

The films focus on peoples like the Garifuna-Central Americans of combined African, Carib and Arawak descent.


Filmmaker and actor Ruben Reyes is Garifuna and co-produced the movie Garifuna in Peril.

导演及演员的鲁本·雷耶斯是电影《Garifuna in Peril(危难中的加勒比人)》的联合制片,并且他还是一名加勒比人。

“We come to the United State and other countries,then our children want to be American.


But when we teach them the importance of being Garifuna, then they start to show interest in the language.”


A story from the Pine Ridge reservation of Lakota people, called The Holy Man:The USA vs Douglas White,looks at a spiritual leader accused of a crime and imprisoned.

故事来自被称为圣人的拉科塔人的松树岭保护地区开始:电影《The USA vs Douglas White(美国对阵道格拉斯白人)》关注一位被指控犯罪并且监禁的精神领袖。

The filmmakers found flaws in the case and had it reopened,against a backdrop of neglect and poverty,and a rich culture.


The film was made by husband and wife team Simon Joseph and Jennifer Jessum.


“It is kind of a small story that takes on some bigger issues.”


Dancer Olu Yemisi documents her dance troupe with roots in Latin, Caribbean and American jazz in the film Rhythm and Body Language.

舞者奥陆·耶密斯在电影《Rhythm and Body Language(节奏和身体语言)》中用拉丁,加勒比及美国爵士乐表现她的舞蹈巡回演出。


“This film actually follows some years of us actually performing in different venues.”

