新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 08:00 2015/12/14(在线收听

 The Beijing HourMorning EditionShane Bigham with you on this Monday December 14th, 2015.

Welcome to the Beijing Hour, live from the Chinese capital.
Coming up on the program...
Leaders representing nations in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization gather in Henan today...
The Chinese government hails the Paris climate accord as a new beginning in global cooperation...
France's far-right National Front Party sputters in the second round of the country's regional elections.. .
In Business...10 pilot reform projects for China's state owned enterprises, starting next year...
In Sports...Guangzhou Evergrande stays alive at FIFA's Club World Cup...
And in Entertainment...the winners from the 2015 TVB Anniversary Awards...
Top NewsSCO PM Meeting in China to Boost Pragmatic Cooperation, Regional Economic DevelopmentThe 14th prime ministers' meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) member states is set to start today in Henan province.
Trade, industrial cooperation, infrastructure construction, and finance are expected to top the agenda in Zhengzhou.
Cheng Guoping, China's Vice Foreign Minister says promoting regional economic cooperation is crucial.
"During the meeting, leaders of all parties will take a comprehensive analysis of the opportunities and challenges in various fields of SCO cooperation and exchange views on the promotion of regional economic cooperation. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang will elaborate on the opinions that China holds on the current regional situation and the SCO development, as well as its ideas and proposals to deepen the SCO cooperation."The prime ministers will promote the China-backed Silk Road Economic Belt initiative and the Russia-backed Eurasian Economic Union.
The leaders will also work out concrete measures in cracking down on terrorism.
Prime ministers of SCO nations and leaders from Afghanistan, Belarus, India, ASEAN, and other international organizations are taking part in this year's SCO meeting, which will conclude tomorrow.
China welcomes Paris climate change agreementThe Chinese government has issued a new statement, hailing the just-reached Paris climate change accord a "new beginning in global cooperation."A statement issued by the Foreign Ministry notes the deal is fair in splitting responsibility between developed and developing countries.
Adopted by nearly 200 countries taking part in the negotiation, the agreement sets a target of holding the global average rise in temperature below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, and preferably below 1.5 degrees.
Developed countries also agreed to raise 100 billion U.S. dollars a year by 2020 to help developing countries transform their economies.
China Promises Implementation after Paris Accord ReachedAnchorFollowing the agreement reached in Paris, Chinese negotiators have reaffirmed Beijing's commitment to a green development mode.
CRI's Victor Ning reports.
ReporterOn Saturday, China's Special Representative on Climate Change and chief negotiator Xie Zhenghua praised the adoption of the deal in Paris.
"The Chinese delegation fully supports the joint efforts of the chairman of COP21, negotiators and delegations of other countries. We fully support the final Paris agreement. Although the agreement is not perfect and needs to be further improved, it does not stop us from taking a historic step forward. So we are quite satisfied with the agreement."Highlights of the agreement include calls for limiting global temperature increases to below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, but it has an ultimate goal of keeping temperature rises below 1.5 degrees.
It has a goal of setting aside 100-billion US dollars a year for developing countries by 2020. The deal also calls for a review of each country's progress every 5 years.
Meanwhile, also speaking in Paris, China's Vice Foreign Minister Liu Zhenmin called the climate change summit a milestone in human history.
"The agreement is a third milestone document reached in the past 25 years by all countries' effort in negotiating on climate change. Its great significance is that the pact has formulated clear plans for the world on fighting against climate change after 2020, and it includes all kinds of work including funds and technology. It also abides by the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities for the developed countries and developing countries.
In 1992, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change was formed. Nations were bound to combat climate change, but without a detailed action plan. In 1997, the Kyoto protocol set out to cut global emissions by about 5% by 2012 compared to 1990 levels. Due to disagreements, the pact did not become legal until 2004.
The Chinese Vice Foreign Minister said the new agreement can also help to guide China's future green development.
"As the world is to enter the era of low-carbon development and green development, China also faces the phase of economic transition and is seeking for a low-carbon and green development. In fact, the green development will be listed as one of China's five main development goals in the upcoming 13th Five Year Plan."Special Representative Xie Zhenhua summed up China's resolve in creating an environmentally friendly future.
"For China, a responsible developing country, tackling climate change is not only the internal need for promoting its sustainable development, but also a responsibility for building the destiny community of human beings. China will actively assume the obligations suited to its conditions and stage of development, continue to achieve the goals of dealing with climate change before 2020, actively implement independent contributions, and reach the peak of carbon emissions."Nations must next ratify or approve the deal individually.
It will only take effect if it is approved by 55 countries. Those countries' greenhouse gas emissions must represent 55% of the world's total.
For CRI, I'm Victor Ning.
China-Italy extradition treaty takes effectAn extradition treaty between China and Italy took effect on Sunday.
The treaty was signed in Rome in 2010, and came into force after another bilateral treaty on criminal and judicial assistance took effect in August.
Foreign Ministry official Sun Ang says under the two treaties, both sides have obligations to help each other with investigations, recover criminal earnings, and repatriate fugitive suspects.
"The role of the extradition treaty is to arrest fugitive suspects and hand them over to China for trial. The judicial assistance treaty has two major roles: one is to conduct international cooperation in investigations and evidence gathering, the other is to return illicit money and goods."China has signed 121 bilateral extradition and judicial assistance treaties since 1987, covering 66 countries.
The "Sky Net" campaign launched in April is based on those treaties.
Foreign Ministry official Sun Ang.
"These successful cooperation cases not only help arrest the criminals involved but clearly show to the fugitives and those attempting to flee that there is no 'safe haven' for them in the world."As of the end of November, Chinese police have repatriated 738 fugitives under the campaign.
Northern cities dominate China's pollution list in Nov.
A report by the Ministry of Environmental Protection says cities in China's north experienced serious air pollution in November as heating services began for the winter.
Top the list is the city of Shenyang in Liaoning Province.
Six cities in Hebei Province, neighbouring Beijing, were among the top ten with the most polluted air.
The report reviews air quality in 74 Chinese cities.
A majority of northeastern cities suffered polluted air, while 10 of the 13 cities in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region saw heavy pollution in late November.
Meanwhile, China has issued a yellow alert for the smog in the country's north.
Sun Jun, chief forecaster of the Central Meteorological Observatory, says the smog will not last long this time.
"Light to moderate snow is expected in Northeast China on Monday, and the snow may be heavy in some parts. There will also be a mild temperature decline in those areas after the cold front. The main point is, the wind is also coming."The public has been warned to take protective measures when engaging in outdoor activities and those that suffer from respiratory diseases are advised to stay indoors.
The smog is forecast to start easing or dispersing later on today.
Public memorial ceremonies for Nanjing Massacre victims held across ChinaAnchorChina marked a series of memorial events on Sunday to commemorate the 78th anniversary of the Nanjing massacre.
Several activities were held and people from all walks of life, including soldiers, students, and survivors of the massacre, attended the ceremonies.
CRI's Guo Yan reports.
ReporterOn Sunday evening, Nanjing city marked the deaths of the victims of the Nanjing Massacre with a candle-light vigil and prayers.
Candles and flowers were placed around the Memorial Hall for the Nanjing Massacre.
Earlier in the day, a national memorial for the massacre victims was held with sirens being blared at 10 a.m.
Li Jianguo, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, addressed the eventLi said the memorial is not to prolong hatred but to inspire people's will to cherish and safeguard peace while warning against attempts in Japan to beautify aggression.
"We must resolutely oppose any glorification of aggression, and attempt to begin reversing the words and deeds of history in order to avoid historical tragedies."During the Japanese aggression against China in World War II, Japanese troops captured Nanjing, then China's capital, in 1937 and started a campaign of slaughter lasting over a month.
Official figures show that more than 300,000 Chinese civilians and soldiers died and over 20,000 women were raped over the six weeks of chaos, mass looting, and arson.
Ge Daorong, a resident in Nanjing and a massacre survivor, said the Japanese government should apologize to China for its atrocities.
"I was just ten years old at that time and saw a number of such atrocities. Abe's government has not admitted the aggression and apologized to us so far. He should make it at last."An exhibition featuring Nanjing Massacre archives also opened on Sunday at a museum of war in the western suburb of Beijing.
Six pieces from the archives of the Nanjing Massacre are being exhibited along with another 83 items showing the brutality of Japanese aggression in China.
In southern China, a memorial for the Nanjing victims was held at the Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defense.
Hong Kong's chief executive CY Leung laid a wreath, guest representatives presented flowers, and all participants paid tribute together.
In 2014, China's top legislature designated December 13 as the National Memorial Day for Nanjing Massacre Victims to mourn those killed by Japanese troops on that day in 1937.
For CRI, I'm Guo Yan.
Japanese Couple Exposes Scars of Nanjing Massacre on StageAnchorMeanwhile, a Japanese couple is bringing their interpretation of the Nanjing Massacre to the stage.
Our reporter Luo Laiming has more.
ReporterSixty-nine-year-old Japanese artist Kazuko Yokoi knows the atrocity in Nanjing in 1937 from the victims and her own family.
She is now bringing a one-woman show on stage called The Eyes Hold the Truth.
"I was sent out to work when I was 14. One day, a Japanese police officer came in and said 'I know a good job that can make you a lot of money. Do you want to come?' I was 17 back then. I saw at least 10 girls like me waiting at the train station. The man took us to Pyongyang, left us to a military policeman and left. We were tricked! By the time we knew, it was already too late. 'We will kill you if you run!' the man shouted. We got off the train at Pukou Station in Nanjing, China. We were loaded onto a truck and taken to a military brothel called Kinsui House. The place was set for a Japanese army post nearby."Yokoi plays a Korean teenage girl who was forced by the Japanese military to be a sex slave and witnessed the massacre in Nanjing.
With the help of simple props and stage lights, the actress is trying to let the history speak for itself.
Yokoi plays three different sex slaves or so-called comfort women in the play. Each of the characters reflects what they saw during the mass killing and rape from different perspectives.
Her husband Yoshiji Watanabe is the director and writer of the play. His father was an imperial army officer and a Class-C war criminal.
Watanabe says the play is inspired by his family tragedy.
"My father is guilty. After all the crimes he did during the Second World War, he couldn't be happy anymore. Family violence was often the case through my childhood and never stopped. When I was 37, my mother hung herself. That thing struck me. It also became the main reason for me to begin creating this series of war-time themed stage works. I believe if we don't atone for our previous generation's crime, we won't be happy anymore."The couple says it is very worrisome that some Japanese politicians are still not able to face up to that part of history, referring to the country's current right-leaning politics.
"If Japan keeps going like this, it will lose its neighbor China and will be isolated in this world.""I think it is necessary to do what we are doing with pride because I love my country deeply."That is exactly what people from both countries have been doing - helping people know the truth and making sure it will never happen again.
Back Anchor:
That is CRI's Luo Laiming reportingFrance's far-right National Front fails to top regional electionExit polls indicate France's far-right National Front party has failed to win a single region in the second round of elections.
Initial result show the party was beaten into third place despite a historic victory during the first around of the French regional election a week ago.
FN leader Marine Le Pen has acknowledged the defeat and pledged to keep fighting.
"By tripling the number of our elected regional councilors, the National Front will be from now on the first opposition force in the majority of the regional councils in France."The anti-immigration FN won more votes than any other party nationally in last week's first round, boosted by fears about security and immigration after the attacks in Paris a month ago that killed 130 people.
Targeting a large win to bolster his bid for the 2017 presidential election, Nicolas Sarkozy's center-right Republicans secured the first rank in five regions.
The former French President says despite its defeat in the runoff, the FN's high score in regional elections should be a warning to all mainstream politicians.
"We now have to take the time for in-depth debates about what worries the French - who expect strong and precise answers - and which we are responsible for. I am thinking of Europe, economic policy, mass unemployment, our security, the way the education of our children is organised, the assertion of our identity. It would be a big mistake like too often to go from one election to another as if the French had never told us anything."The ruling Socialists, humiliated in first round voting, surprisingly maintained their position in at least five out of 13 regions.
Ballot counting continues in two regions where the vote is too close to call.
Powers back unity government in Libya to deter Islamic StateGlobal powers have backed the formation of a unity government in Libya, pledging economic and security support to help stabilize the chaotic North African country where Islamic State militants have a foothold.
Gathered for a conference in Rome, representatives from 17 countries including Egypt, Germany, Russia, Turkey, and China signed a joint statement calling for an immediate ceasefire and promising to cut off contacts with factions that do not sign the deal.
UN Special envoy for Libya Martin Kobler , says the agreement is just a start.
"So I hope to have a large group together because it's important of course to have a critical mass in Skhirat, because this agreement needs legitimacy, and let me underscore once again the agreement is not the end of the process, no, the agreement is the starting point, the starting point of the work to be done by the new government of national unity."Fifteen Libyans from different groups also attended the meeting.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Italian counterpart Paolo Gentiloni have expressed optimism that the majority of the representatives of the two rival governments would sign a national unity deal on Dec. 16.
Past deadlines have slipped amid internal disagreements in the sprawling, oil-producing country rife with armed groups.
Women Win Saudi Local Council Seats For the First TimeSaudi Arabia has announced the results of its 3rd municipal poll, held on Sunday, with over 2,100 winning candidates, including 10 women.
This election marked the first time that women were allowed to vote or run for office in the country.
According to the General Elections Committee, about 47 percent of the population took part in the vote, with 24% of voters being women.
Haifa Al-Habbabi, a municipality elections candidate, says allowing women to stand and vote is a big step for the nation.
"People here, they don't like understand what's really the importance of to participate in the society itself. They call us as a developing country because we have oil only, full stop. Remove the oil, we are third world country every one knows that, you know, and in the age issue Saudi Arabia it is only eighty-four-years-old so we are a baby country, so these steps it's for me I think huge steps, so people are still learning."Women's full participation as both candidates and voters in municipal elections was declared by King Abdullah earlier this year.
The landmark move to include women in the electoral process comes despite the fact that Saudi Arabia has no elected parliament, but rather an appointed consultative council, where members propose legislation, yet lack any power to draft or approve laws.
Impacts of EU labeling guidelinesAnchorIt has been one month since the EU issued guidelines on labeling products from Israeli settlements.
CRI's Ryan Price tells us how the guidelines have affected people and industries in the affected communities.
ReporterFounded in 1982, Barkan Industrial Park in the West Bank currently employs more than 12,000 people. Among them, about half are Palestinians.
Sofiane is a Palestinian who has been working in a plastics factory in Barken for 20 years.
"I decided to work here because I couldn't find a job in my hometown. The conditions here are good. I can't get such insurance and salary near my home. And the environment is good. I feel at home."But the situation may change because of the European Commission's new guidelines for the labeling of some products made in Israeli settlements on occupied Palestinian and Syrian lands, as up to 80 percent of Barkan's products are exported.
Mosh Levran, the CEO of the plastics factory, says the EU guidelines will harm Palestinians more than Israelis.
"My concern is that what the 5,000 Palestinians that are working in this zone will do tomorrow morning. When Europe will not buy our products, our production will be reduced. By reducing production, you do only one thing, you fire workers. And these workers have nothing and nowhere to go in their side."While the international community views settlements as a barrier to peace between Israelis and Palestinians, Israel stresses that sanctions against industry in those settlements poses a threat to the mutual financial cooperation of the region and will hinder any possibility of peace and normalization.
Dan Catarivas, a director from the Manufacturers' Association of Israel, says economic development will help Israelis and Palestinians to find a solution to their conflict.
"Let us work together. Let us create economic cooperation, and the politics will come later. Let's concentrate on economy. Let's try to create a reality that is good for the two sides. It's a win-win situation. And when politics is right, we'll find the solution."And for Palestinian workers like Sofiane, making a living is the most important thing.
"If they want to close the factory here, they need to prepare jobs for us first. Because a lot of Palestinians work here, you can't just let all of them go home. If there is an industrial park like this in Ramallah, which offers us the same working environment, salaries and insurance, of course I will work there, but our leaders say that Israel doesn't allow us to build such industrial zones."Xavier Abu Eid works for the Negotiations Affairs Department of the Palestine Liberation Organization.
"We lose every year something like 8 billion dollars on the cost of occupation. I think this is Israelis' excuse that suddenly they take care of a lot of our people because of labeling settlement products. If they end the occupation, we would give these people better jobs."For CRI, I'm Ryan Price.
Russian warship fires warning shots to avoid collision with Turkish fishing boat in Aegean SeaA Russian warship has fired warning shots near a Turkish fishing boat in the Aegean Sea.
The Russian Defense Ministry said on Sunday the crew of the Russian frigate Smetlivy, located 22 kilometers from the Greek island of Lemnos in the Sea, fired the warning shots in order to avoid a collision with the fishing vessel.
The ministry says it has warned a Turkish attache of the possible consequences of "careless actions," and expressed deep concern over the new provocative actions from Turkey.
The Turkish military attache promised to inform Ankara of Moscow's concerns over the incident.
The ministry also said the Turkish vessel was detected about 1 km away from the anchored Russian warship.
The crew was forced to fire warning shots when the distance between the two ships closed to about 600 meters.
The fishing boat promptly changed its course after the warning.
23 Killed in Russia Psychiatric Hospital FireAt least 23 people have been killed in a deadly blaze at a psychiatric hospital in southwestern Russia.
2 more bodies have been found in the debris after 19 were recovered at the site earlier.
Another 2 died in a local hospital.
Media outlets reported that all the deceased were bedridden patients or patients undergoing medical treatment.
Over 70 people were inside the hospital when the fire broke out late last night, and 51 of them were successfully evacuated while 21 with burns have been hospitalized.
The cause of the tragedy is still under investigation.
WeatherBeijing will be overcast today with a high of 7 degree Celsius; tonight clear with a low of -2.
Shanghai, overcast with a high of 10, tonight it will be cloudy with a low of 5.
Chongqing, will see slight rain today with a high of 10 and a low of 8.
Lhasa, clear, a high of 12 and a low of minus 4 degrees Celsius.
Elsewhere in the world, staying here in Asia,Islamabad, cloudy, 17.
Kabul, cloudy, 5.
Over in North America,New York will see small rain with a high of 19 degrees Celsius.
Washington DC, small rain, 22.
Honolulu, cloudy , 28.
Toronto, slight rain, with a high of 15.
In South America,Buenos Aires, slight rain with a high of 34.
And Rio de Janeiro will also see slight rain with a high of 30 degrees Celsius.
Headline newsSCO PM Meeting in China to Boost Pragmatic Cooperation, Regional Economic DevelopmentThe 14th prime ministers' meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization member states is set to start today in Henan province.
Trade, industrial cooperation, infrastructure construction, and finance are expected to top the agenda in Zhengzhou.
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang will elaborate on the opinions that China holds on the current regional situation and the SCO development, as well as its ideas and proposals to deepen the SCO cooperation.
The prime ministers will promote the China-backed Silk Road Economic Belt initiative and the Russia-backed Eurasian Economic Union.
The leaders will also work out concrete measures in cracking down on terrorism.
China welcomes Paris climate change agreementThe Chinese government has issued a new statement, hailing the just-reached Paris climate change accord a "new beginning in global cooperation."A statement issued by the Foreign Ministry notes the deal is fair in splitting responsibility between developed and developing countries.
Adopted by nearly 200 countries taking part in the negotiation, the agreement sets a target of holding the global average rise in temperature below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, and preferably below 1.5 degrees.
Developed countries also agreed to raise 100 billion U.S. dollars a year by 2020 to help developing countries transform their economies.
France's far-right National Front fails to top regional electionExit polls indicate France's far-right National Front party has failed to win a single region in the second round of elections.
Initial result show the party was beaten into third place despite a historic victory during the first around of the French regional election a week ago.
Nicolas Sarkozy's center-right Republicans secured the first rank in five regions.
The ruling Socialists, humiliated in first round voting, surprisingly maintained their position in at least five out of 13 regions.
Ballot counting continues in two regions where the vote is too close to call.
Powers back unity government in Libya to deter Islamic StateGlobal powers have backed the formation of a unity government in Libya, pledging economic and security support to help stabilize the chaotic North African country where Islamic State militants have a foothold.
Gathered for a conference in Rome, representatives from 17 countries including Egypt, Germany, Russia, Turkey, and China signed a joint statement calling for an immediate ceasefire and promising to cut off contacts with factions that do not sign the deal.
Fifteen Libyans from different groups also attended the meeting.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Italian counterpart Paolo Gentiloni have expressed optimism that the majority of the representatives of the two rival governments would sign a national unity deal on Dec. 16.
Biz ReportsMarket PreviewAnchorTurning to business news, starting with a preview of what we can expect on the markets this week.
Here in China, the country is set to release figures on retail sales, industrial production, and fixed asset investment on Monday.
In the United States, investors are expected to watch for a slew of economic data this week, including the Consumer Price Index on Tuesday, data for housing starts, building permits, and industrial output on Wednesday, and the Purchasing Managers Index on Friday.
CPI likely increased by 0.4 percent on an annual basis in November.
Groundbreaking on new projects is expected to have increased to a seasonally adjusted annual pace of 1.1 million units in November, while building permits are likely to show the same rate as last month.
Meanwhile, industrial production is predicted to have dropped for the third straight month in November, raising concerns for the robustness of fourth-quarter economic growth.
Analysts expect industrial production to have declined 0.1 percent last month.
In addition, financial firm Markit's preliminary reading of its Purchasing Managers Index for the services sector is set to come in at 56.1 in December, same as its final reading in November.
On the corporate front, on Wednesday, software maker Oracle's second-quarter revenue and profit is expected to fall marginally below analysts' estimates.
On the same day, package delivery company FedEx will report its results for the second quarter.
On Thursday, consulting and outsourcing services provider Accenture Plc is expected to report first-quarter earnings.
The world's largest cruise ship operator Carnival is set to post fourth-quarter results on Friday.
The company had forecast profit below analysts' estimates, hurt by a strong dollar and sluggish global economy. The Paris attacks in November are also likely to have reduced bookings for cruises.
China to launch 10 pilot reforms for SOEs in 2016AnchorChina is ready to launch pilot reforms for state-owned enterprises in 10 areas next year.
Peng Huagang with the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council says the reforms will cover functions and powers of directors, management, investment, mergers and acquisitions, and information disclosure.
The reforms are part of an SOE guideline issued in September to turn them into fully independent market entities.
Meantime, China will open some monopolizes, like energy and power, to let the market determine prices.
The move comes after reform plans for electricity, oil and gas were submitted to the State Council for approvals.
For more on the SOE reforms, we are now joined on line with Mike Bastin, Director of the China Business Centre at Southampton Solent University based in London.
1. How big of a role do you think private investment will play in the proposed reforms?
2. What hurdles are ahead? What should be done to ensure better coordination between private and the state-owned sectors?
3. After establishing market-oriented prices, what is the next step of the opening of monopolized industries in China?
Back Anchor:
That was Mike Bastin, Director of the China Business Centre at Southampton Solent University based in London.
170 SMEs debut on New Third Board170 small and medium-sized companies are set to begin trade on the New Third Board this week.
This marks a further expansion for China's over-the-counter market after the board was officially established nearly three years ago.
The number of debuts is nearly 40 percent more than that of the previous week.
The move brings the number of companies listed on the New Third Board to 4,651.
The market value of these companies totals 2.3 trillion yuan, or around 350 billion U.S. dollars.
The New Third Board serves as a national share transfer system for SMEs to transfer shares and raise funds.
Most of the firms on the board are engaged in innovative high-tech sectors, covering high-end manufacturing, information transmission and cultural services.
China, Tajikistan launch currency swap dealChina and Tajikistan have launched a currency swap deal in Urumqi, capital of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.
Tajikistan becomes the second Central Asian country to have a currency swap deal with China, after Kazakhstan.
President of the Urumqi Branch of People's Bank of China, Guo Jianwei, believes the deal can benefit people and business in both countries.
"The swap deal allows residents of the two countries to trade directly with each sovereign currency instead of using a third currency. It also confirms the objective trend that the RMB has become an internationally convertible currency since joining the special drawing rights basket."In September, the central banks of China and Tajikistan signed the currency swap agreement.
Under the agreement, the two sides can exchange payments in one currency for equivalent amounts in another to facilitate bilateral trade settlements and provide liquidity support to financial markets.
Manager of Tajikistan Agriculture Investment Bank, Ali, says the deal is helpful for Tajikistan.
"This measure is timely and necessary for enterprises and people in Tajikistan. Because under the current situation, the exchange rates are changing every day, making the market fluctuate, while the yuan is really strong around the world."The latest deal, worth 3 billion yuan, or 470 million U.S. dollars, will last for three years or more.
In addition, the agreement is expected to further boost trade and investment and safeguard regional financial stability.
Missing billionaire Guo assisting with Shanghai probeFosun International Chairman Guo Guangchang is now in Shanghai assisting with judicial investigation.
It's been confirmed by company CEO Liang Xinjun.
Liang stressed that it is just a routine judicial procedure, and Guo is just assisting in investigation.
Fosun President Wang Qunbin says the ongoing investigation is more a matter of Guo's personal business, rather than the company's business practices.
SportsGuanzhou beats Club America in FIFA Club World CupIn some football newsGuangzhou Evergrande has sealed their place in the semi-finals of the FIFA Club World Cup with a 2-1 win over Club America on Sunday.
This is a serious loss for club America in their 2015 FIFA Club World Cup quarter-final.
The Mexican team had a strong game in the first hour, but goal keeper Shuai Li and midfielder Paulinho kept Guangzhou in the game.
It would be the Brazilian, Paulinho, who in the 93 minute of the game would score the deciding point, giving Guangzhou their win.
Warrior's NBA domination ended by MiwaukeeIn some NBA newsThe Golden State Warrior's path of destruction was finally ended when the Miwaukee Bucks beat the team, 108-95 on Saturday.
This also means the Warriors have lost their chance of beating the record of 33 consecutive wins set by the 1971-1972 Lakers.
Interesting enough, when the Lakers were setting that record, it was also Milwaukee who beat them, and stopped their winning streak at 33.
The game for the Warriors was relatively close, with Milwaukee commanding marginal leads in the first half and third quarter.
Unfortunately that small margin would always be there, including until the end of the game, where Milwaukee walked away with the win.
The warrior's finished their consecutive win streak with 28 games.
CBA updateNow lets have a quick look at some upcoming CBA games:
On Tuesday, we will be seeing two games being played:
First, it will be Shanxi Zhongyu playing Fujianand then, Tianjin Ronggang facing off against Shenzen YikanLets take a quick look at the standings, as we head into the week.
Currently the top 3 CBA teams are:
Number 1, Xinjiang Guanghui with 14 wins, 2 lossesNumber 2, Zhejiang Guangsha with 14 wins, 2 lossesand finally, Number 3, Guangdong Southern with 13 wins, 3 lossesBWF Dubai tournament concludesIn some Badminton newsThe BWF Super Series in Dubai has concluded as of Sunday.
For the men's singles, it would Kento Momota of Japan who would beat Denmark's Victor Axelsen in two sets with a 21-15, 21-12.
Momota is a rising star in the badminton world and was 2nd seeded in the tournament.
Axelsen spoke to the press after his loss, saying that overall, he was happy with his performance.
"Of course, I have used a lot of energy this year, after playing better than ever. 2015 has been really good for me. So of course I’m really looking back at a really good year. And I’m also proud of my performances this week."and for the women's court,It would be Momota's compatriot, Nozomi Okuhara who beat China's Wang Yihan in three sets, 13-21, 21-14, 21-14 to take the title victory.
This marks a tournament seeing news champions as Japan has dominated the Dubai games.
Sharapova hosts tennis exhibition in LAIn tennis news:
Maria Sharapova held an exhibition with fellow tennis stars in LA over the weekend.
The name of the exhibition was "Maria Sharapova and Friends" and the games were played at UCLA's Tennis center.
The match was not a serious exhibition for those who played, but rather a training event for the Australian Open which will begin in Melbourne on January 18th.
Sharapova spoke about how she feels concerning the upcoming tournament in Australia.
"Oh I think at this time of year there is still a lot of room for improvement. I only spent a few days on the court, it's been a little bit of a tight off-season for me because of the Fed Cup and having a shorter off-season, but yeah overall there is still a lot of weeks to go before I head out to Australia."During her exhibition, Sharapova played and beat fellow tennis player Madison Keys with a 6-7, 6-1, 11-9.
Also playing were Andy Roddick and Mardy Fish.
Fish beat Roddick in their match, 7-6, 4-6, 12-10.
Jamie Donaldson wins Thailand's Golf ChampionshipIn some golf news:
Welshman Jamie Donaldson has won the Thailand Golf Championship in Chonburi on Sunday.
Donaldson's victory came by a lead of three shots.
This is the Welshman's first title of the year after beating veteran players like Clement Sordet of France and defending champion Lee Westwood.
Donaldson spoke to the press about what this win means for him.
"More motivation. I hadn't played great this year, I've had a lot of ups and downs, so I've not quite found my feet. This week it was very important to come here, you know, and just keep working towards getting back into the top 50 in the world and kicking on from there. I don't know whether I have made it into the top 50, we will find out probably tomorrow. But yeah, that's as well as I can play and I'm really happy with the win."This victory gives Donaldson one of four berths into next years British Open.
The Welshman won with a a final round of 65 and a overall 21-under-par, 267.
EntertainmentNancy Wu, Anthony Wong Chau Sang win big at 2015 TVB Anniversary AwardsHong Kong actress Nancy Wu has taken home the TV Queen award at the just concluded 2015 TVB Anniversary Awards.
Wu was awarded for her performance in the TV series "Ghost of Relativity."It is the first TVB best actress award for the 35-year-old actress since joining the TV station in 2001.
"I want to thank all of my partners, who helped me make a lot of progress along the way. Thanks to my fans and friends and my sisters. I will work even harder in the future."The TV King award has gone to veteran actor Anthony Wong Chau Sang for his role in the period drama "Lord of Shanghai.""Lord of Shanghai" was also awarded Best TV Drama of the year.
Bosco Wong and Linda Chung have taken home the awards for most popular TVB actor and actress in the Chinese mainland.
The TVB Anniversary Awards is an annual ceremony that honours the best in TVB television programming every year.
'The Hateful Eight' moves release date to January 1Western thriller "The Hateful Eight" has moved up its wide release date by one week, and will open on January 1st.
But the 70 millimeter format roadshow will be carried on as previously schedule with a Christmas Day opening in 100 select theatres.
Written and directed by Quentin Tarantino, "The Hateful Eight" is set a few years after the American Civil War.
The film follows bounty hunter John Ruth and his fugitive Daisy Domergue hurtling through a blizzard in Wyoming in a stagecoach, before they meet a handful of dangerous characters who share a deadly connection.
The film will be three hours long, with an intermission planned in the middle.
"The Hateful Eight" is Tarantino's eighth feature and is the follow-up to "Django Unchained."Taylor Swift concert movie to stream on Apple MusicTaylor Swift is moving her mega-successful "1989" tour online just one day after she concluded the tour.
Apple Music has announced that it will stream Swift's world tour exclusively on its streaming service beginning December 20th.
Swift made an introduction to the tour in a trailer released for the upcoming concert movie.
"Getting ready for this I wondered about a lot of things. I wondered what it would be like to perform for 70,000 people. I wondered what would happen if I invited the most amazing artists in the world to come out with me and perform on my stage -- would they do it? This is the 1989 world tour.""The 1989 World Tour LIVE Concert Film" was directed by Jonas Akerlund, including the entire concert at ANZ Stadium in Sydney, Australia on November 28th.
The film will also feature backstage and rehearsal scenes and special guests who appeared on stage with Swift.
Ed Sheeran announces to take a break from social mediaBritish singer Ed Sheeran has announced in an Instagram post that he is taking a break from all social media, his phone, and emails.
The singer said he found himself seeing the world through a screen and not his eyes.
He says he will take the opportunity to travel the world and see everything he missed.
Sheeran also confirmed that he is working on his third album which he claims to be the best thing he has made so far.
He just concluded the world tour for his second album "X" (pronounced 'multiply') in Auckland, New Zealand.
The album topped the charts in the UK, US and Australia.
It is also nominated for album of the year at the upcoming Grammys.
Spike Lee's New Michael Jackson Documentary to Debut on 2016 Sundance Film FestivalA new Michael Jackson documentary will make its debut at the 2016 Sundance Film Festival, which is set to open next month.
This documentary features rare footage and interviews of the legendary singer, and the people who backed him up throughout his efforts with the album 'Off the Wall.'
According to Essence, this new documentary produced by Spike Lee will offer a different perspective of the King of Pop, compared to pervious documentaries about the icon.
The documentary is entitled 'Michael Jackson's Journey from Motown to Off the Wall'.
Sundance Film Festival's director indicates that the film portrays the legendary singer's "drive and commitment", as he "transitioned from the Jackson Five into a solo career".
The director believes audiences will be fascinated by the documentary, regardless of whether or not they are Michael Jackson's fans or not.
The 2016 Sundance Film Festival will run from January 21st to 31st in the US.
That's it for this edition of the Beijing Hour.
Recapping our top stories this morning...
Leaders representing nations in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization gather in Henan today...
The Chinese government hails the Paris climate accord as a new beginning in global cooperation...
France's far-right National Front Party sputters in the second round of the country's regional elections.. .
In Business...10 pilot reform projects for China's state owned enterprises, starting next year...
On behalf of the rest of the Beijing Hour team, Shane Bigham in Beijing hoping you'll join us for our next edition of the Beijing Hour to open a window to the world together.  