新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 08:00 2015/11/02(在线收听

 The Beijing HourMorning EditionSpencer Musick with you on this Monday November 2nd 2015.

Welcome to the Beijing Hour, live from the Chinese capital.
Coming up on the program this morning...
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang expressing high hopes for future trilateral cooperation between China, Japan and South Korea...
China's revised criminal law going into effect with new protections for children and the public interest in the online sphere...
And new reports saying that the Russian aircraft disintegrated in midair before crashing over Egypt's Sinai Peninsula....
In Business....China mulling the possibility of letting individuals invest more abroad...
In Sports..... China takes Gold at the Gymnastics World Championships in Glasgow...
And in Entertainment.... the 7th session of the cross-straits, Hong Kong and Macao art forum kicking off...
Top NewsChinese Premier Calls for Smooth China-Japan-S. Korea CooperationAnchorChinese Premier Li Keqiang has expressed his hope that the trilateral cooperation between China, Japan and South Korea to be free from disturbances.
He made the remarks at a joint press conference with South Korean President Park Geun-hye and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe after the China-Japan-South Korea leaders' meeting was held in Seoul.
The meeting has come about following a three-and-a-half-year hiatus.
CRI's Xie Cheng reports.
ReporterPremier Li Keqiang said the three sides had a frank exchange of views and reached consensus on a series of issues.
"We have agreed on facing history squarely, aiming towards the future and appropriately managing sensitive issues including historical issues. And we have agreed to promote healthy and stable development in all areas including trilateral cooperation and bilateral relations. We agreed to strive together for peace and stability in the region and also for regional economic integration in Northeast Asia."Premier Li also highlighted the significance of enhancing mutual trust.
"A good political mutual trust is an important foundation for deepening development, and it forms the premise of common ground on major issues, including historical issues. All the three countries should also take the responsibility of safeguarding regional stability, particularly peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula, so as to build a pleasant environment for regional security and development."He added that the three sides should keep a firm grasp on the general direction of their relations, so as to push forward their cooperation and allow their just-resumed trilateral summit to proceed regularly.
In the meantime, Premier Li also suggested that the three nations should maintain regional financial stability, and expressed hopes that the free trade agreement signed by China and South Korea in June could take effect as soon as possible.
China will facilitate negotiations of the trilateral FTA and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership in a bid to promote regional integration.
For her part, South Korean President Park Geun-hye stressed the importance of maintaining regional peace and stability.
"We reconfirmed that maintaining peace and stability in the Korean Peninsula corresponds to mutual interests of three countries and that we must adhere to the aim of denuclearising North Korea, and we agreed to strive together for the quick resumption of meaningful six-party talks."A joint declaration released after the trilateral summit says the three countries reaffirmed their commitment to hold the trilateral meeting on a regular basis.
It also says the three countries have agreed to expand people-to-people exchanges so as to dispel negative national public sentiment among the three Northeast Asian neighbors.
The China-Japan-South Korea summit had taken place annually from 2008 to 2012 before it bogged down due to Japanese provocations on historical and territorial issues that angered both China and South Korea.
The next China-Japan-South Korea summit is expected to be held next year in Japan.
For CRI, I'm Xie Cheng.
China, South Korea and Japan Pledge Stronger Economic TiesAnchorLeaders of China, Japan and South Korea have pledged to boost economic exchanges. The comments came on Sunday as they addressed a business summit in Seoul.
CRI's Qian Shanming reports.
Reporter: The summit on Sunday is part of high level trilateral talks between the three East Asian nations. Chinese Premiere Li Keqiang, South Korean President Park Guen-hye and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe were in attendance.
Li Keqiang says the current trade volume among the three countries leaves much room for improvement.
"The amount of trade between China, South Korea and Japan only counts for 20 percent of the total trade of the three countries. Mutual economic complementation has not worked out enough. These three countries ought to expand market developments with each other. Convenience in custom process must be reinforced. In this way, an environment for fair trade competition should be established."China is the largest trading partner of South Korea and Japan, while Japan is China's second largest single-country trading partner, followed by South Korea. The three's combined GDP account for 20% of the world's total, forming one of the largest global trading blocks, alongside the EU and North America. However, trade within the East Asian block fall far below those in the EU and North America, in terms of percentage of total foreign trade within each block.
Negotiations for a Free Trade Agreement among the three nations started in 2012. South Korea's Park Geun-hye calls on the business community to facilitate the talks.
"As a memorandum of understanding for invigorating trade and investment was signed between the economic organisations of the three countries, I hope that the business community will give active support and cooperate for the progress of discussions on the South Korea-Japan-China free trade agreement. The governments of the three countries will lead the negotiations in a way that is beneficial to the economies of all three countries."Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe echoes the same sentiment.
"While the foundation for growth in the Asia-Pacific area is now being made through the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement, cooperation among three countries, and also leadership, is strongly demanded in this situation to bring about a comprehensive and high-quality agreement like the Free Trade Agreement among three countries, and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership."The next round of talks for the FTA will be held at the end of this year.
A joint declaration was issued after Sunday's summit. The three nations agreed to increase cooperation in areas including healthcare, e-commerce and software, as well as information sharing and policy coordination among their financial authorities.
For CRI, I'm Qian Shanming.
China Urges Japan to Properly Handle Sensitive IssuesChinese Premier Li Keqiang has urged Japan to properly handle and manage sensitive issues in bilateral ties.
During talks with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Li Keqiang says he hopes the Japanese side should adopt a positive China policy and meet with China half way on many issues, so as to improve bilateral ties continuously.
The talks, held at the request of the Japanese side, came on the sideline of the first China-Japan-South Korea summit in three and a half years.
China-Japan relations suffered blows in 2012 and 2013 due to territorial and historical issues.
However, bilateral relations have witnessed gradual recovery since the two countries reached a four-point principled agreement in November last year, which paved the way for an ice-breaking meeting between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Abe days later.
For his part, Abe said he is willing to further improve and develop his country's ties with China based on the four political documents signed by the two countries.
China's Revised Criminal Law Takes EffectAnchorChild abuse, cheating on exams and rumor mongering on social media are now officially criminal offenses here in China.
CRI's Luo Wen with more on the changes to China's Criminal Law that took effect as of yesterday.
ReporterUnder the new amendments, those convicted of abusing a child or an elderly person can face up to 3-years in prison, a move many here in China are applauding.
"Laws are supposed to protect the disadvantaged. Everyone will get old, and most people can have a child. It's most people's hope that our children and parents can live in peace. I think this ammendment to the law goes a long way toward achieving that."Abuse cases have been gaining more noteriety here in China the past few years, notably among children.
In a case just this past month, a kindergarten teacher in Henan was drummed out of her job after it was discovered she was forcing the children in her class to pose nude for photos.
But while these cases almost always ignite public outrage, under the previous rules, most of the offenders would only end up losing their jobs or facing no more than administrative penalties.
Legal expert Ruan Qilin says the revision to the law has come at the right time, as society is beginning to change in China.
"Given that more and more Chinese will have to entrust public institutions to take care of their children and parents in the future due to their busy schedules, the timing of the amendment is significant."The ammendments to the Criminal Law, first adopted in August, also includes tougher punishments for those found cheating on state-level exams.
Instead of those found cheating having their scores invalidated, the new rules also include the possiblity of jail time.
Li Shishi is head of the National People's Congress Standing Committee's Legislative affairs division.
"Those who hire substitutes to sit exams for them or organize or facilitate cheating, such as providing cheating devices, substitute test-takers or leaking and spreading exam content will face criminal charges."Under the new law, students caught hiring test-takers may end up spending time behind bars.
Those who set up ways to people to cheat could be hit with up to 7-years in prison.
These rules only apply to state-level exams such as the national college entrance exam and the national public servant exam.
Meanwhile, the new changes to the Criminal Law also include heavier penalties for those caught spreading false information through social media.
Anyone found knowingly passing along false information through Weibo and Wechat can now face up to 7-years in prison.
This is up from the 3-year maximum set in 2013 by the Supreme People's Court.
Under the rules, microbloggers who knowingly post false or unverified claims which are viewed either 5-thousand times or forwarded 500-times can be sent to jail.
At the same time, the revised law now also lists the sexual assault of men as a crime, while the previous crime of sex with an underage prostitutes has been repealed and reclassified as rape, bringing with it tougher sentencing guidelines for those convicted.
For CRI, I'm Luo Wen.
Russian Aircraft Disintegrates in Midair before Crash over Egypt's SinaiIts been reported that the Russian aircraft disintegrated in midair before it crashed over Egypt's Sinai Peninsula on Saturday.
Russian Chief of invitation panel Viktor Sorochenko said it was too early to determine the cause of the tragic accident.
Sorochenko leads an international committee made up of experts from Russia, Egypt, France and Ireland to probe into the incident.
The investigation began early on Sunday, starting with analysis of the plane's two black box data recorders.
Meanwhile, the Egyptian Forensic Medicine Authority has begun to deliver the bodies of the victims to the Russian Embassy in Cairo.
As many as 187 bodies have been recovered thus far.
The Egyptian cabinet said that the search has widened after finding bodies scattered across eight square km.
A Russian airliner, with 224 passengers and crew, crashed into a mountainous area in the restive Sinai on Saturday.
A militant group affiliated to Islamic State in Egypt claimed responsibility for the crash, but this claim has not been verified.
Death Toll Rises to 30 in Bucharest Club FireThe death toll of the nightclub fire late Friday in downtown Bucharest rose to 30, and the number is predicted to rise significantly in the coming period.
At least 180 people were injured in the fire and the ensuing stampede, and over 140 were still in the hospital on Sunday.
Romania's Health Minister Nicolae Banicioiu ensured that authorties have enough medical resources for the time being.
"We have enough blood and plasma. We have all we need. I saw that someone reported something about skin grafts but that was a false alarm. We have the skin bank, you may not remember but it was established a few month ago. Basically everybody has whatever is necessary to do his job. We are doing everything that is needed for these patients and doctors are giving their all and fighting for each and every patient."The fire was started by a spark when pyrotechnic effects were used during a concert at the nightclub.
The government on Saturday announced a three-day period of national mourning, running from Saturday to Monday.
Turkey's Ruling AKP Wins Snap Elections, Sets to Form Gov't by ItselfTurkey's ruling Justice and Development Party, or AKP, won back a parliamentary majority in Sunday's elections.
The results will pave way for AKP to form the government on its own for the next four years.
The AKP gained nearly 49 percent of the votes, and received 315 seats in the 550-member parliament.
Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu declared AKP victory in his initial statement after the polls.
"There are only winners today. And that is our country; our people; our republic. We will make our way into everyone's hearts, whether or not they voted for us. Together, we will build a new Turkey."The Republican People's Party won about 25 percent, while the Nationalist Movement Party showed a sharp decrease in its share of votes with nearly 12 percent. The pro-Kurdish Peoples' Democratic Party secured more than ten percent of votes.
Security officers were deployed during the elections, as the polling was carried out following renewed clashes between outlawed Kurdish Workers' Party and the Turkish government.
EU Gives 28 Mln Euros in Humanitarian Aid to JordanThe European Commission has announced that it will give 28 million euros to Jordan to support Syrian refugees there.
European Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management Christos Stylianides says that the EU step up the humanitarian aid as the coming winter is expected to bring additional hardships to Syrian refugees in Jordan.
"This money will assist for the urgent needs of Syrian refugees and their host communities. Only a political solution can bring the Syrian crisis to an end. Only then the people of Syria will be able to look forward to a brighter future."The funds are expected to be used to meet the refugees basic needs such as health care, clean water, shelter and education.
The latest aid raises the overall EU humanitarian assistance for refugees to 198 million euros since Syria's conflict broke out in 2011.
The United Nations refugee agency UNHCR estimates that over four million Syrians have fled the country's civil war.
And Jordan says it has taken in 1.4 million Syrians fleeing the war but the UNHCR puts the figure at 600-thousand.
Around 80 percent of Syrians in Jordan live outside camps.
100,000 Commemorate Rabin, Wishing for PeaceAnchorAround 100-thousand people have gathered in Tel Aviv to commemorate late Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, 20-years after his assassination, issuing a call for peace.
CRI's Zhao Jianfu reports.
Reporter"I, Military I.D. No. 30743, consider myself to be a soldier in the army of peace today. Today we are embarking on a battle which has no dead and no wounded, no blood and no anguish. This is the only battle which is a pleasure to wage: the battle for peace."Over 20 years ago, then Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin declaring his determination to achieve peace between the Israelis and Palestinians.
The Oslo Accords, which Rabin finalized with the Palestine Liberation Organization Chair Yasser Arafat, heralded in the 1990s as steps toward enduring peace.
However, Rabin was assassinated by a Jewish extremist on November 4, 1995, during a peace rally in Tel Aviv.
20 years later, some 100-thousand people have gathered at the site where Rabin was assassinated to remember the beloved leader at a time when tensions have been mounting for over a month in Israel and the Palestinian territories.
"He was a very positive person. He knew what he's doing. He has done all his life for our state. We are now in a very difficult situation, and he was one that fought for peace. If we won't remember him and go further with his policy, it will be very bad for us."Since the start of October, a series of attacks have brought the Israeli death toll to 10, while nearly 70 Palestinians have been shot dead by Israeli forces.
Among those who have attended the rally for Rabin are Israeli Arabs, who attended the rally, despite the current tensions.
"I'm not coming out of house as I used to, because our parents are not allowing us to go anywhere because of the attacks, the situation between us and the Jewish. We are here for Yitzhak Rabin that wanted to make peace between us and the Israelis. We just wish for the peace. We want the peace. We need the peace. We hope for the peace. We have the hope."Former US President Bill Clinton, who helped broker the Oslo Accords, spoke at the rally, urging Israelis to continue with the legacy of Rabin and pursue the goal of peace with the Palestinians.
"All of you now must decide how to finish his legacy, for the last chapter must be written by the people he gave his life to save and to nourish. The next step will be determined by whether you decide that Rabin was right, that you have to share the future with your neighbors, that you have to give their children a chance too, that you have to stand for peace, that the risks of peace are not as severe as the risks of walking away from it."Addressing the rally in a video message, US President Barack Obama says peace is necessary, just, and possible.
"Peace is necessary, because it's the only way to ensure true and lasting security for Israelis and Palestinians. Peace is just, the Jewish people have the right to live in their homeland, and Palestinians have the right to be a free people in their own land. And peace is possible, if both parties are willing to truly compromise and take risks for the only real solution - two states for two people, a democratic Jewish state living side by side in peace and security with a viable, independent and sovereign Palestinian state."For CRI, I'm Zhao Jianfu.
British Marine Scientists Explore Ocean's 'Twilight Zone' to Better Predict Climate ChangeAnchorA group of British marine scientists are digging into the ocean's "twilight zone" to understand the processes involved in carbon transport in the oceans.
As CRI's Victor Ning reports, the scientists are hoping that the research will lead to better predictions of global environmental change.
ReporterThe "twilight zone" refers to the area between 100 and 1000 metres deep where a small amount of sunlight can still penetrate.
The region is packed with ocean life that plays a key role in keeping atmospheric carbon-dioxide levels 30-percent lower than they otherwise would be.
Previous scientific instruments are typically designed to either sink to the ocean floor or float on the surface.
Professor Richard Sanders with UK's National Oceanography Centre is leading a team to devise an instrument called PELAGRA, or pelagic lagrangian sediment trap, which can suspend within the area.
"So what this does is it samples the bit between about 50 and 500 metres, that's where a lot of the action is. We've got stuff sinking and there's lots of organisms that live there eating it. And what we want to know is what they're doing. What this device does is it captures the flux at different depths in that depth range, so we can work out what the organisms that live there are doing."PELAGRA's sediment traps will help scientists calculate the carbon entering the oceans by providing a sample of the volume of sediment, known as "marine snow" that sinks in a given period of time.
Ocean Biochemist with the NOC Dr. Stephanie Henson explains.
"So, marine snow is composed of dead phytoplankton which sort of clump together to form flakes and then they're heavy enough to sink down into the deep ocean. It can also be formed of little animals which eat the little plants and then they poop out that carbon, and then their faecal pellets are very heavy and they sink down to the bottom of the ocean, also carrying lots of carbon with them."She said scientists have known about marine snow's carbon-absorbing mechanism for over half a century.
However, it was not known until now that technology has allowed for accurate measurements.
The team is preparing to conduct two missions in the south Atlantic Ocean.
"And this new project that we're working on is going to try and figure out what kind of things control when and where we get this marine snow occurring, how much carbon it takes down into the deep ocean and, ultimately, the data we collect, we're going to build new models which are going to help us to better predict the ocean storage of carbon and its impact on the climate."Henson said the research will lead to more advanced computer climate models that could more accurately predict future climate change.
For CRI, I'm Victor Ning.
China Starts Fourth One-percent National Sample CensusChina has started its fourth one-percent national sample census, covering a population of about 14 million.
The census takers are to be equipped with a personal digital assistant or PDA for the first time. They will collect information of the sample households including name, gender, age, ethnic group, educational level, profession, and migration status.
Lu Liping is the head of the Population and Employment Statistics Department under the Shanghai Municipal Statistics Bureau.
"The census takers will use the PDA to submit the data directly to the data server of the National Bureau of Statistics through wireless internet. This method reduces the census cost, protects privacy, and enhances accuracy and timeliness of the data."The census will cover about five million families in around 60-thousand residential quarters nationwide.
The sample census will help find out changes in the number, quality, structure, layout and housing conditions of the country's population since the country conducted its last national census in 2010.
The census will end on Nov. 15.
China, the world's most populous country, has so far carried out six national censuses since 1949.
The country has previously conducted such surveys in 1987, 1995 and 2005.
The Chinese government started in the 1980s to supplement thorough national censuses with sample censuses of one percent of the population.
According to the sixth census, China's population totaled 1.37 billion as of Nov. 1, 2010.
Three Missing after Explosion in Residential Building in HohhotThree residents are missing and several houses destroyed after an explosion occurred Sunday in a residential building in Hohhot, north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.
The explosion happened on the sixth floor causing the building's roof to collapse.
Zhou Cheng with the community office in Hohhot detailed the accident.
"The fifth and sixth floors of the building were severely affected by the explosion. The main structure of other areas was not destroyed, only some broken glass, and deformed windows and doors."Rescuers were searching for three missing residents.
The local government provided temporary shelter for the 60 households affected at a nearby hotel.
The cause of the explosion remains under investigation.
WeatherBeijing will be sunny with a high of 19 degrees Celsius.
Overnight temperatures should drop down to 5.
Shanghai will be sunny with a high of 18 and a low of 12.
In Chongqing, it will be sunny with a high of 21 and lows of 12.
Elsewhere in the world, staying here in Asia,Islamabad will be cloudy with a high of 25.
Kabul will be cloudy with a high of 15.
Over to North America,New York will be overcast with a high of 16 degrees.
Washington, slight rain with a high of 16 degrees.
Honolulu, rainy, 29.
Toronto will see slight rain with a high of 14 degrees.
Finally, on to South America,Buenos Aires, cloudy with a high of 22.
And Rio de Janeiro, slight rain with a high of 27 degrees Celsius.
Headline NewsChinese Premier Calls for Smooth China-Japan-S. Korea CooperationChinese Premier Li Keqiang has expressed his hope that the trilateral cooperation between China, Japan and South Korea to be free from disturbances.
He made the remarks at a joint press conference with South Korean President Park Geun-hye and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe after the China-Japan-South Korea leaders' meeting was held in Seoul.
The meeting has come about following a three-and-a-half-year hiatus.
Premier Li Keqiang said the three sides have agreed on facing history squarely, aiming towards the future and appropriately managing sensitive issues including historical issues.
Premier Li also highlighted the significance of enhancing mutual trust, saying a good political mutual trust is an important foundation for deepening development.
A joint declaration released after the trilateral summit says the three countries reaffirmed their commitment to hold the trilateral meeting on a regular basis.
The China-Japan-South Korea summit had taken place annually from 2008 to 2012 before it bogged down due to Japanese provocations on historical and territorial issues that angered both China and South Korea.
The next China-Japan-South Korea summit is expected to be held next year in Japan.
Chinese Corruption Suspect Repatriated from GhanaA Chinese corruption suspect has been repatriated from Ghana to China.
Zhao Ruheng was one of China's 100 most wanted fugitives, and had been at large for three years.
Zhao was the former chairman of a textile company in east China's Shandong Province. He is suspected of invoice deception, tax evasion and embezzlement.
He fled to Ghana in 2012.
China issued the list of its 100 most wanted fugitives in April. Seventeen have been apprehended so far.
Nepal Receives Chinese Petrol DeliveryNepal has received 73.5 metric tons of petrol in the first batch of Chinese deliveries, a Nepali official said on Sunday.
The first fuel delivery came through 12 fuel tankers sent by Nepal Oil Corporation to China on Saturday and Sunday.
The fuel-filled tanks are now on the way to the Kathmandu valley.
Azerbaijan Releases Preliminary Results of Parliamentary ElectionPreliminary results show Azerbaijan's ruling New Azerbaijan Party claimed a landslide victory in Sunday's parliamentary elections.
Around 56% of the country's eligible voters casted their ballots to elect a new parliament.
An official from the winning party said the party is expected to occupy at least 70 seats in the 125-seat new parliament.
The elections have been observed by more than 500 representatives of nearly 40 international organizations. Most observers have rated the process as "democratic and transparent."Biz ReportsMarket PreviewTurning onto business news. First let's get a preview of what we can expect on the markets this week.
Among the key US economic data to be released this week will be October's jobs report on Friday, especially after Federal Reserve policy makers firmly put the possibility of an interest rate hike at their December meeting on the table.
Friday's nonfarm payrolls report, an important gauge for the Fed, is expected to show employers in the US added fewer than 200 thousand jobs for a third straight month in October.
The ISM's October manufacturing and October construction spending is due today.
On Wednesday, Fed chair Janet Yellen will give testimony to a Congressional committee on the central bank's regulation of the financial system.
The most important central bank policy meetings this week will be in the UK and Australia.
The Bank of England is expected to hold its key rate at 0.5 percent on Thursday.
The jury is out on whether the Reserve Bank of Australia will cut when it meets on Tuesday.
On the corporate front, companies poised to report results in the days ahead are Visa, Commerzbank today, Tesla Motors, BMW on Tuesday, Time Warner, Twenty-First Century Fox, and Facebook on Wednesday; Walt Disney, Deutsche Telekom on Thursday; and, Berkshire-Hathaway on Friday.
With about two-thirds of companies in the S&P 500 having reporting this season so far, 75 percent have bettered profit expectations.
In the euro-zone, economic data slated for release this week include euro-zone manufacturing, due today; euro-zone services PMI, and PPI, due Wednesday; euro-zone retail sales, as well as European Commission economic forecasts, due on Thursday.
PMI Shrinks for 3rd Straight MonthChina's manufacturing activity shrank for the third straight month in October, but the contraction was flat from September.
The National Bureau of Statistics suggests that the data signaled overall stability in the economy.
The official Purchasing Managers' Index, a comprehensive gauge of operating conditions in large state-owned industrial companies, was flat from September at 49.8 last month.
The index for new orders rose to 50.3 percent, one-tenth of a percentage point higher than last month.
Cai Jin, vice-president of the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing, says the PMI figure, below the 50 threshold, means that factory activity is still contracting, but that the increase in new orders suggests signs of a recovery in the manufacturing sector.
"From the index, we can see some positive signs of improvement in the sector. The index of new orders is picking up which indicates that companies are confident of their future business, and the production and operations of the whole industry remained at a high level of performance."Meanwhile, China's non-manufacturing purchasing managers index dipped 0.3 percentage points to 53.1 percent in October.
Analysts say the number was still above 53 percent, which means the industry maintained a solid growth in October.
The construction industry saw a visible recovery while the real estate industry remained unchanged.
China Mulls Allowing Individuals to Invest More AbroadAnchorChina is considering relaxing limits to allow individuals to invest overseas in stocks and property.
China's central bank says it is studying the possibility of allowing qualified individuals to directly buy overseas assets, including businesses, stocks and real estate through the Shanghai Free Trade Zone.
Chinese citizens currently can only make overseas investments through third parties including banks and securities firms.
China will also increase the exchange quota for its citizens in the zone.
Currently, each one only has an exchange quota of 50-thousand U.S. dollars every year.
In addition, the zone will allow more institutions and individuals to buy securities and futures in the domestic and overseas markets.
The central bank did not give a timetable for the measures.
The planned move is part of a package of financial reform measures for the Shanghai Free Trade Zone.
Its release followed a key meeting of the Communist Party of China which discussed the country's development plans for the next five years.
For more on this, we are joined on the line by Mike Bastin, director of China Business Center based in London.
Q1: Liberalizing the capital account is the highlight of a number of new pilot measures for the Shanghai FTZ. What benefits will relaxing limits to invest overseas bring to individual investors and to China's financial market?
Q2: What sorts of risks should investors be aware of once the measure is implemented? What do you think the government can do to help offset the risks inherent in the process?
Q3: Some experts are saying that these reform measures show China's commitment to help the Renminbi to join the International Monetary Fund's "special drawing rights" basket. How much of an impact will this have on the IMF's decision?
Back AnchorMike Bastin, director of China Business Center based in London.
China Police Bust Major Futures Manipulation CaseChinese police have netted three suspects and are seeking to arrest more overseas for pocketing large amounts of money via manipulating futures trades.
The suspects are from "Yishidun," an international trade company founded in 2012 in east China's Jiangsu province.
General manager of the company and one of those arrested Gao Yan alleged that the company used special software to automatically buy and sell futures in huge quantities.
The Ministry of Public Security said in a statement that in June and July of this year, as many as 31 futures contracts were purchased in one second.
The authority on Sunday also announced that Xu Xiang, general manager of the Shanghai-based company Zexi Investment, is under investigation for suspected insider trading.
Xu and several others allegedly obtained inside stocks information via illegal methods and participated in insider trading and manipulating stocks prices.
The suspects have been placed under coercive measures.
Lock-up Shares Worth 31.5 Bln Yuan to Become TradableLock-up shares worth more than 31 billion yuan, or some 5 billion U.S. dollars will become eligible for trade on China's stock market next week.
About 1.6 billion shares from 33 companies will become tradable on the Shanghai and Shenzhen bourses.
The value of these shares is smaller than the 80 billion yuan in shares unlocked this week, indicating weaker pressures on the faltering recovery of China's equity market.
Chinese tech company Dawning Information Industry listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange will see shares worth around 9 billion yuan unlock on Friday, the largest amount to hit the market this week.
Under China's market rules, major shareholders of non-tradable stocks are subject to one or two years of lock-up before they are permitted to trade.
China Will Buy 100 Helicopters from AirbusAirbus Helicopters, a unit of Airbus Group SE, said that China will buy 100 helicopters over the next 10 years from them.
The purchase is as part of a deal to set up a final assembly line in China's eastern costal city Qingdao.
Airbus Helicopters will build a complete ecosystem in China, including a final assembly line, a sales team for China-assembled H135s, as well as employ support staff for maintenance and training services.
The company said the deal gives it an edge in China, one of the fastest-growing global markets for helicopters.
It's been reported that the deal is worth more than 1.1 billion U.S. dollars.
Airbus Helicopters currently has a 40 percent share of the Chinese civil helicopter market.
New Simple Route to Link Beijing, HavanaA new flight rout will link China and the Caribbean for the first time starting from this December.
Passengers can fly with Air China will on a Boeing 777-300ER airplane from Beijing to Havana, Cuba, from December 27.
It will leave Beijing three times a week, with a brief stop in Montreal in Canada.
Previously, flights would go via Spain, Germany, France or Mexico.
Currently, Chinese visitors do not need visas to enter Jamaica, the Bahamas, Grenada, and the Turks and Caicos Islands.
The trade and economic ties between China and the Caribbean are showing healthy growth and this new flight reflects the improving exchanges.
Taiwan Commodity Center Opens in Shanghai FTZA Taiwan commodity center opened Sunday in the Shanghai free trade zone to help small and medium-sized Taiwanese firms to seek business opportunities on the mainland.
Entrepreneurs across the Taiwan Straits initiated the idea of setting up the Taiwan commodity center to take advantage of preferential policies in the Shanghai FTZ in December last year.
Authorities in the Shanghai FTZ will offer facilitation measures in customs clearance, inspection and quarantine.
Taiwan businesses will also be allowed to sell their products at a direct sale center in the Shanghai FTZ for six months.
Meanwhile, the FTZ will sell their products on its e-commerce platform.
Insiders say that the commodity center will become a window and platform to showcase Taiwan brands and thus boost trade and exchanges across the Taiwan straits.
SportsYou Hao Wins Gold Medal in Men's Parallel BarsTaking a look at action from the Gymnastics World Championships in Glasgow,You Hao has won the gold medal in men's parallel bars and exerted China's dominance at this event.
His teammate Deng Shudi is tied for bronze medal.
Some more action from earlier,Fan Yilin is in a four-way tie in women's uneven bars and shared the gold medal with three other competitors;You Hao and Liu Yang bagged the silver and bronze in men's rings.
Higgins Wins International ChampionshipIn snooker action from the International Championship in the Chinese city of Daqing,John Higgins has won the title 10-5 against David Gilbert in the best-of-19 final.
Higgins pulled away from a 4-4 tie and was leading 5-4 by the end of the first session.
He followed it up with a single break of 1-2-9 in the 10th frame and didn't leave Gilbert many chances.
It is Higgins' 28th snooker ranking title. He surpassed Ronney O'Sullivan's record and matched the tally of Steve Davis.
Rosberg Wins Mexico GPIn formula one,Pole-starter Nico Rosberg led teammate Lewis Hamilton to a Mercedes one-two at the Mexico Grand Prix.
Rosberg strolled to a comfortable win with Hamilton close behind but never a big threat.
It allowed him to move back to second place on the drivers' standings, surpassing Ferrari's Sebastian Vettel who crashed out.
Williams' Valtteri Bottas finished third.
In more racing news,Former formula one driver Mark Webber led Porsche to the World Endurance Race victory and helped the German marque clinch the manufacturers' title in Shanghai.
The Number 17 Porsche car, shared by Webber, Timo Bernhard and Brendon Hartley, has won three consecutive races up to Shanghai.
The LMP2 class was won by Signatech Alpine.
Radwanska Wins WTA Finals; Federer Wins Swiss IndoorsIn tennis,Agnieszka Radwanska beat Petra Kvitova in three sets to win the WTA Finals in Singapore.
Radwanska moved above Kvitova to fifth place in the year-end world rankings with the biggest title of her career.
She is targeting a Grand Slam triumph starting with the Australian Open next January.
"For sure give me more confidence, especially that in a Grand Slam you also to have win and beat couple of top players in a row. I think here it's even harder because just eight of us and you don't have any first rounds to used to the courts. But definitely a good start. I'll definitely try to do that next year."In doubles action,Martina Hingis/Sania Mirza swept past Garbine Muguruza/Carla Suarez 6-0, 6-3 to walk away with the trophies.
Elsewhere, in men's tennis,Roger Federer has won a record seventh Swiss Indoors title against Rafael Nadal 6-3, 5-7, 6-3.
Federer calls it a nice way to finish the week in front of home crowds.
"Well it's, very cool, fact to win my seventh here. Eighty-eight in my career's my favourite number to. Playing against Rafa here in Basel was always going to be very special. Yeah, I played in front of 50-thousand people throughout the week here, so it was a very nice finish, for all of us. Rafa, as gracious as ever. (It) Felt like he also won, just by showing up, making a finals and he got a great ovation at the very end. I think the people (are) very thankful that he keeps coming back to Basel. And then for me personally it was a, a dream run again and I couldn't be happier."Federer now has 6 titles this year and 88 over his career. He stands in third place in terms of total number of singles title wins.
Dubuisson Wins Turkish Airlines OpenIn golf,Victor Dubuisson from France has won his second Turkish Airlines Open in three years.
Dubuisson carded a final round of six-under 66 to go 22-under overall and win by one shot ahead of early race leader Jaco van Zyl.
An emotional Dubuisson says it is all he hopes for after an uneventful season.
"I feel so, it feels so great. I mean to win this week, it's.... it's like a dream, you know. I had a really, I mean not a bad season but, I was just expecting more, in terms of results, and I was really counting on the final series (of events) to put me back in, on top of the Race to Dubai and now I think I will be top ten. So, I mean I, it feels very, very great."Over at the Blue Bay LPGA tour in Hainan,South Korea's Kim Sei-young sank a birdie on the last hole to enjoy a victory by one shot.
Taiwan golfer Candie Kung finished tied for second place.
The mainland's Lin Xiyu closed it out at even par, tied for fifth place.
Both Feng Shanshan and Yan Jing are tied for 14th, at 6-over.
CBA ResultsFinally a quick recap of results from the CBA games,Wang Shipeng missed a three-pointer and the chance to equalize as his Guangdong team went down to Shandong 98-95.
Shandong's new recruit Michael Beasley notched 48 points and 12 rebounds to be voted MVP.
Dwight Buycks did it for Fujian and edged Jiangsu 104-103 with his buzz killer;Liaoning downed Qingdao 109-97;Zhejiang demolished Bayi 113-71;And it is Tianjin with a 114-106 win over Shanxi.
Some NBA action coming up this morning,Four teams are on the court right now: Houston against Miami, and Milwaukee vs. Toronto.
Orlando, Chicago, Dallas and the Los Angeles Lakers are all scheduled to play soon.
Entertainment"Blind Message" Wins Big at 15th Chinese Film Media AwardsDirector Lou Ye's film "Blind Message" has become the big winner at just-concluded Chinese Film Media Awards.
"Blind Message" has won many of the top prizes, including Best Actor for Qin Hao, Best Supporting Actress for Mei Ting, Best Director for Lou Ye and Best Film.
Meanwhile, Vicky Zhao has taken the Best Actress Award for her work in "Dearest."Chinese rock star Cui Jian was named the Best Emerging Director.
The award ceremony was held in Guangzhou, and sponsored by the Southern Metropolis Daily, which puts out the awards every year to honor excellence in Chinese-language cinema.
Though based on the mainland, the awards are open to Chinese-language films from Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore.
7th Session of Cross-straits, Hong Kong, Macao Art Forum Kicks offThe 7th session of the cross-straits, Hong Kong and Macao art forum kicked off on Sunday in the Macao special administrative region.
A Chinese art circle insider, Zuo Zhongyi, elaborates on the importance of the forum.
"The cross-straits as well as Hong Kong and Macao Art Forum provides an academic exchange platform for artists, theorists and critics to enlarge cultural exchanges between them. It also plays an increasing important role in actively exploring the law of development and strategies of Chinese literature and art."Themed "plastic arts and the cultivation of a Chinese aesthetic spirit", the two-day forum also aims to figure out means for Chinese art to hit the world stage.
During the forum, a series of activities such as assemblies, speeches and roundtable dialogues will be held, which can enable art experts to exchange their views in special fields.
Besides the forum, a watercolor painting art exhibition has opened as well, where viewers can enjoy an art feast presented by artists from the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.
The exhibition runs until this Wednesday.
'The Hunger Games' Stars Get Hand and Footprints in Cement at LA Chinese Theater'The Hunger Games' stars, including Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson and Liam Hemsworth have cemented their hand and footprints at the TCL Chinese Theater in Los Angeles.
The 25-year-old Lawrence gives her grateful thanks as she becomes part of Hollywood history.
"We're very grateful, I think I can say that on behalf of everyone here for 'The Hunger Games.' I can't remember your names, I'm just kidding I know I everybody."Hutcherson also thanked the fans for their support since the very beginning before leaving the podium.
"And always when we do these press tours and we're promoting the movie, you guys give us the energy to keep going and we really appreciate it all. So this means a lot to all of us and thank you."'The Hunger Games' released in 2012 with its first installment, followed by "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire" in 2013.
Part one of "Mockingjay" was released in 2014, and part 2 is scheduled to hit big screens on November 20th in the US.
Matt Damon's 'The Martian' Tops North American Weekend Box Office for Fourth TimeScience fiction film 'The Martian' sits atop the North American box office during the Halloween weekend, by pulling in some 11.4 million U.S. dollars in sales.
Directed by Ridley Scott and starring Matt Damon, the film has ruled the box office for four of the last five weekends.
Based on Andy Weir's 2011 novel with the same name, 'The Martian' portrays an astronaut who is presumed dead after a fierce storm and left behind by his crew during a manned mission to Mars.
This sci-fi blockbuster has earned roughly 183 million dollars in 31 days since it released.
Meanwhile, Sony's 'Goosebumps' remained in the second place during the past weekend, snatching over ten million dollars in sales.
Starring Jack Black, this book-turned horror comedy has earned over 57 million dollars in 17 days.
Steven Spielberg's latest film 'Bridge of spies' sits in the third place with eight million dollars.
Starring Tom Hanks, the reality-based film has pulled in over 45 million dollars in 17 days.
Oscar-winning Director Starts Shooting Film on Flying TigersOscar-winning director Bille August has started the shooting of a film on the Flying Tigers, the first American Volunteer Group of the Chinese Air Force, in China's Zhejiang Province.
The film entitled 'The Chinese Window' portrays an American pilot, who was saved by Chinese villagers after his plane was shot down by the Japanese forces.
The director says he aims to send out a message on the warmth of humanity, though the film plot is set in a brutal war.
Bille August has won the Academy Award and the Golden Globe in 1987, with the film 'Pelle the Conqueror'.
The star cast of 'The Chinese Window' includes American actor Emile Hirsch and Chinese actress Yu Nan.
It is scheduled to be released in next October.
That's it for this edition of the Beijing Hour.
Recapping our top stories this morning...
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang expressing high hopes for future trilateral cooperation between China, Japan and South Korea...
China's revised criminal law going into effect with new protections for children and the public interest in the online sphere...
And new reports saying that the Russian aircraft disintegrated in midair before crashing over Egypt's Sinai Peninsula....
In Business....China mulling the possibility of letting individuals invest more abroad...
On behalf of the Beijing Hour staffers, Spencer Musick in Beijing hoping you'll join us for our next edition of the Beijing Hour to open a window to the world together.