最新15篇文章贯通英语四级词汇MP3 Unit14-Part2(在线收听



[00:02.17]In the western world 

[00:04.03]the number of people 

[00:05.34]who smoke cigars or cigarettes

[00:06.98]has diminished substantially 

[00:08.52]in the last several years. 

[00:10.81]Maybe the use of tobacco 

[00:13.00]will be eliminated completely.

[00:15.85]Will we be able to 

[00:18.15]heal illnesses and diseases 

[00:19.89]as soon as the 

[00:21.31]symptoms are identified?

[00:22.63]A cure for cancer 

[00:24.81]would be considered a miracle.

[00:26.89]Could the disease be conquered 

[00:30.07]with adequate commitment of 

[00:31.78]federal funds to furnish 

[00:33.53]financial resources? Accomplishment 

[00:36.71]of this project would be 

[00:38.56]a triumph of enormous proportions. 

[00:40.54]It would be equivalent to 

[00:43.16]sending several rockets to 

[00:45.13]Mars simultaneously. It would improve 

[00:48.52]the welfare of all humanity.

[00:50.93]Instead of using a thermometer 

[00:53.66]to take our temperature, 

[00:55.72]maybe we will have sensors 

[00:57.80]implanted in our bodies 

[00:59.22]that will be read 

[01:00.75]by a personal health care monitor. 

[01:03.60]The machine could tell us 

[01:05.90]if we are in need 

[01:07.32]of more oxygen in our blood 

[01:08.96]or if the food 

[01:10.38]we just ate is difficult 

[01:11.92]to digest because of 

[01:13.67]too much acid in our stomachs. 

[01:15.97]Will an appointment with 

[01:18.37]a doctor be automatic 

[01:19.79]if we are in need 

[01:21.33]of treatment or will 

[01:22.75]that profession become obsolete?

[01:24.38]The monitor might also 

[01:28.43]have the ability to prescribe 

[01:29.97]a lifestyle program for us. 

[01:32.38]A woman might be able 

[01:35.43]to determine if she 

[01:36.75]is pregnant from the 

[01:38.39]use of this machine. 

[01:39.70]A remedy for a sore limb 

[01:42.11]might be verified if 

[01:43.53]the person is uncertain 

[01:45.06]how to treat it. 

[01:46.93]A sore throat, a cough 

[01:48.78]or a stiff neck might 

[01:50.65]also be diagnosed and treatment prescribed. 

[01:53.71]Tension in parts of our body

[01:57.10]can be caused by stress 

[01:59.33]and precautions and preventative 

[02:01.52]steps could be recommended.

[02:03.27]A machine might be used for 

[02:06.33]the administration of medicine as well. 

[02:09.50]Could you adjust to 

[02:11.58]the idea of having an injection 

[02:13.23]given to you by 

[02:14.65]a robot using a needle? 

[02:16.07]In fact, the precise dosage 

[02:18.69]might be easier to 

[02:20.01]attain using this method.

[02:21.65]It seems logical to 

[02:24.60]make use of equipment that 

[02:26.46]can evaluate symptoms and 

[02:28.43]interpret data if the 

[02:30.07]performance proves reliable.
