新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 20:00 2015/12/01(在线收听

The Beijing Hour
Evening Edition
Paul James with you on this Tuesday, December, 2015.
Welcome to the Beijing Hour, live from the Chinese capital... Coming up on the program this evening...
Chinese President Xi Jinping has arrived in Zimbabwe for a short stop over in the southern African country.
Central bank authorities downplaying concerns about the devaluation of the renminbi with its addition to the IMF's exclusive currency club
New analysis warning of a sharp rise in HIV infections among young Chinese men..
In business... manufacturing in China continuing to struggle somewhat through October.
In sports... Xinjiang defending its perfect CBA record this season on the road in Fujian.
In entertainment.... a new teen movie in China drawing a lot of attention.
All of that is coming up in the next hour, but first, a reminder, there are several ways you can reach us at the Beijing Hour.
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Top News
President Xi arrives in Zimbabwe for state visit
Chinese President Xi Jinping has touched down in Zimbabwe for a short visit to the southern African country.
He has arrived in Harare after attending the opening of the UN climate change conference in Paris.
His trip to Zimbabwe is his first as President.
Xi Jinping is expected to oversee the signing of a number of new economic agreements while in Zimbabwe.
It comes as China and Zimbabwe mark 35-years of diplomatic ties.
Xi Jinping will leave for neigboring South Africa tomorrow to chair this year's Forum on China-Africa Cooperation in Johannesburg, which will open on Friday.
Expectations run high as President Xi is to visit Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe is buzzing with anticipation, with authorities there pulling out all the stops to impress Chinese President Xi Jinping for his arrival in the country.
CRI's Li Jianhua has more.
Streets and shop windows throughout Zimbabwe's capital, Harare, have been adorned with Chinese flags.
Local newspapers in Zimbabwe have also been focusing a significant amount of coverage for the past 3-weeks on China-related topics.
The public-relations blitz comes as the Chinese President arrives in a Zimbabwe which is in significant need of financial help.
Mabasa Sasa, editor of the state-owned Herald and Sunday Mail national newspapers in Zimbabwe, says its hoped the Chinese President, who the papers have been calling "Uncle Xi" in their editorials, can help solidify and create a number of new economic agreements for the country.
"This visit what he does is add impetus to those deals that have been signed. Some of them were signed last year when President Mugabee went on a state visit to China. You are talking of energy, infrastructure, water, health, agriculture, mining. It's a whole range of industries. So what this visit does really is it adds impetus to the implementation of those projects. "
Zimbabwe's state-run power provider has already managed to secure a 1.2-billion US dollar loan from the China Export-Import Bank to upgrade its power generation capabilities.
Numerous other deals covering areas such as infrastructure, agriculture, mining and transportation are expected to be signed.
Chinese authorities are also said to be in talks about opening up new areas of financing to give Zimbabwe access to much needed lines of credit.
Christopher Mutsvangwa, Zimbabwe's former Ambassador to China, says despite a slowdown this year in Chinese investment in Africa, due to a reduced demand for natural resources, Zimbabwe has continued to enjoy increasing Chinese investment since Zimbabwe's independence in 1980.
"The trade between China and Africa at that time was about 8 billion. Now it's about 220 billion. This is almost an exponential rise in the relationship between China and Africa. So nothing is going to stop this relationship from achieving prosperity for the two peoples of Africa and China, for the two regions, developing regions, Africa and China."
China has been Africa's largest trading partner since 2009.
Chinese ties with Zimbabwe, formalized by Chinese diplomatic recognition after its independence from Great Britian in 1980, have remained close for the past 35-years, with the Chinese government financing and building a number of hospitals in the country, as well as the National Sports Stadium in Harare.
China's engagement with Zimbabwe has prompted a significant number of Chinese companies to set up operations in the country.
Li Haiyang, head of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Zimbabwe, says an influx of new Chinese help in Zimbabwe would be greatly appreciated.
"Chinese companies' development has the support of local governments and the people of Zimbabwe. The general investment environment is very good. However, in recent years, Zimbabwe's economy has not being doing well, which has been hindering the growth of Chinese companies in the country."
Following his time in Zimbabwe, Xi Jinping and Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe will head next door to South Africa for a 3-day Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, which the Chinese President will chair.
The Chinese government has rolled out around 900 assistance programs in Africa in areas such as agriculture, health and education, and has also provided technical training to some 30-thousand people in Africa over the past 3-years.
For CRI, this is Li Jianhua.
Xi Jinping Highlights China's Position on Combating Climate Change in Paris Speech
Chinese President Xi Jinping's speech to the opening of the Paris Climate Conference has backed the Chinese position that climate change targets and goals have to be made by all countries involved, but that those goals can only work if they're tailored specifically to the countries themselves.
CRI's Duan Xuelian has more from Paris.
Chinese President Xi Jinping was among the first to give his speech at the leader's event on the opening day of the Paris conference.
He expressed China's resolution to work with international communities in fighting climate change before outlining the country's climate and energy policies.
Addressing the 150 fellow national leaders, President Xi says that the principal of common but differentiated responsibilities is crucial to climate change negotiations.
"The Paris agreement should help increase the investment and ensure the actions on climate change. Developed countries should keep their commitments to mobilizing 100 billion U.S. dollars each year by 2020, and provide the stronger financial support to developing countries afterwards. It's also important to transfer climate-friendly technology to developing countries. "
Stressing that the expected agreement should help encourage broad participation, Xi Jinping also notes that it is important for the accord to accommodate national conditions of various countries and lay emphasis on practical results.
"It is imperative to respect differences among countries especially developing countries in domestic policies, capacity building and economy structure. Addressing climate change should not deny the legitimate needs of developing countries to reduce poverty and improve their people's living standards."
Calling the Paris summit not a finish line but a new starting point, Xi Jinping emphasizes that China has taken bold actions to reduce carbon emissions while setting ambitious climate goals.
"On the basis of technological and institutional innovation, China will adopt new policy measures to improve industrial mix, build low-carbon system, develop green building and low-carbon transportation and establish a nationwide carbon-emission trading market, so as to foster a new pattern of modernization featuring harmony between men and nature."
In his speech, the president reiterates China's pledge made in June to cut its carbon emissions per unit of GDP by 60-65 percent from 2005 levels by 2030, and increase non-fossil fuel sources in primary energy consumption to about 20 percent and peak its carbon emissions by the same date.
Commenting on the Chinese leader's speech, Su Wei, China's chief negotiator at UN Climate Conferences said that it is part of the strong political momentum that the conference needs to reach an effective deal.
"The most important message in Xi Jinping's speech is that he clarified China's position in combating climate change, they are detailed plans and are very practical. It also shows that China is a responsible country, we are willing to tackle the challenges in curbing climate change which is also an universal task. The speech is important as it sends out all these positive signals."
Su explains that negotiations groups have already engaged in talks to modify the draft of the Paris agreement.
The two week conference is due to close at the end of next week.
For CRI, this is Duan Xuelian reporting from Paris.
Fore more on this, CRI's Brian Kopczynski spoke earlier with Professor Jiang Kejun with the Energy Research Institute at the National Reform and Development Commission.
Professor Jiang Kejun with the NDRC's Energy Research Institute speaking with CRI's Brian Kopczynski.
IMF decides to include China's RMB in SDR basket
The International Monetary Fund has announced the Chinese currency will be eligible to join the IMF's Special Drawing Rights basket as an international reserve currency.
CRI's Washington correspondent He Fei with more on what this may mean for the renminbi.
"The IMF's executive board decided that the renminbi qualified for the SDR basket and existing criteria."
Christine Lagarde, managing director of the IMF, made the announcement in Washington.
Lagarde says the decision is an important milestone in the integration of the Chinese economy into the global financial system.
"The addition and the inclusion of the renminbi in the SDR basket of currencies is a recognition of the significant reforms which have been conducted, of the significant opening up of the Chinese economy, of the financial, more market-driven principles that are being used by the Chinese authorities going forward. That is clearly symbolic in a way of all those reforms, which is why I associated the renminbi inclusion with the reforms conducted and to be continued."
According to IMF, the RMB will have a weighting of 10.92 percent in the new SDR basket, while the respective weighting of other currencies in the basket are 41.73 percent for the U.S. dollar, 30.93 percent for euro, 8.33 percent for the Japanese yen and 8.09 percent for the British pound.
Tan Yaling, Head of China Forex Investment Research Institute, believes the move is a recognition of Chinese currency in the international society.
" After the inclusion to SDR, RMB can be used for settlements among central banks. It's good to improve its international standings and we should seek this opportunity to strengthen our real economy."
RMB was rejected into the inclusion of SDR five years ago on the basis of not "freely usable".
During the past five years, Chinese authorities have undertaken a series of reforms, such as improving its foreign exchange rate formation system, and opening up its interbank bond and forex markets.
According to the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication, renminbi now ranks fifth as a global payments currency and seventh as a global reserve currency.
Huang Yiping, an adviser to China's central bank, explained how the inclusion will affect people's lives in the future.
"That RMB being included in the SDR basket means that it is now one of the most important currencies globally. It is a great push in making the RMB truly international, and encouraging individuals and organizations of all countries in the world to hold it as well as invest it,"
Huang adds that the inclusion of the RMB into the SDR also reduces the exchange rate risks of financing, and lowers the trade costs when Chinese people shop abroad.
The IMF's Special Drawing Rights basket is a type of international reserve asset that IMF members can turn to in times of need.
The basket is currently made up of the US dollar, the euro, the British Pound and the Japanese Yen.
It's composition is reviewed every five years.
The inclusion of the RMB will take effect Oct. 1, 2016.
For CRI, this is He Fei from Washington.
China's central bank says no basis for yuan's continued depreciation
The People's Bank of China is rebuffing concerns over the depreciation of the renminbi now that it's been approved to enter the IMF's Special Drawing Rights basket.
Central Bank vice-Governor Yi Gang says mechanisms are available to keep the currency stable.
"We completely have the ability to maintain the renminbi exchange rate stability at a reasonable and balanced level. Will the renminbi lose value after joining the SDR? I think such concerns are unnecessary."
He also says the PBoC won't hesitate to intervene if there are drastic fluctuations in international balance of payments and cross-border capital flows.
Following the IMF decision overnight, the central parity rate of the renminbi dipped by 11 basis points to above 6.39 against the U.S. dollar for Tuesday's trading.
When the renminbi is introduced to the IMF's currency basket, the Chinese currency will make up just under 11-percent of the total weighting of the SDR.
The Special Drawing Rights basket is the IMF's reserve currency.
It's used to calculate the loans it provides to countries.
It's also used by other countries to calculate the rate at which they peg their own currencies to keep the value of their money at a level their local economy can sustain.
China Urged to Continue RMB Reform after SDR
Even though the use of the renminbi as a reserve currency is expected to grow significantly now that the IMF has approved its inclusion into its Special Drawing Rights basket next year, observers are suggesting more needs to be done to internationalize the Chinese currency.
CRI's Luo Wen reports.
As of October 1st of next year, the renminbi, literally translated as "the people's currency," will become the fifth currency in the SDR basket, along side the U.S. dollar, the euro, the Japanese yen and the British pound.
Hong Hao, chief strategist at Bocom International Holdings, says the yuan's inclusion in the exclusive currency club isn't likely to have an immediate impact on the value of the renminbi or its use as an international reserve currency.
"We're probably going to get some central bank buying of the Chinese yuan, and also some of the Chinese government bonds after inclusion. So those benefits will come as time goes by."
The Renminbi will make up just under 11-percent of the weighting of the IMF's Special Drawing Rights basket when it's finally included.
The value of the US dollar will account for just under 42-percent of the SDR value, while the euro will make up around 31-percent.
The yen and the British pound will make up the rest, each with just over 8-percent of the SDR's weighted value.
Till Engelhard, with the Bank of China's Frankfurt Branch, says the nearly 11-percent weighting of the RMB will make it more preferred by central banks and investment organizations in their investment portfolios.
"It also becomes more secure for the central banks to work with the renminbi, as central banks are also IMF members. So when they deal with China, they can do so using the renminbi to conduct interbank transactions. If there are balance of payments needs to cover, IMF members will have the right to draw the Renminbi from the Chinese central bank depending on how much they're holding within the SDR. Central banks will also be able to trade in the Renminbi."
The Chinese government has been touting the inclusion of the renminbi into the SDR basket as a milestone in its push to make the Chinese currency more international.
Economist Wang Dan with the Economist Intelligence Unit says the tangible benefits to the renminbi being added to the SDR will be limited.
"Joining the SDR, especially joining rights, is actually more symbolic than substantial. It's going to gain recognition from the global market that the IMF recognizes it as an international reserve currency."
Many observers say its the market itself, rather than the renminbi's addition to the SDR basket, will determine whether or not the yuan will become a major global reserve currency.
Not every currency included in the SDR basket becomes a major reserve currency.
The Japanese yen is included in the SDR weighting because of the strength of the Japanese economy.
However, central banks don't use the yen as a reserve currency because of its vunerability to fluxuations in value.
Observers are suggesting a further opening up of the Chinese financial markets, as well as increasing market transparency will be needed to convince central banks around the world that the Chinese currency is a good bet.
For CRI, This is Luo Wen.
Yong men become new at-risk group of HIV in China
New analysis shows sexual contact has now become the leading way people are contracting HIV in China.
New figures compiled by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention show 92-percent of all new HIV infections in the country come from unprotected sex.
There are around 575-thousand people living with HIV in China.
110-thousand new HIV infections have been reported this year, a slight increase from last year.
Young men between the ages of 15 and 24 have been identified as an area of concern, with infection rates among this demographic growing at an annual rate of around 35-percent over the past 5-years.
HIV transmission rates among young homosexual men is also rising quickly.
Xiao Dong, head of China's AIDS prevention center, says the rise in people meeting for indiscriminate sexual encounters through social media apps are a factor in the rising rate of HIV infections among young men.
"Many of the dating Apps are very popular, but lack social responsibility. We hope more App developers can join in helping us with AIDS prevention campaigns by publicizing AIDS prevention information through their Apps, to give young people more information about how to prevent HIV infections, as well as how to cope with life once they're infected."
The new analysis has been released to coincide with World AIDS Awareness day, which is today.
Smog continues to plague Beijing
A series of new warnings had to be issued throughout the capital region today, and remain in effect, as the thick veil of smog which has been enveloping the Chinese capital since last week has been getting heavier.
PM2.5 readings in certian parts of Beijing have been hitting 600 this Tuesday.
This has prompted warnings to schools across the capital to keep their students indoors.
Like Monday, industrial production has been curtailed in Beijing, and expressways have also been shut down because of the smog, once-again disrupting life for many in the city of some 20-million people.
"This smog makes visibility low, so lots of people can't drive. And even if you can get on the roads, you can only drive slowly, so it's really easy for accidents to happen. Today I didn't drive. As soon as I stepped outside this morning my throat felt uncomfortable, so I'm wearing a mask. I normally don't wear a mask."
Government guidelines suggests people stay indoors, as the air polltion levels are at dangerous levels at that point.
The choking pollution is mainly being produced by coal-fired power generation, and has become much worse after winter heating started in mid-November in Beijing.
Forecasters say a frontal system is expected to move in sometime on Wednesday, blowing off much of the particulate.
Turkish Ruling Party Wins Confidence Vote
Turkey's current minority government is going to remain in-place for the time being.
As observers anticipated, lawmakers in parliament have voted to allow the Justice and Development Party to continue governing in Turkey.
Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu says the vote in Parliament will allow his administration to tackle a number of pressing issues in the country, including the current influx of refugees pouring into Turkey from neighboring Syria. government won a vote of confidence in parliament on Monday.
"There will be a new period in front of us as the European Union has agreed to share the burden of the refugee problem and (we) will act within a joint action plan. In any case, I would like to state this: nobody should expect Turkey to become an open-air prison for the refugees. This will not happen. But I should also state that it does not matter who seeks to take refuge within our country, we will not turn down anybody that comes to our doorstep. "
The European Union has agreed to give Turkey 3-billion euros to cope with the massive influx of Syrian refugees in the country, while at the same time, increasing border protection along Turkey's coastline with Greece.
In pledging the money, the EU also says its going to re-open talks with Turkey about its potential membership in the European Union.
Observers have suggested the current administration in Turkey has been dangling the idea of joining the EU as a way to prompt Russia to keep incentives flowing Turkey's way to keep the strategically-located country out of the EU bloc.
However, with the current downturn in ties with Russia because of the situation in Syria, observers suggest Turkey may once-again be looking toward EU membership as a way to ensure its economy does not fall victim to Russian sanctions over the downing of a Russian fighter jet.
Colorado Murder Suspect Makes First Court Appearance
The man accused of murdering three people at an abortion clinic in the US state of Colorado has made his first court appearance.
57-year old Robert Deer has learned he will face first-degree murder charges.
District Attorney Dan May has not said whether they plan to pursue to the death penalty in the case.
"Today was the first appearance advisement where the defendant was advised of his rights. The judge has set the case for next week from Wednesday, December 9th, at 1:30 for the filing of charges. That's when my office will decide if and what charges should be filed and if we file charges, that would be the date that would occur."
Deer is accused of killing 3 people, including a police officer, and wounding 9 others in a 5-hour standoff inside a Planned Parenthood facility in Colorado Springs this past Friday.
Police have not officially said what they believe Deer's motive may have been, but reports about comments he made after being taken into custody suggest the mass shooting may be connected to abortion.
Beijing is still plagued with smog tonight, a low of minus 3 degrees Celsius; however, a cold front is expected to arrive in the capital around midnight, helping to improve air quality.
The capital is sunny tomorrow with a high of 4.
Shanghai, wet overnight with a low of 11; cloudy tomorrow with a high of 13.
Chongqing, overcast tonight with a low of 11; still overcast tomorrow with a high of 14.
Lhasa is clear tonight with a low of minus 3; sunny tomorrow with a high of 13.
Elsewhere in Asia,
Islamabad, sunny tomorrow, with a high of 21.
Kabul, sunny, 14.
Down in the Southern Hemisphere.
Sydney, cloudy, a high of 21.
Brisbane, wet, 28.
Perth, cloudy, 35.
And finally Auckland, New Zealand will see slight rain with a high of 20 degrees Celsius.
Headline News
President Xi arrives in Zimbabwe for state visit
Chinese President Xi Jinping has touched down in Zimbabwe for a short visit to the southern African country.
He has arrived in Harare after attending the opening of the UN climate change conference in Paris.
His trip to Zimbabwe is his first as President.
Xi Jinping is expected to oversee the signing of a number of new economic agreements while in Zimbabwe.
It comes as China and Zimbabwe mark 35-years of diplomatic ties.
Xi Jinping will leave for neigboring South Africa tomorrow to chair this year's Forum on China-Africa Cooperation in Johannesburg, which will open on Friday.
China central bank says no basis for yuan's continued depreciation
The People's Bank of China is rebuffing concerns over the depreciation of the renminbi now that it's been approved to enter the IMF's Special Drawing Rights basket.
Central Bank vice-Governor Yi Gang says mechanisms are available to keep the currency stable and at a reasonable level.
He also says the PBoC won't hesitate to intervene if there are drastic fluctuations in international balance of payments and cross-border capital flows.
Following the IMF decision overnight, the central parity rate of the renminbi dipped by 11 basis points to above 6.39 against the U.S. dollar for Tuesday's trading.
China takes over G20 Presidency
China has formally taken over the presidency of G20 as of this Tuesday.
As the rotating head of the G20 grouping, China will play host to next year's leaders summit in the city of Hangzhou in early September.
In taking over the Presidency of the G20, Chinese President Xi Jinping has issued a statement, calling on the world's 20 richest countries to unify steps to cope with problems facing the global economy.
This year's G20 summit took place in Antalya, Turkey in November.
Turkey Challenges Russia's accusation over IS oil trade
The Turkish government is openly challenging Russia over its claim the downing of a Russian military jet by the Turkish airforce last week somehow linked to allegations the Turkish government is purchasing oil from the Islamic State.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has 'dropped the gauntlet' amid moves by Russia to introduce new sanctions in connection with the incident.
Russia has blocked fresh fruit and vegetables from entering the Russian market.
The Kremlin is also restricting Turkish companies from signing new construction agreements in Russia, and is also moving to limit Turkish transport vehicles from crossing into Russian territory.
This comes on top of Russia ending its visa-free travel agreement with Turkey, and banning the extension of labour contracts for Turks working in Russia.
Report: Faulty Component Leads to the December AirAsia Crash
The initial report into the AirAsia plane crash a year ago in the Java Sea near Indonesia has been released.
The report into last December's fatal crash suggests a faulty component was a major factor that ended up causing the plane to go down, killing all 162 people onboard.
Indonesian officials say a component in the A320's rudder control system failed.
But at the same time, the flight crew's response to the malfunction is also being considered a contributing factor.
Biz Reports
Time to check today's business news, starting with the closing numbers in China.
Mainland markets closed mixed on Tuesday as stocks related to real estate and environmental protection performed well.
The two main bourses were in negative territory in the morning but managed to close higher in the afternoon, with almost 60 stocks up by the 10-percent daily limit.
Property developers and construction material producers led the surge.
Shares of China Vanke, the country's real estate giant, jumped by the 10-percent daily limit and hit its highest level since 2008.
Shares related to air pollution control also rose as heavy smog engulfed many parts of China.
While banking and securities firms saw their issues move lower.
At the close, the Shanghai Composite Index edged up 0.3 percent.
The Shenzhen Component index climbed 0.4 percent.
The small-cap ChiNext Index dropped 0.6 percent.
In Hong Kong, the benchmark Heng Seng Index gained 1.7 percent.
Elsewhere in Asia,
Tokyo shares closed higher with the Nikkei breaching the 20-thousand line for the first time since late August.
The marekt was cheered as better-than-expected spending data buoyed sentiment about the health of Japan's economy.
Utilities, iron and steel, as well as machinery-linked shares led the gains.
The Nikkei rose 1.3 percent.
South Korea's KOSPI added 1.6 percent.
Singapore's Straits Times index ticked up half of a percent.
And finally,
Australia's ASX/200 jumped 1.9 percent.
China manufacturing PMI dips in November, services shine
Latest stats suggest China's factory activity hit a 39-month low in November.
The manufacturing PMI reading has come in at 49.6 in November.
This is down from the 49.8 reading in October.
A PMI reading below 50 indicates contraction, while above 50 signals industry expansion.
Zhao Qinghe with the National Bureau of Statistics says a number of factors have caused manufacturing to slow down.
"Affected by slack domestic and external demand, factory production capacity has weakened, bringing down purchasing prices for raw materials."
The same stats also show non-manufacturing activity increased in November.
The non-manufacturing PMI for November has come in at 53.6 percent, up from the 53.1 reading in October.
Logistics, including post and courier services, saw increased activity last month, thanks in-part to the Singles' Day shopping event on November 11th.
The retail and wholesale sectors, along with Internet software, banking, securities trading and insurance, also saw strong expansion this past month.
Bill Gates Announces Cleantech Initiative
Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, along with a number of world leaders at this year's UN Climate conference in Paris, have announced a plan to research and develop clean energy technology.
"We're launching the 'Breakthrough Energy Coalition'. It's a global private investment group that will take risks that will allow companies to get innovation out of the lab and into the marketplace, and will focus on early-stage companies that could scale up to major carbon solutions."
It's been reported at least 19 governments and 28 leading world investors have signed up so far, including Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, billionaire investor George Soros and Alibaba founder Jack Ma.
Billions of dollars are expected to be poured into the coalition, which will work on ways to bring down the cost of clean energy production.
Gates has committed one billion US dollars of his own money to his pet cause.
For more on the commercialization of clean technology, CRI's Zhao Yang spoke earlier with Professor Liu Baocheng from the University of International Business and Economics.
Back anchor:
Professor Liu Baocheng from University of International Business and Economics speaking with CRI's Zhao Yang.
China cuts retail fuel prices
The price of fuel in China is coming down again.
The NDRC is cutting gas prices by 0.11 yuan per litre.
Diesel is coming down 0.12 yuan per liter.
It's the 12th time fuel prices have come down this year.
Chinese firm to invest in South Africa's coal mine
A Chinese company has announced its intention to purchase a 34 percent stake in South Africa's Makhado coal mine.
Qingdao Hengshun Zhongsheng Group has signed a memorandum of understanding with Coal of Africa, which operates the mine, in a deal worth 114 million U.S. dollars.
Hengshun will buy the stake from Baobab Mining and Exploration, which is controlled by Coal of Africa.
The Makhado Coal Mine has an estimated 340 million tons of coal still available for extraction.
Hengshun is hoping to extract around 12.5-million tonnes of raw coal a year starting next year.
Headhunter seeking $62.6 million on ChiNext
Chinese human resources firm Beijing Career International has announced plans to list on the ChiNext Index.
This is the indexs where start-ups go to try to secure financing.
The company is planning to raise around 400 million yuan, or just over 60-million U.S. dollars on the Nasdaq-style board on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.
Beijing Career International plans to issue of up to 45 million shares.
The Beijing-basd company had earlier planned an initial public offering in the United States.
However, the firm abandoned the process in 2010, citing a rise in US investors shorting Chinese issues at that time.
Uber plans to set up headquarters in Guangzhou
Uber has announced it's going to establish its Southern China headquarters in Guangdong's capital, Guangzhou.
The municipal traffic authority of Guangzhou says Uber has reached an agreement with them on the establishment of their headquarters, but have not inked any document.
Uber announced the establishment of a subsidiary in the Shanghai Free Trade Zone in October.
China imposes anti-dumping duties on MMA imports
China's Ministry of Commerce is going to impose anti-dumping measures on methyl methacrylate MMA imported from Singapore, Thailand and Japan.
The final ruling requires importers of the product to place deposits with Chinese customs ranging from just under 7-percent to over 34.5 percent of the imports as of today.
The ministry is accusing companies from Singapore, Thailand and Japan of dumping the chemical into the Chinese market.
MMA is an organic compound that can be used to produce glass, plastic, paint and adhesives.
Golden State Warriors beat Utah Jazz 106-103
Golden State has won its NBA-record 19th consecutive win to start the season getting past Utah 106-103 in Salt Lake City this morning.
Stephen Curry scored a game-high 26 points for the Warriors.
With the victory, the Warriors have won 23 straight regular-season games dating back to last season.
In other action,
The Houston Rockets' two-game winning streak has come to an end, going down to the Detroit Pistons 116-105.
Five players scored double digits for Houston, with James Harden leading the pack with 29 points.
The Los Angeles Clippers have extended their winning streak to three games with a 102-87 win over the Portland Trail Blazers.
The Blazers are looking to bounce back when they take on the Dallas Mavericks tomorrow.
Dallas come into that matchup on the heels of this morning's 112-98 loss to the Sacramento Kings.
It was Paul Millsap scoring 26 points to help the Atlanta Hawks with a 106-100 win over Oklahoma City Thunder.
The Thunder lost the game despite a 34-point performance from Russell Westbrook.
Other winners this morning include: the Boston Celtics, the Chicago Bulls and the Milwaukee Bucks.
Here in China,
The Xinjiang Flying Tigers are back in action tonight in the only CBA game on the schedule, which is in Fujian.
The Flying Tigers are looking to extend their unbeaten record to 12 games to start the CBA season.
Everton to Take on Middlesbrough at English League Cup
In football,
Everton is set to take on Middlesbrough tonight for a place in the semi-finals of the English League Cup.
Everton manager Roberto Martinez.
"We know tomorrow is a big event because we haven't been in that situation for a long, long time. If you look historically at the stats we haven't quarter finals of the League Cup in the last thirty years. It's only twice that we've been in that situation so that shows you that it is a big footballing event."
The other two quarter-final matches tonight include Manchester City up against 2nd division Hull, while Premiership side Stoke will take on 2nd tier side Sheffield on Wednesday.
In off-pitch football news,
Barcelona has claimed 5 La Liga awards for their 2014-15 season.
As expected, Lionel Messi has earned the Best Player and the Best Striker awards.
"I am happy and thankful for these awards and recognitions. I think that after all we've done and won last season we deserved these awards and perhaps even more. But we are thankful for these awards tonight."
The Best Player from the Americas went to Messi's teammate Neymar.
Messi and Neymar are also up for FIFA's Ballon D'Or award as the world's top footballer when the prize is revealed on January 11th.
IPTL to Kick off; Djokovic Tops Year-end Rankings
In tennis,
This year's International Premier Tennis League is set to get underway tomorrow in the Japanese city of Kobe.
Five teams will take part, and are sponsored by firms out of India, the Philippines, UAE, Singapore and Japan.
Among them, Rafeal Nadal and Indian double's specialist Sania Mirza will play for Team Indian Aces.
Serena Williams and France's Richard Gasquet will play for Team Philippine Mavericks.
Russian Maria Sharapova and Kei Nishikori will lead the Japan Warriors.
The International Premier Tennis League, which will make stops in 5 different cities, began last year, with Roger Federer leading the Indian Aces to the title.
In other tennis news,
As expected, Novak Djokovic will start next year's ATP Tour as world number-1.
The ATP has confirmed the Serbian star finished the season with almost double the number of Tour ranking points as 2nd placed Andy Murray.
Roger Federer will start next season ranked 3rd in the world.
Stan Wawrinka and Raphael Nadal round out the top-5.
On the women's side,
Serena Williams will start next season as World number 1.
Romanian Simona Halep comes in as World number-2, while rising Spainish star Garbine Muguruza will head into the WTA season ranked 3rd off her strong performance through the 2nd half of the season,
Maria Sharapova and Poland's Agnieszka Radwanska round out the top 5.
And for the first time in years, there are no Chinese players ranked in the top-50 on the WTA circuit.
The only mainland player in the top-100 is 21-year old Zhang Saisai, who is ranked 73rd in the world.
Taiwan's Hsieh Su-wei is ranked 93rd in Women's Singles.
Islanders beat Avalanche 5-3
In action from the NHL,
A light schedule in the National Hockey League, with only 4 games taking place this morning.
It was the New York Islanders over Colorado 5-3.
Andreas Martinsen, who signed up with the Avs last month from Europe, says the team's position at the bottom of the Central Division isn't really reflective of how they're playing.
"We have a good team. We just need to find ways to win the games. Like today, we played well and we had some chances but did not get enough shots on goals. We can climb in the standings but we have to win more games. Maybe we are a bit unlucky but we have to continue playing hard. There are a lot of games remaining before Christmas. I think we have a chance, there is a new game tomorrow."
Action across the Brooklyn Bridge in Manhatten saw the New York Rangers return to the top of the Atlantic Division ahead of the idle Washington Capitals with a 4-3 win over Carolina.
Rookie goaltender Garrett Sparks earned a shutout in his first NHL start, giving the Toronto Maple Leafs a 3-0 victory over Edmonton Oilers.
John Gibbson also earning a shutout as Anaheim blanked visiting Vancouver 4-0.
In off-ice hockey news,
The Montreal Canadiens have announced that star goaltender Carey Price will miss at least the next 6-weeks with a lower-body injury.
Price is expected to miss at least 16 games after re-injuring his back last week.
The same injury already sidelined him for a number of games earlier this season.
Montreal is 10-points ahead of 2nd place Ottawa in the Atlantic Division.
Gao Lei and Li Dan Win Golds at Trampoline World Championships
China's Gao Lei has won a gold medal in men's individual at this year's Trampoline World Championships in Denmark.
The gold in women's individual goes to China's Li Dan.
China has topped the medal table with 8 golds, 3 silvers and 2 bronzes.
Four Chinese trampoline athletes have secured a spot in next year's Rio Olympics through their performance at the championships.
Rio Chairman Carlos Nuzman praises badminton test event
In some news coming out of Rio:
Rio 2016 Organizing Committee chair Carlos Nuzman is praising the results of the badminton test event held in Rio this past weekend.
This comes despite criticism from the Chinese delegation that the air conditioners at the event were blowing too hard.
"That's what test events are for. The test event is to see what we need to adjust. They (Badminton Athletes) praised everything, it was a success. I think that these test events that Rio are holding are the best in the history. The adjustments will be important because we hear the athletes to see what we can improve for them." 
Chinese compeditors took all 5 titles at the event in Rio.
NFL: Ravens upset Cleveland with last-second touchdown
The NFL Monday night'er has turned out to be a much more entertaining game than originally billed.
The Baltimore Ravens and the Cleveland Browns, both at the bottom of the AFC North, provided a lot more excitement than their records would expect.
Baltimore ended up winning the game 33-27 after the Ravens blocked a last-second field-goal attempt by the Browns which would have won them the game.
Instead, the Ravens Defense recovered the ball and ran it back for a touchdown with no time left on the clock.
With the win the Ravens move to 4-7 on the season, while the Browns drop down to 2-9.
'Our Times' hits China's box office
Teen movie "Our Times" has become the highest-grossing film from Taiwan to be released on the mainland.
Starring new actress Vivian Sung and actor Darren Wang, the movie has been a smash hit at the box office, taking in over 210 million yuan or around 33 million US dollars within 10 days of being released.
A number of teen-themed movies released over the past few years have tried to focus on dealing with controversial plot lines, highlighting social issues such as abortion.
However, "Our Times" doesn't go that route.
Instead, its a story of a couple reminiscing about their schooldays in the 1990s.
Hong Kong actor Andy Lau, as well as Jerry Yan and Joe Chen have guest roles in the movie.
K-Pop Phenom Psy Dances His Way Back To YouTube With 2 New Music Videos
South Korean K-Pop sensation Psy is out with some new tracks.
The "Gangnam Style" star is out with a pair of singles "Daddy" and "Napal Baji" were released last night in Seoul.
2NE1's CL is also featured in "Daddy."
The singer also appears in the music video, alongside several other top Korean stars.
Psy's "Daddy" also has humorous elements that helped make his previous songs, including "Gangnam Style" and "Gentleman," international successes.
The music video features Psy as both himself an and elderly man, or "Daddy."
He performs in a variety of ridiculous outfits, including a school child's uniform and a ballroom dance outfit that wouldn't be out of place on "Dancing With the Stars."
Psy also performs another unique dance that many predict will likely go viral.
"Daddy" is the first single off of Psy's latest album, which is simply called "Psy 7th's Album".
Angry Birds movie releases trailer: The Hatchlings Sing "Deck The Halls"
A new trailer has been released for the new Angry Bird's movie, with the so-called Hatchlings promoting the film in the spirit of the holiday season in North America.
Angry Birds, an 3D animated comedy based on the popular video game, is set on an island where the birds come into contact with mystrious green pigs.
The all-star voice cast includes a number former Saturday Night Live alumni, including Bill Hader, Maya Rudolph and Jason Sudeikis and current SNL cast member Kate McKinnon.
Other actors lending their voice to the film include Peter Dinklage, Keegan-Michael Key and Josh Gadd.
The Angry Birds movie is set to be released in May.
The budget for the film is believed to have been around 80-million US dollars.
Harry Potter exhibition to open in Shanghai
A Harry Potter exhibition is set to open this weekend in Shanghai.
In it, guests can get an up close and personal with the artistry and craftsmanship that went into creating the iconic props and costumes that appeared throughout the Harry Potter films.
The memorabilia is being displayed in elaborate settings inspired by locations from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, including the Gryffindor common room, Hagrid's hut and the Great Hall.
A 15-thousand square-foot exhibition hall will include stuff from all eight Harry Potter films.
The exhibition made its world premiere in Chicago in April 2009 before traveling on to Boston, Toronto, Seattle, New York City, Sydney and Singapore.
After Shanghai the tour will continue on to additional international cultural and entertainment venues, museums and institutions.
Chung turns director with Sandglass
Hong Kong actor Wallace Chung has joined the growing number of Chinese actors and actresses who have decided to move behind the camera to direct.
Chung, known for the smash hit Monster Hunt, has announced his directorial debut for the film Sandglass.
The film, which is a flash-back to the lead characters childhood, is being adapted from best-selling author Rao Xueman's book of the same name.
Rao is the film's screenwriter.
Writer and director Han Han will be the project's executive producer.
Financed by the entertainment giant Enlight Media, Sandglass is part of the company's mandate over the past 4-years to help promote actors and actresses who want to direct films.
Actor-director Xu Zheng's Lost franchise and Taiwan pop singer-director Alec Su's youth drama The Left Ear are two commercially successful ventures which have come from Enlight's initiative.
Beijing is still plagued with smog tonight, a low of minus 3 degrees Celsius; however, a cold front is expected to arrive in the capital around midnight, helping to improve air quality.
The capital is sunny tomorrow with a high of 4.
Shanghai, wet overnight with a low of 11; cloudy tomorrow with a high of 13.
Chongqing, overcast tonight with a low of 11; still overcast tomorrow with a high of 14.
Lhasa is clear tonight with a low of minus 3; sunny tomorrow with a high of 13.
Elsewhere in Asia,
Islamabad, sunny tomorrow, with a high of 21.
Kabul, sunny, 14.
Down in the Southern Hemisphere.
Sydney, cloudy, a high of 21.
Brisbane, wet, 28.
Perth, cloudy, 35.
And finally Auckland, New Zealand will see slight rain with a high of 20 degrees Celsius.
That's it for this edition of the Beijing Hour...
A quick look at the headlines before we go...
Chinese President Xi Jinping has arrived in Zimbabwe for a short stop over in the southern African country.
On behalf of the Beijing Hour team, this is Paul James in Beijing, hoping you'll join us for the next edition of the Beijing Hour, to open a window to the world together...