好听的英文歌曲:樱花姑娘 Air - Cherry Blossom Girl(在线收听

由Nicolas Godin和Jean Benoit Dunckel组成的Air出道于1995年,但直到1998他们才正式出版专辑,就是《Moon Safari》。这张使他们大红大紫的唱片很巧妙地把电子潮流与当年的新浪潮音乐以及法国流行音乐结合在一起,所以,那种怀旧的气息一直萦绕在他们的音乐中。

I don't want to be shy 

Can't stand it anymore 

I just want to say 'Hi' 

To the one I love 

Cherry blossom girl  

I feel sick all day long 

From not being with you 

I just want to go out 

Ever night for a while 
Cherry blossom girl 

Tell me why can't it be true 

I never talk to you 
People say that I should 
I can pray everyday 
For the moment to come 
Cherry blossom girl 

I just want to be sure 
When I will come to you 
When the time will be gone 
You will be by my side 
Cherry Blossom Girl 

Tell me why can't it be true (X2)

Cherry Blossom Girl (X2)

I'll never love again 
Can I say that to you 
Will you run away 
If I try to be true 
Cherry blossom girl 

Cherry blossom girl 
I'll always be there for you 
That means no time to waste 
Whenever there's a chance 
Cherry blossom girl 

Tell me why can't it be true
