美国文化脱口秀 第266期:外国社交:握手还是亲亲?(在线收听


  Socialize (动词): 社交、见面
  Social(形容词): 社会的、社交的
  Social etiquette:社交礼仪
  Kiss on the cheeks: 亲脸颊
  A pat on the back: 轻轻拍拍肩膀、背部
  A sign of respect: 一种尊重的表现
  Hug: 拥抱
  A nice hand shake: 握手
  Arm wrestle: 掰腕子
  Lightly touch: 轻轻触碰
  Sports (跟美国人聊NBA、跟欧洲人聊足球都是好话题)
  NBA (National Basketball Association): 美职篮
  NFL (National Football League): 美国橄榄球大联盟
  MLB (Major League Baseball): 美职棒
  Which team do you support/do you root for? 你支持哪支球队?
  Home team: 家乡的球队
  Universal: 通用的、广泛适用的
  Stay away from sensitive topic such as: 避免聊敏感的话题,例如
  Politics: 政治
  How much do you make? 你赚多少钱?
  You are not hanging out with the right crowd: 混的圈子不对
  Don't get someone you just met to drink: 别劝不熟的外国人喝酒
  Cocktail chatter: 鸡尾酒聊天内容
  What would you like to drink:你想喝什么?
  Offer to get someone a drink: networking event上,帮新认识的人拿杯喝的是很不错的ice breaker.
  “It was great talking to you. We should catch up sometime.”: 跟你聊得很愉快。我们以后约时间细聊。
  Contact information: 联络方式
  Business cards are being replaced by Wechat:名片逐渐被微信取代