



The Garbage Can Is the Garbage

I’ve been hauling trash for years, so when the sign “Garbage” appeared on trash can, I replaced it with my own note, “After 20 years on the job, I know garbage when I see it! ” I emptied the can and left. The next week, a new note appeared on the same can, “Dear Professor Trash, the garbage can is the garbage!”





1.garbage垃圾。还有“废话”的意思:rhetorical garbage浮夸的废话。The speech was nine tenths garbage.那篇演说十分之九是废话。

2. can桶/罐/壶。an oil can油罐;a watering can喷水壶。还可以指“一听”:a can of beer一听啤酒。在口语中,还可以指“监狱”:He’s still in the can.他还在坐牢。can也可以作动词,指“装罐保存”:The factory cans fish to be sent abroad.这家工厂制作出口鱼罐头。“灌制唱片”:Can the audience’s applause把观众的欢呼声录下来。“停止/放弃”:Can that noise!别闹了!

3.haul运送。haul passengers运送旅客。此外,它还有“硬拉”、“拘捕”的意思:haul sb. to a volleyball match硬拉某人去看排球比赛。

4.trash垃圾。a trash basket废物篓。还可以指“拙劣的作品”:literary trash文学糟粕; trash music 垃圾音乐。也可以作动词,指“丢弃”:trash a lot of silly ideas打消许许多多愚蠢的念头。还有“袭击”的意思:A great white shark tried to trash him.一条巨大的白鲨企图袭击他。

5.empty使…空。empty a glass把玻璃杯中的东西喝干;empty an ashtray把烟灰缸倒干净. He didn’t empty our joint checking account.他没有取光我俩共有的活期存款。

6.appear出现。这个词还有很多含义,比如“看来好像”:This doesn’t appear an important matter.这看来好像不是一桩重要的事情。He appears to be your friend but I doubt if he is.看来他像是你的朋友,但我对此有怀疑。“出版”:The cartoon appears on page 10.漫画刊登在第十页。
