



An Entrance Examination

In an entrance examination of a conservatory of music, the teacher asked one of the boys, “What is the most important physiological quality of a musician?”

“To be deaf,” replied the boy.

“Nonsense!” said the teacher angrily.

“Why, sir! Don’t you know that the most famous musician Beethoven was deaf?” the boy asked in reply disdainfully.








1. conservatory音乐院校。我们熟知的一些音乐类高等院校的名称:Central Conservatory of Music中央音乐学院,Xinghai Conservatory of Music

2. physiological生理的。physiological functions生理机能;physiological changes生理上的变化

3. quality特质。the refreshing quality of a drink饮料的提神性能。quality还有“品德”的意思:He has many good qualities-generosity, diligence, modesty, simplicity.他具有许多优秀品质:慷慨,勤奋,谦虚,纯朴。

4. nonsense胡说(n.)。talk nonsense胡说八道,a pack of nonsense一派胡言。Let’s stop that nonsense right now.我们别再胡闹了。“无价值的东西”:The raincoats are classic, without any nonsense.雨衣样式传统简约,没有什么无用的装饰品。还可以作形容词,是“无意义的/荒谬的”意思:a nonsense word无意义的词;a nonsense story荒谬的故事。

5.why表示惊讶、不同意、气愤等的感叹。why在这里并不是“为什么”的意思,而只是表示一种感叹,类似的还有:Why, don’t be silly!嗨,别犯傻了!Why, a child could answer that!哎呀,这连孩子都能回答!

6.disdainfully鄙视地,轻蔑地。be disdainful of riches鄙夷财宝。The lady dismissed her maid with a disdainful nod.贵妇人轻蔑地点一点头,将女仆打发走了。
