新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 20:00 2015/11/16(在线收听

 The Beijing HourEvening EditionIt's Shane Bigham with you on this Monday, November 16, 2015.

Welcome to the Beijing Hour, live from the Chinese capital... Coming up on the program this evening...
Police in France have conducted scores of raids during the overnight hours, looking for suspects in the Paris attacks...
The Chinese president has told leaders at the G20 conference in Turkey that his country's growth rate for 2015 will be around 7 percent...
Reports that the UN Secretary General will visit North Korea this week...
In business...the Chinese currency takes another step toward joining the elite international reserve currencies...
In sports...Russian sports authorities react to the doping-related ban from the IAAF...
In entertainment...a Chinese dance drama wins fans in Serbia...
All of that is coming up in the next hour, but first, a reminder that there are several ways you can reach us here at the Beijing Hour.
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TopPM: 150 overnight raids in FranceFrance's prime minister says there have been "over 150 police raids" overnight in France.
Manuel Valls spoke on French radio RTL on Monday morning, reaffirming President Francois Hollande's declaration that "we are at war" against "terrorism" following Friday's attacks in Paris.
"Security checks at our borders have been put back in place and these checks must be as effective as possible. There are these checks; there are administrative police raids which we are carrying out, including overnight. More than 150 raids were conducted and it's going to continue. Along our borders and across the country, we are taking action."Valls also warned that more attacks could hit "in the coming days, in the coming weeks."The attacks in Paris on Friday have claimed more than 130 lives.
Belgian officials earlier said that two suspects in the attacks were French nationals who had lived in Brussels.
President Xi Meets Canadian, Australian LeadersChinese President Xi Jinping has met with the Prime Ministers of Canada and Australia on the sidelines of the G20 meeting in Turkey.
When meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Xi Jinping said Canada is at the forefront of the Western countries for developing relations with China.
The Chinese leader said China is willing to strengthen communications and coordination with Canada in the United Nations, the Group of Twenty (G20), Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation and other multilateral groups to work together to promote peace, stability and prosperity of the Asia-Pacific region and the world.
When meeting Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, Xi Jinping said the two countries can complement each other with their own advantages, under the soon-to-be-enacted China-Australia Free Trade Agreement and by promoting the China-proposed "Belt and Road" initiative and Australia's strategy to develop its north.
Xi says Chinese economy predicted to grow about 7 pct this yearPresident Xi Jinping said on Sunday that the Chinese economy is predicted to grow about 7 percent this year.
That means China will continue to contribute to as much as about one third of global growth.
Xi Jinping told the Group of 20 summit in Turkey that China has the confidence and capability to maintain medium-high growth.
Chen Fengying, expert with the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, says China will continue making great contributions to the world economy.
"President Xi Jinping said we should be confident that China can reach its goal on the economic growth rate and structural adjustment, in a bid to reach a 'new normal.' China has made great contributions to the world, achieving rapid growth in economic adjustment and bringing confidence to the whole world. China is still playing a leading role now and will continue contributing to the world economy."Chen also says the world economy is under a phase of adjustment.
"The emerging market faces new problems, but still it is the main contributor to the world economy. We should tap new markets in which infrastructure construction investment is the key. I also suggest a tolerant, orderly and open market and the setting up of global partnerships. These will help the development of the world economy."In his speech, Xi Jinping said the country had contributed up to 50 percent of world economic growth from 2009 to 2011. Despite a recent slowdown, China still contributes 30 percent to world economic growth.
He pointed out that China is confident in its ability to comprehensively deepen its reforms and build an open economic system.
China should Focus on Developing Countries in Next Year's G20: OfficialAn economic expert has suggested the next G20 summit, which will be held in Hangzhou City, China, should give more weight to developing countries.
Güven Sak, Chair of Think 2O, made the suggestion while taking part in the ongoing Antalya Summit in Turkey.
Issues such as the development of low income countries and infrastructure have been widely discussed among G20 leaders in Antalya.
Yet Sak says this is far from enough and expects China will help push for more Infrastructure Investment in developing countries:
"Regarding infrastructure investments, major issue is about funding. The funds are already existing. The issue is bringing them to the investment projects basically. So when you look at it that way, both AIIB and also One Belt One Road are good projects for infrastructure investments. But they are going of course beyond infrastructure investment, and their meaning is also beyond economies,"As China is the largest developing country in the world, issues related to developing countries are expected to be laid out during the 2016 Hangzhou summit.
For more on the G20, CRI's Liu Kun earlier spoke to Dr. Yves Tiberghien, Director of the Institute of Asian Research at the University of British Columbia in Canada.
Hangzhou Gears up to Host 2016 G20 SummitAnchor:
While leaders of the world's major nations gathered in Antalya, Turkey to discuss tricky issues like global economic growth, terrorism, and Europe's immigration crisis, preparations for the 2016 G20 Summit in China have been underway in Hanghzou.
CRI's Luo Bin has more.
The venue for hosting the 2016 G20 Summit lays alongside the beautiful West Lake in Hanghzou, in the eastern province of Zhejiang.
The location was initially designed for international exhibitions and meetings, but has been upgraded in order to meet the needs of such a high level event as a G20 Summit.
Xue Xiaoyong, who is responsible for upgrading the venue, says crews are now working around the clock to finish the interior fitting and decorations.
"Its design and construction need to be adjusted to meet the Summit's requirements, such as the acoustic system of the meeting rooms, rest areas for leaders, and also the security system,"Hangzhou is famous for its beautiful scenery that attracts millions of tourists every year. It has also becoming the hotbed for China's Internet start-ups including the Internet giant Alibaba, which is headquartered in the city.
Yang Xiaoyong, with the Hangzhou City Commission of Economy and Information Technology, says hosting the G20 summit will help accelerate the development of the city's Internet industry:
"Hangzhou is planning to become a global hub for e-commerce, cloud computing, and big data, as well as the Internet of Things. We will make the most out of the G20 Summit, and speed up this aspiration,"Meanwhile, Liu Jun, an economic expert from East China Normal University says holding the G20 summit in a city like Hanghzou is in accordance with the current global economic backdrop, which gives great emphasis on internet businesses:
"Beijing and Shanghai have hosted many important international meetings. China wants to show different places to the world this time. I think the topics for next year's G20 Summit will be about global connectivity amid an open and innovative economic backdrop. As one of the leading cities of the Internet sector in China, Hangzhou is an ideal venue."The ongoing Antalya summit has brought leaders from the world's major economies together to discuss strategies to boost global economic growth. Many leaders from the summit believe China is important for stability in the global economy and expect China can play a more constructive role.
For CRI, I'm Luo BinArgentina, China signed nuclear plant agreementsChina and Argentina have signed agreements to build two nuclear power plants in the South American country.
The pacts were inked during the G20 summit taking place in Antalya, Turkey, and will be the fourth and fifth nuclear plants in the country.
Under the agreement, China's third-generation nuclear reactor design, known as the Hualong One design, will be used in one of the new plants.
The two countries signed an agreement on jointly building the nuclear plants during Argentine President Cristina Kirchner's visit to China in February.
Under the agreement, the China National Nuclear Corporation will partner with Argentina's state-run energy company Nucleoelectrica Argentina S.A. to build the nuclear plants, which will double Argentina's nuclear power capacity.
For more on this, I earlier spoke to Yu Zhuoping, a nuclear expert in China.
Chinese tourists return in terror after Paris attacksMore Chinese tourists have returned home on flights from Paris after the terror attacks that killed over 130 people and injured hundreds, including one Chinese tourist.
The first flight, with over 200 passengers on board, landed in Guangzhou in southern China on Sunday morning, while another three flights from Paris arrived in Shanghai.
Tourists recalled what they saw following the attacks, saying there were more police on the streets and stricter security checks at airports and railway stations.
"The traffic is normal. I didn't see any delays at the international airport, but I saw that they have enhanced border checks and many people were standing in line."Stats from China National Tourism Administration show that nearly 1,300 Chinese tourists were in Paris on Saturday.
China Southern Airlines' flights to Paris are now in normal operations without any delays or cancellations.
Spokesperson has "no further comment" on UN chief's reported visit to PyongyangA UN spokesperson says he has "no further comment" on a reported visit by the UN Secretary-General to North Korea.
Ban Ki-moon's spokesperson made the statement in response to a report that the secretary-general will visit the North this week.
South Korea's Yonhap News Agency reported on Sunday that Ban would visit Pyongyang.
However, the report gave no precise date for the visit.
If Ban makes the trip, it will be his first visit to North Korea as the UN chief, and he would be the third UN secretary-general to visit the North after Kurt Waldheim in 1979 and Boutros Boutros-Ghali in 1993.
Vienna meeting offers positive environment for solving Syrian crisis: Chinese diplomatThe second Vienna meeting on the Syrian issue, held on the weekend, has been described as positive.
China's Special Envoy on the Middle East, Gong Xiaosheng says China's stand on the issue has gained more recognition from the international community.
"We are now showing our attitudes towards the Middle East issues and the Syrian issue, which personally I think is a more positive one and is also in accordance with what the Middle East countries and the international community are expecting from us. The international community has become more and more aware that China is a peaceful and constructive force in the process."Gong said many positive and significant consensuses have been reached during the meeting with the most important one being the agreement to solve the crisis through political means as soon as possible.
The diplomat also said China would like to play a bigger role in helping solve crises in the Middle East and is also looking forward to helping Syria with its post-war development.
Germany Refugee App launched to aid refugeesAnchor:
A smartphone app designed for Syrian refugees arriving in Germany aims to make the transition to a new life easier. Two Dresden-based companies have developed the "Welcome to Germany" app with information for newly arrived migrants.
Here's Luo Laiming with the details.
Hundreds of people are waiting outside a refugee registration centre in the German capital Berlin.
Most of them will spend the entire day here, hoping to get an appointment to lodge their application for asylum.
It is a scene played out all over Germany. This year it is expected that around one million people will apply for asylum, most coming from war-torn Syria according to the German interior ministry.
Now there is an app that can help them with the first few weeks and months in their new home country.
Viola Klein, owner of one of the two IT companies behind the "Welcome to Germany" app, says the refugees that she has met through her charity work all have pressing questions.
"Who can I call when I need help? Where can I do a German language course? How do you apply for asylum? What happens when I apply? What documents do I need to bring? What questions are they going to ask? All these important things. And where can I turn when I need more information?"The companies launched a Dresden specific app earlier this year.
It gives refugees information on where to apply for asylum, what documents to bring, who to contact in an emergency, how to join a German language course, basic German laws, and where to get food and much more.
Klein says she had the idea after realizing there is a lot of misinformation about Germany on the internet.
"There is a lot of strange information on the internet. I have seen interviews with refugees where they are asked why they want to come to Germany and they give a lot of different answers: because it is peaceful there, because you don't have to work so much in Germany, because you get money and a flat. So a lot of mixed up information and sometimes just misinformation. So my idea was to give better information to people that are planning on fleeing to Germany on what happens in Germany."Ahmet Mohammed is a 25-year-old refugee from Aleppo, Syria. He had just finished his dentistry degree when he was forced to flee with his family.
Mohammed has had his asylum application approved. And after trying the app he says it can help him and other refugees in their daily lives.
"The app is very good. It contains a lot of important information that is important to know for refugees that arrive here to Germany from Syria. The laws here in Germany are very different from in Syria and this app contains a lot of information that will help refugees arriving in their daily life."The Welcome to Germany app is free to download and runs without advertising.
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That was CRI's Luo Laiming reporting.
Myanmar's opposition wins 77.3 pct parliamentary seats in electionIt has been reported that Myanmar's opposition party, the National League for Democracy led by Aung San Suu Kyi, has won 880 parliamentary seats, or 77 percent out of a total of 1,139 in the election.
254 of those seats are in the House of Representatives, 135 in the House of Nationalities, and 474 in the Regional or State Parliament, as well as 17 ethnic representatives to the Regional or State Parliament.
The incumbent Union Solidarity and Development Party has taken 115 seats, accounting for 10 percent of the total.
The remaining parliamentary seats went to ethnic parties and five independents.
New Agreement Achieved Between New Zealand and China in Medical ScienceChina and New Zealand are teaming up to build a joint center for medical research in Auckland.
The Joint Center for Biomedicine is going to focus on leading-edge medical science to seek new treatments for diseases such as cancer.
Experts from the University of Auckland and Guangzhou institutes of Biomedicine and Health will work together to conduct medical research in the new center.
Professor Stuart McCutcheon with the University of Auckland says the collaboration will not only enhance medical research between China and New Zealand, but will bring significant medical and economic benefits to both countries.
Zhejiang Landslide Death Toll Rises to 25Four more bodies have been found after a massive landslide in eastern China on Friday. Twenty-five bodies have been recovered, while 12 people are listed as missing.
The landslide happened in Lidong village, which is in Zhejiang province. It buried 27 homes and forced hundreds of people to relocate.
The rescue effort has been hampered by rain since Monday, and the wet weather is expected to continue throughout the week.
Meteorologists have warned of the risk of additional landslides and other weather-related problems at the site as roughly 23-hundred people work at the village, removing rock and debris, and looking for survivors or victims.
Fifty psychologists have also been sent to help family members of the victims.
The Ministry of Land and Resources has dispatched a group of experts to carry out inspections in neighboring mountain areas and help organize evacuations.
S. Korea closely monitoring possible DPRK missile test-firingSouth Korea's military anticipates another missile test from North Korea.
The defense ministry in Seoul says its forces are monitoring activity north of the border, looking for signs indicating an upcoming launch.
There are reports that North Korea has ordered a no-sail zone off of its east coast, but officials in the South have declined to comment on them.
The reported zone off the coast of Wonsan is said to have been enacted on November 11th and to last until December 7th.
Under resolutions passed by the UN Security Council, Pyongyang is prohibited from using ballistic missile technology to launch any projectiles.
WeatherBeijing will be cloudy tonight with a low of 1, tomorrow will be overcast with a high of 11.
Shanghai will have moderate rain tonight with a low of 16, slight rain tomorrow, high of 17.
Chongqing will see slight rain with a low of 14, tomorrow will also be rainy, high of 17.
Lhasa will be cloudy with a low of minus 1, tomorrow will be overcast with a high of 16.
Elsewhere in Asia,Islamabad will be sunny with a high of 24.
Kabul, cloudy, 13.
In the Southern Hemisphere.
Sydney, cloudy, high of 20,Brisbane, slight rain,22,Perth, also slight rain, 36,And finally Auckland, New Zealand will be cloudy with a high of 19 degrees Celsius.
Headline NewsPM: 150 overnight raids in FranceFrance's prime minister says there have been "over 150 police raids" overnight in France.
Manuel Valls spoke on French radio RTL on Monday morning, reaffirming President Francois Hollande's declaration that "we are at war" against "terrorism" following Friday's attacks in Paris.
Valls also warned that more attacks could hit "in the coming days, in the coming weeks."The attacks in Paris on Friday have claimed more than 130 lives.
Belgian officials earlier said that two suspects in the attacks were French nationals who had lived in Brussels.
President Xi Meets Canadian, Australian LeadersChinese President Xi Jinping has met with the Prime Ministers of Canada and Australia on the sidelines of the G20 meeting in Turkey.
When meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Xi Jinping said Canada is at the forefront of the Western countries for developing relations with China.
The Chinese leader said China is willing to strengthen communications and coordination with Canada in the United Nations, the Group of Twenty (G20), Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation and other multilateral groups to work together to promote peace, stability and prosperity of the Asia-Pacific region and the world.
When meeting Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, Xi Jinping said the two countries can complement each other with their own advantages, under the soon-to-be-enacted China-Australia Free Trade Agreement and by promoting the China-proposed "Belt and Road" initiative and Australia's strategy to develop its north.
Beijing, Shanghai senior officials removed from postsSenior officials in Beijing and Shanghai have been removed from their posts for suspected disciplinary violations.
Lyu Xiwen was a deputy Party chief in Beijing. Ai Baojun was vice mayor of Shanghai and head of Shanghai Free Trade Zone.
The announcement of the removal of these two officials was made by the disciplinary arm of the Communist Party of China Central Committee on Monday.
Details of the allegations against them have not been released.
Myanmar's opposition wins 77.3 pct parliamentary seats in electionAung San Suu Kyi's opposition party has won over 77 percent of the seats in Myanmar's two-House Union Parliament.
The country's Union Election Commission announced the news on Monday, saying that the National League for Democracy has won 880 parliamentary seats out of 1,139 contested in the election.
The incumbent Union Solidarity and Development Party took only 115 seats, accounting for 10 percent of the total.
The first session of the new parliament will take place in January, followed by parliament's election of a president in February, and the formation of the new government in March.
Biz ReportsStocksChinese shares recovered from losses seen in the last two trading days with a strong performance.
At the close,The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index was up 0.7 percent.
The Shenzhen Component Index gained 1.8 percent.
The ChiNext Index of growth enterprises closed 3.2 percent higher.
Shares in high-tech manufacturing companies gained the most, with Shenzhen Jasic Technology and Zhejiang Qianjiang Motorcycle rising by the daily limit of 10 percent.
However, Asian stock markets closed lower on Monday, amid the high level of risk aversion among investors after the Paris terrorist attacks.
In Hong Kong, the Hang Seng Index moved down 1.7 percent at the close.
Elsewhere in Asia,Japanese stocks also closed lower on Monday, with the benchmark Nikkei dropping around 1 percent.
South Korea's KOSPI decreased 1.5 percent.
Singapore's Straits Times was down 0.3 percent.
And finally, Australia's ASX/200 dipped 0.9 percent.
French equity futures fall, German yields dip after Paris attacksFrench stock market futures opened lower on Monday, dragging down other European equity futures, in the wake of Friday's attacks in Paris that killed more than 130 people.
Futures fell 1.5 percent.
Elsewhere in Europe, futures on Germany's DAX declined by 1.4 percent while Britain's FTSE 100 futures fell 0.8 percent.
Chinese yuan takes leap toward joining IMF currency basketAnchor:
China's currency has taken another step towards joining the elite group of global reserve currencies.
IMF staff experts have concluded that the renminbi "meets the requirements to be a 'freely usable' currency.
They have proposed inclusion of the RMB to the SDR basket to the IMF's Executive Board. The RMB would be the fifth currency in the SDR basket, along with the British pound, the euro, the Japanese yen, and the U.S. dollar.
On November 30, IMF chief Christine Lagarde will chair a meeting of the Board to make the final decision on whether the yuan can be included in the SDR basket.
For more on the internationalization of the Chinese currency, CRI's Spencer Musick spoke with Mike Bastin, director of the China Business Center based in London.
China, Turkey expand currency swap scaleIt's been announced that China and Turkey will renew a currency swap deal and expand its scale.
The three-year agreement is set to expand to 12 billion yuan or up to 2 billion U.S. dollars. The last deal, signed in 2012, was worth 10 billion yuan.
The move is aimed at enhancing financial cooperation and promoting bilateral trade and investment.
China Jan.-Oct. outbound direct investment surgesStatistics shows the Chinese mainland made nearly 95 billion U.S. dollars in non-financial investment in overseas markets in the first ten months this year, up 16 percent year on year.
The outbound direct investment covered more than 55-hundred overseas-based companies in 150 countries and regions.
At the same time, the number of foreign-contracted projects valued at over 100 million dollars increased to 307, up by 39 from 2014.
The projects covered a wide range of fields, including transportation, housing construction, electric power engineering and petrochemical industries.
Chinese investors help ease Ghana's water, power shortagesA growing number of Chinese investors are helping Ghana to ease the country's water and power shortages.
China's Shenzhen Energy Group and the China-Africa Development Fund have jointly set up a natural gas power plant in Ghana.
The joint venture Sunon-Asogli Power has a 200-megawatt power capacity.
Company CEO Li Xiaohai says they have also brought technology and experience to the country.
"We have trained and cultivated many people in power technology, and have offered good experience in management for local power plants as our plant is much more stable and reliable than the local plants."Meantime, Ghanaian Minister of Power, Kwabena Donkor, says he believes the project can bring power cooperation between China and Ghana to a higher level.
"I believe that shows the cordiality between the government of Ghana and China. But also more importantly, it also showcases the quality of Chinese investment in Ghana, and the very receptive investment climate we have here."Sunon-Asogli's second phase project is expected to be finished next year.
It will supply another 360 megawatts of electricity to the African country.
Macedonia launches first electrical train purchased from ChinaRail authorities in Macedonia have launched a new electric-powered train purchased from CRRC corporation of China.
The new train can carry 200 passengers and is the first of six to be delivered to the European country.
The trains will cover around 60 percent of the railway lines operating in the country.
The Macedonian government is planning to purchase additional trains from China to cover the remaining 40 percent.
The combined value of the new trains, train stations, and other aspects of the project is 600 million Euros, or about 640 million US dollars.
China, Russia ink cooperation memorandum on insurance regulationChina and Russia have inked a deal for further cooperation on insurance regulations.
Under the agreement, China Insurance Regulatory Commission and Russia's central bank will facilitate information exchange on such regulations.
The cooperation is expected to benefit the two countries in areas including tourism insurance, major project construction financing, and risk control.
China's insurance market has been growing fast in recent years, with total premiums reaching over 2 trillion yuan, or 300 billion U.S. dollars, last year.
Guideline promotes fair competition in China's auto industryChina is promoting legislation in the auto industry to protect fair competition.
Currently, the draft of a guideline on combating monopolistic practices in the automotive sector has been completed.
The guideline is set to cover the investigation and punishment of monopolies in such sectors as spare parts, car sales, and after-sales services.
It also includes the online sale of cars as well as the sales and maintenance of imported cars.
The draft will be sent to the State Council for approval soon.
Chinese courier companies to face punishment for info leaksChinese courier companies may face punishment for leaking customers' personal information.
A draft rule has been unveiled that would see courier companies fined 50-thousand yuan, or 8-thousand U.S. dollars, and licenses revoked, if they violate the rule.
In addition, companies should regularly destroy waybills and are prohibited from selling, leaking or illegally providing customers' information.
The draft also states that items that could endanger national security, social stability, or the public interest are banned from delivery.
The draft is set to be posted online to solicit public opinion until mid-December.
SportsRussia's Sports Administration responds to suspensionIn some news from the international sporting world:
Russia's Minister of Sports Vitaly Mutko responded to the recent suspension of Russian athletes from international sports by the IAAF on Sunday.
The IAAF and the IOC have temporarily suspended Russia from competing in world sporting events due to allegations of wide spread doping among Russian athletes.
Mutko appealed to the IAAF by asking in a press conference if "clean" Russian athletes could be allowed to compete.
"We'll offer to our Olympic committee and approach International Athletes Federation and the International Olympic committee with the proposal that while our participation is suspended, for the time being those of our sportsmen who are clean can take part in all other competitions"Russia's suspension was official as of Friday.
Athletes like, Yelena Isinbayeva, have been banned from the sporting world indefinitely.
Secretary General of the Russian Athletics Federation Mikhail Butov, stated that moving forward, he intends to restore the Russian athletes reputation as well as put them back in the Rio Olympic games.
"The main tasks for the Russian Athletics Federation in this situation is the speedy return of Russian Athletes to international competitions, ensuring an immaculate reputation of all members of the Russian national team, the participation of all Russian Athletes in the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro and the restoration of the international communities full confidence in us."Mikhail Butov went on to state that doping is an international problem and that everyone should cooperate in solving this issue.
China's oldest Olympic Athlete passes awayIn some sad news:
China's oldest Olympic Athlete Guo Jie passed away on Sunday.
The former discus player died at 104 years of ageGuo was a member of the Chinese delegation that went to the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin.
Unfortunately, Guo didn't make it to the second round of the games, due to the effects of his one month voyage from China to Berlin.
In 2008, at 96 years old, Guo participated in the torch relay for the 2008 Beijing Olympic GamesCzech Republic defeats Russia in Fed Cup FinalsIn some tennis news:
Defending champions, the Czech Republic, won the Fed Cup for the fourth time in five years by beating Russia 3-2, on SundayMaria Sharapova put Russia up 2-1 with a 3-6, 6-4, 6-2 win over Petra Kvitova in the day's opening encounter,But Karolina Pliskova ensured the final would be decided by the doubles after a 6-3, 6-4 victory over Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova.
In the doubles, it would be Pavlyuchenkova and Elena Vesnina facing off against Pliskova and Barbora Strycova.
In the end it would be the Czech pair that would win the match and the tournament with a 4-6, 6-3, 6-2.
Federer advances in ATP World Tour Finals in LondonAnd in some more tennis news from London:
Roger Federer beat Tomas Berdych in straight sets on day one of ATP World Tour Finals in London on Sunday.
Federer has won this event six times, making him a strong candidate in the tournament.
The game against Berdych had ups and downs for both players.
In the end, Federer would close the game with a 6-4, 6-2.
The Swiss will move on to face Novak Djokovic in his next game on TuesdayBrazil to play Peru for World Cup QualifiersAnd in some football news:
Brazil is currently looking forward to its match against Peru for their world cup qualifier in Salvador on Tuesday.
After gaining the upper hand on Friday against Argentina, Brazil arrived in Salvador for the fourth match of the qualifying campaign.
Brazils' goalkeeper Alisson Becker spoke during a press event about his team’s upcoming match.
Of course, the level is very balanced in South American football nowadays, but I grew up watching a magic team playing, so I believe that fans expect that from us. We have a very talented group of players and we will give our best to overcome the expectations. We believe it will be a tough game, it won't be easy. We have home advantage, but we know that it will be our job to make this game easier for us by the way we play and how we present ourselves on the pitch."Becker predicts that this game will be a tough one for his team.
Peru is coming off a win from Friday against Paraguay.
Former Striker Raul Gonzalez retires from FootballAnd in some more football news:
Former Real Madrid striker Raul Gonzalez has retired after helping, the New York Cosmos, win the North American Soccer League title on Sunday.
After the game, Gonzales spoke about decision to leave the game.
"My future is in New York, living with my family, enjoy, and we will see. Madrid is my club, it's my home. They have always offered to have me return, their doors are open, but I think that at the moment I have nothing set, neither is it the moment to talk about it. It think it's the moment to relax, I have decided to retire, and there will be time to return or not to, the future will tell."Gonzalez has won 22 trophies in his illustrious 21-year career including six Spanish league titles with Real Madrid and three UEFA Champions Leagues with his hometown club.
Rosberg wins F1's Brazilian GrandPrixIn F1 racing news:
Nico Rosberg took home the win in the Brazilian Grand Prix on Sunday.
The grandprix winner led the entire race, from start to finish.
Behind him was teammate and fellow Mercedes driver Lewis Hamilton.
After the race Hamilton spoke about the happenings on the track.
Yeah, I mean obviously I was behind Nico and in traffic for some time. So I just killed my tires. So it was a shame - it is such a great track but you just can't get close enough to race. So it is like ... I don't know if there are other people overtaking but unless you have got a huge advantage on the guy in front .. and motorsport is about fine line, about a tenth of a second. But you can't get close enough within a tenth of a second to be able to fight. But it is a shame because it would be good if we could do some overtaking here."Roseberg finished the 71 lap race in 1 hour, 31 minutes and 9 seconds.
Behind him was Hamilton in 2nd and Sebastian Vettle in 3rd.
EntertainmentDance Drama "Confucius" Hits Serbia StageA dance drama featuring ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius has been performed in Belgrade, Serbia.
Presented by China's National Opera and Dance Drama Theater, the musical attracted an audience of 3,000 on Sunday night, with many saying they were deeply impressed by the show.
While some viewers said they most enjoyed the dancers' graceful movements and their costumes, others praised the stage setting and lighting effects as fantastic. And still some admitted they were attracted by the moral points in the story of Confucius.
The Serbian audience is very familiar with the story of Confucius as it is a part of the basic high school education, but this play has presented it in a new way -- through a combination of history, dance, acrobatics and acting.
Since its debut in Beijing in 2013, the large-scale original dance drama has seen soaring popularity at home and abroad.
Madonna Pays Teary Tribute to Victims of Friday's Attacks in ParisMadonna paid tribute to the victims of Friday's attacks in Paris during a concert in Stockholm, Sweden.
A video posted to YouTube shows the musician declaring how she found it difficult to take her mind off the events in Paris which saw heavily armed militants kill over 130 people and injure 352 in attacks at a concert hall, bars and a stadium.
"It's been very hard for me to get through this show up to this point and not forget about what happened last night. So, I need to take this moment to acknowledge the tragedy, the tragic killings, assassinations and the senseless endings of precious life which occurred last night in Paris."The musician, who's currently taking part in her 'Rebel Heart Tour' declared that she changed her mind about cancelling her show.
"However, that is exactly what these people want to do. They want to shut us up. They want to silence us. And we won't let them. We will never let them. And I was going to cancel my show tonight but then I thought to myself why should I give that to them? Why should I allow them to stop me and to stop us from enjoying freedom?"The pop star, who is one of the top-selling musicians of all time, then led the audience in a moment's silence for the Paris victims.
Bruce Willis Makes Broadway Debut in "Misery"Bruce Willis has made his Broadway debut in a stage adaptation of the Stephen King novel "Misery."After the show on Sunday, Willis said he felt no pressure performing on stage in a piece that was both a best-selling novel and successful film.
"It's just a different animal. It's not like a movie, you can't stop. It's just a different way of telling that story. I mean it's the same thing, it's the same story. It's a great stage. I mean it's a big amazing turntable stage, it's just awesome."Just like the film, the action takes place in a lonely, snowed-in Colorado town. Novelist Paul Sheldon, played by Willis, is rescued from a car crash by "Annie," his "number one fan". Unfortunately, when Annie discovers that Paul has killed off her favorite character, Misery, she forces him - using torture and drugs - to literally write for his life.
Laurie Metcalf co-stars as Annie in the play and says the challenge of the play is to live up to the success of the book and the movie.
"I hope we found an interesting hybrid between the screenplay and the book. Obviously it has to be theatricalized and hopefully, you that the special effects have got to be there, and those are done very well. This has a lot of the humor from the book and the movie, which I think are laid in there very well. It's got a beautiful set. It's produced beautifully.""Misery" will have a 16-week run at the Broadhurst Theater.
Today Marks the 14th Anniversary of the First Harry Potter MovieOn this day in 2001, "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" opened in movie theaters everywhere, bringing J.K. Rowling's magical world to life.
The first episode of the "Harry Potter" Franchise has grossed nearly a billion US dollars worldwide, topping the box office that year.
Since then, the franchise has become a Hollywood staple, spanning seven books, eight movies, an upcoming spinoff movie, a theme park, a play and millions of dollar worth of merchandise.
One Direction member Liam Payne revealed today that he bought Arthur Weasley's flying car, which Harry and Ron used to fly to school in "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets."It's been reported that J.K Rowling is preparing a new story about the wizard, which will unfold in the form of a 2-act stage play, titled Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.
The play is to introduce fans of the boy wizard to an adult Harry who has a stressful job at the Ministry of Magic and three school-age kids at home.
"Harry Potter and the Cursed Child" will open in London next year.
WeatherBeijing will be cloudy tonight with a low of 1, tomorrow will be overcast with a high of 11.
Shanghai will have moderate rain tonight with a low of 16, slight rain tomorrow, high of 17.
Chongqing will see slight rain with a low of 14, tomorrow will also be rainy, high of 17.
Lhasa will be cloudy with a low of minus 1, tomorrow will be overcast with a high of 16.
Elsewhere in Asia,Islamabad will be sunny with a high of 24.
Kabul, cloudy, 13.
In the Southern Hemisphere.
Sydney, cloudy, high of 20,Brisbane, slight rain,22,Perth, also slight rain, 36,And finally Auckland, New Zealand will be cloudy with a high of 19 degrees Celsius.
That's it for this edition of the Beijing Hour...
A quick look at the headlines before we go...
Police in France have conducted scores of raids during the overnight hours, looking for suspects in the Paris attacks...
The Chinese president has told leaders at the G20 conference in Turkey that his country's growth rate for 2015 will be around 7 percent...
Reports that the UN Secretary General will visit North Korea this week...
In business...the Chinese currency takes another step toward joining the elite international reserve currencies...
On behalf of the Beijing Hour, this is Shane Bigham in Beijing hoping you'll join us for the next edition of the Beijing Hour to open a window to the world together...