
She entered the classroom. Everybody was so surprised and excited. The professor asked one question. She raised her hand rather quickly and spoke out the right answer. “20 points to Gryffindor. ” Others shouted out in spite of themselves. This happened in Brown University and also took place in Harry Potter series. No doubt she is Hermione and she is also Emma Watson.
Emma is rather famous these years for her wonderful performance in Harry Potter. With the final episode of Harry Potter, she would concentrate more on study. Judy Foster from Yale and Nathalie Portman form Harvard are her idols. The next term she would transfer from Brown to another university to accomplish her study.
Emma has something common with Hermione.” I can’t stand that she would be played by others. We were just the same.” She talked her feelings about the role interview. Her father is her supporter. He cooked a roast chicken to let his daughter to make a vow to the forked wishbone. Emma finally realized her fanatic wish to cast Hermione.
Then in the next decade, she left a rather profound impression on us. When asked about the most difficult part in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 , she admitted it was riding a broom that made her uncomfortable. She also commented she really wonder Daniel’s feeling for he rode it for a rather long time.
Besides acting, the grown-up Emma has a special test for fashion. She is the spokesperson of Burberry and gets on well with fashion leader Karl Largerfield. Meanwhile she cooperates with People Tree and donates all the money made to the People Tree Fund. ”I’m doing it for I was attracted by the idea to use fashion as means to help the poor.” She said so.
The fact is after casting Harry Potter, she has already gained lot and some people even said that the pay would cover her whole life. But she chose to go back to campus life and manage her huge money wisely. What would happen to her after the magic of Harry Potter? Only the time can find an answer.