新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 20:00 2015/11/22(在线收听

 The Beijing Hour (Saturday-Sunday)Evening EditionIt's Sunday November 22, 2015 - this is Bob JonesAnd this is Paul James - Welcome to the Beijing Hour, coming to you live from the Chinese capital. Coming up on the program this evening...

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang proposes a five-point plan to stabilize the situation in the South China Seas.
Leaders of ASEAN declare the establishment of a formal community.
State of emergency in Crimea after electricity pylons blown up.
In the 2nd half of the hour, We have our weekly round up of the latest Science & Technology news.
In sports... The ATP Tour finals set for tonight, with Federer against DjokovicAnd in entertainment - victory for Mr Six at the Golden Horse Awards.
All of that coming up in the next hour, but first, just a reminder there are several ways to reach out to us here on the Beijing Hour.
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Top NewsChinese Premier proposes ways to resolve south china sea disputesChinese Premier Li Keqiang has raised a five-point proposal in an attempt to stabilize the situation in the South China Seas during the annual East Asian summit in Kuala Lumpur.
It comes as leaders from the 10 ASEAN states, three East Asian nations, India, Australia, New Zealand, the US and Russia joined the summit on Sunday.
Premier Li said countries should stick to the UN charter as well as the principles of international law to settle sovereign and jurisdictional disputes through consultationLi Keqiang said he hoped countries could soon carry out the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea.
Meanwhile, the Chinese Premier called on countries outside the region to refrain from taking action that might cause tension.
Najib Razak, Prime Minister of the host nation Malaysia, also stressed the role of "international principle" in the summit's opening remarks.
This is the tenth East Asian Summit since 2005.
Membership has been expanded to 18 countries following the entry of the US and Russia in 2011.
Premier Li Keqiang asks for RCEP negotiations to be finished next yearChinese Premier Li Keqiang is calling for tighter economic integration in East and Southeast Asia.
In addressing a meeting of the 10+3 grouping of ASEAN, Japan, South Korea and China, the Chinese Premier is asking that negotiations connected to the proposed Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership agreement be wrapped sometime next year.
He's also suggested all the countries involved in the meeting more closely cooridinate their macro-economic policies.
Li Keqiang has also suggested more emphasis be put into helping eliviate poverty among the regions farmers, as well as more coordination in regional industrial production.
The suggestions are part of a speech the Chinese Premier has delivered to the 10+3 session taking place this Sunday in Kuala Lumpur.
Chinese vice FM criticizes US Warship's South China Sea intrusionOn the sideline of ongoing regional meetings in Kuala lumpur, China's Vice Foreign Minister Liu Zhenmin said US's intrusion into the South China Sea was a "political provocation" in the name of "freedom of navigation."During a news conference on Sunday, Liu Zhenmin stressed that China always repected the freedom of navigation by other nations.
"China highly respects freedom of navigation in the South China Sea, so we hope regional and non-regional countries can provide constructive contributions to our efforts to maintain the peace and stability of the South China Sea. So they can sail freely on the sea but at the same time respect the countries in the region. Do not look for trouble but seek constructive cooperation."In late October, the naval destroyer USS Lassen sailed within 12 nautical miles of the Zhubi Reef in the South China Sea without notifying the Chinese government.
This raised strong opposition from the Chinese side, as sailing within 12 nautical miles of a territory held by a different country is viewed internationally as a violation of territorial sovereignty.
The Chinese vice foreign minister expressed China's concerns about some countries' behavior in the South China Sea.
"The countries in the region should properly manage their military activity. Now we've seen some big countries from outside the region send their vessels and patrol ships to the South China Sea in the name of practicing their freedom of navigation. There are other big countries trying to strengthen their military cooperation with countries in this region, isn't this militarisation? We are concerned about that."Earlier, US president Barack Obama said his country would continue to assert its freedom of navigation rights in the Sea, while calling on nations to stop militarising their claims.
However, Liu Zhenmin has defended China's rights to build military facilities as a protocol of national defence and as a way to protect the islands.
Leaders of ASEAN declare the establishment of a formal communityAnchor:
The Southeast Asian nations, meeting in Kuala Lumpur, have signed an agreement to establish by December 31 a formal community aimed at creating freer movement of trade and capital.
CRI's Li Jianhua has more.
The establishment of the ASEAN Community will create a free trade and investment environment in an area of 625 million people with a combined economic output of 2.6 trillion USD.
Despite the different backgrounds of the ten ASEAN member states -- a region with governments ranging from communist in Vietnam and quasi-military in Myanmar to the kingdom of Brunei and the boisterous democracy of the Philippines – the economic community offers the most concrete opportunities for integration in a region whose combined gross domestic product makes it the world's seventh-largest economy.
Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak says the establishment of the ASEAN Community will make their manufacturing industry more competitive in the global market and reduce cost for every member state.
"We now have to ensure that we create a truly single market and production base with freer movements of goods and services with common standards, far greater connectivity, and removal of the barriers that make our borders a hindrance to growth and investment."In addition, they have also agreed to enhance the connectivity of their transportation infrastructure and communications, better facilitate electronic transactions, integrate industries to promote regional sourcing, and enhance private-sector involvement in the economy.
Najib Razak expressed his confidence in the overall development of the ASEAN Community, quoting a forecast that ASEAN has the potential of being the 4th largest economy in the world by early 2030.
Also he believes the building of the ASEAN Community will contribute to the peaceful development of the region.
"Forging ahead together and our task remains the same: to echo the conclusion of the Bangkok declaration - it is to bind ourselves further together in friendship and co-operation, and through joint efforts and sacrifices, secure for our peoples and for posterity the blessings of peace, freedom and prosperity. The ASEAN Community is a landmark achievement on the way to reaching those goals."The formal establishment of the community will also allow eight groups of professionals to work more easily throughout the region, including engineers, architects, nurses, doctors, dentists, accountants, surveyors and tourism professionals.
ASEAN was established nearly 50-years ago as a political grouping of ten Southeast Asian nations.
It's since developed into a regional economic and trading power, and has been looking to expand its role in Asian affairs through the creation of the ASEAN Economic Community.
For CRI, this is Li Jianhua.
Snow blankets north China, closes highwaysSix highways passing through Beijing have been temporarily shut down due to the heavy snow which has been engulfing the capital region for the past 24-hours.
All highways running through Tianjin have been shut down.
At least 20 flights out of the airport in Tianjin have also been delayed.
Forecasters say the current weather system lingering over the capital region, as well as Shanxi and parts of Inner Mongolia is going to dump around 12-millimeters of snow in the area over at least the next 24-hours.
A blue-alert, the lowest on the 4-tiered color-coded system, has been issued for snow across north China.
Stricter Regulation Urged for DronesAnchor:
New calls are being made for tighter regulations surrounding the use of drone aircraft in China.
It comes on the heels of a new video making the rounds on the internet.
CRI's Luo Wen explains.
The video, captured by a private drone, shows a Chinese fighter jet making a landing while the drone attempts to keep pace with the aircraft.
It's still unclear when or where the video was shot.
However, analysis of the video suggests the drone and the jet were no more than 500-meters apart when the video was shot.
Aviation expert Song Xinzhi says this was a very dangerous situation.
"Planes slow down during the landing process. But still, the speeds at this stage are still some 200-kilometers per hour. If the drone were to come into contact with the jet during its landing, it certianly could have created a fatal disater."The video is the latest in a string of incidents involving drones in China the past couple of years.
Earlier this month, a military helicopter unit out of Hebei forced down a private drone operating near its training airspace.
A couple of years ago, a privately-controlled drone flying near the Beijing Airport forced the delay of more than a dozen flights.
Duan Zhiyong with the government-backed Aircraft Owners and Pilot's Association says new laws connected to drone operations are urgently needed.
"The management of drone flights requires rules, just like vehicles on the road. Just imagine what impact this has when it comes to managing road traffic without police officers, traffic lights or surveillance cameras."It's estimated there are around 100-thousand private drones being operated in China right now.
Most of them are unlicensed and flying without approval, despite a 2013 regulation requiring drone operators to submit flight plans.
Ke Yubao with the Aircraft Owners and Pilot's Association says they're recommending a database be established for drones in China.
"If drone operators are forced to register, we will known who is operating it, where the drone will be flying, and why its being put in the air as soon as the drone takes off. It's like a black box. But unlike flight-data recorders on passenger aircraft, the device on the drone is able to transmit data instantly."Reglating drone flights is something many countries around the world are working on.
Like China, Russian drone operators are required to get approvals before a flight.
In Japan, a bill passed this past September strictly bans drone flights over residential communities or crowded areas.
Cambodian authorities passed a law earlier this year restricting drone flights in Phnom Pehn after a tourist few a drone into the Royal Palace compound.
China is fast becoming a world leader in drone production and use, with estimates suggesting drone production and sales in China are set to exceed 100-billion yuan over the next 10-years.
For CRI, I'm Luo Wen.
One third of HK-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge completedThe Jiuzhou Channel Bridge section of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge has been completed, meaning that a third of the biggest bridge construction project in China has been completed.
Tan Guoshun, project manager of China Major Bridge Engineering Group Company, LTD., said the completion of the section is of great significance.
"This means MBEC's technology, requirements and construction plan are reliable. This further validates our country's integrated bridge-building technique."Tan added that even taking into account the challenges from the wind, corrosion, and earthquakes, the bridge's life span is expected to be 120 years.
The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge project is 50 kilometers long, linking China's Hong Kong and Macao with the city of Zhuhai in Guangdong Province.
After its completion, it will only take about half an hour to drive from Hong Kong to Zhuhai, compared with the current time of more than three hours.
SUVs Sales Boom in China Auto MarketAnchor:
The Guangzhou Auto Show is getting underway in southern China. One of the key trends this year is the growing demand for sport-utility vehicles, or SUVs, from Chinese customers.
CRI's Ryan Price has more.
The Guanghzhou Auto Show, one of China's biggest auto shows, is getting underway.
Domestic and foreign players in the auto market are taking part in the event, putting the spotlight on SUVs.
Yale Zhang, Automotive Foresight's Managing Director, says many auto brands, such as Ford's Everest and Great Wall Motor Co's Haval H7, have shifted their focus to larger SUVs, especially since China scrapped the one-child policy:
"We clearly see a lot of families want to shift from sedans to SUVs because of their safety, comfort and also bigger room. Because now you will have a family, you have a child, you know SUV obviously is better. Even if you have two kids, SUV looks better than a sedan. So this is one of the reason why SUV in China is very popular and still growing."In the year through October, sales of SUVs surged 46 percent year-on-year in a broader market that grew 1.5 percent.
According to Automotive Foresight, a market and industry research company, 32 new SUV models are expected to be released in China for 2015.
Wu Song, General Manager of Guangzhou Automobile Group (GAC Motor), says he expects Chinese brands will hit a big growth in the auto market next year, despite the country's slowest economic growth in decades:
"Next year the speed of the Chinese auto market's growth will be roughly the same as this year. I estimate it will also be a small increase. But the structure of consumption will undergo a deep change, like it has this year. From January to October the market grew six percent, but for Chinese brands the growth was higher. So I think next year the car market will grow by ten percent or less, I'd estimate at the level of five to six percent,"Meanwhile, China's official stats show that car prices dropped 3.4 percent in the first nine months of this year, outpacing the 1.2 percent decline for passenger vehicles overall.
HIS Automotive, an interests group for car manufacturers, predicts car sales growth is expected to slip to 11 percent next year.
Analysts at Fitch Ratings, an international ratings agency, warns that new SUVs will have a tougher time commanding fat profit margins they may have enjoyed in recent years.
Automotive Foresight's Yale Zhang, however, disagrees, saying there is still room for growth in the Chinese market, especially in big cities:
"The market actually slow down a little bit this year because of the economy and also the stock market crisis. But overall the market has not really been saturated. It probably is in some larger cities, but in the majority of China cities there are plenty of room for the automobiles to grow further,"Carmakers like Volkswagen have expressed eagerness to expand investment in the Chinese market, with six new locally made models to be launched in the next three to four years.
For CRI, this is Ryan Price.
State of emergency imposed in Crimea after electricity pylons blown upSome 1.8-million people in Russian-controlled Crimea are without electricity after transmission towers in Ukraine were damaged by explosions.
Alexey Freedman with the Russian Emergency Situations office in Crimea says a state of emergency has been declared across the Crimean Peninsula.
"In connection with the power cut off, the head of the Crimean Republic ordered an emergency regime to be introduced. All agencies were alerted. Teams from the Emergency Ministry are working now on all the territory of Crimea to prevent any incidents and to monitor the situation of important civil facilities which will be switched to alternative sources of power. At the moment we understand that all such facilities have been switched to (alternative sources) of electricity."In declaring the state of emergency, Moscow is also imposing power restrictions in Crimea as crews work to try to get power restored.
Russian authorities are warning some parts of Crimea may have to survive on mobile generator power for up to a month.
It's being suggested Ukrainian nationalists are behind the attack on Crimea's power supplies.
Bangladesh Executes 2 Opposition LeadersSecurity forces in Bangladesh are on high alert following the execution of two opposition leaders.
Both were convicted of war crimes during the country's war of independence in 1971.
Ali Ahsan Mohammad Mujahid, secretary general of Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami party, and Salauddin Quader Chowdhury, a leader of the main-opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party, were hanged in a jail in the capital Dhaka earlier this morning.
Bicchu Jalaj, a veteran of the 1971 war, is among many Bangladeshi independence supporters who are hailing the executions.
"Salauddin Quader Chowdhury and Ali Ahsan Mujahid were the top war criminals during our liberation war. They committed crimes like violating women and killed freedom fighters. Today we are seeing the execution of these war criminals."The hangings took place just hours after the country's President rejected their mercy pleas, removing the last legal option against their executions.
Mujahid once served as a cabinet member in the government of former Bangladeshi Prime Minister Khaleda Zia from 2001 to 2006.
The opposition in Bangladesh is accusing Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina of attempting to stifle opposition through the courts.
Bangladesh has been on edge for the past 3-years after the government launched a probe into alleged war crimes committed by forces loyal to Pakistan, which controlled Bangladesh until 1971.
Death toll with dump soil landslide in Myanmar northernmost state rises to 30At least 30 people are dead and over a hundred others are still missing after a massive pile of loose soil gave way at a jade mine in northern Myanmar.
Local authorities say they're working on the assumption the missing are most likely dead.
Most of those missing are local who had been camped out at the mine site hoping to extract small portions of jade from the run-off coming off the massive pile of mined earth.
Only 5 of the roughly 80 huts on the site remain standing following the deadly slide.
Former South Korea President DiesThe Former South Korean President Kim Young-sam died early this morning at the age of 87.
Kim, who'd been repeatedly hospitalised in the past three years, died of complications from sepsis and heart failure at Seoul National University Hospital.
Oh Byung-Hee, the hospital president, released the details.
"(Former President Kim Young-sam) was admitted to hospital on November 19, after exhibiting symptoms of high fever. Kim was transferred to the intensive care unit and treated yesterday afternoon as his condition worsened. However, his condition deteriorated badly and he died early this morning."Kim won the presidential election in 1992 and held the office from 1993 to 1998.
His administration put an end to more than three decades of military rule and launched an anti-corruption campaign, requiring government and military officials to publish their financial records.
Drought Hits Southeast BrazilAnchor:
The entire southeastern region of Brazil is suffering from a severe drought that some experts attribute to climate change.
CRI's Tu Yun reports.
The southeastern region of Brazil includes Rio de Janeiro state and the city of Rio.
More frequent rains this year have helped improve water levels at some reservoirs slightly, but many areas are still short of water.
This is the region's worst drought in eight decades and reservoirs are at critically low levels.
The situation is causing water distribution problems and daily difficulties for residents such as Marilda Rodrigues Cavalo who lives in the Duque de Caxias municipality in Rio state.
"What is happening is that we have been without water for the last eight months, it has been eight months that we are not receiving water. There is water for other neighbourhoods or in other streets but not here. We have been suffering for eight months, and we have to buy water from the trucks, but that is very expensive."Cavalo used to get water supplied to her house at least three times a week but now it's down to once a week or not at all.
Aside from drilling wells, people are also buying water from water tank trucks, but that is very expensive.
Marussia Whately, the coordinator for the non-governmental organization "Alliance for Water" said residents are feeling the pinch in the water supply because the National Waters Agency is enforcing restrictions in the distribution of water from a water treatment plant on the Guandu River in Rio de Janeiro.
"That region also suffered from the dry weather in 2013 and 2014, just like in Sao Paulo. But the impact in Rio de Janeiro is being felt now because the dry weather has accumulated. That situation is making the National Water Agency enforce some restrictions on the quantity of water going into Guandu River, and because of that restriction the lack of water is being felt now in Rio de Janeiro, and there will be less water available."Asyet there is still no water rationing in place in Rio de Janeiro itself.
Climate change and economy expert Sergio Margulis said the government needs to take more action because "climate change is already hitting very hard.""It is not raining like it used to rain - it is not with the same regularity, it is not with the same intensity, it is not in the same places. So, things are changing and so the government should be much more aware of these more frequently extreme events that are happening. It's all been projected with limitations, it's difficult to predict where exactly will be the next crisis, and how far it will extend, because it is too much rain or too little rain, etcetera but… climate change is already hitting very hard."Some private companies are implementing their own measures to deal with the lack of rainfall.
The Santa Cruz Industries Association in the city of Santa Cruz takes water from the Sao Francisco channel, which itself receives water from Guandu River.
But the association said that low water levels have made it necessary to build a barrier to prevent sea water flowing in, so that they can keep drawing fresh water.
Now, the drought is starting to affect Sao Paulo state and the country's biggest city, Sao Paulo.
For CRI, I'm Tu Yun.
Merkel Marks 10th AnniversaryAngela Merkel marks her 10th anniversary at the helm of Germany today, becoming the third chancellor to have reached the milestone since World War II.
Paul Nolte, a historian and author, commented on her domestic influence.
"Angela Merkel has managed to unite people around the centre, a partially progressive middle-class centre. One could say that the country has become more progressive under Angela Merkel, and that is perhaps a characterization she would use herself, one that is benevolent, but not entirely wrong, which is that the country has become more progressive."On the international scene, Merkel favored aid in exchange for budget cuts and economic reforms in Greece as a way of handling the European economic crisis.
She has steadfastly retained a welcoming attitude towards the controversial flow of refugees to Germany in the past year.
Chancellor Merkel hasn't said whether she will seek a fourth term in 2017.
Democrats take governorship in LouisianaDemocrats in the United States have scored a significant political victory in the Republican-leaning South.
Democrat John Bel Edwards has won the runoff election for Louisiana governor.
He has defeated the once-heavy favorite, Republican David Vitter.
In conceding defeat, Vitter has announced he will not be running again for Senate.
This opens up a race for a Republican-controlled Senate seat in next year's election.
John Bel Edwards will take over as Louisana's governor from Republican Bobby Jinal, who is leaving office because of term limits.
Argentinians head to polls to elect new PresidentArgentinians are headed to the polls this Sunday to elect a new President.
The vote is pitting former vice-President Daniel Scioli against Buenos Aires Mayor Mauricio Macri.
Polling ahead of the vote is suggesting Macri holds the advantage heading into the polls.
Economics have dominated the campaign in Argentina.
Former vice-President Scioli promising to continue with the economic policies adopted by outgoing President Christina Fernandez de-Kirchner and her late husband.
Macri has campaigned on creating large-scale economic reforms, including the lifting of the current controls on the use of the US dollar in Argentina.
Argentina, the 3rd largest economy in South America, has been struggling with high inflation and a lack of access to the international credit markets brought on by government loan defaults.
China-US Relief DrillsA humanitarian assistance and disaster relief drills involving Chinese and US Army troops have come to an end in Seattle, Washington.
The three-day exercise saw Chinese and American troops take part in search and rescue drills.
"These guys have a lot of good skills -- they were able teach us some things and we taught them some things, so they're well-rounded in the rescue world, I guess."The drills involved 140 soldiers from both sides.
This is the third time since 2013 the Chinese and US armies have taken part in the disaster relief drills.
Serial rapist suspect caught in north ChinaPolice in Hebei say they've managed to capture a serial rapist.
The 50-year old, only identified by his surname Duan, is accused of sexual assaulting six different school girls over the course of the last 6-years.
Police say the suspect would stalk his victims, then force himself on them at knife-point.
Authorities in Hebei say the rape of a school girl in September eventually led to the suspect's arrest.
Police say they can link the suspect to five other sexual assaults in Hebei and Beijing dating back to 2009.
Helicopter crash kills two in TaiwanTwo people are dead in a helicopter crash in Taiwan.
The service helicopter went down in a mountainous area outside New Taipei City this morning.
The dead are the two pilots.
Two others onboard have been taken to hospital with unspecified injuries.
The helicopter had been contracted to clean power pylons in the area.
Initial indications are the helicopter's rotor may have become entangled in the power lines the pylons are supporting.
WeatherBeijing will have snow tonight with a low of minus 4, tomorrow will be overcast with a high of minus 2.
Shanghai will have shower tonight with a low of 15, more shower tomorrow, high of 18.
Chongqing will be overcast with a low of 17, tomorrow will be cloudy, high of 20.
Lhasa will be clear with a low of minus 2, tomorrow will be sunny with a high of 15.
Elsewhere in Asia,Islamabad will be sunny with a high of 23.
Kabul will have sleet, high of 3.
Down in the Southern Hemisphere.
Sydney, cloudy, high of 26,Brisbane,rainy,30,Perth, overcast, 31,And finally Auckland, New Zealand will be cloudy with a high of 19 degrees Celsius.
Headline newsChinese Premier proposes ways to resolve south china sea disputesChinese Premier Li Keqiang has raised a five-point proposal in an attempt to stabilize the situation in the South China Seas during the annual East Asian summit in Kuala Lumpur.
It comes as leaders from the 10 ASEAN states, three East Asian nations, India, Australia, New Zealand, the US and Russia joined the summit on Sunday.
Premier Li said countries should stick to the UN charter as well as the principles of international law to settle sovereign and jurisdictional disputes through consultationLi Keqiang said he hoped countries could soon carry out the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea.
The Chinese Premier also called on countries outside the region to refrain from taking action that might cause tension.
Malaysian PM announces establishment of ASEAN Community by end of 2015Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak has announced the planned formation of the ASEAN Community will take place at the end of this year.
The ASEAN Community is political upgrade to the existing ASEAN grouping, which is a coalition of the ten nations which make up the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.
Under the new ASEAN Community design, three separate "communities" are being created.
One covers politics and security, another deals with economics, and the third covers social and cultural issues.
The new ASEAN Community, dubbed AC15, is meant to harmonize economic strategies among the 10 countries in ASEAN.
This includes the elimination of all tariffs on inter-ASEAN trade by the end of the year.
It will also allow for the freer movement of certain professionals throughout the region, including medical professionals and engineers.
Snow blankets north China, closes highwaysSix highways passing through Beijing have been temporarily shut down due to the heavy snow which has been engulfing the capital region for the past 24-hours.
All highways running through Tianjin have been shut down.
At least 20 flights out of the airport in Tianjin have also been delayed.
Forecasters say the current weather system lingering over the capital region, as well as Shanxi and parts of Inner Mongolia is going to dump around 12-millimeters of snow in the area over at least the next 24-hours.
A blue-alert, the lowest on the 4-tiered color-coded system, has been issued for snow across north China.
Egyptians vote in second round of parliamentary pollsVoting is underway in Egypt in the second phase of the country's parliamentary elections.
The 2nd part of the staggered vote has more than 28-million people eligible to vote in 13 different provinces.
Only around one-quarter of eligible voters turned out during the first phase of the vote, with Islamists and young people staying away from the polls.
This is Egypt's first parliamentary election since former Islamist President Mohammed Morsi was ousted in 2013.
Most observers expect this vote will see mostly supporters of President Abel Fatah al-Sisi elected to office.
Egypt has been without a working parliament since the summer of 2012.
Sci&Tech (Sunday)Sci&TechAnchor:
It's time now to check in with what's been happening this week in the science and technology sector.
In this edition of our Sci-Tech report, a Chinese supercomputer keeps its crown, and forecasters warn that this year's El Nino effect is one of the worst they've seen in a long time.
Here's CRI's Wen Jie.
China's Tianhe-2 retains world's most powerful supercomputer: reportChina's Tianhe-2 supercomputer has retained its position as the world's most powerful system for the sixth consecutive time in the latest ranking.
According to the biannual Top 500 list of supercomputers released on Monday, Tianhe-2, or Milky Way--2, won the title with a performance of 33.86 petaflops per second.
The Chinese system is almost twice as fast as the next on the list, Titan of the U.S. Department of Energy.
A supercomputer is some 3,000 times faster than a personal computer, and with its tens of thousands of computing cores, it is capable of doing simulation calculations and value simulations and therefore solving sophisticated problems.
Qin Yong is the director of the high-tech development and industrialization department under the Ministry of Science and Technology.
"Supercomputers are an important and large-scale infrastructure. Now China has built several supercomputer centers, which are playing an important role in China's economic and social development and national security. "China has seen an increasing number of supercomputer systems making it onto the top500 list.
In the latest list, China has 109 systems, while the United States has 201.
////////////////////////////The 17th China Hi-tech Fare in Shenzhen sets specific exhibition area for "Belt and Road" initiativeThe 17th China Hi-tech Fair has just come to an end in Shenzhen in south China's Guangdong Province.
For the first time, the six-day fair set up a specific exhibition area for countries geographically related to China's "Belt and Road" initiative.
Twenty-one countries sent exhibitors to the fair, including such newcomers as Kenya, Estonia and Greece.
Fotis Pravotasm is a municipal councilor of Athens.
"This year we have also one booth as you see here. We have the delegation of a group of engineers from our IT companies. This is the IT company of the city of Athens. The main purpose of our presence here is to communicate with other companies all over the world, but especially with Chinese IT companies."This year also marks the 15th time Germany has participated in the fair. Armin Siegert, Head of International Affairs for the Nuremberg Chamber of Commerce and Industry believes the event provides a great opportunity for cooperation.
"The China hi-tech fair here is an ideal platform to enter new cooperation, we are here with more than 10 companies from Bavaria. Companies told us that they've done very good business during the China hi-tech fair, it's a must to be here. And this is a very good context not only for export, but also for import and other cooperation."China Hi-tech Fair in Shenzhen is the largest of its kind in China and this year attracted over 200 delegations from around 80 countries and regions in the world.
//////////////////////////Misunderstanding of antibiotics fuels superbug threat: WHOThe World Health Organization has said that people across the world are alarmingly confused about the role of antibiotics, and that this ignorance is fuelling the rise of drug-resistant superbugs.
Margaret Chan, Director-General of the WHO said on Monday that the problem is an increasingly worldwide one.
"The rise of antibiotic resistance is a global crisis. More and more governments recognise the importance of this issue and as one of the greatest threats to health today. The threat is easy to describe - Antimicrobiol resistance is on the rise in every region of the world."Over-use and misuse of antibiotics exacerbates the development of drug-resistant bacteria, often called superbugs.
The WHO said around a third of people surveyed wrongly believed they should stop taking antibiotics when they feel better, rather than completing the prescribed treatment course.
WHO's special representative for antimicrobial resistance, Keiji Fukuda, stressed the urgent need to improve understanding around antibiotic resistance.
"The reason why this is so important is that, this overuse and this misuse of these medicines, is taking what happens normally, resistance can't develop normally; it's just really accelerating the process. It's really jumping it up to a much faster speed."The United Nations health agency said 64 percent of those asked believed wrongly that penicillin-based drugs and other antibiotics can treat colds and flu, despite the fact such medicines have no impact on viruses.
Experts urged doctors to dissuade patients from demanding antibiotics for infections they can't treat, and persuade them to use the drugs strictly according to prescriptions.
//////////////////////////Google to display Facebook content in search resultsFacebook is providing a boost for Google searches, allowing data from its mobile app to show up in a Google search.
For users, that means that Google search results on smartphones will display content from Facebook's app, including public profile information.
The listings will appear as "deep links" that will take users to the relevant part of the Facebook app, the spokeswoman said.
Google can't show content shared through logged-in and private Facebook app sessions.
It means it is still locked out of most information inside the Facebook's social network.
For those searches, users will have to use Facebook's search service, which it recently updated.
//////////////////////////////Huawei's fast-charge battery – half-full power recharged in 5minsChinese tech giant Huawei has demonstrated a new battery prototype in the last week.
It's claimed the new lithium-ion battery can charge devices to 48 percent capacity in just five minutes.
The company also showed off a second battery, which is slightly larger than one you might find in a smartwatch.
It can charge to 68 percent in just two minutes.
Huawei says its new battery innovations will allow for faster charging times without the risk of damaging or limiting the lifetime of the battery.
Motorola, HTC, and Samsung have introduced quick-charging technologies of their own, but there have been questions about whether that technology shortens a battery's lifespan.
Huawei's fast-charging batteries are not yet available to consumers.
/////////////////////////////El Nino worst in over 15 years, severe impact likely: UNThe UN weather agency has warned that this year's "El Nino" phenomenon is the worst in more than 15 years.
World Meteorological Association chief Michel Jarraud said that this El Nino which resurfaced a few months ago has already caused severe droughts and flooding. And it is expected to become even more powerful by the end of the year.
"As I said there is a very strong one which is under way, the surface temperature in the equatorial…in the east-central tropical Pacific Ocean is exceeding 2 degrees Celsius above the normal temperature and that means that this El Nino is one of the three strongest for more than 50 years."WMO published its El Nino update ahead of a conference in New York Tuesday on the climate pattern, and just weeks before a global summit in Paris tasked with sealing a climate change pact.
El Nino is triggered by a warming in sea surface temperatures in the Pacific Ocean. It can cause unusually heavy rains and severe droughts.
The phenomenon usually leaves countries like India, Indonesia and Australia drier, increasing chances of wildfires and lower crop production.
The UN also warned that El Nino could significantly increase the number of people going hungry.
Countries like Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia and Djibouti are expected to see drier conditions, and others, including Kenya, Somalia and Uganda are at risk of floods.
///////////////////////////////////Plant with immunity gene switched offAustralia based researchers have cracked the genetic code that explains the unique qualities of an Australian native tobacco plant.
Researchers from The Queensland University of Technology have found the plant 'Pijuri' has survived some 750-thousand years, in remote environments, despite having no immune system.
The scientists discovered that in the hostile desert environment, disease was less of a threat to the plant than drought.
So an immune system wasn't as important as the ability to reproduce quickly.
The really exciting part of the discovery is identifying the gene that turns off the immune system.
Peter Waterhouse, plant geneticist, is with the QUT.
"They've got this gene that's been switched off and this is giving it these magical properties."Having no immune system means the plant is ideal for research.
"It has this fabulous property of taking a gene from virtually anywhere that you can, when you put it in the plant, and it accepts it and expresses it, so it rapidly speeds up our research."Researchers testing genes or developing antibodies can get a result in just four days instead of having to wait for a year.
The researchers hope that the plant could open up possibilities for growing food in much more unusual environments - such as space.
And that brings us to the end of this edition of our weekly science and technology report.
I'm Wenjie. See you next week.
SportsLeicester won 3-0 at Newcastle to go top of the EPLIn football,Guangzhou Evergrande's management isn't taking much time to savor victory.
Evergrande have been crowned the AFC Champions once-again, downing UAE side Al Ahli last night 1-nil to win the Championships.
Evergrande head Coach Luiz Scolari says the Asian champs won't have much time to rest.
"We are improving day by day as a team, so we can dream of something in the FIFA Club World Cup next month in Japan. Our coaching team is giving everything we have from the past experience with some great teams to Guangzhou right now. In the Club World Cup, we are going to face America of Mexico and who know if we are able to play with Barcelona. It will be a great opportunity and new experience for Chinese football."Last night's AFC Championship victory is the 2nd Asian football title for Evergrande in the last 3-years.
------------One match on the docket tonight in the English Premier League,This has Tottenham at home to West Ham United.
In action from last night,Leicester City has jumped to the top of the table after a 3-0 win over Newcastle.
It's Jamie Vardy notching Leicester's opening goal to equal the English Premier League record of scoring in 10 consecutive matches.
---Liverpool has produced its biggest win of the season, hammering Manchester City 4-1.
City manager Manuel Pellegrini was asked if he was angry with how his squad played.
"More than angry... it's unbelievable the performance that we had tonight. Really difficult to understand why we play so bad, not just one name or another name, as a complete team - in defending, attacking, possession, I never seen this team playing the way we did tonight."With the loss, City slips to third in league standings behind Leicester and Manchester United, after City's cross-town rivals got past Watford 2-1 last night.
--Elsewhere,Struggling Chelsea has manage to snap a three-game losing skid with a 1-0 home win over Norwich.
Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho says the late push by Norwich to equalize shouldn't have been an issue.
"I think we don't deserve the heartbeat of the last four minutes. I think we deserved to be enjoying the last four minutes with a 2, 3 4-0 result. Relax, but you couldn't. Once more the relation between what we play and the number of goals we score, the relation is not good. We should score 3, 4, 5 goals. And we didn't."Chelsea move up one slot on the table to 15th above Norwich.
However, its still the worst start to the season ever by a defending Premier League champion.
-------In other action,West Brom shocked Arsenal 2-1.
---Swansea and Bournemouth drew 2-2.
---And Stoke managed to secure a 1-0 win at Southampton.
Golf: Lydia Ko poised to win CME bonus (updated)In golf,18-year old New Zealander Lydia Ko is well-positioned to add an extra million dollars to her portfolio.
The 2nd year sensation currently sits tied for 3rd at minus-11 at the season-ending LPGA Championships in Florida.
Barring a final-round meltdown, Ko heads into Sunday in a position to hang on to the world number-1 ranking, plus walk away with the Player of the Year award, the scoring title, the money title and, for the second straight year, the 1-million US dollar Race to the CME Globe bonus.
South Korea's Imbee Park, the world number-2, who is the only one with a shot to upset Lydia Ko, heads into the final round at minus-8, three-strokes back of the teenager.
-------The final round of the European Tour's season-ending tournament is underway.
Northern Ireland's Rory McIlroy is poised to defend his Road to Dubai title.
The only man with a legitimate shot at catching him, England's Danny Willet [update]
---And on the PGA tour,American Kevin Kisner holds the 3rd round lead at the RSM Classic in Georgia at minus-16.
He heads into Sunday's final round 3-strokes up on fellow American Kevin Chappell.
---And in Australia,Peter Senior has won this year's Australian Masters.
"I started off great, birdied the first two hole. Dropped a couple straight away but, you know, this is a great golf course and you know I drove it pretty well today. I hit a lot of good shots coming in and sort of leaked a bit of oil that last couple of holes but managed to hang on."Federer beats Wawrinka to reach 10th finalIn tennis,The final match of ATP Finals is set for tonight in London.
It will be Roder Federer up against world Number-1 Novak Djokovic.
Federer is into his 10th ATP Final after downing Stan Wawrinka last night in the semi-finals.
"In general, his game is tough for me, for my game. I would say he has the perfect game against my game. He mixing a lot, serving well, he's putting a lot of pressure, he's playing so fast."Djokovic is through after downing Raphael Nadal last night in straight-sets.
The world number-1 is looking to secure his 4th-straight ATP Finals title.
Federer beat Djokovic in straight-sets during the group stages of the Finals.
----------On the women's side,The last Chinese representation at the WTA Challenger event in Taipei has been knocked out of the event.
Zhang Kailin and partner Han Xinyun went down to a Japanese duo last night in the semi-finals of the tournament.
Badminton: Hong Kong Open finals underwayBadminton,The Hong Kong Open finals are underway.
It's an all-China final underway tonight in Women's doubles, with Yu Yang and Tang Yuanting taking on 5th seeded Tian Qing and Zhao Yunlei.
Zhao Yunlei is looking for her 2nd title of the day, after she and partner Zhang Nan downed fellow Chinese compeditors Liu Cheng and Bao Yuxin in the Mixed Doubles final earlier today.
In other action,It was world number-1 Carolina Marin of Spain downing Nozomi Okuhara of Japan in the women's singles final.
And Malaysia's Lee Chong Wei has won his 2nd Super Series men's title in a row, downing China's Tian Houwei earlier today.
Later tonight, its a pair from South Korea taking on a Swedish duo in the final in Men's Doubles.
Basketball: Knicks win 4th in a rowIn basketball,A full slate of games underway tonight in the China Basketball Association, with all 20-teams in action.
Among them, league-leading Xinjiang is looking to extend its unbeaten streak to 8 tonight as they take on 1-6 Tianjin.
-----In NBA action from earlier today,The New York Knicks have won their 4th in a row, downing Houston 107-102.
--It was Cleveland over Atlanta 109-97.
--Sacramento upset Orlando 97-91.
--Indiana destroyed Milwaukee 123-86.
--San Antonio got past Memphis 92-82.
--Washington edged Detroit 97-95.
--And Philadelphia's losing skid continues.
The 76ers are now 0-14 to start the season after going down to Miami 96-91.
Philly is now 2-losses away from tying the longest losing skid in NBA history.
----History is also poised to be rewritten tomorrow, as the Golden State Warriors go for their 15th straight victory to start the season as they take on Denver.
A win tomorrow will equal the best start to a season set by Yao Ming and his Houston Rockets in the 1993-94 season.
NFL: Broncos in Chicago without Peyton ManningThe bulk of Week 11 of the NFL is set to play out later this morning.
Among the games on the schedule, its 9-0 Carolina defending its perfect season at home to Washington.
The only other undefeated team in the NFL this season, New England, are the Monday nighter against Buffalo.
And in one other game of note, the 7-2 Denver Broncos are in Chicago to take on the Bears, but are without the services of star quarterback Peyton Manning.
The Broncos decided to leave Manning in Denver to recover from a string of injuries.
Not only does his absense snap his club record of 57-consecutive starts for Denver, it also keeps him from becoming the winningest quarterback in NFL history.
The 39-year old Manning, who has played for 18-seasons in the NFL, became the all-time passing yards leader in Denver's last game, needs one more victory to surpass Brett Farve to earn the the most regular season wins by a quarterback at 187.
Boxing: Alvarez takes WBC middleweight crownIn boxing,Canello Alverez has secured the WBC middleweight title.
The 25-year old Mexican defeated veteran Miguel Cotto this morning in Las Vegas for the title the 35-year old Cotto vacated just days earlier after refusing to pay the sanctioning fees.
This has set up a fight between Alverez and Genaddy Golovkin sometime next year.
The hard-hitting Russian, who watched the bout ringside, holds the rest of the middleweight belts.
Weightlifting World Championships get underway in HoustonIn weightlifting,Chinese lifter Wu Jingbiao has set a new world record in the 56-kilogram snatch event at the World Weightlifting Championships in Houston.
His lift of 139-kilos surpassed the previous record of 138-kilos set by a Turkish lifter in 2001.
Wu Jingbiao ended up in 2nd in the overall competition behind North Korea's Om Yun Chol, who broke his own world record with clean and jerk lift of 171-kilograms.
The Second Songshan Shaolin International Marathon Held in DengfengA Chinese runner has taken the men's title at the Songshan Shaolin International Marathon held today in the city of Dengfeng in Henan.
Wang Xiaoning took the title in a time of just under 3-hours.
Around 25-hundred runners from China and elsewhere took part in the competition.
Auto Racing: Jeff Gordon to retire after Sunday's raceIn auto racing,NASCAR veteran Jeff Gordon is set to drive in his final race later on this Sunday at the EcoBoost 400.
The 24-year veteran comes into his final race having won 4 NASCAR drivers championships and 93 different races.
EntertainmentFeng Xiaogang sings at a concert upon winning Best Leading ActorMainland director Feng Xiaogang attended a concert to promote the action comedy "Mr. Six" at the Beijing workers' stadium" last night.
The renowned director received the news at the concert that he had received the best leading actor award at the 52nd Golden Horse Film Festival, for his outstanding performance in the role of "Mr Six".
Feng sang an old Chinese song "The Cost of Love" at the concert.
The film's other cast members li Yifeng and Chris Wu also attended and performed at the concert.
The concert also saw performances by the legendary Chinese band Black Leopard and The Tang Dynasty, as well as from the pioneering Chinese rocker, Cui Jian.
Faye Wong to Release First Album in 12 YearsFaye Wong has announced that at long last, she will be releasing a new album entitled 'Getting By,' This will be her first album release in 12 years.
Ever since she debuted in the music industry more than 25 years ago, Faye has captured listeners' hearts with her unique singing voice.
Though she began as a singer, she later branched out into movies and dramas, and even became the first Chinese singer to grace the cover of TIME magazine.
After her last studio album in 2003, she didn't release anyting musical, apart from an occasional movie theme song, or a song recorded for charity.
"Into the Badlands" Debuts with Top RatingsCo-produced and co-directed by Stephen Fung and renowned Hollywood director David Dobkin, the television drama 'Into the Badlands' recently premiered on AMC in the United States and achieved stellar ratings.
It stars Daniel Wu, who is also a co-producer of the drama.
The drama achieved the best viewer ratings for dramas that premiered this season, even beating its strongest competitor, Supergirl.
The estimated number of viewers was 6.4 million people, making 'Into the Badlands' the fourth most-watched American cable television drama to-date.
Drama critics on Yahoo and Deadline have also praised 'Into the Badlands,' particularly for its martial arts scenes.
Celine Dion Will Perform Tribute to Paris Victims at American Music AwardsAs a tribute to the victims of last week's terror attacks in Paris, Dick Clark productions and ABC have announced that Celine Dion will perform a "special rendition" of Edith Piaf's "Hymne à L'Amour" at the 2015 American Music Awards.
"Hymne à L'Amour" was written by Piaf about the great love of her life, boxer Marcel Cerdan.
Piaf first performed the song in New York in 1949, a month before Cerdan was killed in a plane crash en route from Paris to New York to visit her. Canadian, Dion will be singing the song in French.
The awards show will air this Sunday at 8 p.m. EST on ABC with host Jennifer Lopez.
Other performers will include Justin Bieber, 5 Seconds of Summer, Ariana Grande, Coldplay, Gwen Stefani and The Weeknd.
WeatherBeijing will have snow tonight with a low of minus 4, tomorrow will be overcast with a high of minus 2.
Shanghai will have shower tonight with a low of 15, more shower tomorrow, high of 18.
Chongqing will be overcast with a low of 17, tomorrow will be cloudy, high of 20.
Lhasa will be clear with a low of minus 2, tomorrow will be sunny with a high of 15.
Elsewhere in Asia,Islamabad will be sunny with a high of 23.
Kabul will have sleet, high of 3.
Down in the Southern Hemisphere.
Sydney, cloudy, high of 26,Brisbane,rainy,30,Perth, overcast, 31,And finally Auckland, New Zealand will be cloudy with a high of 19 degrees Celsius.
That's it for this weekend edition of the Beijing Hour.
A quick look at the headlines before we go...
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang proposes a five-point plan to stabilize the situation in the South China Seas.
Leaders of ASEAN declare the establishment of a formal community.
On behalf of co host Paul James the rest of the Beijing Hour team, this is Bob Jones hoping you'll join us for the next edition of the Beijing Hour, and open a window to the world together.