

WASHINGTON— It's no secret that any type of tobacco use is not healthy. But, for most people, it's hard to quit. That's because most of them started the habit as teenagers and because tobacco contains nicotine.


"Nicotine is a highly addictive, very powerful drug," said Dr. Kimberly Horn.


Dr. Kimberly Horn said teens are likely to use more than one form of tobacco. It could be cigarettes, small cigars, smokeless tobacco. And teens who smoke are likely to use electronic cigarettes, which also deliver nicotine.


"The more nicotine that I get, the more addicted I am, the more difficult it is for me to quit,” she said.


There is no one technique for quitting that works for everyone. Some turn to e-cigarettes for help.


Cici is hoping electronic cigarettes can help her kick the habit.


"After many years of smoking, I really don’t like the smell of smoke. I don’t like the mess of cigarette butts, I don’t like the taste it leaves in my mouth. And I don’t like the fact that other people are going to be bothered by the tobacco smoke.”


Studies show electronic devices can work for some people, but not for others. Behavioral therapy and medicine, gum and nicotine patches that that reduce nicotine cravings might help.


Dr. Nancy Rigotti and other researchers designed a program to help smokers quit while they were in the hospital and stay smoke free after they were discharged.


Patients were given a nicotine patch or medication and counseling in the hospital, with follow-up support after they left.


“We know that medication works and that counseling works, but they both together work much better than either one alone,” Rigotti said.


Seventy percent of smokers in that program were still smoke-free six months after leaving the hospital.


The U.S. government and private organizations have been running anti-smoking campaigns since 1964.


A study from the Yale School of Public Health found that those who quit during this time period had a 30-percent improvement in life expectancy.


Dr. Theodore Holford is one of the co-authors, he and others who study tabocco use have this advice.



Both studies were published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

