新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 20:00 2015/12/09(在线收听

 The Beijing HourEvening EditionSpencer Musick with you on this Wednesday December 9th 2015.

Welcome to the Beijing Hour, live from the Chinese capital...
Coming up on the program this evening...
Chinese President Xi Jinping set to attend the 2015 World Internet Conference to be held later this month in Zhejiang province...
A red alert for air pollution continues in the Chinese capital as authorities take strong measures to safeguard public health...
And the lower house of the US Congress voting to tighten visa regulations over heightened terror concerns...
In business... China's consumer inflation picking up last month...
In sports... a live look at some CBA action happening tonight...
In entertainment.... two North Korean musical acts set to perform here in China...
Top News2nd World Internet Conference to be held in east China's WuzhenThe 2015 World Internet Conference will be held from December 16 to 18 in Wuzhen, a town in east China's Zhejiang Province.
The State Council Information Office made the announcement at a press conference Wednesday.
Chinese President Xi Jinping will attend the conference and deliver a keynote speech.
Director of the Cyberspace Administration of China, Lu Wei, is one of the organizers.
"As a big internet user, China is willing to take on our responsibility. We host the World Internet Conference in a bid to secure a safe environment and mutual development. We must set up a multilateral, democratic and transparent international Internet management mechanism so that everyone can benefit from the Internet."Lu said the conference will be a platform for building a cyberspace community of shared destiny.
"The conference includes 10 forums where 22 hot topics such as Internet cultural communication, Internet innovation, digital economic cooperation, Internet technology standard, and Internet governance will be discussed. An Internet-themed exposition will be held during the conference to showcase the advanced technologies and latest development of Internet both at home and abroad."The theme of the conference this year is 'An Interconnected World Shared and Governed by All -- Building a Cyberspace Community of Shared Destiny'.
The summit will gather participants from more than 120 countries and regions, including representatives from over 20 international organizations and 600 Internet business leaders, experts and scholars.
China to Further Boost International Cooperation on Anti-Corruption campaign: OfficialsToday marks the 12th International Anti-Corruption Day established by the United Nations.
Experts and officials have said that China has been making great efforts in its anti-corruption drive and will further boost international cooperation on the issue.
CRI's Xie Cheng reports.
A series of actions have been taken in China to fight against corruption, and observers say they have made much progress.
Earlier this year, China launched an anti-corruption campaign called 'Skynet', a move designed to capture corrupt officials accused of economic crimes having fled overseas.
As of the end of November, over 800 such fugitives have been brought back, with 1.2 billion yuan, or over 180 million U.S. dollars recovered.
Among those captured, 18 of them are also on a 'red-notice' list published during the 'Skynet' campaign detailing 100 most wanted corrupt fugitives still at large.
One of the most recent cases involved Huang Yurong, a former local official suspected of bribery in central China's Henan Province.
Huang surrendered herself to the police and returned voluntarily last week after being at large in the U.S. for 13 years.
Deng Zhaofeng, an official from China's Ministry of Public Security, said an increasing number of countries have actively cooperated and pledged to provide no harbor for such fugitives.
"We take several measures like extradition, repatriation, persuasion for suspects to return to China so as to seize overseas economic crimes suspects. So far, we have repatriated two escaped suspects from the United States, and extradited six from Italy, Greece, Bulgaria, Spain and Hungary. "Li Chengyan, Director of Research Center for Government Integrity Building at Peking University, believed that the achievements can provide reference and experience for further deepening cooperation and creating cooperative avenues between China and other countries.
"We will unceasingly enhance research on international cooperation during manhunts in the future, and discuss carefully and conscientiously the implementation of relevant laws as well as the United Nations Convention against Corruption, including what Transparency International has contributed. All those will lay a solid foundation for our next operations."China has concluded more than 30 extradition and 50 criminal judicial assistance treaties with other countries.
Liu Jianchao, deputy head of China's National Bureau of Corruption Prevention says the country cannot stay out of the cooperative efforts of anti-corruption and has been playing a significant role in the global anti-corruption campaign.
"First, we have strengthened bilateral exchanges with other countries. We also signed memorandums with more than 20 countries and more are willing to sign with us. Second, we have been active in participating in multilateral mechanisms, forums and conferences to discuss international cooperation against corruption. Third, China is also playing an active role in the broader anti-corruption field."In 2014, the Beijing Declaration on Fighting Corruption was passed at the APEC meeting held in Beijing. The first international anti-corruption initiative drafted by China.
The APEC members adopted the declaration to fight corruption through extradition, judicial assistance and more flexible legal measures. An informal network was also set up for sharing information among anti-corruption and law enforcement authorities in the Asia-Pacific region, based in Beijing.
For CRI, I'm Xie Cheng.
Hazardous smog smothers BeijingSmog continue to hover over Beijing on Wednesday as limits on cars, factories and construction sites are still kept in place to prevent pollution from spiking even higher.
It was the second of three days of restrictions triggered by the city's red alert for serious air pollution.
Shi Huanzhong from Beijing Chaoyang Hospital said the number of emergency cases of cough has been surging.
"Almost all respiratory diseases are attributed to PM2.5. PM10 can be filtered by our nose hair. But the PM2.5 can reach middle and lower parts of the respiratory tract."The red alert - the most serious warning on a four-tier system adopted in 2013 - means authorities have forecast more than three consecutive days of severe smog.
Although Beijing has seen higher pollution levels in recent years, the latest bout was the first to trigger a red alert under a two-year-old system.
As part of its emergency response plan, at least two million private cars have been taken off the road in the Chinese capital.
The traffic ban is based on odd or even license plate numbers.
Under the alert, schools have been closed, work at outdoor construction sites suspended, and factories have been ordered to halt operations.
The city has also closed several highway sections to reduce traffic.
The alert remains active until noon on Thursday.
The city authorities have added over 840 buses and 50 subway trains to ensure that the public transportation system can accommodate extra passengers.
Chinese authority rolls out traffic integration plan in northern ChinaChinese authorities have approved a plan to promote transportation integration in the greater Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.
The move aims to turn five cities in the region into national traffic hubs and build a one-hour commuters' circle around Beijing.
CRI's Guo Yan reports.
The plan, approved by the State Council, is expected to relive traffic pressure in the capital city.
Ren Hong, a senior official from the National Development and Reform Commission explains how the new project helps commuters save travel time.
"It takes one hour for commuters to travel between downtown areas of Beijing, Tianjin, and Shi Jiazhuang, the capital city of He Bei, their satellite towns and new urban districts. The commuting time between cities are also cut within one and a half hour. It aims to turn Beijing, Tianjin, Shi Jiazhuang, Tang Shan and Qin Huangdao in to national transport hubs. The newly-built hubs will help shorten transfer times to no more than 10 minutes. "Beijing has issued its first-ever red alert for smog and on Tuesday rolled out its emergency response plan to tackle the severe air pollution.
Other major cities in northern China have also warned residents of terrible air quality.
Yu Shengying, a senior official from the Ministry of Transport, says the promotion of green and low-carbon transport is one of the major tasks of the project.
"In order to develop green, safe and sustainable transport we will strive to develop and promote the new-energy cars which are clean and energy-saving. New technology, and renewable materials will be used for road constructions. Various traffic policies including the car registration policies, traffic regulations, vehicle emission standards, and the quality of oils will be unified in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. "Yu adds that the project is expected adopt new investment and financing methods, attracting social capital to take part in major infrastructure construction.
"We will promote the Public-Private-Partnership in infrastructure construction and encourage policy-based financial institutions to take the lead to attract social capitals to join infrastructure construction."The traffic project is also seen as a first major step for promoting the integration of the Beijing- Tianjin-Hebei region.
For CRI I'm Guo Yan.
Indian Capital to Implement Odd-Even Scheme to Curb PollutionThe municipal government in the Indian capital has announced plans similar to the ones in Beijing to limit the number of vehicles on the road.
However, the Indian government is taking it a step further, bringing in the new policy on a permanent basis.
CRI's Wang Mengzhen has more.
Under the new plan in Delhi, each private car and two-wheeler will only be allowed on the city's roads every other day starting on January 1st.
Private vehicles with odd registration numbers will operate on odd days of a month.
Those with even numbers will be permitted on even days.
The new rules won't apply to natural gas-powered buses, taxis, rickshaws or emergency vehicles, but will cover automobiles entering the capital city from other states.
Delhi Chief Secretary K.K. Sharma says to make up for it, the public transport system in Delhi will be upgraded.
"Every year pollution level increases in winter. For some time, odd and even numbered vehicles will run on alternate days. Alternative arrangements and additional transport arrangements will be made. DTC (Delhi Transport Corporation) will be asked to run extra buses with higher frequency. Metro will be requested to increase its operations during the day."A committee is being formed to decide how the new rules will be enforced.
Until then, local traffic cops in Delhi will have the final say.
The odd-even scheme covers some 9-million vehicles registered in the city, as well as thousands more which enter Delhi from neighboring states, evoking swift reaction from those affected.
"Maybe the odd-and-even formula would improve the air situation and I am already to follow this. It needs time to prove it. ""I think it's a little bit illogical. You can have some better ways to control pollutions. I am favor of the car-free day. One day of the week you are not using car. That is something logical. But odd-and-even doesn't make sense. If you have to commute, you have to commute. You can keep two cars. You use the odd car on the odd days, and the other on the even days."Environmental experts in India have welcomed the move, saying the situation is so grim that urgent steps are needed.
Environment lawyer Ritwick Dutta.
"In China and other countries where it has been implemented, there has been an effective impact, because the number of vehicles do come down on certain days. I think we have raised a stage where we have to now come down to this kind of measures, because otherwise emissions keep on increasing. So, there has to be some kind of restriction, and this is the one which works the best."This comes after the Delhi High Court embarrassed the local government, likening the national capital to a gas chamber, seeking immediate action from the central and Delhi governments.
In November and early December, Delhi's air quality slumped to hazardous levels, with PM2.5 levels to around 300.
Many doctors in the Indian capital tend to report a sharp spike in pollution-related illnesses during the winter months.
Earlier this year, the municipal government in Delhi ordered all private cars older than 10 years to be taken off the roads.
A surcharge of up to 13-hundred rupees, the equivalent of around 20 US dollars, is also being levelled on diesel-powered trucks that enter the city.
For CRI, this is Wang Mengzhen.
China aims to build 40 nuclear power plants during 13th Five-Year PlanChina is planning to build six to eight nuclear power plants annually during the 13th Five-Year Plan period, from 2016 to 2020.
Nuclear power generation from reactors both under construction and in operation will reach 88 gigawatts by the end of 2020.
China now has 30 nuclear reactors in operation and another 21 under construction. According to the draft plan, China will allocate 570 billion US dollars to set up new nuclear plants, aiming to derive 10 percent of its energy from nuclear power by 2030.
Currently, 66 percent of China's energy comes from coal, 35 percentage points higher than the world average.
For more on this, CRI's Zhao Yang earlier talked with Faizal Syed, Chairman of Calatrava Advisors Pte Ltd.
Developing countries are most affected by climate changeAt the climate change conference in Paris, finance has become a major sticking point, with developing countries arguing richer nations are in 'debt' to them for the impact of climate change.
CRI's Natalie Powell reports from Paris.
At the COP21 Climate Change Summit in Paris, finance is one of the most difficult topics facing ministers here.
There is a growing concern that without a working agreement on finance, the most vulnerable countries will be hit the hardest by the effects of climate change.
Managers from the Climate Investment Funds, or CIFs are attending the talks in Paris, to emphasis how important funding is for developing countries, as Mafalda Duarte, from CIF explains.
"The gap is large. Obviously we're talking here in terms of COP21 at least meeting 100billion dollars, at least some of those flows should be going through adaptation but that's just one part of the story, the needs, in particular in the most vulnerable countries, least developed countries and small island states are very large."The Climate Investment Funds have established a Pilot Programme for Climate Resilience, which assists developing countries in putting in place frameworks for climate resilience and helps them cope with changing climates.
Zambia is one country that has benefited from the Climate Resilience fund, as David Kaluba a Principal Economist and advisor to Zambia's Climate Change Secretariat explains.
"We need resources to adapt because the impacts are not slowing down, they are growing, but having more than 90 million US dollars to work with is also a great benefit and this I would say in a more affordable way, because we are accessing a larger chunk of grants, largely around 50 million in grants but also cheaper bonds in around about 40 million dollars. So this is, for climate change, this is a huge benefit."But industry experts argue that funds, like these, designed to allow developing countries to implement climate change resistance measures are far too low.
They're hoping to see bigger financial commitments from ministers at the Climate Change Summit in Paris, but are skeptical about what can be achieved.
As Mafalda Durante of the Climate Investment Funds explains.
"It's such big issue because developing countries do need support, they re going to be the most exposed to the impacts at the same time they are expected to be making such significant investments in terms of infrastructure and other kinds of investment and it's important that they make the investment choices that will lead us to the below 2 degree target, so they do need support to make those choices in terms of what type of investments they make, which technologies will they invest in"Engaging the private sector in climate resilience and adaptation is also an important goal for industry experts to pursue.
But in Paris the amount of money richer countries are prepared to pay developing countries to help them deal with global warming, is likely to continue to emendate negotiations at the COP21 Climate Change Summit.
For CRI I'm Natalie Powell in Paris3rd Paris Terror Attacker Identified: French OfficialsFrench officials have announced that the 3rd attacker who targeted Paris' Bataclan concert hall has been identified.
Foued Mohamed-Aggad from France left for Syria 2 years ago. He is believed to have carried out a sucide bombing outside the concert hall.
Mourad Fares, another Frenchman believed to have recruited Mohamed-Aggad, is now charged with terror-related offenses and faces trial.
French Prime Minister Manuel Valls says Mohamed-Aggad's identification marks another sign of progress in the investigation.
"What is important is that the investigation is progressing, that the accomplices are found out, that arrests happen. This will all take time and in the face of the terrorist threat that is unfortunately here, we need to carry on with this work of tracking down terrorists."All of the 13 November attackers identified so far have been from France or Belgium, native French speakers who joined Islamic State extremists in Syria.
The terror attack in Paris has left some 130 people dead, with nearly three-quarters killed in the concert venue.
US Tightens Travel Controls Amid Terrorist ConcernsThe US House of Representatives voted on Tuesday to tighten control on travel to the country. The new legislation will require visas for all those who have been to Syria or Iraq in the past five years.
Republican Representative from Texas Michael McCaul said Tuesday's vote highlighted the security risks facing the US.
"Our nation faces the highest terror threat environment since 9/11 and we must do everything possible to shut down terrorist pathways into this country."The US has a "visa waiver" program which allows citizens of 38 countries to stay up to 90 days without a visa.
France and Belgium, home to most of the perpetrators in the November Paris attacks, are included on the list.
Tuesday's legislation was passed with an overwhelming majority. It also included new visa requirements for citizens of Iraq, Syria and any other country considered a breeding ground for terrorism.
Canada Prepares for Arrival of Syrian RefugeesCanada is preparing to welcome the first batch of 25-thousand Syrian refugees it plans to take in by early next year.
Newly elected Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had previously committed his government to the program.
10-thousand are expected to arrive in Canada by the end of the year, while the remaining will arrive by the end of February next year.
Canada has sent 500 government officials to Lebanon, Turkey and Jordan to screen the candidate migrants.
Terry Brown is the operations manager of a processing center in Jordan. He says the screening process is being carried out according to schedule.
"Well, we'll certainly get through the selection process of the 10-thousand people. Now, everyone has to go through security processing, medical processing, all the other steps of the visa issuing process, and that is a challenge to do during the time. It can be done. I can say with complete confidence that if the UN can get the people in the door, we can process them."Canada is working with the UN Refugee Agency and the International Organization for Migration to carry out the screening process.
Canada plans to use military and chartered flights to transport the migrants, who will then automatically become Canadian residents.
The first group of migrants is expected to arrive in Canada within days.
Headline NewsChina asks ROK to clarify on warning shots at Chinese boatChina is asking South Korea to make clarifications after the South Korean navy has reportedly fired warning shots at a Chinese fishery administration boat on Tuesday.
Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying says the Chinese embassy in Seoul has communicated with South Korea to verify the reports.
Hua Chunying also says China will continue to closely watch the developments so as to ensure the safety of Chinese personnel and ships.
So far, there are not yet reports of Chinese people or ships affected.
Earlier, the South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff states that an initially unidentified vessel encroached on its territorial waters and the country retreated as warning shots were being fired.
China removes over 1 million high-emission vehicles from roadsChina says the country has removed 1.17 million high-emission vehicles from roads nationwide in the first 11 months of this year.
Figures from the Ministry of Environmental Protection show that almost all high-emission commercial vehicles registered before the end of 2005 had been pulled from the roads.
To accelerate the removal of targeted vehicles, the ministry has filed monthly reports briefing the public on the latest developments in each provincial region since July.
Syrian rebels leave Homs under ceasefire dealSyrian rebels started evacuating their last stronghold in the city of Homs on Wednesday.
This was followed by a ceasefire deal reached recently between the government and rebels, supervised by the United Nations.
Under the new deal, some 2-thousand armed rebels are pulling out of a district in Homs, meaning the entire city will return to government control.
Homs is seen as a major battleground area on Syria's main north-south highway.
KFC to open its first chain restaurant in TibetU.S. fast-food giant KFC has announced plans to open its first chain store in Tibet Autonomous Region next month.
This comes as KFC has signed a contract with a shopping mall in downtown Lhasa named Shenlishidai.
The new KFC branch is designed to cover 540 square meters including two stories.
Meanwhile, KFC also plans to set up a frozen storage area in the suburbs of Lhasa for further expansion in the region.
Afghan President Arrives in Pakistan for "Heart of Asia" ConferenceAfghanistan's President Ashraf Ghani arrived in Pakistan's capital Islamabad on Wednesday to attend the fifth "Heart of Asia" meeting.
The conference is an annual gathering of Asian and other nations, aimed at gathering international support for Afghanistan's re-construction and development.
This year's two-day talks opened on Tuesday, and will focus on energy, infrastructure and investment deals.
The meetings are taking place amid intensifying concerns over Taliban insurgencies.
China is represented at the meetings in Islamabad by its Foreign Minister Wang Yi.
Biz ReportsAsian StocksTime to check today's business news, starting with the closing numbers here in China.
Mainland markets closed mixed on Wednesday, pulled up by property shares on policy support hopes.
A media report said some lower-tier cities are subsidizing farmers to buy houses.
China Van-ke, the biggest listed developer, surged 10 percent, the upward limit, as the company announced that Anbang Insurance Group had been acquiring its shares.
Shares in the software and Internet security sectors also gained stimulated by the ongoing World Internet Conference in east China's Wuzhen.
At the close, the benchmark Shanghai Composite Index edged up less than 0.1 percent.
The smaller Shenzhen Component index gained 0.1 percent.
The small-cap ChiNext Index tumbled almost 1 percent.
In Hong Kong, the Heng Seng moved down 0.5 percent.
Elsewhere in Asia,Tokyo stocks lost ground Wednesday following a disappointing showing overnight on U.S. and European bourses on concerns for the global economic recovery.
The benchmark Nikkei dipped some one percent, its lowest closing over the past month.
South Korea's KOSPI ended almost flat.
Singapore's Straits Times index inched down 0.5 percent.
Finally, Australia's ASX/200 lost 0.5 percent.
S. Korea, Australia and China agree to implement respective FTA on Dec. 20China and South Korea would implement the bilateral free trade agreement starting next Sunday.
Under the deal, Seoul and Beijing will eliminate tariffs on more than 90 percent of traded goods, each within 20 years.
South Korea expected the FTA with China to create over 50 thousand jobs and enhance consumer benefits by 15 billion U.S. dollars.
At the same time, China and Australia have announced that their FTA will come into force also on next Sunday, at a separate ceremony held in Sydney.
Australia's agriculture minister Barnaby Joyce said that the first round of tariff cuts will occur on next Sunday, followed by a second round on January 1 of next year.
The deal is expected to cut import tariffs on a wide range of products including agriculture and financial services which target the rising middle class in China.
China is Australia's largest agriculture export market valued at 8 billion Australian dollars last year, led by dairy and beef exports.
China's Ministry of Commerce has confirmed the implementation of both FTAs.
Both the China-South Korea and China-Australia FTAs were officially signed this June.
China's consumer inflation posted increase in Nov.
China's consumer inflation picked up last month, while factories continued to stagnate due to continued weak market demand.
The National Bureau of Statistics posted the consumer price index, a main gauge of inflation, at 1.5 percent year on year last month, up 0.2 percentage points from October.
Pan Jiancheng, a deputy director at the NBS attributed the rise mainly to rising food prices.
"The changes of CPI figures of this year are relatively stable. The price of pork has a major influence on CPI and has declined in recent months after price rises earlier this year."The producer price index, a measure of costs for goods at the factory gate, dropped 5.9 percent year on year, falling for the 45th straight month.
The reading was unchanged from the rate seen in the last three months.
Price drops in the non-ferrous metal smelting and oil processing industry are said to have caused the decline in manufacturing.
Deputy director at the NBS Pan Jiancheng comments.
"It reflects severe overcapacity in these industries. But it also shows the results of emission reductions that are proactively underway in our country."HSBC analyst Qu Hongbin also said that deflationary pressure remains in China and projects further monetary easing policies.
China to adjust import and export taxesChina will adjust import and export taxes on some products starting from the first day of next year.
The Ministry of Finance published a statement online, saying the adjustment aims to encourage imports of advanced equipment, energy raw materials, and key assembly components.
Meanwhile, the ministry also said it will expand tax cuts on consumer goods like sunglasses, clothing, bags and thermos.
China likely to roll out de-stocking measures for property sectorChinese officials are expected to introduce measures to cut housing inventories during an upcoming key economic meeting.
Reducing stock in the property market will likely be discussed at the upcoming Central Economic Working Conference, which sets economic targets for the coming year.
It is said that the measures are not expected to boost the real estate market nor set quantitative reduction targets for specific regions.
According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, unsold home inventory hit a record 686.3 million square meters by the end of October, up 17.8 percent from the previous year.
For more on China's property sector, CRI's Paul James earlier spoke with John Ross, senior fellow with the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin University.
Postal Savings Bank of China raises $7bln before expected IPOPostal Savings Bank of China has attracted 45 billion yuan or 7 billion U.S. dollars in investments from 10 strategic investors including J.P. Morgan and UBS Group.
China Life Insurance, Alibaba's Ant Financial unit and Tencent are also among the investors.
The bank will sell 17 percent of its stake to these partners.
It also is preparing for an IPO in Hong Kong which could raise between $12 billion and $15 billion USD next year.
SportsCBA updateTipping things off with CBA action,Foshan and Qingdao kicked the 15th round of play into action.
Visiting team Qingdao won 116-111.
The teams exchanged lead throughout the game and deep into the last quarter.
Jonathan Gibson sank a last-ditch three pointer to seal the victory for Qingdao.
Gibson netted 46 points and seven assists.
Qingdao improved to 4/10 and are hovering around the bottom of the table.
Coming up tonight,Old foes Beijing and Guangdong meet again.
This is Guangdong's chance at revenge on a slumping Beijing, which shut them out of the play-offs two seasons in a row.
Beijing have lost their last three games while Guangdong are on a eight-game winning streak.
The teams have just hit the court and it is Beijing is at 2,while Guangdong is at 7.
In more action,Leaders Xinjiang take on fourth-placed Sichuan,The Zhejiang LionsLiaoning host Bayi,Shandong visit Jiangsu.
Warriors set new record; James agrees to lifetime deal with NikeOver in the NBA,The Golden State Warriors have set a new record for the most away victories and remain on course for recording the longest NBA winning streak.
They are now 23-0 on the best start of an NBA season and have won their last 13 away games after beating the Indiana Pacers 131-123.
Their wining streak extends to 27 dating back to last season.
They have tied the Miami Heat's streak in the 2012-13 season.
The 1971-72 Lakers hold the record with 33 wins in a row.
In off-court NBA news,LeBron James has signed a lifetime endorsement deal with Nike.
The Cleveland forward has been partnered with Nike since he signed a 90 million US dollar contract just before he was drafted into the NBA.
James says he is grateful for this new deal which means a lot to him.
"Well they (Nike) believe in me as a person first all of all. They believe in my ability to play this game at a high level. And they believe what I'm able to do off the floor and, like I said, I'm grateful and thankful to be with such a great brand for the rest of my life and cherish this moment for the rest of my life as well."James has his own shoe and clothing line with Nike. The new agreement is expected to expand his brand.
Guangzhou Evergrande leaving for Alibaba E-Auto sponsored Club World CupIn football,Chinese and Asian champions Guangzhou Evergrande set out this afternoon for the FIFA Club World Cup which kicks off in Japan tomorrow.
Manager Luis Felipe Scolari has ambitions for a top three finish at the tournament.
Evergrande face their first opponents - Mexican team Americas - on Sunday.
FIFA has announced Alibaba E-Auto's title sponsorship for the Club World Cup at a press conference in Tokyo this afternoon.
The two sides have signed an 8-year deal. The financial details have not been disclosed.
Alibaba E-Auto is a joint-venture online automobile brand between China's e-commerce giant Alibaba Group and Saic Motors.
UEFA Championship updateMore football action from the UEFA Champions League this morning,Group A leaders Real Madrid put their Copa Del Rey expulsion behind them and thumped Malmo 8-0 to equal the biggest win in the tournament's history.
Cristiano Ronaldo also broke the Champions League group stage goal scoring record with quadruple goals in this game.
He has a total of 11 goals from 6 games.
Ronaldo is more thrilled about how they worked together as a team.
"I'm very happy. To beat this record was a very important moment for me, but I think the main point is the team. The team played unbelievably. We scored eight goals, we were so compact, so intense. The most important thing for me is the consciousness of the team in the game."Manager Rafael Benitez calls Ronaldo the pillar of his team who leads them forward.
"Having ambitious, competitive players helps a lot, and Cristiano is one of them. Cristiano is basic for us, and seeing him fight and always wanting more is encouraging for all of us."Eleven of the last 16 teams have been decided.
Wolfsburg beat Manchester United 3-2 to qualify from top of Group B and knock the Red Devils out.
Arsenal, clinging on to their last shred of hope for the last 16, will find out their fate in the game against Olympiakos tomorrow morning.
Chelsea, Porto and Dynamo Kyev will vie for the top two spots in Group G.
Lee Chong-wei, Cai Yun to play in Indian LeagueChinese-Malaysian shuttler Lee Chong-wei has joined the Indian Badminton League for the new season on an 100-thousand dollar deal.
Lee had previously played an exhibition game at the China League opening ceremony but turned down offers from China.
China's Olympic champion and doubles specialist Cai Yun will also be playing in India.
Women's singles players Han Li and Suo Di have also registered for the Indian League which starts on January 2nd.
Deontay Wilder wants to become undisputed heavyweight championIn boxing,WBC title holder Deontay Wilder wants to become an undisputed heavyweight champion.
The 30-year-old American boxer promises he will unite all four belts.
"Every heavyweight champion wants that crown. Everyone wants to be labelled as the best heavyweight in the world. I know it takes a lot of time, I know it takes a lot of fights to build that up, the right fights to build it up. I definitely want it bad, I'm ready to do anything that it takes to get that crown, the best heavyweight champion of the world."Standing in Wilder's way is undefeated Tyson Fury who snatched the WBA, WBO, IBF titles from Wladimir Klitschko last month.
Klitschko has exercised his rights to request a rematch in an attempt to regain his titles.
Fury accepted and as a result has been stripped of his IBF title.
He is supposed to fight IBF's mandatory challenger Vyacheslav Glazkov.
Wilder's next title defense is scheduled for next month against an as yet unnamed challenger.
Wilder says a fight with Fury will happen no matter how their respective bouts turn out.
EntertainmentStephen Chow's 'The Mermaid' Releases First TrailerComedy King Stephen Chow's upcoming film 'The Mermaid' has released its first trailer.
Actor Deng Chao, who plays the leading role in this film, appeared in the trailer by reporting his findings of a mermaid to the police.
A series of hand-painted posters by the director come out along with the trailer.
Set plot in the modern world, the film depicts the story of a biological professor, who was saved by a mermaid during a shipwreck, and then falls in love with the mermaid.
Previously, the film has unveiled its first official poster, with a photo of crashing waves, the title, and the director's name.
The film also stars Kris Wu, Show Luo, and the new-face actress Lin Yun as the titular character.
'The Mermaid' is scheduled to be released during China's Lunar New Year, on February 8th.
Two DPRK Music Groups to Perform in ChinaTwo renowned music groups from North Korea will give their performances in China this weekend.
The music groups, including the Moranbong band and the state merited chorus, were seen off at a train station by high-ranking officials from the both sides, as they leaving Pyongyang for Beijing today.
The two music groups are set to stage their performances at the National Centre for the Performing Arts.
The shows will run from December 12th to 14th.
Latest 'Star Wars' Cast Attend Press Conference in South KoreaJ.J. Abrams believes even new fans can fully enjoy the upcoming Star Wars movie without knowing the previous plots or characters.
Making the comment at a press conference held in Seoul, the director unveils more details of the highly-anticipated installment.
"And it was really important that you love the characters, new characters and not have to study Star Wars, or have memorized, or even seen it before to follow the story of Daisy's character and of John's character. And finally I'll say that because this was created so long ago, it was our responsibility to go backwards, in order to go forwards to embrace what has come before, the feeling of that amazing place, the universe that George Lucas created, but used that DNA, to tell a brand new story."The story of 'The Force Awakens' is set 30 years after the events took place in the 'Return of the Jedi'.
Daisy Ridley, the actress playing the role of Rey, a human female scavenger, gives a comparison of her character to Princess Leia.
"But I think Rey is very different from Leia. She does not come from privilege, she has not come from loyalty, She's just a young woman trying to make her way with no help and no support, I guess, from what being a princess would give her. So, in that respect I think they are very different but obviously it's very exciting to follow in the first steps of an incredible woman who's already been.'"Carrie Fisher, Harrison Ford and Mark Hamill are included in the franchise's returning cast.
'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' will premiere in the US on December 18th.
Third Harry Potter Theme Park to Open in Universal Studios Hollywood Next AprilThe third Harry Potter theme park will open in Universal Studios Hollywood next year.
Art director of Harry Potter films Alan Gilmore, along with actress Evanna Lynch who plays Luna in the franchise, announced the news through a video shot in the upcoming theme park.
Wearing a Ravenclaw scarf, Lynch cast a spell with her magic wand, and then told the exciting news to the world.
"I'm very honored and thrilled to announce very exciting news that The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios Hollywood will opens on April 7th 2016."What 'Harry Potter' fans can expect from the forthcoming theme park includes a 4D 'Forbidden Journey' exploring the inside of Hogwarts castle, and a roller coaster with the theme of the magical creature the Hippogriff.
Incredible shops with windows full of magical surprises, authentic food and beverages can also be seen in the theme park.
The Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Los Angeles is co-produced by Universal Studios and Warner Brothers.
The Harry Potter theme parks have already opened in Universal Studios Florida and Japan.
The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show Readies to AirThe Victoria's Secret Fashion Show has aired on Tuesday, and viewers enjoy the gala with super models, music and high energy.
Model Sara Sampaio, who walked in this year's show, unveils the secret of how to prepare for the show.
"I had to cut out all carbs, sugars, dairy. I was on a full on protein diet for 10 days before the show and I intensified my workout for about five times per week, five to six times a week. I was doing like a mix of pilates and I was working with my personal trainer Justin Gelband, and yeah, I was like, dead by every at the end of every training but it was worth it."Marking the 20th year of the gala, the fashion show can be seen in 192 countries by over 500 million audience members.
That's it for this edition of the Beijing Hour...
A quick look at the headlines before we go...
Chinese President Xi Jinping set to attend the 2015 World Internet Conference to be held later this month in Zhejiang province...
A red alert for air pollution continues in the Chinese capital as authorities take strong measures to safeguard public health...
And the lower house of the US Congress voting to tighten visa regulations over heightened terror concerns...
On behalf of all of all of us on the Beijing Hour news team, Spencer Musick in Beijing. Join us for the next edition of the Beijing Hour, to open a window to the world together...