美国文化脱口秀 第261期:怎么跟外国人解释大闸蟹?(在线收听


  Have you heard of this saying? 你听过这个说法吗?
  Autumn: 秋天
  Fall: 秋天 (美国英语更多用这个词)
  When did it become fall? It's beautiful! 一转眼已经秋天了。太美了!
  It's my favorite season: 这是我最爱的季节
  Osmanthus: 桂花
  Latin: 拉丁语
  Lily: 百合花
  Mysterious: 神秘
  It almost smells like candy/sweets: 闻起来好像糖
  Fragrant: 很香 (通常形容花香、香水香)
  Chrysanthemum: 菊花
  Daisy: 小雏菊
  Hairy crab: 大闸蟹
  It sounds delicious: 听起来很好吃
  Dam: 水坝
  Hoover Dam: 胡佛水坝(美国)
  It's got little hairs on its legs: 它腿上有小绒毛
  It's the best season/It's hairy crab season: 现在是吃大闸蟹的时节
  Succulent and juicy: 鲜美多汁
  Alaskan king crab:阿拉斯加帝王蟹
  Dungeness crab: 珍宝蟹
  Shell: 壳
  Remove the shell: 剝壳
  So little reward: 奖赏那么少
  What's the point? 有什么意义?
  The process is the point: 过程就是享受
  Seafood: 海鲜
  Meat: 肉
  Crab meat: 蟹肉
  Fish:鱼 (鱼肉不说fish meat, 说fish就可以了)
  Prawn/shrimp: 虾 (同上)
  Male crab: 雄蟹
  Female crab: 雌蟹
  Crab roe: 蟹黄
  Crab egg/fish egg:蟹籽、鱼籽
  Yuck: 怪怪的、有点恶心
  Dipping sauce: 蘸料
  Vinegar: 醋
  Rice vinegar: 米醋
  Balsamic vinegar: 意大利黑醋
  Diced ginger: 姜丝
  Rice wine/Shaoxin wine: 黄酒、花雕
  Delicate: 鲜嫩、细腻
  It tastes like natural MSG: 味道就像天然味精。
  Chicken stock: 鸡汤、鸡精
  Do you get what I mean? 你能明白我的意思吗?
  Now I get it: 现在我明白了。
  Umami: 鲜美
  Autumn in New York:纽约的秋天