英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1130 - 同性恋更会赚钱?(在线收听

 Topic1-Homosexual Group Earns More and Spends More in ChinaA survey of more than 18 hundred Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender (aka LGBT) people in China released by WorkForLGBT found that respondents earn five times of the national average per month, and they tend to travel abroad more frequently than the general population. Do LGBT people in China earn more and spend more?

Topic2-Dontating too many clothesA primary school in southwestern China’s Sichuan province receives tons of donated clothes each year, but the headmaster is calling for people NOT to donate any more. Why has people’s generosity turned into a headache for the school?
Topic3-Huge illegal basement being backfilled in downtown BeijingReports suggest illegal basement constructions are rampant in the Beijing. A basement illegally dug under a house in Dongcheng District of Beijing has been exposed. Last year, a similar excavation in a courtyard in Xicheng District led to a road cave-in and collapse of neighborhood houses. Isn’t it really dangerous, but why are people still doing it?