新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 08:00 2015/11/25(在线收听

The Beijing HourMorning EditionSpencer Musick with you on this Wednesday November 25th 2015.
Welcome to the Beijing Hour, live from the Chinese capital.
Coming up on the program this morning...
China and more than a dozen Central and Eastern European countries laying out several priority areas for all-round cooperation ...
Reactions rolling in from both sides after Turkey shot down a Russian warplane over an alleged airspace violation...
And China's Clean Air Alliance releasing a report on a five-year plan for air pollution control...
In Business.... a new study showing that China now accounts for nearly half of the world's luxury consumption...
In Sports...China's ace shuttler Super Dan opens his test for a third Olypmic gold medal...
And in Entertainment.... Phantom of the Oprea set to hold 64 shows in Beijing...
Top NewsChina, CEE Countries Eye All-round CooperationAnchorChina and 16 Central and Eastern European countries have identified several priority areas for all-round cooperation in the next 5 years.
The priority areas ranging from infrastructure, finance to agriculture were set out in a medium-term agenda released after the 4th China-CEE summit held in Suzhou, east China's Jiangsu Province.
CRI's Xie Cheng has more.
ReporterDuring the summit under the theme of "New beginning, New fields, New vision," China and CEE countries have sought to bring their bilateral ties to a new height under the framework of bilateral cooperation known as the '16+1' mechanism.
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang proposed that establishing an open and win-win partnership will be a major goal for China-CEE cooperation, which will also focus on enhancing connectivity and advancing production capacity cooperation.
On the sidelines of the summit, China signed separate deals with Hungary and Serbia on construction and revamping of a rail link between Belgrade and Budapest.
The construction of the railway, set to cut travel time between the Serbian and Hungarian capitals by more than half, will begin within this year and be completed in 2 years.
Premier Li also proposed an initiative to promote cooperation among port areas in the Baltic Sea, the Adriatic Sea and the Black Sea.
"We are willing to cooperate with CEE countries in boosting connectivity in the 3 sea areas. Since we have rich experiences in port design and equipment manufacturing, we are willing to invest in port projects in CEE countries."Premier Li also noted that financing is the short plank of China-CEE cooperation, thus financing channels will be expanded to facilitate bilateral investment.
"We proposed to establish a '16+1' multilateral financial firm. We will promote the projects, especially larger ones, under the principle of commercialization. On one hand, China applies to become a member of the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development so as to support the construction projects. One the other hand, China will support its equipment manufacturing under a commercial bank operation mode to meet the demands of CEE countries."China will also increase import of competitive farm produce from CEE countries and enhance bilateral cooperation in the fields of trade and people-to-people exchanges.
Many CEE countries' leaders have expressed their support for China's proposals.
Latvian Prime Minister Laimdota Straujuma said she especially supported the new cooperation initiative in Adriatic-Baltic-Black Sea region.
"I would like to express our support for the sea port corridor initiative connecting Baltic and Black Sea and Adriatic ports proposed by our Chinese colleagues. I'm grateful and have high confidence for Latvia."China and CEE countries scored a fast growing yet moderate trade volume of some 60 billion U.S. dollars last year, accounting for one tenth of the volume between China and all the European countries.
For CRI, I'm Xie Cheng.
Turkey Downs Russian Warplane Near Syrian BorderTurkey shot down a Russian warplane over an alleged airspace violation on Tuesday.
Russian President Vladimir Putin said the Su-24 aircraft was carrying out its duty against IS militants in Syria, and denied that it threatened Turkish security.
"Our plane was shot down over Syrian territory by an air-to-air missile from a Turkish F-16 aircraft. It fell on Syrian territory four kilometres from the Turkish border. It was flying at the altitude of 6,000 meters, one kilometer from Turkish territory when it was attacked."Two pilots auto-ejected from the plane. Russian authorities confirmed one of them was shot dead by ground fire, while the other was reportedly captured by Syrian rebels.
Russia's Defense Ministry has confirmed that one Russian marine was killed during the rescue operation and a Mi-8 helicopter was downed by ground fire.
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan defended Turkey's actions as self-defense.
"We are feeling distressed for encountering such an incident. But the actions were fully in line with Turkey's rules of engagement that have been declared before. Turkey does not harbour enmity towards its neighbours."Turkey said the Russian plane was warned 10 times before Turkish jets interfered. Putin called the incident a "stab in the back" and said it will have serious consequences for Russia-Turkey relations.
U.S.-led Airstrikes against IS in Syria and Iraq to ContinueU.S.-led coalition operations in Syria and Iraq are continuing as planned, despite the shooting-down of a Russian warplane on Tuesday.
U.S. Army Colonel Steve Warren discussed the recent shootdown.
"The Turkish government announced that two of its F-16s on border patrol engaged two Russian Su-24s, and one aircraft - one Russian aircraft - was shot down. The Russian Ministry of Defense has announced an investigation into the crash."Warren said though it is clear the incident happened near the border, he could not confirm whether Russian pilots had crossed into Turkish territory.
However, he added that Turkish pilots warned Russian pilots 10 times that they were in Turkish territory and got no response.
Warren also criticized Russian airstrikes in Syria questioning their efficacy and citing reports of civilian causalities.
At the same time, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg called for calm and de-escalation after the downing of the warplane.
Stoltenberg said NATO stands in solidarity with its member Turkey and supports its territorial integrity.
China to Build New Civilian Facilities on South China Sea IslandsChina is set to build new civilian facilities on some islands and reefs of the South China Sea.
Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hong Lei made the announcement at a routine press briefing.
"China's land reclamation work on some of the islands was completed in June. China will build some public facilities in the next step. For example we have built two lighthouses. Our main purpose is to perform our international duties and provide public services to the countries nearby."He added that necessary defense facilities will also be built on some islands, and that the construction will be moderate and has nothing to do with militarization.
Hong Lei says that the construction won't target any nation nor will it impede navigation and overflight freedom enjoyed by all the countries according to international law.
Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region Needs 249 Billion Yuan for Air Pollution Control: ReportAnchorChina's Clean Air Alliance has released a report on a five-year plan for air pollution control with its focus on investment and financing needs.
According to the report, the plan's implementation requires an overall direct investment of over 1.8 trillion yuan, while the needs for the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and the Yangtze River Delta region are expected to exceed 200 billion each.
CRI's Luo Bin reports.
ReporterThe report, compiled by a panel of experts from the Chinese Academy for Environmental Planning and Nanjing University, comes after two years' field investigation, as well as data collection, analysis and calculation.
Xie Hongxing, director of the Secretariat of the Clean Air Alliance of China (CAAC), explains how they came to the numbers.
"The calculation is mainly based on the control of various pollutants. We figure out the cost according to the context of different industries and how much emissions they are expected to cut. To make it more realistic, we conducted investigations in regions including Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta. We also took into account the actual cost in different places and combined them to conclude the final result."The report also mentioned that the investment will be mainly used in optimizing energy structure and the control of mobile source pollution, industrial pollution and non-point source pollution.
Among the four aspects, the control of mobile source pollution requires the most, with 1.4 trillion yuan, while needs elsewhere range from 60 to 280 billion.
Wang Lisha, project manager with CAAC's Innovation Center, tells the reason behind the huge cost.
"Actually the costs in the mobile source part also include new energy vehicles and oil upgrading. In the report we can see the investment on this field in Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta is bigger, but not that much for Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. The two deltas have done a lot in energy structure optimization and industrial pollution control, so they need to do more in the control of mobile source pollution. Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region should take into account many aspects. So, the mobile source cost is huge."The government fund for air pollution control increased to 10 billion yuan last year from half of the amount a year earlier, but is still far less than the required amount mentioned in the report.
Xie Hongxing with the Clean Air Alliance of China says China's air pollution control relies too much on government funding, and new funding channels should be established.
"We can help make it easier for the green enterprises and companies to access the market and benefit more, so as to attract more investment to the green industries. For instance, we can raise the charge for disposing pollutants and give more compensation to the green power industry.
105 GW of new electricity generating capacity was installed in China by the end of June this year.
For CRI, I'm Luo Bin.
Robots Highlight the World Robot ExhibitionAnchorHumanoid robots that can perform feats such as gauging a human's mood highlight the World Robot Exhibition at the World Robot Conference 2015 in Beijing on Tuesday.
CRI's Guo Yan reports.
ReporterExperts, International organizations and more than 120 companies in the field have gathered at the conference.
Humanoid robot Xiaoluo, made by domestic company Tami Intelligence, is famous for interacting with people and has even hosted galas on television.
Liu Boyi, the product manager of Tami Intelligence, introduces their robot.
"The robot has plenty of facial expressions, and the screen installed in its eyes can give people a good feeling of interaction. And (it can) follow the human body, which means it can imitate (your gestures when) when you are in front of it. Most importantly, it can recognize if you are a man or a woman, and tell your age and whether you are happy, and the degree of your happiness. It knows all of that."Even though many robotics companies are seeking ways to reduce human labour, conference visitor Miao Jun doubts that will ever happen.
"Robots can never fully replace human labour. For example, from the old days, when each worker had a single sewing machine in textile mills, to nowadays when one worker has ten sewing machines, only people can control these machines. Artificial intelligence has its limitations, and cannot take the place of human beings, but rather, it can reduce people's repetitive labour."Android Genminoid F is created by Hiroshi Ishiguro Laboratory at Osaka University.
The life-like female robot has stolen the spotlight of the exhibition.
Visitors crowd around to take photographs and talk to her.
Assistant Professor of Osaka University Kohei Ogawa is one of the robot's creators.
He says despite the robot's physical features and capabilities, it's still a work in progress.
"Our final goal is creating some AI system out of showing intelligence by using this robot. But still it's difficult, for example, voice recognition system doesn't work, especially in this kind of noisy environment. So that's why practically this robot is useful for tele-operated medium. But in the future, of course we are gonna create some perfect AI system by using this robot. To know the humans, to create the humans, the both."The exhibition also shows trends for future technological development, making it a good place for investors to go for business opportunities.
Gao Runlong is an investor in the tech sector.
The 37-year-old holds high expectations for Chinese robots and the future of the industry.
"Robotics will be more popular gradually, then robots can largely take place of human labour in families and business. So in the future world, there will be great changes in terms of intelligent manufacturing and robots. Let's wait and see."Apart from the exhibition, the three-day conference also includes a forum and a robotics contest.
For CRI, I'm Guo Yan.
Response to Government Push for New Energy Vehicles not EncouragingAnchorGovernment incentives including purchase subsidies, easier registration and no restrictions on the road for electric vehicles have convinced some people in Beijing to consider the option of New Energy vehiles.
But consumers have responded cooly to the incentives, weeks after the authorities in the Chinese capital announced the new measures.
CRI's XYee reports.
ReporterThe government hopes that incentives can help alleviate Beijing's worsening air pollution -- a significant part of which is blamed on motor vehicles.
But most potential car buyers think the new energy vehicles – predominantly battery driven ones -- may not bring about the convenience they want, at least not at present.
"It takes more than 100 thousand yuan with government subsidies to purchase an electric vehicle, limited to just about a 100-kilometre range. This is definitely not cost-effective in a big city like Beijing."Many say the short battery life and a lack of charging facilities are hindering consumer appetites for the use of electric vehicles.
Zuo Shiquan, an official from China Center for Information Industry Development, believes it may take a while for people to accept new energy vehicles. And it would be more effective if guiding policies were adopted in a gradual manner.
As for government subsidies, he suggests any manufacturer should be entitled to them as long as they can develop products that raise energy efficiency by a designated margin, and not necessarily only for electric vehicles.
"Because of government subsidies, many car makers have rushed to manufacture electric vehicles. But only a very limited number of car makers can produce up-to-standard electric vehicles."Experts also worry that the incentives could worsen Beijing's traffic jams, another factor that compromises quality of life in Beijing.
Vehicle-related policies over the past years have reportedly resulted in an explosive increase of cars on the road.
Ma Jun, Director of Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs says lessons should be learned from policy failures.
"The problem is that these electric cars are not to replace the cars already on the road. Without being subject to the lottery system for car registration, electric cars will add to the number of vehicles on the road, and therefore make traffic jams in Beijing even worse."And given the fact that the policy-favored new energy vehicles seem to be limited only to battery driven cars, Ma says solutions for battery pollution must be put in place.
"We should not postpone the solution of these problems. Otherwise we may once again face an awkward situation. The batteries of electric cars are very likely to cause environmental issues. And it will be very costly to solve these problems."Experts warn that given the size of Beijing – which is home to more than 23 million people – and the intertwining nature of modern city life, any public policies would have magnifying effects in multi-sectors. Therefore they should be worked out as part of overall smart city planning strategies.
For CRI, I'm XYee.
Tunisia Declares State of Emergency and CurfewTunisia's president declared a state of emergency and curfew on Tuesday, giving security forces more powers.
The announcement came after a bomb attack on a bus full of presidential guards killed at least 12 people.
One source said the explosion was probably carried out by a suicide bomber in the vehicle.
Security sources said the guards were boarding the bus heading to the presidential place on the outskirts of the Tunis city when the explosion hit.
It is the third major attack to strike Tunisia this year, after a militant killed 38 foreigners at a beach hotel in June and gunmen killed 21 tourists at the Bardo Museum in March.
Islamic State claimed both those attacks.
The country had imposed a state of emergency after the attack at the resort of Sousse in June. It was lifted last month.
U.S. France Pledged Solidarity Yet Short of Grand CoalitionAnchorU.S. President Barack Obama and visiting French President Francois Hollande reiterated their commitments to fight against ISIL extremists. However, President Obama stopped short of endorsing the French proposal for a grand coalition that would include Russia.
CRI Washington chief correspondent Xiaohong reports.
President Obama said Tuesday that the United States stands by its old friend and ally France in times of good and bad, and vowed to deliver justice to the perpetrators of the Nov. 13 attacks in Paris.
"This barbaric terrorist group, ISIL, or Daesh, and its murderous ideology, poses a serious threat to all of us. It cannot be tolerated. It must be destroyed. And we must do it together."President Obama pledged to step up support to France and other allies fighting the Islamic State militants. However, he stopped short of announcing any major shift in his counter-ISIL strategy as had been expected by many in the wake of the deadly terrorist attack in Paris. Last week in Turkey, President Obama stressed that the strategy he has put forward is the one that would ultimately work.
Visiting French President Hollande, for his part, promised to increase airstrikes against ISIL targets in Iraq and Syria.
"We will intensify the strikes. We will have some more specific targets, to make sure that Daesh's resources, their means, are cut off."He also explicitly ruled out the idea of sending French ground troops, saying it's for the local forces to do so.
President Hollande kicked off his global tour to seek a greater international coalition that would also include Russia. However, Turkey's shoot-down of a Russian fighter jet has complicated his efforts.
While the incident is still under investigation, Obama has urged against any kind of escalation.
"I think it is very important right now for us to make sure that the Russians and the Turks are talking to each other, find out exactly what happened, and take measures to discourage any kind of escalation."He says the two leaders have agreed that Russia could play a more constructive role if it is to shift its focus to defeating ISIL, rather than strikes against the moderate opposition in Syria.
French President Hollande is going to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday.
Xiaohong, CRI, Washington DC.
Kerry Meets with Israeli, Palestinian Leaders to Ease TensionAnchorUS Secretary of State John Kerry visited Jerusalem and the West Bank for the first time in over a year on Tuesday, hoping to calm two months of deadly violence between Israelis and Palestinians.
CRI's Victor Ning has more.
ReporterDuring his meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, US Secretary of State John Kerry says that Israel has both a right and an obligation to defend itself.
"Clearly, no people anywhere should live with daily violence, with attacks in the streets, with knives or scissors or cars. And it is very clear to us that the terrorism, these acts of terrorism which have been taking place, deserve the condemnation that they are receiving and today I expressed my complete condemnation for any act of terror that takes innocent lives and disrupts the day-to-day life of a nation."Kerry visited the region amidst a wave of violence between Israelis and Palestinians that has continued for about two months, with at least 93 Palestinians and 19 Israelis killed since the beginning of October.
He has discussed with Netanyahu steps that can be taken to stop the violence and improve conditions on the ground.
For his part, Netanyahu says that the international community should support Israel's fight against terrorism, which he says is "the battle of civilization against barbarism".
"There can be no peace when we have an onslaught of terror - not here or not anywhere else in the world, which is experiencing this same assault by militant Islamists and the forces of terror. Israel is fighting these forces every hour."While Israelis keep blaming the unrest on religious incitement, Palestinians have pointed to Israel's occupation and ongoing settlement program in the West Bank, the lack of any prospects for a political solution, and a deep sense of frustration and despair on the part of the Palestinian people.
Issa Amro is a Palestinian human rights activist.
"Israel is not defending itself. Israel is defending its occupation, its apartheid, its illegal settlements, its racism and discrimination. The occupation is the main feeder of violence. The main problem is the occupation. The main problem is the illegal settlements everywhere, all over. This is the main problem, not someone carry a knife, going to a checkpoint to be killed."Kerry also met with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in the West Bank city of Ramallah.
Abbas stressed the release of a fourth group of Palestinian prisoners detained before the Oslo Accords, with both Kerry and Abbas agreeing to ongoing communication.
For CRI, I'm Victor Ning.
UN and Mali Forces Patrol Bamako after AttacksSecurity remains high in Mali's capital Bamako after last Friday's jihadist siege at a luxury hotel that killed at least 20.
French and UN investigators have joined a Mali police probe into the bloodshed.
UNPOL chief of operations-Colonel Christophe says Mali's security situation remains fragile:
"I don't think the threat has changed. Maybe it has evolved a bit, asymetrically, but it hasn't changed entirely. I have been here since 2014 and unfortunately we have had similar situations before. I think it's the aftershock of what happened in France 10 days ago."The country is now in a three-day national mourning.
Neighboring nations Senegal, Mauritania and Guinea have also joined in the mourning.
The assault began Friday morning when gunmen went on the rampage at the Radisson Blu hotel, shooting in the corridors and taking 170 guests and staff hostage.
It left 20 people dead and nine injured.
The two gunmen were also killed in the attack.
Two separate jihadist groups have claimed responsibility for the attack and investigators are searching for possible accomplices.
Mali has been torn apart by unrest since the north fell under the control of jihadist groups linked to Al-Qaeda in 2012.
WeatherBeijing will be overcast with a high of -1 degrees Celsius.
Overnight temperatures should drop down to -9.
Shanghai, cloudy with a high of 10 and a low of 3.
In Chongqing, overcast with a high of 16 and lows of 12.
Elsewhere in the world, staying here in Asia,Islamabad, overcast with a high of 24.
Kabul will be sunny with a high of 6.
Over to North America,New York, rainy with a high of 8 degrees.
Washington, cloudy with a high of 11 degrees.
Honolulu, rainy, 27.
Toronto, slight rain with a high of 7 degrees.
Finally, on to South America,Buenos Aires, cloudy with a high of 27.
And Rio de Janeiro, rainy with a high of 27 degrees Celsius.
Headline NewsCEC Leaders Invited to High-speed Train RideLeaders from Central and Eastern European nations will be invited to a ride on a China-made bullet train during the ongoing 4th China-CEE summit.
The train ride will be a showcase for future China-CEE cooperation.
The invitation comes on the heels of the signing of 2 separate deals between China and Hungary and Serbia respectively on the construction and revamping of a rail link between Budapest and Belgrade, the two nations' capitals respectively.
The railway will help create a fast lane for importing and exporting products between China and Europe.
China's Xinjiang Records More Than 38,000 People with HIV/AIDSChina's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region recorded more than 38,000 HIV carriers and AIDS patients by the end of October.
The region's health and family planning commission said Tuesday that Xinjiang is a region with high prevalence of HIV/AIDS.
Sexual transmission took up more than 62 percent of the cases, while over 28 percent of cases were infected through intravenous drug use.
For decades, Xinjiang has been plagued by serious drug problems as the region lies on a trade route for illicit drugs.
Over the past five years, the central and regional governments have provided more than one billion yuan to improve HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment in Xinjiang.
The number of people living with HIV/AIDS in China hit 497,000 by the end of October 2014, with 154,000 deaths reported.
China University Officials Scolded for Hedonism, DishonestyTop officials from the Communication University of China have been reprimanded for personal extravagance and attempts to cover up problems in the university's financial mismanagement.
The Ministry of Education said in a statement that those involved include the secretary of the Communist Party of China committee at the university, its principal and its vice-principal.
The top three officials were criticized for using office cars exceeding the standards their ranks, having offices beyond official standards, and using university funds to hold banquets in public venues.
According to the ministry, their behavior had led to chaos in financial management and expenditures far exceeding income.
The principal and vice-principal have been sacked, and the secretary of the CPC committee at the university was disciplined.
Belgium Issues Arrest Warrant for Fifth Paris Attacks' SuspectThe Belgian federal prosecutor's office has issued an international warrant for a fifth suspect in connection with the Paris attacks.
Authorities are looking for Mohamed Abrini because he was seen with fugitive Salah Abdeslam at a petrol station in Ressons on the highway to Paris two days before the attacks.
They said that Abrini was driving the Renault Clio that was used in the attacks in Paris on 13 November that killed 130 people and wounded hundreds of others.
Biz ReportsMarket PreviewTurning onto business news. First, a quick look at the closing numbers across North America and Europe as well as a recap on the Chinese market.
U.S. stocks erased early losses to close mildly higher Tuesday, as investors digested the country's revised economic growth stats for the third quarter of 2015 amid ongoing geopolitical tensions.
Both the Dow and the S&P 500 added a fraction of a percent, while the Nasdaq closed flat.
The U.S. economy grew 2.1 percent in the third quarter of 2015, lower than a growth of 3.9 percent in the second quarter, in line with market expectations.
Consumer spending, which accounts for about 70 percent of the U.S. economy, rose 3 percent, lower than the 3.6-percent growth in the second quarter.
Economist notes that GDP growth on a year-on-year basis was revised from 2.0 percent to 2.2 percent, putting it right in the middle of the range for annual growth since 2010.
Meanwhile, U.S. consumer confidence declined further in November.
Wall Street is also assessing the impacts of the downing of a Russian jet. Travel names like Royal Caribbean, Delta, and United all dipped lower.
Over in Europe, major markets all moved to the downside on the day.
The British benchmark FTSE 100 decreased by half a percent.
Both Germany's Dax and the French CAC 40 tumbled 1.4 percent.
Quick recap on the Chinese markets:
A-share markets closed higher amid shrinking turnover on Tuesday.
The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index was up 0.2 percent.
The smaller Shenzhen index gained 0.9 percent.
China to Strongly Develop Robot IndustryAnchorThe World Robot Conference 2015 is set to close in Beijing on this Wednesday.
During the three-day expo, China has been encouraging overseas robotics companies to share technologies with China-based vendors.
Meantime, China is attempting to develop the market share of made-in-China robots, with a goal of over 30 percent of the global market share by 2030.
The aim is to use robots to improve efficiency in manufacturing sectors ranging from automobiles to textiles.
China became the world's largest robotics market last year by the number of products in use.
At the same time, the aging population and the increasing income of Chinese families are set to boost sales of service robots.
Robots can conduct such tasks as cooking, monitoring blood pressure and helping senior citizens.
For more on this, CRI's Shane Bigham spoke with John Ross, senior fellow with the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin University.
Back AnchorJohn Ross, senior fellow with the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin University speaking with CRI's Shane Bigham.
Most Chinese Luxury Consumption Happens Overseas: ReportA recent study shows that China now accounts for nearly half of the world's luxury consumption so far this year, but Chinese consumers do most of their luxury shopping outside of the country.
A Beijing-based consultancy Fortune Character Institute said in a report on Tuesday that Chinese are expected to spend some 117 billion U.S. dollars on luxury goods this year, accounting for 46 percent of the world's total.
However the report also shows that some 78 percent of all Chinese luxury consumption this year happened outside of China.
That figure is up 12 percent from last year.
The increased buying overseas has led to a 1 percentage drop in China's luxury market share.
More High-speed Rail Lines to be Built over Next Five YearsIt's been reported that several new railways will be constructed in China's next Five-Year Plan period.
One railway industry insider says six or eight vertical and transversal high-speed railways will be built over the next five years.
These rail projects include lines from Yinchuan to Lanzhou, Baotou to Xi'an, Chongqing and Guiyang, Datong to Taiyuan and Zhanjiang, and Xiamen to Changsha and Chongqing.
According to the 13th Five-Year plan, high-speed railway has been listed as one of the key infrastructure projects in China's central and western regions.
Earlier this week, the National Development and Reform Commission approved 80 billion yuan worth of high-speed rail projects, which worth some 13 billion U.S. dollars.
Currently, the proposal is still under review and discussion, and the formal plan may be unveiled in June.
Didi Continues to Lead China's Private Car Hailing Market in Q3Chinese ride-hailing and sharing app Didi Chuxing continued to dominate the private car market in the third quarter of 2015 by both the number of active users and cities covered in China.
Latest data from consulting firm Analysys International shows Didi owned 83 percent of China's existing active users for private car services in the third quarter.
This while rivals Uber has been expanding business in China. Uber took 16 percent market share.
By the end of October, Didi's private car service was available in 199 cities across China, while its rivals cover less than 100 cities.
Didi has maintained a dominant market position since the launch of its private-car hailing business late 2014.
Alibaba to Buy SCMP StakeIt's being reported that Chinese Internet giant Alibaba is attempting to buy stake in the Hong Kong newspaper "South China Morning Post."Reports say Alibaba's founder Jack Ma has been negotiating the deal with the SCMP Group's major shareholder, and that the contract will be signed shortly.
Details on the size of the stake that Alibaba will buy and the value of the deal are not known.
The SCMP Group has declined to comment.
However, if the deal is agreed on, this would be another investment by Alibaba in media after its recent bid for Youku Tudou, the video sharing website seen as China's YouTube.
SportsLin Dan Wins at Rio Test EventIn badminton,China's talisman shuttler Lin Dan has opened up his quest for a third Olympic gold medal with a straight sets win at the Yonex Brazil Grand Prix, which serves as a test event for the Rio Games.
Super Dan cruised to a comfortable win over local challenger Igor Ibrahim 21-12, 21-5 in the opening round.
Lin is the only seeded player in this event. He will also play a Slovak opponent in the round-robin group games.
Thirty-two-year-old Lin will be representing China for the fourth time next August in Rio.
Champions League ResultsIn football,Bayern Munich strutted into the UEFA Champions League last 16 from top of Group F.
They marked their 100th home fixture with an emphatic 4-0 win over Olympiakos.
The only smear on their sheet is that newly returned Holger Badstuber received a straight red card for a foul early in the second half.
Arsenal won the other Group F game against Dinamo Zagreb 3-0 to keep their dim hopes of progressing alive.
Joining Bayern Munich in the last 16 are Barcelona which will finish as winners of Group E after they hammered Roma 6-1.
And the chances for both Borisov and Leverkusen from this group are dented after their game finished in an 1-all draw.
More results from this morning,Chelsea moved to top of Group G with a 4-0 success against Maccabi Tel-Aviv.
And St. Petersburg maintained their all-winning record in Group H after downing Valencia 2-0.
Still more Champions League action coming up tomorrow morning,Both Paris Saint-Germain and Manchester United can progress if they beat Malmo and PSV Eindhoven respectively.
Atletico Madrid is only one point away from the last 16 as they take on Galatasaray.
FIFA Seeking Life Ban for PlatiniIn off-pitch football news,FIFA is seeking a lifetime ban for UEFA chief Michel Platini over corruption charges, involving a sum of 2 million US dollars which he received from FIFA president Sepp Blatter.
Both Platini and Blatter are serving a 90-day suspension.
FIFA's investigatory chamber has opened a case against Platini and a decision is expected to be handed down next month.
Until then Platini will not be reviewed for his candidacy for the FIFA presidency.
Platini's lawyer Thibaud d'Ales described the life ban possibility as scandalous and excessive.
Blatter's representatives refused to disclose whether the same request has been made of Blatter.
Fan Zones Maintained for Euro 2016 Despite Security FearsFrench Interior Miniser Bernard Cazeneuve has confirmed that fan zones will be maintained for the Euro 2016 despite the terrorist attacks which killed 130 people in Paris.
Cazeneuve said at an emergency meeting that the attacks forced them to take necessary precautions.
"Everyone is mobilised. We'll do everything in our power to ensure that everything takes place in the best conditions and that the popularity of this event not be affected by the context. The second point I'd like to emphasize is that the fan zones the mayors requested, these festive areas, can be organised. We are doing everything we can to make that happen."One of three explosions caused by suicide bombers occurred outside the venue for the Euro 2016 final during a friendly between France and Germany.
France will beef up security and reinforce video surveillance at all venues, with additional needs being dealt with on a case by case basis.
The Euro 2016 begins next June and lasts for a month.
Belgium Strengthens Security for Davis Cup FinalIn tennis,The Paris attacks put Belgium on high alert as the country prepares to host the Davis Cup final between Belgium and Britain.
The British team is already in Ghent for the games this weekend. Britain's world number two Andy Murray says he is happy to see the security efforts put in place.
"In situations like this it's great that we have such capable people that are able to give us the best advice and everyone I think is quite comfortable in the team. It was obviously a bit concerning a few days ago but I think once we got here and got into the hotel, came to the venue and saw what it was like here, I think that made everyone a lot more comfortable."Murray and his brother Jamie propelled Britain into their first Davis Cup final in 79 years and will make them favorites for the title.
Andy Murray is likely to play Belgium's Steve Darcis in singles.
Klitschko to Defend Titles against FuryIn boxing,Ukrainian WBA, WBO and IBF champion Wladimir Klitschko will be defending his world heavyweight titles against unbeaten Tyson Fury this weekend.
Both men attended a final press conference where Fury appeared exuberantly confident and said he picked the right man for the fight.
"He is the world champion for eleven years. I see so many chinks in the armour and I am going to expose them very quickly. There is nothing that I see that Vladimir does that makes me afraid or makes me think that I can't win against this guy. Everything that Vladimir does attract me to him and even if I wasn't fighting Vladimir and I could pick any other champion to fight - I would fight him."For his part, Klitschko says he is looking forward to coming up against a colorful character in Fury.
The highly anticipated bout is set for Sunday morning Beijing time in Duesseldorf, Germany.
Entertainment'The Phantom of the Opera' to Hold 64 Shows in ChinaTwenty-nine years after its premiere in London, Andrew Lloyd Webber's 'The Phantom of the Opera' is now being staged in Beijing for the first time.
It is expected to give 64 performances to Chinese audiences since its debut in Beijing last Wednesday.
The cast is led by eminent musical actor Brad Little, who joined the show's Broadway cast in 1996 as the Phantom, and Emilie Lynn as Christine.
Brad Little says he hopes their show can stimulate the development of musicals in China.
"It happens in every country that I know, once they see the shows, they get the musical theater fever. And I have no doubt that this will happens here in China as well. And it probably will happen in the bigger city at first, but eventually it will keep going and going, and then eventually the audience will get to the musical in one language, and they'll have Chinese productions."Based on the French novel with the same name, the musical portrays a beautiful soprano, Christine, who becomes the obsession of a mysterious, disfigured musical genius.
The show has won over 50 major theater awards, including Olivier and Tony Awards.
Openning in London's West End in 1986, 'The Phantom of the Opera' has been seen by audiences in 145 cities in 27 countries.
The show is now on stage in Beijing at Tianqiao Performing Arts Center, and will run until January 10th.
France Thriller "Spiral" Wins Best Drama Series in International EmmysFrance had a big night at the International Emmys by grabbing three awards, led by the hit crime thriller 'Spiral, which won for best drama series.
Meanwhile, 'The Man Who Saved the Lourve' received the award for Arts Programming, for its mixture of documentary footage and innovative animation.
The drama's director Jean-Pierre Devillers thanks people for their support for his work and his country.
"It's a thrill, of course, it is wonderful, especially at this, very special, and a special time. We have been in New York for three days and we are really touched and moved by the support that New York brings to our wounded country, so as you know, in differences the least we have to dread from men are beasts."The highlight of the ceremony came as "Downton Abbey" creator and writer Julian Fellowes was presented with the honorary International Emmy Founders Award.
"Well, you know, I was just saying it is so nice when it isn't an envelope job and you know you've got it. But I think it is a great honor, I am absolutely delighted and I feel I am among stars and heroes and it feels marvelous to be in their lineup."However, this year saw an end to Britain's past dominance at the International Emmys, created to honor excellence in television programming outside the U.S.
Forty nominees from 19 countries were competing in 10 categories.
Besides France, Brazil was also a big winner, with 'Sweet Mother' chosen as best comedy while 'Empire' won for Telenovela.
LEGO Star Wars Exhibition Opens in Hong KongThe 'Star Wars and Times Square' exhibit has been unveiled in Hong Kong on Tuesday night.
Fans flock to this new LEGO exhibition, for the life-size LEGO replicas of iconic characters and ships from the Star Wars universe.
The organizer of LEGO Hong Kong, Peter Fung, highlights that 'creativity' has made their show special, apart from countless Star Wars exhibitions popped up around the world.
"I think the real difference is the creativity we have. Because this has come from LEGO, made by LEGO. So you can see a lot of different mini-figures here, as well as we have a lot of giant size, scale 1:20, giant AT-AT etcetera. I think it arouses and attracts kids and families to come here".
A 1:6 scale Millennium Falcon diorama has been displayed on the second floor of Hong Kong's Times Square.
At eight meters long, five meters wide, and 1.2 meters high, it is the largest of its kind in Asia.
The LEGO Star Wars Exhibition runs from November 25th to January 1st.
That's it for this edition of the Beijing Hour.
Recapping our top stories this morning...
China and more than a dozen Central and Eastern European laying out several priority areas for all-round cooperation ...
Reactions rolling in from both sides after Turkey shot down a Russian warplane over an alleged airspace violation...
And China's Clean Air Alliance releasing a report on a five-year plan for air pollution control...
On behalf of the Beijing Hour staffers, Spencer Musick in Beijing hoping you'll join us for our next edition of the Beijing Hour to open a window to the world together.