pakistan, India and Tajikistan.
Pakistani and Afghan authorities have dispatched the military helicopters to help victims in remote areas.
Pakistani Information Minister Pervez Rashid says medical help, tents and blankets are desperately needed.
"Right now the demand is for tents and blankets. These two items have been provided by the NDMA (National Disaster Management Authority) in more than the required quantity. Some have already reached the victims; the rest are on the way. God willing, in the next few hours these items will reach the affected people. They will reside in the tents until they rebuild their houses."The Chinese government is preparing emergency aid to be sent to both Afghanistan and Pakistan.
The Chinese Red Cross is offering 100-thousand U.S. dollars in cash to the Red Crescent Society in the affected countries.
Chinese President Xi Jinping has also sent a message of condolence to his counterparts in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Reform of state-owned enterprises remains major topic in development planAnchor:
China's top leadership is now meeting here in Beijing to discuss what's going to be included in the next 5-year plan.
It's widely-expected reforms of the state-owned enterprise sector is going to be a major focus.
CRI's Victor Ning has more.
Deputy Director with Shanghai State-Owned Capital Operational Research Institute Yang Jianwen says the key for SOE reform in the next five-years lies in being able to cope with China's slowing economy.
"The 13th five-year plan is a mid-term plan, but we have a short-term target, which is to steer the economy out of a slump. Still, we also have to prepare a long-term economic plan. That will depend on companies to demonstrate that they have the energy to revive the economy. State-owned companies need to improve their internal management structure, and also beef up their external competitiveness. I think these reforms will advance further in the 13th five-year plan period."Yang says the major reform sectors will be in high-tech and manufacturing as they are of great importance for boosting China's ability to compete globally.
In September, China introduced its guidelines for the next stage of SOE reforms.
However, only over a dozen state-owned enterprises (SOE) in Shanghai have started reform programs this year.
Chief Economist with Orient Securities Shao Yu says more motivation is needed for companies in Shanghai to step up their reforms.
"So far the motivation for either the SOEs or the local governments to reform is still relatively weak, because there will be some risks if you push the reforms on a larger scale too fast. We can see the companies and local officials are very cautious about how they are going about it."Shao adds that the refrom can be accelerated by carrying out more specific mechanisms.
"I think we should have more specific mechanisms for rewards and punishments. Those who don't do anything or who do little to help improve their company's performance should be penalized as they failed to properly carry out their duties. I think that would help accelerate the reform process."The Chinese economy expanded 6.9 percent year on year in the third quarter of 2015, the first time the quarterly growth rate has dropped below 7 percent since after the global financial crisis in 2009.
It's being reported SOEs account for at least 30 percent of China's total GDP. Some estimates put the share as high as 45 percent.
Experts say reforms in state-owned enterprises and the financial sector will give a fresh push to the Chinese economy.
For CRI, I'm Victor Ning.
Park, Abe to hold 1st one-on-one summit in Seoul next weekIts been announced South Korean President Park Geun-hye and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will hold their first one-on-one summit in Seoul next week.
Seoul's presidential office has confirmed the bilateral summit will take place on the sidelines of a trilateral leadership meeting including Chinese Premier Li Keqiang.
This year's South Korea-China-Japan summit will take place on November 1st.
It will be the first trilateral summit in more than three years.
Park Geun-hye has refused to meet directly with Japan's Prime Minister since she took office in February 2013 because of past comments Shinzo Abe has made around the issue of "comfort women" during World War II.
Beijing exhibition reflects on war-time sexual crimeAnchor:
An international exhibition detailing sexual crimes during the Second World War is underway in Beijing.
CRI's Liu Xiangwei has more.
The Intimate Transgressions exhibition in the 798 Art District showcases the art works of 35 artists from different countries.
Curator of the exhibition, Irish artist Fion Gunn is a victim of sexual violence herself. She points out the importance of this show.
"What we did not want to do, was to make images so horrible, people will be afraid and not want to look. It is important the people look and understand the complex legacy. It is about destruction, but also about the loss of beautiful things, that feeling of safety and security, the feelings of warmth between men and women. It is important to let people know, when these things occurs in times of war, everybody loses. Nobody wins, everybody loses in this case."One of the darkest sexual war crimes committed during the Second World War was the sexual slavery organized by the Japanese imperial army. It's reported to have victimized countless Asian women and girls.
Post-80 Japanese artist Atsuko Nakamura says it is important for the younger generation to know exactly what happened back then.
"For this exhibition, I did a lot of research including the Japanese comfort women, during the WWII, what the Japanese did to those women, not only China, but also in other countries. It is quite tough to find information. I did a lot of research in Japan, but it is the history, no one can change it anymore. But the important thing is we need to know what happened at that time. As a Japanese, I think I have a responsibility to know what happened at that time."Nakamura, with her work 'Border of Consciousness and Unconscious', conjures up an intense feeling of menace and encroaching threat in her chilling series of drawings.
British Artist Michael Lisle-Taylor was a serviceman in the air force for 12 years. With his work 'Bedlam' and 'Crossing the Line', he is trying to evoke the sad remnants of tragedy on a vast scale.
"I think the most important thing is to never underestimate the consequences of your action and to question the morality of certain actions."Exhibition organizer, Sam Chen says it is critical for young people to never forget that part of history.
"Most people think comfort women or World War Two are behind them. They do not really think they can relate to it. Most of the time, they are not interested in it. We use art to make them come in and enjoy the art, so they can also get some knowledge. It is a very good way to reach out for young people."The Intimate Transgressions was exhibited in New York earlier this year. The exhibition will last until Nov 1st before heading to Guangzhou and several other Chinese cities.
Back Anchor:
CRI's Liu Xiangwei reporting.
Cross-Straits entrepreneurs summit to open in NanjingA cross-Straits summit among entrepreneurs from the mainland and Taiwan has been set for next Tuesday.
An Fengshan with the State Council's Taiwan Affairs Office says the summit is going to include around 850 business leaders and financial experts from both sides.
"Small and Medium sized businesses, as well as young people and those working in grassroots sectors will be highlighted in the summit. The event is meant to help guide businesses on both sides to participate in the construction of the 'One Belt One Road' initative. It will also encourage SMEs to push forward innovation and young people to build up their own businesses."This year's summit will take place in Nanjing.
Top mainland political advisor Yu Zhengsheng will also attend the summit.
The business summit, first held in 2008, is billed as a platform for cross-Straits entrepreneurs to share ideas which will benefit both sides.
Kidnapped HK Businessman RescuedPolice in Taiwan have located a Hong Kong businessman who was reportedly kidnapped a month ago.
Wong Yuk Kwan, chair of Hong Kong-based Pearl Oriental Oil, was allegedly taken for ransom in New Taipei City on September 20th.
He was found Tuesday night after police raided a home in Yunlin County in central Taiwan.
He's now receiving medical treatment at a local hospital.
Doctor Wu Tsung-shen at says Wong is in stable condition.
"We found bruises around Wong's body. But his mental state is fine. He is maintaining consciousness and can communicate with us."A dozen suspects have been detained and are being questioned.
Police say the kidnappers demanded a ransom of over 9-million US dollars from both his family and his company.
Wong Yuk Kwan himself is facing fraud charges in Hong Kong, and fled to Taiwan after being granted bail in Hong Kong.
US to shift strategy in battling IS in Syria and IraqThe Obama administration is shifting its strategy in its battle with the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq.
Defence secretary Ashton Carter, testifying before the Senate Armed Services Committee, says they're going to be providing more support for local forces through an expanded air campaign.
Carter also says the US military will also begin launching direct ground action missions.
Carter says the operations will be focusing largely on the northwestern Syrian city of Raqqa, which the Islamic State considers its capital in Syria.
The US military will also launch ground operations in the Iraqi city of Ramadi in the western part of the country.
Carter says this move will not be in coordination with Russian forces.
"To be clear, we are not cooperating with Russia, and we are not letting Russia impact the pace or scope of our campaign against ISIL in Iraq and Syria."Russia has been counducting airstrikes inside Syria since the end of September, saying its trying to help the Syrian government defeat the Islamic State and other terrorists.
Washington has accused Russia of attacking non-Islamic State forces which are fighting to try to overthrow the Bashar al-Assad government in Damascus.
Iran invited to Syrian talksThe US State Department has confirmed Iran will be part of talks connected to the fighting in Syria later this week.
US State Department spokesperson John Kirby says the talks on Thursday in Vienna will discuss the possibility of a political transition in Syria.
"The Secretary wants to encourage these kinds of conversations and discussions as we continue to look for solutions to what is a difficult political situation in Syria, and a transition that can be enduring and lasting and lead to a better government for the Syrian people. As such, in looking for different multilateral settings and for the right key partners to be present, we do expect in this case that Iran will be invited to participate."The meeting on Thursday in Vienna will include US Secretary of State John Kerry, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and several leading European and Arab diplomats.
It's unclear at this point if Iran's Foreign Minister will be in attendance, though the Iranian government has confirmed it will have representation at the meeting.
Previous meetings among US, Russian and Arab officials connected to the fighting in Syria have made little headway, with divisions over the role Syrian President Bashar al-Assad will have in Syria still dividing the various sides.
Egypt enters into run-off parliament electionsAnother round of voting is underway in Egypt.
This vote this Wednesday is a run-off for the seats available in the first half of voting in the county's parliamentary election.
None of the candidates in the first round of voting last week were able to get the 50-percent voter support needed to win the seat outright, meaning the top two contenders in each electoral district are squaring off today.
The results of the vote should be known within 24-hours.
The first round of voting just over 26-percent of available voters turn out to cast ballots.
Obeservers say most of them are elderly supporters of current President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi.
It's being suggested many of the younger generation stayed away, with wide-spread accusations the new parliament is only going to be a rubber-stamp for policies the President hopes to push forward.
Egypt's last parliament, dominated by the Muslim Brotherhood, was elected in 2011-12 in the first election after the popular uprising that ended Hosni Mubarak's 30-year rule.
It was dissolved by a court in July 2012 after al-Sisi took over and labelled the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization.
Aladdane Ouattara Wins Ivory Coast ElectionThe incumbent President of Cote d'Iviore, Alassane Ouattara, has won a 2nd, 5-year term in office.
Ouattara has taken well over 80-percent of the vote.
"I want to congratulate all the Ivorian citizens for their maturity and exemplary behaviour during the electoral process"This vote has been boycotted by the party of ex-President Laurent Gbagbo, who is currently jailed and is set to go on trial next month at the Hague for crimes against humanity.
Ouattara defeated Gbagbo in the last election in 2010, but the president at the time refused to step down.
This led to a series of politically-charged battles across the country which left close to 3-thousand people in Cote d'Ivoire dead.
Greek Ready to Take More Refugees with EU aidThe Greek government is offering to shelter an additional 20-thousand migrants in the country, provided it gets financial help from the European Union.
Greek Migration Minister Yannis Mouzalas says the offer is contingent on Greece getting extra money.
"Instead of the 60,000 hospitality positions in one camp that EU was asking of us, and which in reality would be more like a concentration camp, we succeeded to get approval for 20,000 places of temporary residence with subsidized rents."The 20-thousand new places will be in addition to the 30-thousand spaces Greece has set aside for new migrants.
More than half a million migrants have transited through Greece so far this year.
Many of them of them are refugees from Syria who make the perilous crossing from Turkey.
EU leaders have agreed on a new 17-point action plan to manage migrant flows through Greece and the Balkans to help ease the crisis.
The action plan includes assistance from the United Nations.
Investigators Says Wave Causes the Sinking of Canadian Whale-watching vesselCanadian authorities are suggesting a couple of different factors were behind a marine incident this past weekend off the country's west coast which left at least 5 people dead.
Marc-André Poisson, the head of marine accident investigations with Canada's Transportation Safety Board, says it's their belief a rogue wave hit the whale-watching boat on Sunday, causing it to capsize.
"We know that most passengers and crew were on the top deck on the port side, that's the left side of the vessel. This would have raised the center of gravity affecting the vessel's stability. We also know that the sea conditions were such that a wave approached the vessel from the starboard quarter That's the right side of the vessel. We know that vessel broached and then capsized."The boat, carrying 24 passengers and three crew, capsized on Sunday afternoon off the west coast of Vancouver Island.
Five British nationals died in the mishap, while an Australian man is still missing.
21 others on Leviathan II, a three-deck cruiser that can carry up to 46 people, managed to survive.
The company says most of passengers on the boat were not wearing lifejackets.
Whale watching is a significant source of income for communities on Vancouver Island, with tourists from around the world travelling there to watch Killer Whales migrate this time of year.
WeatherBeijing is cloudy tonight with a low of 5 degrees Celsius; it will be sunny tomorrow with a high of 12.
Shanghai, slight rain tonight with a low of 16; showers tomorrow with a high of 19.
Chongqing, overcast tonight with a low of 16; also overcast tomorrow with a high of 19.
Lhasa, cloudy tonight with a low of 1; cloudy also tomorrow with a high of 18.
Elsewhere in Asia,Islamabad, cloudy tomorrow with a high of 28.
Kabul, cloudy, 20.
Down in the Southern Hemisphere.
Sydney will be cloudy with a high of 12.
Brisbane, light rain with a high of 20.
Perth, overcast. 25.
And finally Auckland, New Zealand will see slight rain with a high of 14 degrees Celsius.
Headline NewsChinese Ambassador on U.S. warship Entering Waters off South China SeaChina's Ambassador to the US is lashing out at the Obama administration for its move to send a warship into Chinese-controlled territory in the South China Sea.
Cui Tiankai is accusing Washington of launching a serious provocation both "politically and militarily".
He is also accusing the US of holding a double-standard, asking players in the region not to militarize the region, while sending its own warships and planes into the area.
The US Navy sailed one of its warships within 12 nautical miles of Chinese-controlled islands in the Nansha Island group earlier this week without first asking permission from China.
The Chinese military says the move is a "show of military force" intended to militarize the South China Sea.
China to provide assistance to earthquake-hit Afghanistan, PakistanSearch and rescue personnel are struggling to make it to areas rattled by this week's deadly 7.5-magnitude quake which hit the Hindu Kush in Afghanistan.
The death toll from the quake has climbed to over 350.
The 7.5-magnitude earthquake hit north-eastern Afghanistan on Monday morning, with tremors felt in neigbhoring Pakistan, India and Tajikistan.
Pakistani and Afghan authorities have dispatched military helicopters to help victims in remote areas.
The Chinese government is preparing emergency aid to be sent to both Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Chinese President Xi Jinping has also sent a message of condolence to his counterparts in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Iran invited to Syrian talksThe US State Department has confirmed Iran will be part of talks connected to the fighting in Syria later this week in Vienna.
The meeting on Thursday will include US Secretary of State John Kerry, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and several leading European and Arab diplomats.
It's unclear at this point if Iran's Foreign Minister will be in attendance, though the Iranian government has confirmed it will have representation at the meeting.
Previous meetings among US, Russian and Arab officials connected to the fighting in Syria have made little headway, with divisions over the role Syrian President Bashar al-Assad will have in Syria still dividing the various sides.
World soccer body FIFA has put out the list of the seven confirmed candidates vying for the presidency.
The candidates include Prince Ali Bin Al Hussein, Musa Hassan Bility, Jerome Champagne, Gianni Infantino, Sheikh Salman bin Ebrahim Al Khalifa and Tokyo Sexwale.
UEFA President Michael Platini, who was suspended this month for 90 days, is on the list.
FIFA's electoral committee says he may be allowed to stand if his ban ends before election date.
The election to be held in February is to find the successor to the suspended Sepp Blatter, who is now under criminal investigation.
Biz ReportsAnchor:
Time to check today's business news, starting with the closing numbers in Asia.
Joining us on the desk Luo Wen.
Chinese shares retreated on Wednesday.
More than 18-hundred shares fell on the two major bourses.
Bucking the trend, stocks related to fuel, water supply and treatment, high-speed rail and the iron and steel industries performed strongly, with several shares hitting the daily growth limit of 10 percent.
At the close,The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index shed 1.7 percent.
The Shenzhen Component Index declined 2.3 percent.
The ChiNext Index of growth enterprises tumbled 3 percent.
In Hong Kong, the Heng Seng Index shed 0.8 percent.
Elsewhere in Asia,Tokyo shares ended the trading day higher on upbeat domestic earnings reports.
But sentiment was also weighed by U.S. monetary policy decision due later on Wednesday.
Gainers were led by air transport, information and communication, and pulp and paper issues.
The benchmark Nikkei edged up 0.7 percent.
South Korea's KOSPI trimmed a fraction of a percent.
Singapore's Straights Times index dipped 0.4 percent.
And finally,Australia's ASX/200 slipped 0.2 percent.
China, U.S. start new round of BIT talksA new round of negotiations connected to a bilateral investment treaty is underway between the Chinese and US governments.
China's Ministry of Commerce says both sides have agreed to speed up negotiations.
This is the 22nd round of talks, which are taking place in the city of Qingdao.
Talks this time follow the exchange of initial negative list offers during the previous session.
Negative lists detail which sectors of the economy will be closed to foreign investment.
Authorities have not said when they expect a new bilateral investment treaty will be completed.
Once finished, the BIT will give the two largest economies in the world greater access to one-another's markets.
Chinese firm buys 45 pct stake of Australia's 4th largest beef producerChinese firm Shandong Delisi Food has bought a 45-percent stake in Australian meat processor Bindaree Beef.
The deal, worth around 105-million U.S dollars, is the first major deal connected to Australian beef since the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement was struck in June.
Under the FTA, Shandong Delisi will be able to supply cut-rate Australian beef to Chinese buyers.
Australian politicians are now in the process of ratifying the terms of the FTA after the main opposition announced last week it would not be challenging the agreement.
By the time the FTA is enacted and passed through Australia's senate, a number of two-way tariffs, including those on beef, will be removed.
Chinese online shopping platform launched in KenyaChinese e-commerce group Chinabuy has launched a one-stop shopping platform in Kenya.
The site offers around a million products from different Chinese manufacturers and other online sites.
The online shopping mall has a localized online customer support which is available in both English and Kiswahili and a 365 return day policy for all its products.
It also offers different delivery methods from free shipping to express door to door shipping at a low cost.
As access to internet and the hours Kenyans spend online increases, businesses are increasingly marketing their products and services online.
The Communication Commission of Kenya puts the number of mobile phone subscriptions in the country at slightly over 30 million, while internet users stands at over 20 million as of September.
CICC seeks to raise US$810m via IPOAnother stock related news,China International Capital Corporation has launched its initial public offering in Hong Kong, with hopes of raising up to 810-million US dollars.
CICC is offering 611 million shares in a range from between 9 and 10-Hong Kong dollars each.
The IPO subscription runs until Friday.
CICC is due to officially list on the Hong Kong stock exchange on November 9th.
The company says it plans to use half the proceeds from the IPO to develop its various businesses.
CICC has already secured orders from 10 cornerstone investors, mostly state-owned companies, which have already committed to about 57-percent of its offering.
Silk Road Fund will become CICC's largest investor, with an investment of 100-million U.S. dollars.
Chinese investors are buying up British private schoolsAnchor:
Its being suggested Chinese companies may be looking toward the purshase of private schools in the UK as an investment option.
The suggestion is being made after Chase Grammar School, one of Britain's top 100 private schools, was recently bought by Achieve Education, a Chinese-owned company.
This comes as wealthy Chinese parents look to give their children an English-backed education, but are unable to do it in China, given the lack of space available at the international schools in China.
For more on this, CRI's Bob Jones spoke earlier spoke with John Ross, senior fellow with the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin University.
Apple, Twitter Beat Earnings EstimatesApple and Twitter are both reporting higher-than-expected revenues in the third quarter.
Apple's net income through the period has come in in at around 11-billion U.S. dollars, up 30-percent from a year earlier.
Its revenues are up 22-percent to some 51 billion U.S. dollars.
CNET Editor-in-Chief Connie Guglielmo says Apple's strong performance is being bolstered by strong sales of iPhones, especially in the Chinese market.
"What we saw today was that the sales in China were up from a year ago. They were down from earlier this year, but they were up from a year ago, they doubled, and Tim Cook has said that they continue to see a lot of growth and a lot of opportunity to expand the business there. They're investing in retail stores in China. He did the unusual thing of contacting a journalist over the summer saying that he feels there's a lot of opportunity in China that Apple still has, so we saw a little bit of that momentum in today's numbers."Meanwhile, Twitter's revenues in the third quarter are up nearly 60-percent year-on-year to 569-million U.S. dollars.
However, the company is forecasting fourth-quarter revenues of between 695 million and 710 million U.S. dollars, well below analysts' average estimate of about just under 740-million U.S. dollars.
The US-based social media firm says its expecting fewer new subscribers to join the site this year.
SportsPetra Kvitova beats Lucie Safaroval in WTA FinalsIn tennisPetra Kvitova has put Lucie Safarova's time at the WTA Finals in Singapore in the hands of someone else.
Kvitova's straight-sets, 7-5, 7-5 victory means Safarova will not be making the semi-finals if 2nd seeded Garbine Muguruza wins tonight.
She's taking on German Angelique Kerber.
---In doubles' action,Timea Bobos together with Kristina Mladenovic beat Raquel Kops-Jones and Albiagil Spears 7-6, 6-2.
It is the duo of Tracy Austin and Marion Bartoli are now taking on Marina Navratilova and Arantxa Sanchez-Vicario.
And Later tonight,Martina Hingis and Sania Mirza will take on Andrea Hlavackova and Lucie Hradecka.
Defending champion Federer reaches second round of Swiss IndoorsOn the men's side in Tennis,Defending champion Roger Federer has eased into the second round of the Swiss Indoor event after beating Mikhail Kukushkin earlier today.
Top seeded Federer needed just 55 minutes to beat the world number 64, only dropping 3 games to win 6-1, 6-2.
"Yeah, definitely got off to a great start. I knew Kukushkin could come out and really, play well. I've seen him do that many times actually, especially against good players. So, I think I was ready for the challenge. Tried to play aggressive myself, was good to get the break right away and then, stretched the lead after saving a couple of break points at two-love up".
Federer's opponent in the second round will be Germany's Philipp Kohlschreiber, who got past Poland's Jerzy Janowicz in the opening round.
Wins for Chicago Bulls, Detroit Pistons and Golden State Warriors in the opening matches of the NBAThis year's NBA regular season is officially underway.
US President Barack Obama was in attendance as his favorite team, the Chicago Bulls, edged the Cleveland Cavaliers 97-95 earlier this morning.
Derrick Rose had 18 points in the victory after missing virtually all of the pre-season with an eye injury.
LeBron James recorded his first double-double of the year with 25 points and 10 rebounds in the loss.
--In other action from opening night,Stephen Curry has reminded the league why he was last season's MVP.
Curry knocked down 40-points to lead the Golden State Warriors over the New Orleans Pelicans 111-95.
The Warriors unveiled their championship banner and handed out the rings before the match.
--And it was the Detroit Pistons opening up their 2015-2016 campaign with a 106-94 win over the Atlanta Hawks.
--The rest of the NBA gets its season going tomorrow morning, with all 30-teams in action starting at 7am Beijing time with Orlando entertaining the Washington Wizards.
Arsenal, Chelsea out of League CupIn football,Both Arsenal and Chelsea have been bounced from the English League Cup.
Arsenal, who sit tied for the lead in the Champions League, went down to lower-division side Sheffield 3-0.
Compounding that, the Gunner's Theo Walcott had to leave the match with an unspecified injury.
Chelsea, which is the defending Premier League Champions, has been punted out of the English League Cup after going down to Stoke in penalty kicks.
Chelsea Manager Jose Mourinho says detractors who are calling for his head need to remember his track-record.
"So, you know...but the results are, especially in my case, in your eyes, results are everything. But it's a bit strange because when, a few months ago, I won so many matches and I was champion of England, and people were saying that there are things more important than the results. In this moment the results are more important than anything. There's a contradiction."Mourinho is officially facing FA league charges of misconduct following an outburst against the officials during half-time of Chelsea's 2-1 loss to West Ham this past weekend.
Chelsea will have until tomorrow to respond to the charges.
Mourinho was already hit with a 50-thousand pound fine earlier this month for accusing the referees of being biased against his club.
Pato linked to West Ham moveSome off-pitch news in the English Premier League,It's being reported Alexandre Pato is going to be moved to West Ham United during the Premier League's January transfer window.
The 26-year-old Brazilian has been in prolific for his Brazilian club Sao Paulo this season, scoring 26 goals across all competitions.
West Ham is said to be facing possible competition for Pato's signature from Manchester United and Arsenal.
Royals edge Mets 5-4 in 14 innings MLB World SeriesIn baseball,The Kansas City Royals have opened this year's World Series with a come-from-behind, 5-4 victory to take a 1-nothing series lead over the New York Mets.
Alex Gordon hit a home run off Mets closer Jeures Familia in the bottom of the 9th to level the game at 4.
KC then took the victory in the 14th inning after Eric Hosmer drove in Alcides Escobar with a sac-fly.
Royals Manager Ned Yost says the victory was the culmination of a lot of tough work.
"It was a great night two things you don't want in game one of the World Series and one of them is to go 14 innings and the other is to lose. So to find a way to grind that game out against a great team over there they were matched both teams were matching pitch for pitch we had opportunities they made big pitches and get out of innings but to grind through that game and win it in the 14th inning was big."The game itself was one of the more wild in World Series history.
It tied the record for being the longest-ever to open a World Series, with the game not ending until 12:18am.
It also included a brief power outage at the park in Kansas City, and saw Alcides Escobar hit an inside-the-park home run on the first pitch delivered by Mets starter Matt Harvey in the bottom of the 1st inning.
Game 2 of the World Series will start shortly after 8am tomorrow, Beijing-time, in Kansas City.
Vancouver hands Montreal Canadiens first loss of NHL seasonIn action from the National Hockey League,The Montreal Canadiens winning streak has come to an end.
The Habs went down to the Vancouver Canucks 5-1 this morning.
The Canadiens came into the game having won 9-in-a-row, and were one victory away from tying an NHL record for the longest season-opening winning streak.
--In other action,The Florida Panthers downed the Colorado Avalanche 4-1, but may have lost future Hall of Fame'er Jaromir Jagr for a while.
He left the game in the 1st period with a possible hip or groin injury.
The 43-year old veteran is the Panther's stop scorer so far this season, with 6-goals and 4-assists so far this season.
--It was Boston hammering Arizona 6-0.
--Buffalo got past Philadelphia 4-3 in overtime.
--Columbus notched their 2nd win of the season, upsetting New Jersey 3-1.
--Carolina dumped Detroit 3-1.
--Minnesota edged Edmonton 4-3.
--The LA Kings have earned their 6th win in-a-row, hammering Winnipeg 4-1.
--Jamie Benn has taken over the NHL scoring lead with a 3-assist night, helping the Dallas Stars to a 4-3 win over the struggling Anaheim Ducks.
The Ducks blew a 3-goal first period lead in the loss.
Anaheim, who many picked before the season to go deep into the playoffs again this year, have only one win on the season so far.
--Jake Allen turned aside all 26-shots to lead the St. Louis Blues over Tampa Bay 2-0.
EntertainmentChina, Britain Launch Film Investment FundA China-UK Film, TV and Media Investment Fund has been established.
The fund will provide financial support to British film and TV crews working in China.
Both the Chinese and UK governments are backing the new fund.
Initial seed money of 50-million UK pounds will be put into the fund by both sides.
Its expected to grow to 1.5-billion over the next 5-years as investors in both China and the UK add money to the mix.
Ridley Scott to Receive Visual Effects Society's Lifetime Achievement AwardAcclaimed director Ridley Scott, whose latest film "The Martian" has generated nearly 400-million US dollars, is due to be honored by Hollywood's Visual Effects Society.
Ridley Scott is set to be given the VES Lifetime Achievement Award at the group's annual gala next year.
The veteran director is a legend in the sci-fi sector for his work on films such as "Alien" and "Blade Runner."However, he's also garnered Oscar nominations for his work on "Thelma & Louise," "Black Hawk Down" and "Gladiator."Scott's latest film "The Martian" has earned 383 million US dollars on the world-wide box office since its debut on October 2nd.
Past winners of the VES Lifetime Achievement Award include Steven Spielberg and Star Wars VFX pioneer John Dykstra.
'The Throne' picks up three awards at Korean Film Critics AssociationSouth Korean director Lee Joon-ik's "The Throne" has picked up the Best Picture, Best Screenplay and Best Music awards at this year's Korean Film Critics Association Awards.
"The Throne" tells the story of Kim Yeong-jo.
He ruled over the Korean Peninsula during the Joseon Dynasty during the 16th century, and is probably best known for killing his only son by locking him in a rice chest and killing him through starvation and heat exhaustion.
"The Throne" has been watched by over 6-million people in South Korea, making it the 5th most viewed film in the country of all time.
Meanwhile, the Korean Film Critic's award for Best Actor has gone to Jung Jae-young, who plays a director in Hong Sang-soo's quirky romance film "Right Now, Wrong Then."The awards ceremony is to be held in mid-November.
Michael Jackson tops list of top-earning dead celebritiesMichael Jackson is now topping Forbes list of the world's top-earning dead celebrities for the third year in a row.
The singer's estate has raked in 115 million US dollars over the past 12 months, which is more than double that of Elvis Presley, who was second in the list.
Elizabeth Taylor is in fifth place.
Late Beatles front-man John Lennon is in 7th place.
Fast and The Furious star Paul Walker is a new entry into the list at position number nine.
Walker, who died in a car accident in 2013, is estimated to have raked in around 10.5 million US dollars through his films.
Lily Allen reveals Pan song 'Something's Not Right' was written for her late baby boyBritish singer and TV celebrity Lily Allen has revealed the heartache behind her new track 'Something's Not Right'.
The outspoken singer has revealed she wrote the song after suffering a miscarriage while 6-months pregnant with her first child with husband Sam Cooper in 2010.
Lily Allen says 'Something's Not Right,' which is on the soundtrack for the Hugh Jackman film "Pan," was written to remember her lost child.
She's also asking her followers on social media to donate to the charity "Sands."This is a group which helps women cope with the loss of an unborn child.
Lilly Allen has two daughters with Sam Cooper.
Traditional Chinese Elements Dazzle at China Fashion Week in BeijingA number of homegrown labels have unveiled collections full of traditional touches at this year's China Fashion Week in Beijing.
Indie brand D.CNTEX has showcased a collection by Li Shiyong, with outfits inspired by the Tang Dynasty.
"I love Chinese traditional culture and I feel it is in my blood and genes, so that's why I staged this show, to show my knowledge of traditional culture."In addition, a color make-up show has also dazzled fashion week with its traditional Chinese elements.
The 9-day fashion gala covers menswear and womenswear, as well as bridal gowns and makeup.
The latest fall and spring collections from over 70 designers from China and elsewhere are being unveiled at the event.
Established in 1997, this year's China Fashion Week runs until November 3rd.
WeatherBeijing is cloudy tonight with a low of 5 degrees Celsius; it will be sunny tomorrow with a high of 12.
Shanghai, slight rain tonight with a low of 16; showers tomorrow with a high of 19.
Chongqing, overcast tonight with a low of 16; also overcast tomorrow with a high of 19.
Lhasa, cloudy tonight with a low of 1; cloudy also tomorrow with a high of 18.
Elsewhere in Asia,Islamabad, cloudy tomorrow with a high of 28.
Kabul, cloudy, 20.
Down in the Southern Hemisphere.
Sydney will be cloudy with a high of 12.
Brisbane, light rain with a high of 20.
Perth, overcast. 25.
And finally Auckland, New Zealand will see slight rain with a high of 14 degrees Celsius.
That's it for this edition of the Beijing Hour...
A quick look at the headlines before we go...
China's ambassador to the United States has come out swinging following a move by the US Navy to sail into the Nansha Islands.
On behalf of the Beijing Hour staffers, this is Paul James in Beijing hoping you'll join us for our next edition of the Beijing Hour to open a window to the world together...