VOA慢速英语2015 IS发视频 威胁袭击华盛顿(在线收听


AS IT IS 2015-11-17 Islamic State Video Threatens Washington IS发视频 威胁袭击华盛顿

News reports say the militant group Islamic State has released a video in which it threatens it will attack Washington, D.C.


The authenticity of the video could not be confirmed. It shows fighters holding weapons threatening to attack the U.S.


In the video, a man wearing military clothes says,"I swear to God, a similar day that Paris went through, the U.S. will go through. We will strike the U.S. and its stronghold, Washington."


The Washington Post reported that the video looks similar to confirmed Islamic State videos. But the newspaper said it lacks "the theatrics and high-quality editing that other videos have had."


On Friday, Islamic State fighters attacked six areas of Paris. The suicide bombings and shootings killed at least 129 people.


Meanwhile, an activist organization called Anonymous has said it will carry out cyber attacks against Islamic State. Anonymous is a group that hacks into websites and posts embarrassing information. It has hacked, or broken into, the accounts of individuals, governments and organizations of which it does not approve.


In that video a masked man with a French accent says, "Expect many cyberattacks. War has been declared. Get ready. We do not forgive and we do not forget."


Last January, Islamic State attackers raided a magazine's offices in Paris, killing 17 people. Anonymous has waged an online campaign to shut down Twitter profiles of Islamic State supporters.


Words in This Story

authenticity - n. real or genuine: not copied or false

theatrics - n. ways of behaving and speaking that are like a performance on a stage and are intended to attract attention

cyber - adj. of, relating to, or involving computers or computer networks (as the Internet)

embarrass - v. to make (someone) feel confused and foolish in front of other people

anonymous - n. a secret group that does not reveal its identity

mask - n. a covering used to hide or disguise your face

wage - v. to start and continue (a war, battle, etc.) in order to get or achieve something
