英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1217 - 办公室恋情利与弊(在线收听

 Topic1-University of Old Age Popular in BeijingWhat do you think old people will do after retirement? Looking after grandchildren, going travel, playing chess, or taking a walk in the park? Now they have another good choice: go to the university. Some universities for old people have been quite popular in Beijing, with many old people rushing to apply for it. Why do these silver citizens love learning so much?

Topic2-Housework and sex lifeWho should do more housework? The wife or the husband? What’s the best way of dividing housework?
Topic3- Student StressGoing to university is entering a new chapter in life. It’s making the big emotional step of a new independent life, with many living away from home for the first time.
But there are warnings of rising numbers of students struggling to cope with life on campus. It’s not just a China problem, but a UK one as well. As a British survey says British universities see sharp rises in the demand for counseling.
Topic4-The good and bad of office romanceYoung professionals in bigger cities like Beijing often spend more time at the office than they do at home. As a result, there are a lot of single men and women who don't have the time or opportunity to meet other people. Many seek out potential partners in their surrounding environment - the office. Is it good or bad, and are you willing to have office romance? 