
In an attempt to gain access to big fortune, two bad persons desperately developed a plan to kidnap a pizza delivery man and forced him to rob a bank with a bomb attached to his chest with a 30-minute timer. In a race against the clock, the delivery man, and his faithful best friend teamed up for an intensely thrill ride. Well, this is the story 30 Minutes More or Less about. Today, we would talk about the leading role Jesse Eisenberg.
You’re new to this film but you would be probably impressed by the one who played Mark Zuckerberg in The Social Network. Actually it’s this film that wins him so much attention and even lands him the nomination for Academy Awards for Best Actor. And the next year, he would give his vote for this big event.
He first appeared in a TV program Get Real in which he only got a small role. His wonderful performance in Roger Dodger and The Emperor's Club in 2002 made him known. But he also took a risk to play Roger Dodger for he has to refuse to go to the university.
The director David Leo Finche said when he first saw Jesse’s performance; he knew that wasn’t Zuckerberg but Jesse spoke so fast which is rather perfect for the film. In realities, he also did some work in relation to internet. He built a game website which interestingly requires facebook .
After The Social Network, he has a rather busy schedule. Lots of films are waiting like The Bop Decameron with Allen Page , Now You See Me with Jack and so on, But he never feels easy about being a film actor and even a little bit afraid of his own movies for he thought it’s terrible that the films provide more perspectives for one to discover himself.
He explained his big change after The Social Network is that he raised more cats which are his favorite and he described his life like” My life basically is just, you know, feeding and cleaning cats and I gonna be the sexiest geek alive“As for huge success, he expressed he never expected to win instantly for it also means to drop immediately.