
The Twilight series won her huge success she never expected before. She is regarded as kind of goddess in the teenagers’ hearts. Even the older actors spoke highly of her. But only she, Kristen Stewart doesn’t show too much interest except that she has turned successfully from child star.
She never got hint that she would be that successful when she got the Twilight scripts. As she was busy with another film at that time, she even cursed to be distracted. She didn’t read Twilight until she confirmed to act the series. The role Bella brought so many awards but she insisted saying” I didn’t do it for money. My first impression about it is just an odd and romantic love story.”
But Kristen knows that she has to keep calm and behave herself. “I chose the films which attracts me a lot.” She said so. And she expressed her hope to become an independent and responsible actress rather than a submissive one.
Paparazzi are her headache after being so famous. Actually she would be willing to talk about her roles and film. But when it comes to her private life, she would turn gloomy and talk less. Some people even criticized her for being too arrogant. She admitted that she felt uneasy as if she were an animal in cage to be investigated by others. Maybe she just doesn’t get used to it.
Her mother is her motivation who is always warning her to keep modest when facing compliments. Judy Foster who costarred with her in Panic Room also said “This can’t be lasted long.” She faced all the warnings piously for she always thinks she isn’t that good and needs improvement.” I learned a lot from the mature actors who taught me to be honest to myself.”
Well, the prospects of Kristen is still full of changes. Can she maintain her popularity and make more progress? It’s good for her to be remembered by more than one film. Let’s wait and see more of her works beside the Twilight series.