

Gay rights backers celebrated outside the Supreme Court Friday, including Lena Hernandez.


“This is such a great day, such a great day for us, for me and my wife. I'm so excited-these are tears of happiness.”


Hernandez and her spouse, Candy Cintron, married last year when same-sex unions became legal in the state of Virginia.


“When we decided to get married, I was betting on forever. So has a very long time she has to deal with me.”


“I gladly take that.”


An adverse high court ruling would have thrown into question the legality of their marriage,something they both treasure.


“Just makes you legal, makes you count.”


The couple is expecting a baby.  Without a marriage license, Cintron's legal rights as a spouse as well as the child's second parent could be challenged.


“We are both very vested in having the kid. We are a couple, and if we go anywhere else where it is not recognized, where does that leave me?”


Now, that is one less concern for the couple as they prepare for motherhood.


“It is an overwhelming feeling,but I do not want to be in this with anybody but her.”


“I do not feel like I am doing it all by myself, which is very nice.”


“This is a particularly difficult ruling for the Catholic Church,”


Catholic University Chad Pecknold says the court decision conflicts with centuries of church teachings.


“Same-sex marriage is in fact not definitionally-marriage, but seeks to imitate marriage."


He worries the legal empowerment of gay people will erode religious freedoms in America and constrain the church's outreach to society.



“The fear is that we are increasingly, the Catholic Church and its institutions, are increasingly being vulnerable to anti-discrimination lawsuits because we have a different,we have indeed the ancient view of marriage.”

