



Hidden Value

Someone in our neighborhood put a huge sofa out by the curb. Since it was in good shape, many motorists slowed down for a look. But when they saw how enormous it was, they’d leave. Eventually a compact car pulled up, and two men got out. They removed the cushions, turned the sofa upside down and shook it hard. Then they picked up all the coins that tumbled out, and drove off.





1.curb路边。park one’s car close to the curb将汽车紧靠人行道的路缘停放。还有“控制”的意思:ease curbs on freedom of speech and assembly放宽对言论与集会自由的限制。

2.slow down(up)慢下来。Business slowed up after Christmas.圣诞节后生意清淡了。“使生活放松”:Find some way of slowing your father down; he is far too busy now.想办法让你父亲轻松一点;他现在太忙了。“耽误”:Weather conditions slowed up the departure of other flights.天气情况使其他班机推迟起飞。

3.enormous巨大的。可以指具体的“大”,也可以是抽象的。an enormous interest in sth.对某事物的巨大兴趣;an enormous problem大问题;an enormous nose大鼻子。

4.pull up停下。He pulled up his horse at the gate.他在大门口把马勒住。这个词组还有很多含义,比如“拉到近处”:Pull your chair up to the table.把你的椅子挪近桌子。“少活动多休息”:She was advised by her doctor to pull up and take easy.她的医生劝她少活动多休息,悠着点儿。“责骂”:He wants pulling up sharply.他这个人得狠狠训一顿。“提高”:pull up one’s English提高英语水平。

5. tumble坠落。The baby is just learning to walk and he’s always tumbling over.那幼儿刚学走路,所以老是摔倒。The town tumbles down the hill to the beach.那市镇从小山延伸而下,直达海边。它也可以指“暴跌”:The stock market tumbled.股市暴跌。还可以指“打滚”:The sick man tossed and tumbled in his bed.那个病人在床上辗转反侧。

6.drive off驾车离开。drive sb. off in a car驾车把某人送走。“把…赶走”:sing a song to drive off the feelings of sadness唱支歌来消除悲伤。
