

  Some people prefer to give practical gifts while others prefer to give entertaining gifts. Which do you prefer to give and why? Please use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  Practical gifts
  They will think of me
  Eg. Rice cooker
  Personally speaking, I prefer giving practical gifts because whenever the gift receiver uses the gift,they will think of me, which makes me happy. For example,I once gave a rice cooker to my best friend Jenny for her birthday because she used to cook at home every day. I thought a rice cooker would be really useful for her. Other friends gave her entertaining gifts such as funny posters or decorative items. A few years later Jenny told me that the rice cooker I gave her was the best gift ever and she used it every day. It also reminded her of our friendship every time when she used it. Thus I prefer giving practical gifts.
  1. practical:adj. 实际的;实用性的
  In Asia, our new relationship with mainland China can have practical benefits for both sides.
  2. receiver:n. 接受者;
  Power will move from the mat to a receiver built into the bottom of the car.
  3. cooker:n. 炊具;
  Ms Bridgewater said she had always had her boiler serviced but never her cooker or fire.、
  4. entertaining:adj. 令人愉快的
  To generate new money the sport needs to be more entertaining.
  5. decorative:adj. 装饰性的;
  The curtains are for purely decorative purposes and do not open or close.
  6. remind:vt. 提醒;使想起
  So she simply welcomed Tim and reminded him of the last time they had met.
  1. Personally speaking, I prefer giving practical gifts because whenever the gift receiver uses the gift,they will think of me, which makes me happy.
  Personally speaking就个人来说,就自己而言。prefer doing喜欢做某事,because引起了原因状语从句,whenever=no matter when,不管什么时候,引起了让步状语从句,which引起了非限制性定语从句。think of记起,想起;是固定搭配。就我个人而言,我会送给朋友一些比较实用的东西,这样,不管他们什么时候用到这个礼物,他们都会想起我。这句话在文章的开头就表明了自己的选择并说明了这样选择的原因。希望大家在考试的时候,也可以这样组织答案,不要让考官一边听你的答案一遍猜测你的意图。
  2. For example,I once gave a rice cooker to my best friend Jenny for her birthday because she used to cook at home every day.
  For example例如,because引起了原因状语从句,used to do过去常常做某事,在这里需要大家注意一个单词,cooker是炊具的意思,cook是厨师的意思。例如,因为我的朋友Jenny曾经每天在家做饭,所以在她生日的时候,我给她送了一个电饭煲。用具体的生活中的事例来描述,更加具有针对性,也更加让人信服。
  3. A few years later Jenny told me that the rice cooker I gave her was the best gift ever and she used it every day.
  这句话的主语是Jenny,谓语是told,that引起了宾语从句,I gave her作为定语从句修饰rice cooker,was是系动词。几年之后,她告诉我,电饭煲是她收到过的最棒的礼物。
  4. It also reminded her of our friendship every time when she used it.
  when引起了时间状语从句,remind of提醒;使记起;使回想起。每次她用电饭煲的时候,她都会想起我们的友谊。