美国有线新闻 CNN 2015-12-13(在线收听

First up, a recognition for German’s leader, C-A-M has been named Time Magazine’s 2015 personal of the year. she is leading Germany since 2005, and is serving her third term. Time Magazine gave a number of reasons why choose Merkel. to how she is handling European’s economic crisis, and how she responses to the terrorist attacked the region. to how she is addressing the continent ongoing refuse Jews crisis. For hight approval reading in German, fro recently because many Germany don’t agree how she responses that crisis. So the reaction of her home country was mixed. Time Magazine the personal of the year since 1927, they specifies  someone or some group that for better or worse he is considered to have major award or impacts. We are taking news of Brazil now, it’s excited of the 2016 Olympic summer game , the official XXX says the event will be safe and secure, they pointed out their experience of protecting international events like last year’s World Cup X in Brazil. And top 21 summit held by France. But they are always considering the security of the Olympics. One major reason, terrorists attacked 1972 Olympic Game X Germany when 18.... the terrorist killed 11 athletes and west German policemen. Increase security since then have the capital competition safer, the critical says it’s taken away the celebratory of the atmosphere that the Olympic used to have. X to have a look of how they plan the secure the games. X back on track. But the question many asking now, will they be safe. C commend 65000 police and troops will charge the secure of the game right here. There are 4000 cameras across the city and come August 26th, they are gonna be focused on the main Olympic sites. Right behind Here for example, that is the Olympic game park, can you see the cameras around it. X says they are coordinating with the international intelligence agencies all long. “Because terrorism always treat the priority our infrastructure is very strong” he says. at the point out understanding level risk hasn’t changed. But for security expert X “Brazil hasn’t to take the risk of the terrorism sericiously, there is no doubt that somebody is plotting against the Olympic Games, they’re already in Brazil X” he says. party of the problem the country is poor the borders more than 23000 KM of sea blind border shared with 10 countries.
