新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 08:00 2015/11/13(在线收听

 The Beijing HourMorning EditionSpencer Musick with you on this Friday November 13th 2015.

Welcome to the Beijing Hour, live from the Chinese capital.
Coming up on the program this morning...
Foreign ministers from China and the five countries making up the Indochina Peninsula holding a key dialogue...
A Chinese fim taking control of Pakistan's Gwadar Port free-trade zone...
And the death toll from the twin suicide bombings in Lebanon's capital Beirut rising to at least 37...
In Business.... Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba to expand offerings at its rural service stations during the upcoming Chinese New Year.
In Sports.....China massacre Bhutan in Group C to remain alive in the fight to the last 12 of the World Cup qualifiers....
And in Entertainment.... The final Hunger Games movie premiers here in Beijing...
Top NewsFMs Meet for Indochinese Peninsula CooperationForeign ministers from China and the five countries making up the Indochina Peninsula have sat down for a meeting of the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation grouping.
The meeting in Yunnan is the first time the Foreign Ministers from China, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam have sat down in this setting.
All are connected by the Mekong River, known as the Lancang here in China.
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi says the overall aim is to formalize a new regional economic grouping.
"We hope the South-North cooperation mechanism is not only established, but that it makes tangible achievements as soon as possible so that people from all six countries can really feel the substantial benefits that the new cooperation mechanism will bring to all the people in all the countries in this region."Thailand's Foreign Minister Don Pramudwinai says all of the Ministers have agreed to work together on political and security issues, economic development, and people-to-people exchanges.
"I think this is the very core of the cooperation on Mekong-Lancang, which has never existed in other areas. I'm glad that we are able to take care of all the issues in our cooperation here."While the countries along the Mekong have been working together for a number of years in combatting crime on the river, economic and social collaboration among the 6 countries, as a group, has not been a priority.
Chinese Firm Begins Management of Pakistan's Gwadar PortA Chinese firm has officially taken control of Pakistan's Gwadar Port free-trade zone.
Under the agreement, China Overseas Holdings Limited will manage the free-trade zone on a 43-year lease.
The formal handover signals the Chinese side's control of all the port's business affairs.
Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Hong Lei says enterprises in China and Pakistan will continue to promote development of the Port in southwestern Pakistan on a principle of equal consultation and mutual benefit.
"Chinese enterprise's taking over of the management of the Gwadar Port is a commercial program under economic and trade cooperation of China and Pakistan, and a part of the two countries' friendly and mutually beneficial cooperation."Gwadar port is a deep sea port that sits next to the Strait of Hormuz, the key oil route in and out of the Persian Gulf.
As part of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor scheme, China plans to make Gwadar a transportation hub by building a 3,000km railway linking Xinjiang, in western China, with Gwadar.
For more on the handover of Gwadar Port, CRI's Zhao Yang spoke earlier with Einar Tangen, Former Chairman of the State of Wisconsin's International Trade CouncilBack anchorEinar Tangen, Former Chairman of the State of Wisconsin's International Trade Council speaking with CRI's Zhao Yang.
Chinese and US Officials Meet Over Cyber SecuritySenior Chinese and US officials met in Beijing on Thursday, discussing joint efforts to fight cyber crime.
The US delegation includes representatives from the US Department of Homeland Security, the State Department, Department of Justice and the FBI.
They met with Chinese vice Minister of Public Security Chen Zhimin and Public Security Minister Guo Shengkun. The two sides are preparing for the launch of a high-level joint dialogue mechanism to combat cyber crime.
The meetings are a follow-up step to one of the agreements reached during President Xi Jinping's state visit to the US in September.
100-plus Companies in Fushun Found Releasing Unprocessed GasMore than 100 small companies in a city in heavily polluted northeast China were found to be discharging unprocessed exhaust gas.
The Ministry of Environmental Protection said all the violators are in the city of Fushun in Liaoning Province.
They were exposed in an inspection targeting ten cities in Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang, which have been hit hard with air pollution since early this month.
Head of the ministry's environmental inspection bureau, Zou Shoumin, pointed out that problems were mainly found in small-scale and coal-burning heating companies.
Emergency responses for heavy air pollution in China require limiting road traffic and halting construction projects and factory production.
However, Zou noted that many enterprises and construction sites were found to be operating normally.
Local environmental protection departments have been urged to punish violators and oversee their rectification.
The ministry forecast that heavy pollution in the region will last until this weekend.
China Air Showing Signs of ImprovementAnchorDespite the heavy smog Beijing has been coping with this week, officials insist the air pollution problems which have been plaguing the region for years are getting better.
CRI's Li Jianhua has more.
ReporterWhile conditions in the capital and other parts of northern China may not reflect it this week, figures are suggesting the air this year in Beijing has improved.
The Beijing Environmental Protection Bureau is reporting that through the first 9-months of this year, all major pollutants being recorded by the city's 35 air-quality monitoring centers have seen declines.
Yi Bo with the Bureau's air management office says this includes a nearly 20-percent drop in PM2.5 levels, and a 40-percent decline in sulfur dioxide readings compared with last year.
"As a responsible government, we need to be constantly pushing to improve the quality of our city's environment. This is a process that will be sustained in the long term. Our aim is to reduce PM2.5 pollution levels by 25-percent in 2017 compared to those of 2012 levels."Despite the promises, and the overall reduction of pollution levels, when bad-air days hit Beijing, it becomes an instant topic of conversation.
"I think things would improve if we had fewer cars, and tightened traffic controls. For instance, we could institute a full-time odd-even system for license plates to keep cars off the road. Maybe then things will get better.""In the winter, because of the heating, the pollution gets worse and the situation often turns bad. Not that long ago, we had many blue-sky days, for instance, during the military parade. So we know that when the city wants to clear out the smog, the results can be amazing."To get back to those days of "amazing" weather, the government has been replacing coal-fired boilers with natural gas-powered power plants, as well as raising exhaust emission standards and forcing older, more polluting vehicles off the road.
Authorities have said they expect to shutter or move around 300 polluting factories out of the region this year.
Another measure the Municipal government in Beijing is using to improve air quality is promoting the use of clean energy.
Wang Qian, vice-director of the Goldwind wind turbine factory in Beijing, says the demand for their products has been on the rise over the past couple of years.
"According to our predictions, next year the demand for our wind turbines is expected to grow significantly. The demand for our equipment this year has already increased over last year's figures."But while steps are being taken, pollution is still a major problem in Beijing.
The average for PM2.5 in the capital this year is 70-micrograms per cubic meter.
While down 20-percent compared with the same period last year, the figure is still double the Chinese government's standard for clean air, which is 35-micrograms per cubic meter, and 7-times the World Health Organization's standard of 10.
It's estimated some 1.4-million people in China die every year from issues connected to air pollution.
For CRI, this is Li Jianhua.
Death Toll of Beirut Blasts Rise to 37The death toll of the twin suicide bombings in Lebanon's capital Beirut has risen to at least 37. More than 180 people have been injured.
Two explosions rocked a crowded district of the southern suburbs of Beirut on Thursday afternoon, seven minutes apart.
Lebanon's Interior Ministry said a third suicide bomber was killed by one of the explosions.
The Islamic State militants have claimed responsibility for the attacks.
The area is the stronghold of Hezbollah, the Shiite militant party which is fighting the IS militants in Syria.
Lebanese Prime Minister Tammam Salam has announced Friday a day of national mourning for the victims.
Recruitment Ring Busted for International Terror ChargesEuropean law enforcement authorities have announced that they've broken up a recruitment ring with ties to the group calling itself the Islamic State.
The ring was based in Norway and involved sending fighters to Iraq and Syria.
Franco Roberti, an anti-mafia prosecutor, on the operation.
"It is a very significant operation, in my opinion, against an international terrorist organisation, carried out by anti-terrorist prosecutors in Rome and Italian police. Seventeen, or 16 people have been arrested I believe. The police will give you the details, in an operation targeting 15 Kurdish Iraqis who belong to a terrorist organisation with ties to the Islamic State."Arrest warrants have been issued for 17 people in half a dozen European countries and in the Middle East.
The investigation monitored Internet chats with members of the cell spread out across a number of European countries.
Italian authorities said the ideological leader of the ring was Najmaddin Faraj Ahmad, known as Mullah Krekar, who was already in prison in Norway.
Norwegian authorities said Krekar will likely face extradition to Italy, but the final outcome will be decided by courts later today.
Sweden Starts Temporary Border ControlsSweden has started temporary border controls in response to a record influx of refugees.
Border police said the new temporary controls would be similar in style to those in place at airports, meaning people arriving will have to show passports or a national ID card.
But according to Officer Patrik Engstrom, not everyone going through the crossings would be checked.
"We won't be checking one hundred per cent of those who cross these border crossings, but we will make a selection, usually random, and the purpose is to identify those people who have the right to be in Sweden and those persons who don't have a right to stay in Sweden but who want to seek asylum."Sweden's border controls will primarily extend to the bridge across the Oresund strait separating Sweden and Denmark and ferry ports in the region.
They will be imposed for a period of 10 days and could be extended by 20-day periods.
Meantime, Swedish government has freed up emergency funds to help the country cope with historically high admissions of asylum seekers.
Local media outlets reported that the government added nearly 1.27 billion U.S. dollars to its budget for 2016, most of which will go to local municipalities.
European and African Leaders Signed Agreement at Summit in MaltaAnchorOver fifty European and African leaders have signed an agreement at a two-day summit in Malta, increasing aid to Africa in exchange for help managing the migrant crisis.
While the measures are meant to create more opportunity Africa, plans to deport migrants are controversial.
CRI's Ira Spitzer reports from the summit in Valletta, Malta.
ReporterEuropean leaders signed an agreement at the Valletta summit promising 1.8 billion euros of aid to African countries.
But for that money, they also expecting something in return - help and slowing the flow of African migrants.
As tensions rise in Europe, the migrant crisis may be the threatening one of the pillars of the EU - the borderless Schengen zone between member states.
Donald Tusk is the president of European Council.
"The recent developments in Germany, in Sweden, in Slovenia, and in other countries, all show with utmost clarity the huge pressure member states are facing. Saving Schengen is a race against time. And we are determined to win that race."But while some of the African leaders said they welcomed the help from Europe, there was also skepticism that the money would make much of a difference.
Barnaba Marial Benjamin is the Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Minister of Republic of South Sudan.
"The fund is of course not enough - what is it? One billion dollars? Euros? It’s not enough. I think more commitment from Europe is important. Immigration can really be controlled."Countries like Eritrea where many migrants come from are already dealing with the extreme poverty and lack of a functional government.
In fact African countries have to deal with much larger number of migrants on their own continent than the 120,000 or so who have made the dangerous crossing to Europe this year.
The agreement also lays out controversial plans to return migrants in Europe back to their countries of origins, with the idea that it would start by the end of next year.
The fund though is supposed to increase education and employment opportunities and European and African leaders also discussed opening more paths to legal migration.
For CRI, this is Ira Spitzer in Malta.
ALMA and World Observatories Join Hands to Create Virtual Earth-sized TelescopeAnchorChile's ALMA observatory says it is joining forces with other space observatories around the world to create a virtual earth-sized telescope capable of visualising objects on the moon.
CRI's Luo Bin reports.
ReporterThe Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array, or ALMA, is considered to be one of the largest astronomical observatories in the world.
It is joining up with institutes across Europe and North America to develop technology known as very long baseline interferometry, or VLBI.
The technology works by combining data gathered by two or more telescopes, creating a virtual telescope with a collection dish equal in size to the geographical distance between them.
Three VLBI tests have been conducted in conjunction with other international telescopes, a key step towards the observatory's integration in the Event Horizon Telescope project.
Head of ALMA operations at ALMA observatory, Lars-Ake Nyman, explains how their multi-national operation can provide a network of telescopes big enough to create a virtual earth-sized telescope.
"In various countries in the world there exist millimetre telescopes that can take millimetre radiation coming from objects in the universe. So there are telescopes in Europe like in Finland and in Sweden and Germany in France and in Spain, also in the United States, Hawaii, and Antarctica. And, there is the possibility to join all these telescopes, in what's called the VLBI (very long baseline interferometry) network to do these types of observations."The project, which involves a global network of telescopes, serves scientists studying the supermassive black hole believed to be located in the centre of the Milky Way galaxy.
For ALMA to take part in the VLBI project, it had to upgrade its equipment in order for each of its telescopes to function in unison as a single radio dish 85 meters in diameter.
In this way, it could be integrated into the global network, working in turn as a single telescope.
Nyman says this is exciting news for astronomers.
"So I mean it's fantastic that all these countries are working together and they can form the status quo because with this telescope your form a telescope the size of the earth more-or-less when it comes to resolution and images. You can study very distant objects in much detail, and also closer objects, like the centre of our Milky Way, the Black Hole, can almost be resolved with these types of observations."The first test was carried out in January this year, when one of the ALMA telescopes was linked to the Atacama Pathfinder Experiment telescope two kilometres away.
During a further test in August, ALMA linked up with six antennas of the U.S. National Radio Astronomy Observatory, to create a telescope capable of detecting a quasar located at a distance of 7.8 billion light years, or more than half the distance to the observable "edge" of the universe.
For CRI, I'm Luo Bin.
India Announces Plans to Open up to Foreign InvestmentAnchorIndia has announced reforms to ease foreign direct investment in 15 sectors including defence, banking and construction. Analysts say the big FDI push will help cut down on red tape for foreign investors, and boost the entire investment environment.
CRI's Luo Wen has more.
ReporterThe industry-specific reforms include allowing 49 per cent FDI in the defence sector made through automatic route - without government approval. Foreign portfolio investors can also invest up to 74 per cent in private banking.
In the construction development sector, minimum capitalisation norms and floor area restrictions have been removed.
The Indian government will also lift the caps on investing in certain sectors including broadcasting, and air transport and will increase the use of "automatic" routes for gaining investment approval in others.
Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said the reforms supported the government's "top priority" of making it easier for companies to do business in India.
"We still need a very large resource both for infrastructure, for new initiatives like 'Starup India', 'Skill India', 'Make in India'. And as I said foreign investment is certainly an important additionality of resource. Investors also prefer invest in destinations where growth is peaking up, returns seem likely and easy to do business."Pointing out that both the World Bank and the World Economic Forum have looked at India favourably, the Finance Minister said that some outdated conditions which existed have been either done away with or have been eased by the Narendra Modi government.
"In some areas sectoral caps have been enhanced but more important than that some outdated conditionalities which existed along with the sectoral caps have been either done away with or eased. Many more areas have been put into the automatic routes."The FDI reform came ahead of the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to Britain with investment topping his agenda. Analysts say the move is expected to help cut down on red tape for foreign investors, and boost the entire investment environment.
Indian economist Gurcharan Das:
"This announcement today is an important announcement, not only because of the sectoral caps that are involved, but because, as the press notes that accompany this announcement explain, that the fundamental thing the government is now driving at is to make the lives of investors easier. So much of what was before, that involved going to the government, has now been put on an automatic route. You just go to the bank and start doing the business. You don't need permissions, and you don't need the kind of licensing restriction."FDI reform in India has also attracted international attention. The Credit rating agency Fitch described it as a significant structural macro-economic reform, saying it indicated that India's reform momentum remains intact.
For CRI, I'm Luo Wen.
UK, India to Sign 13.7 Bln USD CollaborationsBritish and Indian companies are due to sign collaborations worth around 14 billion US dollars during Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to London.
British Prime Minister David Cameron said at a news conference that Britain is willing to support Modi to transform India with improved infrastructure and education.
"We want to become your number one partner for securing the finance needed for this ambitious plan, making London the world's centre for rupee trading. We are getting that started with plans already in place today to issue over one billion pounds of bonds right here in London, including the first ever government backed rupee denominated bond to be issued internationally."Modi said that India considers Britain to be its gateway into Europe when asked about Britain's planned referendum on its membership of the European Union.
Cameron plans to hold an in-out referendum on Britain's membership of the EU by the end of 2017.
Chinese Academia Hit with Cheating ScandalMore than 100 Chinese research papers have been removed this year by well-known global publications.
These removals were based on findings that some authors had forged third-party peer reviews or simply had others write for them.
Investigations showed many third-party institutions were in reality companies providing ghost writing services for a fee. They forged emails of experts and sent in positive reviews to the publishers.
China's National Natural Science Foundation has revoked funding for authors caught in the scandal. More severe punishments include removal of their professorships.
The foundation says plagiarism and dishonesty in academia should be treated with zero-tolerance, while noting most Chinese researchers are honest.
WeatherBeijing will see slight rain with a high of 8 degrees Celsius.
Overnight temperatures should drop down to 6.
Shanghai, slight rain with a high of 18 and a low of 14.
In Chongqing, cloudy with a high of 20 and lows of 13.
Elsewhere in the world, staying here in Asia,Islamabad, slight rain with a high of 24.
Kabul will be rainy with a high of 8.
Over to North America,New York, cloudy with a high of 15 degrees.
Washington, cloudy with a high of 14 degrees.
Honolulu, slight rain, 28.
Toronto will be rainy with a high of 10 degrees.
Finally, on to South America,Buenos Aires, slight rain with a high of 24.
And Rio de Janeiro, slight rain with a high of 29 degrees Celsius.
Headline NewsChina, Turkmenistan Vow Closer CooperationChinese President Xi Jinping has held talks with his visiting Turkminestan counterpart Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.
President Xi says China is looking forward to deepening energy cooperation with Turkmenistan.
He pledged China will continue expanding import from Turkmenistan as well as advance the cooperation in electricity, information technology, agriculture and finance.
President Xi suggested the two countries boost security cooperation and jointly fight the threats of terrorism and transnational organized crime.
For his part, the Turkminestan President hailed the development of bilateral ties since the two sides established strategic partnership two years ago.
He said the two countries enjoy immense potential for cooperation, especially in the area of inter-connectivity of infrastructure.
Li Keqiang and Bill Gates Meet in Beijing Over Climate and EnergyChinese Premier Li Keqiang met with Bill Gates in Beijing on Thursday. Climate change and nuclear energy were on the agenda.
Li said China is ready to work with other nations to address climate change, while calling for Sino-US cooperation to develop safe, affordable and sustainable nuclear energy in China.
Li said China would also support such cooperation in third markets.
Gates echoed Li's sentiments, while praising China's efforts in coping with climate change and developing new energy industries.
China Provides Emergency Food Aid to EthiopiaChina is set to provide about 8 million U.S. dollars in emergency food aid to Ethiopia.
Chinese vice Minister of Commerce Qian Keming, and Ethiopian Minister of Finance and Economic Cooperation Abdulaziz Mohammed have signed an agreement to this effect in Ethiopia's capital Addis Ababa.
The assistance came in response of Ethiopian government announcement to support drought victims.
The "El Nino" weather phenomenon had caused water shortages and threatened food security in the southern and eastern part of Ethiopia.
Greenland Glaciers Collapsing Into the Atlantic: StudyA massive glacier in northeast Greenland is crumbling into the Atlantic Ocean, according to a study published in the US journal Science.
Glacier Zachariae Isstrom entered a phase of accelerated retreat in 2012, losing 5 billion tons in mass each year.
The research team behind the study says the glacier has been eroded by increasingly warm ocean water and its own meltwater.
A neighboring glacier is also melting rapidly. The two could raise global sea levels by 1 meter if they fully collapsed.
Biz ReportsMarket PreviewTurning onto business news. First, a quick look at the closing numbers across North America and Europe as well as a recap on the Chinese market.
U.S. stocks dropped on Thursday as cheaper commodities weighed on energy and materials stocks and comments by a Federal Reserve policymaker hinted at an interest-rate hike next month.
The Dow slipped by 0.9 percent.
The S&P 500 dropped over 0.7 percent.
And the Nasdaq finished off two fifth percent.
Investors are keeping a watchful eye on whether the Fed in December will raise interest rates for the first time in nearly a decade, as is widely expected after recent strong jobs data.
In a speech on Thursday, Some U.S. Federal Reserve members made a number of speeches on earnings reports and Federal Chairwoman Janet Yellen spoke on monetary policy but did not specifically comment on economy or the timing of a rate hike.
Weak global demand has sapped interest in commodity markets.
Meanwhile in Europe,The UK's FTSE 100 closed down 1.6 percent.
European government bond yields dropped on Thursday on indications of further monetary policy stimulus by the European Central Bank.
French CAC 40 dropped by over 1.9 percent.
Germany's DAX lost nearly 1.2 percent, largely due to the poor performance of some companies during the third quarter.
Finally recap on the Chinese market:
At the close, the benchmark Shanghai Composite Index lost half of a percent.
The smaller Shenzhen index dipped 0.3 percent.
Alibaba to Expand Exposure of Branded Products to Rural ChinaChinese e-commerce giant Alibaba is set to make more overseas brand available at its rural service stations during the upcoming Chinese New Year.
The company said it will begin a campaign in mid-January to promote local specialty products to urban online shoppers and more than 500 overseas products to rural buyers ahead of the Spring Festival.
Chinese online retailers have been seeking to unlock the consumption potential in rural China.
Alibaba and have both established physical stations in rural areas with computers and products displayed to teach rural Chinese how to shop online.
Alibaba has built more than 8-thousand rural Taobao stations where villagers can shop on Alibaba's online marketplace and bring their own farm produce and local specialties to sell online.
Such stations have increased branded products' exposure to rural consumers but a less developed physical retail infrastructure in rural China has limited farmers' choices.
Corporate News of the WeekAnchorTime to check in with some of the stories making headlines from the corporate world this week.
China's e-commerce giant Alibaba saw record breaking sales of more than 90 billion yuan, or 14 billion US dollars, on the just concluded Singles Day on Wednesday.
That number is a 60% increase from last year.
Over 68 percent of transactions were made on wireless devices such as smartphones and tablets.
For more on this topic, we are joined on the line by Doug Young, Associate professor at Fudan University and former China company news chief with Reuters.
1, Even given that expectations for this years single's day were wild, this number is something else. What is your take on this phenomenon? What does it mean for the development of China's e-commerce sector in a broader sense?
2, The express delivery sector is facing package peak in the coming days. What do you think that Chinese e-commerce giants should do in terms of logistics to make future single's day sales go as smoothly as possible?
China's second largest e-commerce platform is to shut down its customer to customer platform stated that a reason for the Paipai closure is that C2C sellers were not required to register at their local Administration for Industry and Commerce department, making them more difficult to supervise.
Additionally, the cost for sellers is considered to be negligible if they are found guilty of breaking the law and selling fake goods.
1, What problems in the C2C model led JD to make this move? Are they throwing away potential for profits that come with commissions on C2C transactions?
2, How much do you think the issue of counterfits is factoring into JD's decision here? And in a broader sense, how might other Chinese ecommerce giants address this issue?
Back AnchorDoug Young, Associate professor at Fudan University and former China company news chief with Reuters.
Chinese Banks' Bad Loan Ratio up in Q3Chinese banks have seen their third-quarter bad loan ratio increase to 1.59 percent.
According to the China Banking Regulatory Commission, the value of outstanding non-performing loans rises 94.4 billion yuan or 14.84 billion U.S. dollars to reach 1.19 trillion yuan or 0.19 trillion US dollars.
An NPL is a loan that is in default or close to being in default.
Despite the NPL increase, the CBRC said the lenders' overall capability to offset risks remains stable.
The banks' loan loss provisions, or funds set aside to cover potential loan losses, added 97.3 billion yuan to reach 2.26 trillion yuan by the end of September.
Chinese banks posted combined profits of 1.29 trillion yuan or 0.2 trillion US dollars by the end of September, up 2.21 percent from a year ago.
Chinese Manufacturers Losing Cost Advantages over U.S.: ReportA new report has suggested that China's manufacturing industry is losing out to the United States in terms of its cost advantage.
According to the 2015 China Purchasing Development Report, Prices of energy, logistics and some raw materials in China have surpassed those in the United State.
The report said that the United States has slashed its energy costs with exploitation of shale gas, increasing the competitiveness of American manufacturers.
Citing a survey by the Boston Consulting group, the report also said the cost advantage of China's manufacturing industry over the United States has plummeted to 4 percent in 2014 from 14 percent in 2004.
APEC Formally Unveils Financial Infrastructure Development NetworkThe Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation member economies have formally launched an initiative that will make financial services accessible to more micro, small and medium-enterprises.
Launched in Makati City, Metro Manila, the Financial Infrastructure Development Network is a platform that brought together experts from the public and private sectors to support APEC economies in undertaking financial infrastructure reforms.
While micro, small and medium-enterprises contribute to over 60 percent of total employment among APEC economies, around 40 percent of the financing needs of this sector were not served.
FIDN was established as a socialized subgroup in the Asia-Pacific Financial Forum to promote the development of effective credit information systems.
SportsChina Staying alive after Beating Bhutan 12-0Beginning with some good news from the World Cup qualifiers,China massacred Bhutan 12-0 in Group C to remain alive in the fight to the last 12.
Mei Fang opened up scoring 10 minutes into the game.
Yang Xu completed a hat trick in 25 minutes. More goals from Yu Dabao and Yu Hanchao gave China a 7-0 lead at half time.
Yang Xu went on to add another goal in the second half. After this game he became the top scorer on China's current national team and fifth in history.
Wang Yongpo and new recruit Zhang Xizhe both put their marks on the score sheet.
However the result won't give China any advantage in competing for the best second-placed team. Goal differences from the game against the last-placed team don't count so China took nothing but three points from Bhutan.
The mainland team remains at third place in the group, trailing the team from Hong Kong which had a 1-0 victory over the Maldives.
It is do or die for the mainland when they face Hong Kong next Tuesday.
Down in South America,Brazil and Argentina will clash in a heavyweight World Cup qualifier showdown.
Argentina coach Gerardo Martino warned his players of Neymar who returned for Brazil on superlative form after a sublime goal for Barcelona last weekend.
It will be even harder for them without Lionel Messi who is out on a ligament injury.
Brazil coach Carlos Dunga is not letting his guard down for this fact.
"Argentina will be playing at home; they have other great players who play for the best clubs in Europe on their team. Argentina finished runners-up at the World Cup. Their team has been working with the same group of players for 10 years. That shows how hard the game will be."Dunga believes Neymar is in fine form and hopes he will deliver for the national team as well.
The game will begin shortly at 8am Beijing time.
Platini Left out of FIFA Candidate ListIn off-pitch football news,Early favorite UEFA head Michel Platini has been left out of the five-person shortlist for the FIFA presidency.
Platini is now serving a 90-day suspension from FIFA's ethics committee pending a disciplinary hearing.
His candidacy will not be reviewed until he is cleared of any wrongdoing.
The five candidates who have been approved after an integrity test are Prince Ali if Jordan, Asian football confederation chief Shaikh Salman, Jerome Champagne, UEFA general secretary Gianni Infantino and former South African government minister Tokyo Sexwale.
The race is likely to be shaped by wheter Platini is ultimately admitted. Infantino has indicated he would stand aside if his UEFA boss qualifies for the vote.
Infantino earlier voiced UEFA's support of Platini and recognizes him as a candidate.
The FIFA presidential election is scheduled for next February.
Badminton China Open ResultsIn badminton at the China Open in Fuzhou,Both Chen Long and Lin Dan safely progressed through to the quarter-finals.
Chen powered past Chinese Taipei's Hsu Jen-hao in just 30 minutes 21-5, 21-8.
It was also a quick victory for Lin who wrapped it up against Brice Leverdez 21-6, 21-10.
Malaysia's Lee Chong-wei needed three sets to send off Chou Tien chen.
Hu Yun, Jan Jorgensen, Viktor Axelson are all through.
In women's singles,No surprises from Wang Yihan and Li Xuerui who both had easy victories.
Wang Shixian had a real battle against India's PV Sindhu but eventually came through in three sets.
She will face world champion Carolina Marin in the last 8.
In men's doubles,Rookie Chinese pair Wang Yilv/Zhang Wen stunned second seed Mohammad Ahsan/Hendra Setiawan in three setsThe other new pair Li Junhui/Liu Yuchen battled through world number one Lee Yong Dae/ YOO Yeon Seong, also in three sets.
Lee Yong Dae fell to another Chinese pair Zhan Nan/Zhao Yuhlei in mixed doubles.
In women's doubles, Zhao Yunlei and her partner Tianqing set up an all-Chinese quarter-final against Luo Ying/Luo Yuhui.
Sergio Garcia Leading by One Shot at BMW MastersIn golf action from the BMW Masters in Shanghai,Sergio Garcia has opened up one of his final attempts of the year to win a tournament in solid forum.
The 35-year old Spainiard managed an 8-under-64 to lead by one shot after the first round.
This week's event at the Lake Malaren course is the last before the European Tour's season-ending tournament in Dubai.
Current Race to Dubai leader Rory McIlory is not playing in this tournament, giving the players chasing him a chance to gain some ground.
All three players from second to fourth place on the standings struggled in Shanghai.
Danny Willett could only manage a level par 72.
Shane Lowry and Louis Oosthuizen both carded 2-under-70's for a share of 24th place.
England's Justin Rose increased his chances of improving on his 5th place standing in the Race to Dubai.
He fired an opening round 5-under-67.
EntertainmentFinal 'Hunger Games' Movie Premiers in BeijingThe final 'Hunger Games' movie premiered in China, with its director and leading cast meet the fans in Beijing on Thursday.
Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth and director Francis Lawrence all made their appearance at the premier.
The director thanks the fans and expresses his excitement to bring this latest installment of the popular franchise to China.
"I feel fantastic. I mean it's a great honor to bring our film to Beijing, for the first time. It's the final instalment, but it's our first time, as a group, bringing the movie here. It's a pleasure."In 'The Hunger Games: Mockingjay-Part 2', Katniss Everdeen starred by Jennifer Lawrence, will leave District 13, and team up with her friends for the aim of liberating Panem citizens.
The 23-year-old actor Josh Hutcherson, unveils more details about the relationship among the characters, as it become more complicated in the new film.
"The relationship is very complicated, because Peeta has lost his mind, he's been hijacked and tortured. So it's a long road to recovery for him. But the love of Katniss helps bring him back around to become himself again."'The Hunger Games: Mockingjay-Part 1' has pulled in over 100 million yuan, or some 15.7 million US dollars, in the first three days of its release in China.
The final 'Hunger Games' movie is scheduled to be released in China on November 20th.
Singer-actor Kris Wu to Release 'Bad Girl' Music VideoChinese Canadian singer-actor Wu Yifan, best known by stage name Kris Wu, will release the music video of his new solo song 'Bad Girl' at 9 am today.
A 40-seconds teaser of the upcoming video has been unveiled earlier this week, which co-stars popular actor William Chen.
Kris was also voted as the most influential male in Asia at the 2015 Asian Influence Awards.
He edged out the wildly popular Chinese music 'kid band' TFBOYS, top Chinese actor-singer Li Yi Feng, with a convincing lead in the poll.
Being a former member of EXO and the former leader of its sub-group, EXO-M, the 25 year-old star is recently been most active in China.
The award comes as no surprise given the number of projects and endorsements Kris has carried out in China in the past year.
Recently Kris was confirmed to star in the Chinese 3-D movie L.O.R.D.: Legend of Ravaging Dynasties, which has begun releasing teasers and will hit theaters in next July.
'Star Wars' Exhibition Ready to Open in New YorkAs the world awaits the new installment of 'Star Wars' next month, "Star Wars and the Power of Costume the Exhibition" is ready to open.
While appearing at a preview of the exhibition, 'Star Wars' actor Anthony Daniels tells of his experience in the films.
"The job didn't appeal to me, quite frankly. The thought of being ultimately - it was no secret that it was going to be something like this and I wasn't interested, and then it was a concept painting that in fact, you could see here at the exhibit that totally changed my mind because that piece of two-dimensional artwork just spoke to me."The exhibition enables fans to get a taste of fashion in a galaxy, far, far away with a costume exhibit in New York.
The 'Star Wars' exhibition will open on November 14th in New York.
Julia Roberts Joins 'Secret in Their Eyes' LA PremierJulia Roberts showed up at the premier of her upcoming film 'Secret in Their Eyes' in Los Angeles.
The crime thriller is the English-language remake of the Oscar-winning Argentina film with the same name.
Speaking at the LA premier, Julia Roberts highlights the efforts of her co-stars and crew in and behind the film.
"I guess, we put so much into this movie. We really did. And I suppose the dream for all of us is that people respond to it in the same way that we felt as we made it, that they have an emotional reaction to it and want to leave the comfort of their homes, which is the hardest thing for all of us, and actually go out to the movies and have this experience."This adaptation takes considerable liberties with the original story, and then turns it into tale of a pair of FBI agents who torn apart after discovering their daughter is murdered.
Directed by Billy Ray, Oscar-winning actress Nicole Kidman also features in this film, but could not attend the premiere as she was in London for the West End play 'Photograph 51'.
'Secret in Their Eyes' is set to hit theaters on November 20th in the US.
That's it for this edition of the Beijing Hour.
Recapping our top stories this morning...
Foreign ministers from China and the five countries making up the Indochina Peninsula holding a key dialogue...
A Chinese fim taking control of Pakistan's Gwadar Port free-trade zone...
And the death toll from the twin suicide bombings in Lebanon's capital Beirut rising to at least 37...
On behalf of the Beijing Hour staffers, Spencer Musick in Beijing hoping you'll join us for our next edition of the Beijing Hour to open a window to the world together.