



Told You So

On my way to deliver a computer to a customer, I saw a handwritten sign at the entrance of an alley. It read, “Blocked! Can not pass! Difficult to turn back.” I continued anyway, only to discover that the alley was indeed blocked by a fallen tree. As predicted, it took a while to turn the trunk around. When I eventually got back to the entrance, I noticed a second sign. It read, “Told you so!”





1.entrance入口。entrance也有很多其他含义,比如“进入/登场”:Entrance into college was great event in his life.进大学是他一生中的重大事件。The actor’s entrance was greeted with applause.那位演员在掌声中登场。


3.turn back往回走。turn back a ticket退票;The travelers were turned back at the frontier.游客在边境被挡了回来。“翻回”:Turn back to page ten, please.请翻回到第十页。“翻起”:Don’t turn back the corner of the page to mark your place.别折书角来作读到哪里的记号。

4.predict预言。He predicted a brilliant future for the child.他预言这孩子前程似锦。The weather scientists predicted a cold winter.气象专家预计冬天会很冷。

5.trunk树干。也可以指“主体”:a colony breaking away from the trunk of the British Empire脱离大英帝国主体的一块殖民地

6.eventually终于。He eventually retired from business.他终于退休了。He eventually saw that he was mistaken.他终于认识到自己错了。
