

clerk售货员,tape卷尺,plasma 等离子


A Small Trick

All I wanted was to pay for some batteries, but none of the clerks in the electronics store seemed interested in helping me. I got an idea, and pulled a tape measure out of my pocket. I stepped over to one of the giant plasma screen TVs and started to measure it. Faster than you can say high definition, a young man came running over.

“May I help you?” he asked breathlessly.

“Yes,” I said. “I’d like to buy these batteries.”








2.tape卷尺。tape还可以做动词,有“用胶布固定”的意思:tape a note to the door用胶布把一张字条粘贴在门上。Tie her and tape her up.把她绑起来,用胶布封住她的嘴。

3.step over走过,迈过。Step over the water, kids.孩子们,迈水过来。Will you step over to my office after work?下班后到我办公室来一趟好吗?

4.giant特大的。a giant photograph巨幅照片。也可以作名词,指“巨人”:a literary giant大文豪;an oil giant大石油公司

5. measure测量/权衡/调节/斟酌:measure one’s words斟酌词句;measure one’s foe估量自己的敌人。也可作名词,是“尺寸”的意思:one’s waist measure腰围尺寸。

6.breathless气喘吁吁的。Running up stairs very fast made him breathless.飞快跑上楼梯使他上气不接下气。“沉闷的、令人窒息的”:a breathless evening无风而沉闷的夜晚;breathless air in the attic阁楼里令人窒息的空气
