新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 20:00 2015/10/30(在线收听

 The Beijing HourEvening EditionPaul James with you on this Friday, October 30, 2015.

Welcome to the Beijing Hour, live from the Chinese capital...
Coming up on the program this evening...
Observers are suggesting more policy changes may be needed to make the newly-minted 2-child policy in China effective.
Leading officials from China, Japan and South Korea are gathering for a series of trilateral meetings this weekend in Seoul.
The Chinese government is dismissing a move by an international tribunal to hear complaints from the Philippines over the South China Sea.
In Business... Baidu announcing better-than-expected 3rd quarter products.
Sports... tough playing conditions moves Lin Xiyu out of the lead at the LPGA stop in Hainan.
In entertainment.... Li Bingbing is set to become Marvel's next super heroine.
All of that coming up in the next hour, but first, just a reminder there are several ways to reach out to us here on the Beijing Hour.
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Top NewsEased Child Policy Welcomed, But Effect in DoubtAnchor:
While it appears the easing of the one-child policy to allow all couples in China to have two children is being widely-welcomed, some experts are suggesting the government will need to take extra steps to make it effective.
CRI's Luo Wen reports.
A communique issued on Thursday following a Party Plenum this week states the long-anticipated relaxation of the policy is aimed at alleviating demographic strains on the country's economy.
Yuan Xin with Tianjin-based Nankai University says the authorities have been left with little options at this point.
"In the 13th Five-year period, China is likely to face growing pressure from a slowing economy, along with worsening problems such as the aging population, a continued gender imbalance and labor shortages. The only solution available to fix these problems is to stimulate population growth."Official figures show 15 percent of China's 1.34-billion people were above the age of 60 as of the end of last year.
It's forecast that one in every three people in China will be over 60 by the middle of this century.
The same demographic analysis also shows the available labor force dropped to 930-million by last year from its peak at 940-million in 2012.
This number is expected to further decrease by close to 30-million more in the next 5-years.
But beyond the needs of the country, many are looking at the decision to allow 2-children per-household as a positive move on the social front.
Voxpop"I was born in the 1980s. I'm the only child of my parents. Sometimes, I feel lonely. If I had a sister or brother, I think it would be better. And it would also be easier to look after my parents when they become old.""The new policy can also be seen as progress in our country when it comes to improving human rights. People should have the right to decide how many children they have."Chinese authorities last move to loosen the family planning policy was in late 2013.
Under that decision, couples where only parent was the product of the one-child policy were allowed to have a 2nd child.
The previous restrictions would only allow for a 2nd child if both parents were from a one-child family.
But as of this June, only 1.5 million of the 11 million eligible couples applied to expand their family.
Yuan Xin with Nankai University says the new national policy changes are unlikely to bring a baby boom, either.
"Families willing to have a second child always far outnumber those who choose to have a second one. It's a normal. Since the previous reform failed to function as expected, I'm assuming the new one is also unlikely to bring a significant change."Financial pressures are a major obstacle keeping many Chinese parents from having a second child.
Kong Linde is among them.
"Firstly there's the financial pressure. We haven't paid off our mortgage. The other thing is the expense of raising a child is already really high, so we're worried about how to bring up a second child. We want a second one, but we figure its almost impossible at this point."At the same time, Joseph Cheng, a retired professor with City University in Hong Kong, suggests the government should also take steps to address the urban-rural balance when implementing the new policy.
"Relatively well-educated and prosperous urban families are quite reluctant to have more children. Population growth tends to take place more in the rural areas. So how are you going to provide incentives to encourage young, well-educated, relatively prosperous urban families to have more children?"There are no immediate details on when the new policy will be implemented.
The so-called one-child policy was first introduced in the late 1970s to prevent China's population growth from spiraling out of control.
It's estimated that policy kept China's population from growing by some 400-million since then.
For CRI, I'm Luo Wen.
Innovation to be put at core for China's 5-year planAnchor:
The Communist Party of China is planning to place "innovation" at the core of the next 5-year plan.
This is one of a number of new policy decisions which has been revealed following the latest session of the CPC's Central Committee this week.
CRI's Xie Cheng with more on what the focus on "innovation" may mean for the Chinese economy.
The communiqué said that a number of sectors including science, technology and culture need to be made more innovative, and that China will continue to encourage mass entrepreneurship in the hope that it will lead to new technology.
Zhu Jianfang, an economist from CITIC Securities, spoke highly of the communiqué.
"It's unprecedented that innovation has been put into a very important position, especially a core position for China's future development, and it might even bring all the country's future tasks together."For his part, renowned economist Ma Guangyuan believes that innovation plays a crucial role in China's future development, especially to accomplish the goal of building a society of moderate prosperity in all respects by 2020.
"Innovation will be indispensable for China's economy's further development, and the emphasis will become much lower on previous measures such as entirely relying on material factors, human resources or exports. Those countries which have been able to avoid the middle class income trap also prove that innovation is necessary after going through relatively rapid development period."He notes that a system on public policies supporting and encouraging innovation needs to be formed.
The government has taken a series of measures to promote innovation, such as planning to encourage a system nurturing innovation and seeing to a better allocation of resources including labor, capital land, technology and management.
A range of measures for emerging businesses such as financial support, supporting infrastructure and administrative assistance have also been announced.
Zhu Jianfang suggested that innovation will not only influence China's economic and social development, but also bring benefits for a series of industries.
"The institutional and technological innovation will stimulate high-end manufacturing to develop on a higher level. Service industries, such as medical care and elderly care, will also gain greater scope for development, since innovation will bring institutional changes on those industries."Statistics shows that over 3.1 million new companies were established in China from January to September.
In this period, the high-tech sector reported 10.4-percent growth in value-added output.
For CRI, I'm Xie Cheng.
German Chancellor Calls on to Build Multilateral Governance MechanismGerman Chancellor Angela Merkel is calling for the creation of a multilateral governance system to help promote international cooperation.
Merkel has made the call while taking part in a series of round-table talks in Beijing as part of her 2-day trip.
She says she believes China has already proved itself as a responsible actor when it comes to global problems.
"If China had abandoned Europe when we rolled into the European debt crisis, the world could have turned to another path. I am very appreciative that China has been such a reliable partner as we work through the crisis. It is far-sighted of China to do it."As part of the round-table, Angela Merkel has also exchanged her opinions on economic cooperation, saying the China-backed Belt and Road Initiative and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank will provide new opportunities.
Over 40 experts from China, Germany, Spain, India and United States have taken part in the event.
German Chancellor Calls on More Student ExchangeGerman Chancellor Angela Merkel has met with a group of students in Anhui's capital, Hefei.
She, along with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, who is originally from Anhui, were the honored guests at a ceremony today marking the 30th anniversary of the founding of Hefei University, which was jointly built by China and Germany.
Merkel says promoting student exchanges goes a long way toward helping cultivate better bilateral ties.
"When I see the many motivated young people here, the ones we can see inside here, who are experiencing learning, and the ones who were standing outside and greeting us, then Mr Premier I have no concerns as to whether it was a good idea to promote the Germany-China youth exchange, student exchange."For his part, Premier Li says the Chinese government will set up a Sino-German education cooperation demonstration base and a fund as well at Hefei University.
During the tour, he and Merkel tasted German-style dark beer brewed by students majoring in food science at the university.
Merkel and Li Keqiang are holding a series of meetings with business leaders from both sides in Hefei this evening.
A delegation of German business leaders representing the machinery, automotive, electrical and telecommunications sections are taking part in the meetings.
Trade Representatives from China, SKorea, Japan gathers ahead of the summitTrade representatives from China, South Korea and Japan are gathered in Seoul ahead of the China-South Korea-Japan summit this weekend.
A 3-way Free Trade Agreement and the creation of a Regional Comprehensive Economic Parntership have been put high on the agenda.
Chinese International Trade Representative Zhong Shan has represented China at a meeting of trade officials in Seoul.
"I want to have frank talks with today's attendees regarding issues of mutual interest and also those of each attendee's own interests. Through this, let us build a sympathetic bond and make the results of the China-Japan-South Korea summit all the richer."Yoon Sang-jick, South Korea's Trade Minister, says the result of this Friday's trade sessions will be attached to the trilateral summit's final declaration.
"I expect today's meeting to be headed towards a fruitful conclusion that can set a course of economic cooperation among the three countries and can help us to find new opportunities."Having been included in both the Trans-Pacific Partnership and RECP, Japan's trade minister Motoo Hayashi hopes the three nations could continue their economic cooperation.
The trade talks come as leaders of the three countries to sit down this weekend for a series of talks.
China, Japan, South Korea Summit marks a new start: ExpertsAnchor:
Leaders from China, Japan and South Korea are set to meet this weekend in Seoul for the first time in over 3-years.
Its being suggested the forthcoming summit could be a new starting point to help get wobbly relations in East Asia back on a more smooth path.
CRI's Wang Mengzhen has more.
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, South Korean President Park Geun-Hye and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will sit down together on Sunday for their first trilateral meeting since May of 2012.
Historical and territorial issues among the three countries have kept them from coming together until this weekend.
While those issues are still there, Jeff Kingston, director of Asian studies at Temple University in Japan, says the resumption of the trilateral summit could be a signal those tensions may be easing somewhat.
"I think we've had this really long hiatus in regional dialogue and communication principally because of differences over history and also to some extent over overlapping territorial claims. But I think it's a recognition by the leaders of all three countries that the relationship is far too important to hold hostage to history, to some rocky islets in the middle of the ocean."As leading players in Asia, China, Japan and South Korea make up around 70-percent of all economic output in Asia, and represent 20-percent in the world economy.
Professor Lv Yaodong with the Japanese Studies Institute at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences says its this regional clout that should be the focus of this weekend's sessions.
"The purpose of this summit should be to find more common ground among the three nations rather than sorting out their disputes. They can collaborate with each other on issues such as environmental protection and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The three also need to prioritize regional peace and stability ahead of bilateral relations."Although this is a trilateral session, one of the big political events will take place when South Korean President Park Geun-hye sits down for a one-on-one meeting with Shinzo Abe.
It will be their first bilateral talks since Park took over as President.
She's refused to sit down with him directly since she took office in early 2013 because of comment's he's previously made connected to the contentious issue of "comfort women."These were sexual slaves used by Japanese troops during World War II.
Professor Park Ihn-hwi with Ewha Woman's University in South Korea says that sit-down will be important for both sides.
"The historical issues have to be worked from a long-term perspective. There seems to be a basic premises for an improvement of South Korea-Japan relations. The the two countries should continue to maintain ties under the theory they cooperate best economically in profitable areas, including trade."The meetings this weekend will are expected to discuss the potential creation of a trilateral Free Trade Agreement.
Those talks were first launched in early 2013.
However, they've so far made little headway, with concerns among China, South Korea and Japan said to be high in areas such as agricultural and technological imports.
For CRI, I am Wang Mengzhen.
Xi's Vietnam, Singapore trip to Boost China-ASEAN RelationsAnchor:
A detailed itinerary of Chinese President Xi Jinping's forthcoming visit to Vietnam and Singapore has been unveiled.
CRI's Wang Wei has the details.
During his time in Vietnam, President Xi Jinping is scheduled to hold talks with the leaders of the country's ruling party, as well as its government.
Discussions are likely to include ways to ease bilateral tensions and cope with other regional issues.
Li Jun with the CPC Central Committee's International Department says a set of collaborative agreements are going to be signed.
"The two sides are set to sign a set of agreements connected to cooperation between the two parties, coordination of the two countries development strategies, infrastructure construction, economic and trade investment, culture and education as well as exchanges and cooperation among the border provinces of the two sides."The visit comes as China and Vietnam attempt to dial-back tensions in their long-running dispute in the South China Sea.
Chinese vice Foreign Minister Liu Zhenmin says the two sides signed agreements earlier this year to solve their maritime disputes peacefully.
"This move demonstrate that as important neighbors, China and Vietnam are committed to solve maritime disputes through peaceful ways. More importantly, the two sides have also vowed to solve future disputes and frictions through negotiations and consultations. This is our consensus. We'll stick to this way."The second leg of Xi Jinping's trip is to Singapore.
He's due to hold talks with Singaporean President Tony Tan and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.
Liu Zhenmin says China's Silk Road initiative will be a major topic during those talks.
"The two countries are now working to establish another intergovernmental cooperation program that focuses on modern interconnection and a modern service economy. The programs are based on China's 'One Belt, One Road' Initiative, the Western Development strategy as well as Yangtze River Economic Zone strategy."Liu Zhenmin says the two sides will also discuss China-ASEAN relations.
"The leaders will exchange ideas on bilateral relations as well cooperation in various areas. They will sign a set of agreements on finance, education, science and technology and urban governance. I believe the visit will further promote bilateral relations, enhance mutual political trust and strengthen China-ASEAN relations."Xi Jinping is also to inaugurate a Chinese cultural center during his time in Singapore.
This year marks the 25th anniversary of diplomatic ties between China and Singapore.
The Chinese President's trip will begin on Thursday when he takes off for Hanoi.
For CRI, I'm Wang Wei.
Navy chief "deeply concerned" over U.S. ship S.China Sea patrollingChina's top naval commander has told his US counterpart he is "deeply concerned" about the tensions created by the U.S. side in the South China Sea this week.
Admiral Wu Shengli has expressed his frustration as part of a video conference with US Naval chief John Richardson overnight.
Wu Shengli has told Richardson the decision to sail a US naval vessel within 12-nautical miles of Chinese controlled territory in the Nansha Islands is a threat to Chinese sovereignty and security.
He also says the move has set-back regional peace and stability, and has warned the Chinese side will take "all necessary measures" to protect its sovereignty and security.
China Dismisses Arbitral Tribunal's ruling on South China SeaThe Chinese government is dismissing a decision by an international tribunal connected to the South China Sea.
The Hague-based Arbitral Tribunal has determined it will hear part of the case the Philippine government put forward in its dispute with China over who holds jurisdiction over the Nansha Islands.
Chinese vice-Foreign Minister Liu Zhenmin says the tribunal's decision to hear the case will ultimately be meaningless.
"China's stance has always been very clear that we do not participate and do not accept the arbitration case. Between China and Philippines, we and all successive governments of the Philippines have reached many agreements on the issue of the South China Sea, which is to resolve the disputes between the two countries through dialogue and consultation."At the same time, Liu Zhenmin says the Philippine government's original move to put the dispute to the international tribunal is self-serving.
"This ruling is an inappropriate ruling made by ignoring China's rights. From this ruling you can see that the Philippines' aim in pursuing the arbitration is not to resolve the dispute. Its aim is to deny China's rights in the South China Sea and affirm its own rights in the South China Sea. This is not the right approach to resolve the dispute."The Philippines decided to challenge China's sovereignty over the Nansha Islands through the international tribunal in 2013, rather than by direct negotiations which the Chinese government has been asking for.
U.S. defense chief to visit Asia to discuss next phase of military's Asia rebalanceU.S. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter is getting ready for an 8-day trip to Asia starting this Friday.
Carter is due to meet with military leaders from more than a dozen different countries in the region.
He's due to take part in an annual US-South Korea security conference in Seoul, as well as to attend an ASEAN Defense Minister's meeting in Malaysia.
China's Defense chief Chang Wanquan is due to attend that meeting as well.
Carter's trip to the region comes on the heels of the Pentagon ordering a US naval vessel into Chinese controlled waters in the South China Sea this week.
China hopes Vienna meeting on Syria paves ways for political solutionThe Chinese government says its hoping for a positive outcome from this week's talks in Vienna connected to the fighting in Syria.
This comes as diplomats from a dozen different countries meet this Friday in Vienna to discuss the situation.
Chinese vice-Foreign Minister Li Baodong says China will help in any way it can.
"We are concerned about the situation in Syria. Looking forward, we will be working closely with the parties concerned to push for progress in the political process. And we are very happy to see some major countries in the region will participate in this meeting. The international community should not just sit there waiting passively, but work hard to create the right conditions to push forward, reset the political process."Diplomats from more than a dozen nations, including Iran are taking part in this Friday's meeting.
Officials from the US, Russia, Saudi Arabia and Turkey met separately yesterday ahead of today's session.
This is Iran's first involvement in international talks connected to Syria, as the US and its allies had blocked previous attempts to have Iran involved.
They've accused Iran, a big supporter of the Bashar al-Assad administration, of being a party to the fighting, something Iran has denied.
Paul Ryan Becomes the New House SpeakerAnchor:
Republican congressman Paul Ryan, has officially been elected the new Speaker of the US House of Representatives.
The Republican's previous vice-Presidental candidate has used his first speech to call on lawmakers to find a way to work together to end the gridlock in the Congress.
CRI's chief Washington correspondent Xiaohong has more.
45-year-old Ryan became the youngest House Speaker in 140 years after receiving 236 votes Thursday morning. Outgoing Speaker John Boehner made the announcement.
Ryan urged lawmakers of in the chamber to reconcile with each other to fix a "broken" House.
"The House is broken. We're not solving problems, we are adding to them."Ryan vowed to change the way of doing business in the colloquially-named "People's House," giving the rank-and-file members a greater say in drafting new legislation.
"The committees should retake the lead in drafting all major legislation. If you know the issue, you should write the bill."Ryan was the Republican nominee for vice president in 2012. During his 17 years in the House, he also served as chairman of two of the most powerful committees, namely, the Budget and Ways and Means committees.
When House majority leader Kevin McCarthy shocked the caucus by dropping his bid for the post, Ryan became the clear favorite among all fractions and was elected by his Republican colleagues on Wednesday for the Speaker's job. However, the fact that some stanch conservative Republicans did not cast their votes to support Ryan showed that the fractious House Republican Conference remains as big a challenge to Ryan as it was to Boehner.
Xiaohong, CRI, Washington DC.
Cuban president to pay first official visit to MexicoCuban President Raul Castro is due to travel to Mexico in late next week for his first official visit to the country since he took office in 2006.
Castro is set to meet with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto to discuss political and economic cooperation.
Ties between Mexico and Cuba have thawed over the past couple of years since Nieto took power.
The previous administration in Mexico, which ruled from 2000 to 2012, allowed ties with Cuba to cool as it sought closer ties with the United States.
WeatherBeijing will be clear tonight with a low of 1; tomorrow cloudy with a high of 15.
Shanghai, overcast tonight with a low of 17; tomorrow, overcast skies with a high of 17.
Chongqing will see light rain with a low of 14; showers tomorrow with a high of 17.
Lhasa, sleet tonight with a low of 1; tomorrow will also have sleet with a high of 13.
Elsewhere in Asia,Islamabad, sunny tomorrow with a high of 28.
Kabul, cloudy, 19.
Down in the Southern Hemisphere.
Sydney, light rain with a high of 23.
Brisbane, cloudy, high of 24.
Perth, cloudy, 25.
And finally Auckland, New Zealand will be cloudy with a high of 16 degrees Celsius.
Headline NewsNavy chief "deeply concerned" over U.S. ship S.China Sea patrollingChina's top naval commander has told his US counterpart he is "deeply concerned" about the tensions created by the U.S. side in the South China Sea this week.
Admiral Wu Shengli has expressed his frustration as part of a video conference with US Naval chief John Richardson overnight.
Wu Shengli has told Richardson the decision to sail a US naval vessel within 12-nautical miles of Chinese controlled territory in the Nansha Islands is a threat to Chinese sovereignty and security.
He also says the move has set-back regional peace and stability, and has warned the Chinese side will take "all necessary measures" to protect its sovereignty and security.
China says Arbitral Tribunal's ruling on South China Sea "null and void"The Chinese government is dismissing a decision by an international tribunal connected to the South China Sea.
The Hague-based Arbitral Tribunal has determined it will hear part of the case the Philippine government put forward in its dispute with China over who holds jurisdiction over the Nansha Islands.
A statement from the Chinese government is dismissing this, saying the decision is null-and-void as China holds sovereignty over the region.
At the same time, the Chinese side says it will not accept any ruling issued by the Tribunal.
The Philippines decided to challenge China's sovereignty over the Nansha Islands through the international tribunal in 2013, rather than by direct negotiations which the Chinese government has been asking for.
Chinese, German Exchanges Launch Off-shore RMB Trading CenterGermany's Deutsche Borse, Germany's stock exchange operator, has announced its teaming up with the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the China Financial Futures Exchange to create a trading center for renminbi-backed products in Germany.
China's foreign exchange operator is establishing a 50-50 joint venture with Deutsche Boerse to promote the Renminbi's use in Germany.
The German exchange is also establishing a three-way deal with the Shanghai Stock Exchange and China Financial Futures Exchange.
The new company will be called the China Europe International Exchange.
It's set to be launched in mid-November in Frankfurt.
Once running, it will handle renminbi-backed products including exchange-traded funds and bonds.
It's going to be the first dedicated platform for yuan-denominated trading outside the mainland.
S. Korean civic groups stage rally against Abe's visitSouth Korean activist groups have staged a rally to express their "strong" opposition to Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's visit to Seoul.
Members of 76 different civic, social and religious groups gathered in front of the Japanese embassy in Seoul this Friday.
They're calling on Abe to "sincerely" apologize and approve compensation for surviving "comfort women" used by Japan as sexual slaves during World War II.
Abe is scheduled to arrive in Seoul on Sunday to attend a trilateral meeting among Japan, China and South Korea.
He is also set to hold his first-ever one-on-one summit with South Korean President Park Geun-hye on Monday.
Park has been refusing to meet with Abe directly since taking office in February of 2013 for previous comment's he's made connected to the "comfort women" issue.
Biz ReportsAsian StocksAnchor:
Time to check today's business news, starting with the closing numbers in Asia.
Joining us on the desk Luo Wen.
Chinese shares closed slightly lower on Friday, despite soaring childcare-related shares due to reforms of the one-child policy.
Shares of childcare-related food, dairy and beverage companies soared after China abandoned its decades-long one-child policy and said all couples will be allowed two children.
BEINGMATE, an infant formula producer in China, rose by the daily limit of 10 percent.
But manufacturing shares led the decline.
Shares of China Shipbuilding Industry Company Limited dropped by 1.7 percent on the day.
At the close,The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index dipped a fraction of a percent.
The Shenzhen Component Index slipped 0.2 percent.
The ChiNext Index of growth enterprises went down 0.3 percent.
In Hong Kong, the Heng Seng Index sank 0.8 percent.
Elsewhere in Asia,Tokyo shares rose to a roughly two-month closing high on the Bank of Japan's decision to hold off on more monetary easing and domestic companies posted broadly upbeat earnings reports.
Gainers were led by air transport, pharmaceuticals and precision instruments issues.
The benchmark Nikkei added 0.8 percent.
South Korea's KOSPI inched down 0.2 percent.
Singapore's Straights Times dropped a fraction of a percent.
And finally,Australia's ASX/200 lost half of a percent.
Huawei sells 27.4 mln smartphones in Q3Chinese telecom giant Huawei is reporting sales of over 27-million smartphones through the third quarter.
This represents an increase of 63-percent over the same period last year.
Huawei is attributing the sales growth to the increasing demand for its high-range products outside of China.
The company has been expanding its reach around the world.
It's already the second most popular smartphone producer in Spain, holding a market share of nearly 12-percent.
Huawei says it's confident its going to reach its goal of selling 100 million smartphones by the end of the year.
Recent industry analysis has suggested Huawei has overtaken Xiaomi as the largest smartphone producer in China this year.
Huawei is believed to be valued at around 5-billion U.S. dollars.
Haier to recall laptop AC adapters over fire riskChinese computer maker Haier is recalling more than 21-hundred of its laptop power adapters in China over safety concerns.
The faulty adapters pose a fire risk if they begin to overheat.
The defective Haier products were manufactured between February of 2011 and June 2012.
So far no injuries have been connected with the faulty power adapters.
Baidu generates better than expected Q3 earnings, announces share buybackChinese search giant Baidu is reporting better-than-expected third quarter earnings.
Baidu's net profits are down nearly 27-percent year-on-year to 447 million U.S. dollars.
However, its adjusted earnings per share have come in at 1.43 U.S. dollars, beating the median forecast of 1.28 U.S. dollars.
The better-than-expected results have pushed the share price of Nasdaq-listed Baidu up more than 7-percent in after-hours trading.
The same earnings report shows Baidu's revenues in the 3rd quarter increased by 36 percent to 2.9 billion U.S. dollars.
This is in-line with market expectations and is helped by its core search advertising business.
The quarterly results come after and Baidu-backed Qunar announced a deal on Monday to effectively form a partnership after a share swap.
Baidu is betting on the new travel services partnership to help drive future revenues as China's middle class grows.
The company is forecasting fourth quarter revenues to come in between 2.86 billion and 2.95 billion U.S. dollars.
At the same time, Baidu has also announced that it will buy back 2 billion U.S. dollars worth of its shares to increase the share price.
This would be Baidu's second share buyback since July.
China's foreign service trade deficit continues to widenNew data shows China's foreign services trade deficit widened only slightly in September on a monthly basis.
The services trade deficit for September has come in at 144 billion yuan.
This is up just slightly from the 143 billion yuan overall defecit registered in August.
Meanwhile, income from trade in services in September came in at 115 billion yuan.
Trade in services covers intangible products such as transportation, tourism, telecommunications, construction, advertising, computing and accounting.
China aims to double it's 2010 GDP by 2020Anchor:
The Chinese government's new economic development goals announced this week for its next 5-year plan includes a broad-based plan for "medium to high economic growth" in the five years.
Most observers suggest this means China's GDP will hover around the 6.5 percent mark.
At the same time, a new goal being laic out is to double the GDP and per capita incomes of both urban and rural residents from 2010 levels in the next 5-years.
This would help lift some 70-million people out of poverty in the next five years.
For more on China's economic development goals, CRI's Lincoln Van der Westhuizen earlier spoke with Cao Can, CEO of Shengya Capital.
Samsung Group sells chemical assets to Lotte Group for $2.6 blnSamsung is going to sell its chemicals businesses to local conglomerate Lotte Group for some 2.6-billion U.S. dollars.
The sale is the latest move by Samsung to simplify its structure ahead of a transfer of power from its elderly chief to his heirs.
Samsung Group has been exiting its non-core businesses since last year when the company said it would sell its stake in its four affiliates in the defense and chemical sectors to local conglomerate Hanwha Group.
Meanwhile, Lotte Chemical also says it will buy a 410 million U.S. dollar stake in Samsung Fine Chemicals from various Samsung Group arms, including Samsung Electronics.
Low oil prices have cut raw material prices for Lotte and boosted its cash flows.
The company has reported an operating profit of 430 million U.S. dollars in the third quarter, up over 240-percent from the same period last year.
PBOC allows domestic banks to open RMB accounts for foreign central banksChina's central bank has issued a notice allowing domestic banks to open Renminbi settlement accounts for foreign central banks.
These accounts can be used for deposits, bilateral currency swap transactions, as well as investing in China's interbank bond market and capital management systems.
Withdrawing cash from the accounts will not be allowed.
SportsLin Xiyu drops out of lead at Blue Bay LPGA event in HainanIn golf,Tough conditions this Friday in Hainan have led to changes atop the leaderboard at the LPGA's Blue Bay tournament.
First round leader Lin Xiyu has dropped down to a tie for 6th.
The Guangzhou native struggled today, carding a 5-over-77 to drop down to even-par.
South Korea's Kim Sei-young now has a one-stroke lead at minus-2 after an even-par-72 today.
She's one stroke ahead of a group of 4 players, including Taiwan's Candie Kung, at minus-1.
China's top female golfer, Feng Shanshan also struggled today with the conditions in Hainan, carding a 3-over round to sit at plus-4 on the tournament.
--On the men's side,American Justin Thomas was on fire today at the CIMB Event in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Thomas carded an amazing 11-under-61 today to take a one-stroke lead at minus-15 over fellow American Brendan Steele.
First round leader Scott Piercy, who hit a 10-under-62 on Thursday, couldn't replicate his first-round success.
He did finish at minus-3 today, putting him tied for 3rd at minus-13.
Garbine Muguruza through to the semi-final of the WTA FinalsIn tennis,Garbine Muguruza has advanced to the semi-final of the WTA Finals in Singapore after beating Petra Kvitova in a 3rd set tie-breaker 6-4, 4-6, 7-5 this afternoon.
She will meet Agnietzka Radwanska in the next match.
Kivitova still has a shot at entering the semi-finals, Lucie Safarova can beat Angelique Kerber in straight-sets later tonight.
In the doubles,Martina Hingis and Sania Mirza are through to the semi-finals after beating the duo of Timea Babos and Kristina Mladenovic this afternoon 6-4, 7-5.
Raquel Jones and Abigail Spears will take on Andrea Hlavackova and Lucie Hradecka in the final round-robin double's match tonight.
Over to the men's side,Top seeded Roger Federer is through to the quarter-finals of the Swiss Indoor Championships after narrowly getting past Germany's Philipp Kohlschreiber 6-4, 4-6, 6-4 today.
He's set to take on Belgium's David Goffin in the quarter-finals early tomorrow.
Fifth seed Richard Gasquet also progressed after downing Austria's Dominic Thiem 7-6, 6-4.
Jack Sock, Ivo Karlovic, Donald Young and Marin Cilic are also through to the quarter-finals in Basel.
Quarter final wins for Mali, Croatia, Costa Rica and Ecuador at the FIFA U17 World CupA couple of significant upsets from the knock-out stages of the Under-17 football World Cup earlier today.
It's Costa Rica through to the quarter-finals after upsetting France.
The French, one of the tournament favorites, have been sent packing after failing to score in regulation, and then going down to Costa Rica 5-3 in the penalty shoot-out.
Costa Rica will face Belgium in the quarter-finals.
At the same time, Germany is also out of the tournament after being blanked by Croatia 2-nil.
Croatia will take on Mali in the last-16 after they thumped Asia's last hope at the tournament, North Korea, 3-nil earlier today.
Quarter-final action at the Under-17 World Cup gets underway this weekend.
China Super League previewIn football,This year's China Super League will be drawing to a close tomorrow, with three critical spots still up for grabs, including the Championship itself.
Guangzhou Evergrande comes into tomorrow's action with the advantage at the top of the table, holding a 2-point lead over 2nd place Shanghai SIPG.
Evergrande is in Beijing to take on Guo'an for the league title, and need only a draw to secure the Championships.
SIPG will take on Liaoning, and can win the title with a victory and an Evergrande loss.
But while Evergrande and SIPG will be shooting for the title, both their compeditors, Beijing and Liaoning, come into the matchups with reasons of their own for victory.
Guo'an is currently in 4th on the CSL table, but tied with Shandong Luneng with points at 56 for the critical 3rd place spot.
Shandong will be taking on Shijiazhuang, which has nothing to play for but pride.
Luneng's goal differential is one-point ahead of Beijing.
3rd place gets a spot in next year's Asian Champions League.
---But at the same time, Liaoning's battle with SIPG tomorrow also has some revelence for Liaoning, as the club currently sits at 31-points, which is 3-points ahead of relegation.
However, there is an outside scenario where Liaoning could end up in relegation.
A win tomorrow by Guizhou, which currently sits in relegation at 28-points, combined with a Liaoning loss, would put them even in points.
However, Liaoning has a goal differential of minus-15, while Guizhou is minus-13, meaning a Guizhou win and a Liaoning blowout at the hands of SIPG could put Liaoning in relegation.
However, Guangzhou R&F, Tianjin and Hangzhou all have to win their respective matches for that to happen.
As such, any one of those five teams could end up being relegated, depending on what happens tomorrow.
All matches get underway at 3pm.
Patriots remain perfect in NFL seasonIn NFL football action,The New England Patriots remain perfect on the season at 7-0 after hammering the Miami Dolphins 36-7 this morning.
Tom Brady had an amazing game.
He threw for 4-touchdowns and 356-yards in the victory.
The loss moves Miami down to a 3-4 record.
NBA regular season games recapIn basketball,A light schedule today in the NBA after all but 2-teams played yesterday.
The Memphis Grizzlies have their first victory of the regular season after downing the Indiana Pacers 112-103 this morning.
It's the second loss for the Pacers, who dropped their opener to Cleveland.
--The Atlanta Hawks are also in the win-column after downing the Knicks 112-101 at Madison Square Garden.
--And it was Blake Griffin with 26-points to lead the LA Clippers over the Dallas Mavericks 104-88.
The game is Clippers' center DeAndre Jordan's first game against the team he spurned in the off-season.
Jordan had agreed to sign with the Mavericks in the off-season, only to have his Clippers team mates swoop into his home in Texas this summer and convince him to change his mind, sending Mavericks owner Mark Cuban and the team's fans into a tizzy.
The New York Mets look forward game 3 against Kansas City in World SeriesIn Baseball,Game 3 of the World Series gets underway tomorrow morning, with the Kansas City Royals up 2-games-0 over the New York Mets.
The Mets will go with Noah Syndergaard on the mound as they look to rebound from their 7-1 drubbing at the hands of KC in Game-2.
"I mean obviously we didn't plan this to happen to be down 0-2. Coming back home is a big thing for us. Having the Mets faithful behind us and the greatest fans in baseball. Part of the reason our team has had so much success this year is being to handle the resiliency and come together as a team, overcome and win some ballgames."The first pitch of Game-3 of the World Series will go shortly after 8am Beijing Time.
Meanwhile, the finalists for the Gold Glove awards have been announced.
Not surprisingly, the Kansas City Royals have four players up for a coveted defensive nod - tied with the San Francisco Giants for most in the majors.
American Biles wins record third straight world all-around titleAmerican Simone Biles has won a record 3rd straight world All-around title at the Gymnastics World Championships in the UK.
Her compatriot Gabrielle Douglas, the reigning Olympic gold medalist, took silver.
Chinese gymnasts Shang Chunsong, who helped China to win the silver medal in the team final, finished fourth.
Her teammate Wang Yan was 11th.
Biles will compete in vault, balance beam and floor exercises in tomorrow's action in Glasgow, Scotland.
Nico Rosberg looks forward to a win at the new Formula One race in MexicoThis week's F1 stop is in Mexico.
Nico Rosberg, who allowed teammate Lewis Hamilton to get past him last weekend in Texas and win the Driver's Championships, says he's looking forward to a different result this time in Mexico.
"I have the opportunity to win the biggest prize in Mexico, and that is very important to me. I am going to try and win it, because that would be fantastic for me, and it would be great to finish the season well, and show my teammate that next time, it will be a lot more difficult to beat me."The circuit in Mexico City has been significantly reconfigured to host the first F1 race in Mexico in 23 years.
The Mexico Grand Prix is scheduled for Sunday.
Its the 3rd last stop on the circuit this season before Brazil and Abu Dhabi.
EntertainmentLi Bingbing Partners with Stan Lee to Become First Chinese SuperheroineIt's been confirmed Chinese actress Li Bingbing is going to be Marvel's first Chinese super heroine.
Li Bingbing is set to star in Stan Lee's upcoming film entitled either "Realm" or "Realm of the Tiger."Though details remain mostly under wraps, its being suggested its going to be based on one of Stan Lee's original ideas.
Stan Lee is the man behind the Marvel Universe, which includes "The Avengers" and other movies connected to those characters.
The new film is going to be written by the same man who wrote the "Predator" films.
Li Bingbing, who is probably best known on the international stage for her work in "Transformers: Age of Extinction," has confirmed her role in the new film on social media.
She's also set to help produce the film, and has asked her fans whom else they would like to see in it.
"Realm" will be a joint production between Stan Lee Global Entertainment and Chinese production-distribution company Fundamental Films.
Bruce Lee inducted into the California Hall of FameLate Kung Fu legend Bruce Lee has been inducted into the California Hall of Fame.
Lee, known here in China as Li Xiaolong, was actually born in San Francisco, though he was raised in Hong Kong.
The late-Kung Fu legend is joined in the California Hall of Fame this year by "Iron Man" actor Robert Downey Jr.
Downey Jr. was actually born in New York, but went to high school in Los Angeles before dropping out to pursue acting.
The California Hall of Fame was established in 2006 by the then-wife of former California Governor Arnold Swartzenegger, Maria Shriver.
Other inductees include late Peanuts creater Charles Schultz, NBC Nightly News host Lester Holt, Latina astronaut Ellen Ochoa, country music star Buck Owens and Olympic figure skater Kristi Yamaguchi.
Coldplay Excited To Release New Album 'A Head Full Of Dreams' Very SoonIts being suggested what could be Coldplay's last-ever studio album could be coming out in the next few weeks.
Source are suggesting "A Head Full of Dreams" could be released sometime in November.
Its said the album is almost finished, with sources connected to Coldplay's represenatives suggesting the band is keen to get it out as soon as possible.
Coldplay actually debuted its newest track "Amazing Day," which is thought to be part of the new album, during a festival last month in New York.
Its being suggested "A Head Full of Dreams" is going to be a lot more upbeat compared to Coldplay's last album "Ghost Stories."That one was produced on the heels of frontman Chris Martin's split from Gwyneth Paltrow.
Chris Martin has previously hinted Coldplay's new could be their last.
However, all that's been confirmed is that there will be a concert tour to promote "A Head Full of Dreams."Dates have not been set.
Ellie Goulding releases soaring new single 'Army'
British singer Ellie Goulding has released a new single.
'Army' is the 3rd song to be released from her forthcoming new album "Delirium," which is due to be released on November 6th.
'Army' is the follow-up to Goulding's previously-released single 'On My Mind', which she put out back in September.
'On My Mind' peaked at number 5 in the UK and 19 on the US Hot 100.
Meanwhile, it's been announced that Goulding's first full-concert after the release of "Delirium" on November 11th in New York is going to be directed by actress Scarlett Johanssen.
The concert promoters say they've chosen Johanssen to help put the show on because of her production abilities.
However, it just so happens the latest in the Marvel film franchise is due out in a few months.
Scarlett Johansson will be reprising her role as 'Black Widow' in "Captain America: Civil War," which is due out in May.
Caitlyn Jenner to Be Named Glamour's Woman of the YearFour months after Caitlyn Jenner introduced herself to the world on the front page of Vanity Fair, the 65-year-old is set to appear on another highly-publicized cover: Glamour's Woman of the Year issue.
It's being reported the former Olympian has been involved in a top secret photoshot for the magazine.
Glamour has not confirmed or denied the report, other than to say all honorees for the Women of the Year Award will be announced on November 3rd.
If Caitlyn Jenner is named Glamour's Woman of the Year, she'd join the likes of Lady Gaga, Victoria Beckham and last year's winner, Lupita Nyong'o.
The Glamour Awards are handed out at an annual Gala in New York hosted by the magazine to honor the year's most inspiring women.
Caitlyn Jenner, formerly US Olympic track star and reality TV personality Bruce Jenner, underwent a sex-change operation earlier this year.
Jenner was married to the matriarch of the Kardashian family, Kris Kardashian, until the two officially divorced earlier this year.
WeatherBeijing will be clear tonight with a low of 1; tomorrow cloudy with a high of 15.
Shanghai, overcast tonight with a low of 17; tomorrow, overcast skies with a high of 17.
Chongqing will see light rain with a low of 14; showers tomorrow with a high of 17.
Lhasa, sleet tonight with a low of 1; tomorrow will also have sleet with a high of 13.
Elsewhere in Asia,Islamabad, sunny tomorrow with a high of 28.
Kabul, cloudy, 19.
Down in the Southern Hemisphere.
Sydney, light rain with a high of 23.
Brisbane, cloudy, high of 24.
Perth, cloudy, 25.
And finally Auckland, New Zealand will be cloudy with a high of 16 degrees Celsius.
That's it for this edition of the Beijing Hour...
A quick look at the headlines before we go...
Observers are suggesting more policy changes may be needed to make the newly-minted 2-child policy in China more effective.
On behalf of the Beijing Hour staffers, this is Paul James in Beijing hoping you'll join us for our next edition of the Beijing Hour to open a window to the world together... 