【英语早间课堂】Lesson One(复习篇)(在线收听

 lessone 复习篇【序言】
各位亲爱的听众朋友,这里是可可之声每日一句口语课堂。我是Juliet。清脆的鸟鸣,徐徐的晨风,柔和的晨光,摇曳的绿叶,多美好的清晨呀!带上您一份美好的心情进入今天的7点档口语课堂——Lesson One 复习篇,开始您美好而充实的一天的生活。
1 Please translate the following sentences into English orally with the phrases which is similar tosaying "ignore somebody or something".(请用与和“ignore somebody or something” 的片语口译下面的句子。)1 她很骄傲不理睬别人。
2 莫斯科没有理会美国的呼吁。
3 我依恋着Frank,而不理其他人。
4 我听见我的朋友在背后叫我,但是我装作没听见。
5 一旦她生气,她就会几天不理你。
6 我就一次没有注意到她,她就因此耿耿于怀。
7 我向我们班新来的女生做自我介绍,她没理我。
8 我向她道歉,她不理我。
9 我看见她和他的男朋友路过我家门口,但是我装作没看见。
点击下面文字下载初级口译2 Please write down the phrases and translate them into Chinese while listening to therecording. (请听录音听写短语并将其翻译成中文。)短语听写答案3 Please write down what you've heard while listening to recording and then read themfollowing the recording. (请听录音写下您听到的,然后模仿录音发音。)听力练习答案4 Please complete the sentences and speak them out. (请完成下面的句子,并大声说出来。)I think he blew off what was happening before him because ...
I think Mary take no notice of her mistakes because...
I think she turned a cold shoulder on her husband because...
I think John close his eyes to her teacher because...
I think my daughter cut me dead because...
句型练习答案6 Please make a situational dialogue or write an essay with "cut dead" "blew off'"turn a coldshoulder ""pay no attention""close one's eyes""shut one's ears""without paying attention ".(请用"cut dead" "blew off'"turn a cold shoulder on""pay no attention""close one's eyes""shut one'sears" "without paying attention "这7个短语创作一个情景对话,或者是写一篇小短文。)写作提示:
1 确立一个明确的中心思想,主题健康向上。
2 想象出一个情景,确立人物角色或者是写你身边发生的事儿。