新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 08:00 2015/12/22(在线收听

The Beijing HourMorning EditionShane Bigham with you on this Tuesday December 22nd, 2015.
Welcome to the Beijing Hour, live from the Chinese capital.
Coming up on the program...
Chinese authorities pledge to boost reform and innovation in 2016, starting a new five year plan for the country...
rescue efforts continue at the site of a landslide in Shenzhen, southern China, where more than 80 people are missing...
despite a ceasefire in Yemen, eight people have died in an airstrike...
In Business...China's central bank is said to be considering elimination of the benchmark deposit and lending rates...
In Sports...a Beijing Ducks star from the US is being honoured with a museum exhibit...
And in Entertainment...episodes of a popular Chinese TV drama have been leaked online...
All of that coming up in the next hour.
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Structural reforms stressed for steady growth in 2016China has pledged measures to boost reforms and innovation to ensure steady economic growth in 2016.
This comes as the top leadership concluded a key economic conference on Monday.
According to a statement issued after the four-day meeting, the central government will continue its structural economic reforms and innovation-driven strategy.
The meeting, attended by President Xi Jinping and Premier LI Keqiang, received much attention, as 2016 is also the starting year for the country's next five-year development plan.
The top leadership is giving priority to reforms on the supply-side, a term used frequently by the authorities recently, which aims to lift production levels and to use land, labor, and capital more efficiently.
Several detailed measures have been forward for the reform, including ones affecting real-estate, industrial overcapacity, deleveraging, and lowering corporate costs.
Teng Tai, Director of the independent think tank We Brothers Economic Research Institute, says supply-side management is a crucial issue for economic restructuring.
"The meeting grasps the main issue of the inappropriate supply structure. It stresses many times the structural reform on the supply side. It also mentions the major contents of the reform. The five major policies are supporting policies for the reform. Also, policies on reforms in various areas including macro-economy, industry and social reforms are all supporting supply side reform."The economist further explains that the all these measures could help generate new economic growth.
"The primary task of the supply side reform was to create new forms of supply, to generate new growth engines, new consumption, new industry growth patterns, and recover the vitality of economic growth. Second, restructuring, to help consume stored capacity, transfer production to new business. And also it will help to relax some restrictions on supply, to meet the market plan. After all it stresses on recovering growth vitality, reducing costs and increasing employment, and thus increasing consumption."Another point in the measures regards the property sector and effects hundreds of millions of citizens in China.
A statement issued after the meeting said the government will promote the consolidation of property developers and encourage them to lower housing prices.
The central government also encourages rural residents relocating to urban areas and to be allowed to register as city residents, enabling them to buy or rent property.
The central government has pledged to populate a low-rent public housing program to cover those without household registration.
Professor Li Daokui is the director of the Center of China in the World Economy with the Tsinghua University.
He says these measures will mainly affect third- and-fourth-tier cities.
"I think the destocking will be mainly on the third and the fourth-tiers cities where a lot of empty houses exists, while in big cities, where the house prices are on an uptrend, I think the measures will mainly target high-end projects."The country also lowered deposit requirements for second-home purchases and some local governments have rolled back restrictions on home purchases.
Meanwhile the conference held off on announcing a GDP target for 2016, which is now expected to be released in March.
Experts are predicting the number to be set between 6.6 to 6.8.
The Chinese government also vowed to make fiscal policy more forceful, monetary policy more flexible, and to stick to its opening-up policy.
Global production capacity cooperation faces unprecedented opportunities: experts.
China is seeking new economic growth through global cooperation in production capacity.
The country's Academy of Social Sciences issued a blue paper on Monday saying the opportunities are unprecedented, and the proposed "one-belt and one road" initiative is providing an example of an inclusive world economic order.
CRI's reporter Guo Yan has the details.
Experts from China's top-think tank say the world economy has entered a new stage, but the economic re-adjustment currently taking place poses new challenges.
Jin Bei, a senior researcher with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences says global cooperation in terms of production capacity should benefit all participants.
"There should be a philosophy regarding international cooperation and production capacity. we should put China's industrial development in the context of global development. In such an era, we also benefit from other countries' growth and vice versa. I believe it's a new era for globalization."The report shows that China has achieved positive progress in the high-speed rail, aerospace, and nuclear power sectors. Many enterprises are gaining advantages in scientific innovation.
Zhang Qizai, director of the Institute of Industrial Economics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences says global production capacity is faced with huge challenges.
"First, the world is faced with great changes in technological innovation, new world order, and global governance, which offers huge opportunities for China to initiate cooperation in global production capacity. Second, we are dedicated to cultivating and promoting some advantages in certain industries, which can also support the cooperation."Zhang says the "One belt and one road " initiative plays an important role in production capacity cooperation, and the proposal provides an example for a more inclusive global economic order.
He says China is dedicated to promoting the establishment of international economic order and advocates win-win cooperation.
"The traditional world economic governance is a zero-sum game. Yet the "one- belt and one road" initiative is open and inclusive. It seeks win-win solutions in the rules of the global governance of the 21st century. Second, with the "one- belt and one road" strategy, China doesn't want to transfer excessive production capacity to other countries, but to promote industry transformation and upgrading through win-win cooperation and common development."The document published by the Academy echoes the guideline issued by the State Council earlier this year, promoting China's production capacity cooperation with other countries while upgrading industrial structure.
For CRI, I'm Guo Yan.
Rescue efforts continue after Shenzhen landslideRescuers have been continuing their searching on the scene in Shenzhen where a massive landslide struck on Sunday.
At least 81 people are still listed as missing.
7 people have been pulled out alive from the rubble.
Rescuers are still trying to detect signs of life.
16 who survived the initial slide have been treated at hospital and are in stable condition.
Over 29-hundred people are now on the scene, digging through the silt and rubble which rolled over three industrial parks.
Shenzhen deputy-Mayor Liu Qingsheng says the extent of the disaster is massive.
"An area of around 380,000 square meters has been covered by this mudslide. The thickness of the mud and debris ranges from between a few meters to tens of meters deep. It has led to burial or varying degrees of damage to 33 buildings across three industrial parks."Meanwhile resettlement sites have been set up as of Monday night.
Over 900 people were evacuated to nearby temporary shelters such as a sports center, several community workstations and hospitals.
China's top leadership, including President Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang, are monitoring the situation.
The State Council has dispatched a team of senior officials and experts to the city to oversee rescue work.
Around 15-hundred people living in the area have also been moved out as a precaution.
“Two-child " Policy to be Released Next YearAnchor:
As the top legislature is set to approve amendments to China's decades-old one-child policy, experts suggest public services need to be strengthened to encourage all couples to have a second child.
CRI's Luo Bin has more.
A universal two-child policy is expected to be passed by the top legislature by the end of the week as it concludes its latest bimonthly session on Sunday. The new rules would come into effect on January 1.
Zhai Zhenwu, Head of the China Population Association, says the new policy is expected to provide part of the solution to the challenge of an aging population in China, and to become a new driver for the economy in the long run.
" It will not reverse the trend of an aging population, but will slow the process. It will also not turn the shrinking work force trend around, but will win time for China's economic restructure, which is beneficial to social and economic development."A recent report by the World Bank says China has the fastest aging population among countries around East Asia and the Pacific.
People aged over 65 years old account for more than 10 percent of China's total population, compared with the standard of 7 percent, used globally to identify an aging society.
China eased its "one-child" policy back in 2013, allowing couples to have a second child if either parent is an only child.
However, statistics shows many families covered by the policy are choosing not to take the opportunity, showing concerns over economic pressure and the energy to take care of the children, as well as the mother's career development.
Professor Peng Xizhe, from the School of Social Development and Public Policy, Fudan University, believes the government needs to provide more support.
"From an economic perspective, income tax reform should be based on the unit of a family. If one family has two children, or needs to take care of elderly family members, this family's income tax should be reduced more. On public services, the government needs to increase its spending on facilities like child care services to encourage people to have a second child."To deal with the foreseeable challenges, Li Bin, head of National Health and Family Planning Commission, says the decision to eliminate the one-child policy will also bring with it other considerations for parents.
"Couples who are allowed to have two children will be entitled to longer maternity leave if they have the second baby."Authorities say they are also coordinating different departments to help ease social concerns.
At the same time, embryo harvesting and surrogacy will remain illegal.
Those caught violating the rules could face fines or even jail time.
For CRI, this is Luo Bin.
China's first counter domestic violence law may include emotional or psychological abusesIt's being reported that a new domestic violence law being worked on here in China may include provisions covering both emotional or psychological abuse, and may also cover people living together who are not family.
This new draft defines domestic violence as both physical and psychological harm among family members, including beatings, injuries, restraint or forcible limits on physical liberties, as well as recurring verbal threats.
Those who aren't related but live together are also going to be subject to the new law.
Su Zelin is the deputy director of the Commission for Legislative Affairs with the NPC Standing Committee.
"A newly-added regulation specifies that when the courts issue a personal safety protection order, the order has to be delivered to the applicant, the respondent, the local police department and other organizations in the area. The local police department and other authorities in the area are then in-charge of enforcing the order. "An earlier draft of the domestic violence legislation submitted in August only included provisions covering physical abuse, and not psychological.
China welcomes US Congress to ratify IMF reformThe Chinese government has issued a new statement, welcoming U.S. Congressional approval of the quota reforms of the International Monetary Fund.
A Foreign Ministry spokesman says the reforms reflect changes of the international economic pattern, which can strengthen the voice and representation of emerging markets and developing countries while enhancing the legality of the IMF.
The reform plan was first approved by the IMF board in 2010 and ratified by the US Congress last week.
Under the plan, China will have the third largest IMF quota and voting share after the United States and Japan, while India, Brazil and Russia would be also among the top ten members of the IMF.
The Chinese side has said that it would further cooperate with other parties to help the IMF play a positive role in international economic and financial governance.
IMF Quota Reforms to Give Emerging Economies Larger Say: AnalystsAnchor:
Emerging powers like China, India, and Brazil have been waiting five years to have a greater say in the running of the International Monetary Fund.
Analysts say proposed reforms will expand the voting power of those countries, helping to shape the institution for the twenty-first century.
From Washington, Rebecca Foster reports.
The 2010 IMF reforms expanded the voting power of China, India, Russia and Brazil.
Those who agreed to give up some voting share included the United States, Saudi Arabia and South Africa, though several European countries gave up the largest share.
Andrew Hanauer is the Campaigns Director at Jubilee USA Network, an organization that aims to improve the quality of lending to poorer countries.
"It's a big deal, it's definitely a step in the right direction. We've been waiting more than five years for this to happen. 205 There's no question that it did not look for the United States being the only country holding these reforms up, particularly because the United States is the only country that has the power to hold things up by itself at the IMF."The Obama administration has been an enthusiastic supporter of the reforms, but the five year delay was caused by the US Congress, which wouldn't or couldn't vote to approve the changes.
Investment Advisor Douglas Rediker who is also a Visiting Fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics says by voting to approve the changes, the US Congress has finally closed a credibility gap.
"This was a US initiative five years ago, to actually reform not just the voting rights or the quota at the IMF, but the overall governance structure to give emerging markets a much more representative voice at the table. And then, the irony was that it was the US that turned out to be the one party that held up the very reforms that the US spearheaded. "The five year delay has also pushed back negotiations for a new set of IMF reforms which will now begin and Douglas Rediker says that process will begin in 2016.
"The IMF articles contemplate an ever shifting global economic landscape. That's why under the rules the IMF is supposed to reassess this governance structure and the quotas by which countries exercise their rights, simply because the world moves on and economic strengths wax and wane."With China holding the presidency of the G20 in 2016 that's likely to lead to new efforts to expand the role of emerging nations in the architecture of the world's economic leadership.
For CRI, I'm Rebecca Foster in WashingtonChina Objects to Arbitration over South China SeaThe Chinese government is calling on the Philippines to give up any illusions of sovereignty over islands claimed by China in the South China Sea.
Foreign Ministry spoksperson Hong Lei commented following the release of a court transcript from hearings the Philippine launched at the International Court of Justice.
"No other people or institutions have the right to deal with Chinese territorial sovereignty except the Chinese people. With regard to territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, China will not accept any resort to a third-party dispute settlement. We urge the Philippines to give up the fantasy and make a fresh start of negotiations on the disputes."China is refusing to take part in the hearings at the Hague, saying the arbitration aims to deny Chinese sovereignty and its maritime interests in the South China Sea.
China closely watching efforts to solve Cyprus problem: foreign ministerChina's foreign minister has pledged support for talks aimed at reunifying ethnically divided Cyprus, saying his country welcomes progress made in negotiations so far.
Wang Yi made the pledge after talks with his Cypriot counterpart, Ioannis Kasoulides in Nicosia.
For his part, Kasoulides thanked China for its principled stance on the problem and its support toward Cyprus's sovereignty and territorial integrity.
Wang's visit follows recent trips to Cyprus by his counterparts from the US, Russia and Britain as peace talks gather pace.
Cyprus has been divided since 1974, with Turkish-Cypriots in the north and Greek-Cypriots in the south.
Cyprus wants the United Nations Security Council to ensure the adoption of any peace accord and to oversee its implementation.
China Makes Effective Efforts for Iraq's Development: Iraqi Prime MinisterThe Iraqi Prime Minister has spoken highly of China's effort in helping the development of Iraq.
Haider al-Abadi made the comment ahead of his first visit to Beijing, starting from today.
"The relationship of China and Iraq has lasted for a long time. The relationship between the two nations developed further in 2003 when Iraq entered a new era. Now Chinese companies are involved in oil exploitation, infrastructure construction, and other service areas in Iraq. They have made concrete efforts in Iraq's infrastructure construction and investment promotion."The prime minister says the Iraqi government wishes to attract investment to upgrade its oil-dependent economic structure.
He says this will also offer opportunities for China's investment in several areas such as infrastructure.
"Iraq wants to find a development path through investment instead of crude oil. To that effect, investment is the basis. I think China has powerful investment ability in countries including Iraq. Iraq has abundant oil, which serves as a guarantee for China to invest in Iraq and to conduct more cooperation in this area."Abadi's 2-days stay in Beijing will focus on issues of China-Iraq relations and bilateral cooperation.
Air strikes in Yemen kills at least eightAt least eight have been killed and ten wounded by air strikes in a neighborhood in Yemen.
The airstrike comes despite a conditional agreement to extend a seven-day truce in the devastated and impoverished country.
The attack was carried out by the Saudi-led coalition supporting Yemen's government in the country's civil war.
Tribal sources say the airstrike in Hodaida province came as forces loyal to the Yemeni president fought their way into the area, which surrounds the capital.
The latest attakcs again dampen hopes that another round of peace talks due to be held next year could result in any accord ending the conflict in Yemen.
FIFA Bans Sepp Blatter and Michel PlatiniFIFA President Sepp Blatter and UEFA President Michel Platini have each been banned for eight years from all football-related activities.
The decision by FIFA's ethics committee comes after the pair were found guilty of breaches surrounding a so-called "disloyal payment" of 1.3 million in Swiss Francs made to Platini in 2011.
Blatter and Platini have argued that the payment stemmed from a verbal agreement they made in 1998, and concerned work that Platini did for FIFA between 1998 and 2002.
Blatter says he will appeal against the ban because the reason for the ban had "nothing to do with ethics.""I will use this (inaudible) justice to go forward, we (will) go immediately, once again, to the appeal committee. We go to the TAS - Tribunal Arbitral du Sport - we go also to (inaudible) Swiss, to the rights of Switzerland. I'm a Swiss citizen. You know, if in the Swiss law, you would be suspended for eight years, you must have committed something very, very, very important, very important … But this is administrative and financial proceedings. This has nothing to do with ethics."Platini has also vowed to go to court to fight the decision made by the independent ethics committee.
Until his suspension, Platini had been the frontrunner to succeed Blatter at the top of world soccer.
However, David Bernstein, former Chairman of the English Football Association, says he wants to see a change to FIFA's rules to allow someone from outside the world of soccer to take over the organization.
"I'd like to see a FIFA rule change in that at the moment the person has to come from football. But I would like to see someone from outside football, a person of world stature brought into this, who's got no baggage and nobody could criticize and could bring a really fresh approach to this. I don't think that will happen but if I had my way, this needs radical change now. It is an opportunity, clearly to go forward and clean this organization up, but it needs radical change."FIFA's ethics inquiry began after the Swiss attorney general decided to open criminal proceedings against Blatter over the payment to Platini.
The office is also investigating FIFA's award of the 2018 and 2022 World Cup finals to Russia and Qatar.
UEFA said it was disappointed with the ruling and it supports Platini's right to due process.
EU prolongs economic sanctions against Russia by 6 monthsThe European Union has prolonged the economic sanctions against Russia for another six months, extending them to July 31 of next year.
The sanctions were initially introduced for one year at the end of July 2014, in response to Russia's actions in eastern Ukraine.
The measures target certain exchanges with Russia in the financial, energy, defense, and other sectors.
A statement issued by the EU says the extension comes as the Minsk agreements were not expected to be fully implemented by the end of this year.
Headline NewsChina to raise deficit ratio graduallyA new statement has been issued from the Central Economic Work Conference in Beijing, saying the current pro-active fiscal policies in China need to be more forceful.
At the same time, the statement says the fiscal deficit ratio needs to be raised gradually.
The statement says the prudent monetary policy needs to be more flexible so as to create the appropriate monetary conditions for structural reforms.
Meanwhile, plans are being worked on to reduce the property inventories in China to try to stabilize the housing market.
This may include helping rural residents settle down in cities and buy properties there.
At the same time, a set of policies dealing with industrial overcapacity are also being worked on.
The Central Economic Work Conference opened on Friday, during which China's top leaders review the economic work done in China this year, as well as map out plans for the coming year.
Lawmakers weigh China's draft counterterrorism lawA new draft of the first-ever counterterrorism law in China has been tabled for a third reading by China's top legislature.
The meeting of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress is set to run for a week.
The counterterrorism law is part of attempts to address terrorism in China, as well as help maintain world security.
As part of the current NPC session, lawmakers are set to review the government's first domestic violence law, as well as legislation surrounding traditional Chinese medicine.
This session is also expected to approve the new revisions to the family planning policies, bringing an end to the so-called one-child policy.
China receives message from dark matter probeGround stations in China have received data sent by the country's first dark matter probe satellite.
A station in northwest China's Xinjiang successfully tracked and received data from the satellite on Sunday.
Stations in Beijing and Sanya in south China also tracked and received data from the satellite later on Sunday.
The communication marks the establishment of a transmission link between the satellite and ground-based stations.
Scientists examined the data and believe it to be in the "correct format and of good quality."The satellite was sent into space last week.
Israel, Turkey to Normalize RelationsIsrael and Turkey have reached a preliminary agreement toward restoring full diplomatic relations.
The two countries, once close regional allies, broke off diplomatic ties following an Israeli raid of a Gaza-bound protest ship in 2010 which left 10 Turkish activists dead.
Observers are suggesting the political reproachment may be motivated by Turkey's falling-out with Russia over the downing of a Russian fighter jet last month.
Biz ReportsAnchor:
Turning to business news, starting with a look at the closing numbers across North America and Europe.
U.S. stocks ended higher on Monday, as investors meditated on low oil prices in a holiday-shortened trading week.
Wall Street focused on oil's continued decline.
Brent oil prices hit an 11-year low on Monday as the market worried that global supplies exceed demand.
The U.S. dollar declined against most major currencies amid thin trading in the holiday season.
The dollar retreated from its two-week highs. The U.S. and most European markets will close on Friday for Christmas.
At the closing bell,Dow Jones rose 0.7 percent.
S&P 500 added 0.8 percent.
The Nasdaq increased 0.9 percent.
In Europe, shares fell on Monday, giving up earlier gains, as losses in Spain and a rise in the euro weighed on the region's markets.
UK's FTSE 100 lost 0.3 percent.
Germany's DAX decreased 1 percent.
France's CAC 40 moved down 1.3 percent.
China Polls Banks on Ending Benchmark Deposit, Loan Rates: BloombergAnchor:
It's being reported that China's central bank recently surveyed banks on the possibility and potential impact of removing its benchmark deposit and lending rates.
The report by Bloomberg also says the PBOC also asked lenders whether they use the Loan Prime Rate.
Commercial banks charge the LPR, which is calculated based on rate submissions from nine lenders, to their most high-quality clients.
China's central bank, which sets the benchmark one-year deposit and lending rates, has already removed their upper and lower limits.
Policy makers have cut both rates six times since late November last year to help boost the economy.
For more on this topic, we are now joined on the line by Gao Shang, senior analyst with Guantong Futures.
Q1: How likely is it that the benchmark deposit and lending rates will be removed, and what impact would that have on financial markets?
Q2: As we mentioned, the central bank has already removed the upper and lower limits for the benchmark deposit and lending rate. Some analysts have suggested the central bank will consider using other methods to guide interbank market interest rates - what are some of the potential options?
Q3: When the central bank is weighing whether to remove the benchmark deposit and lending rates, what factors must be considered?
Q4: Establishing market-oriented interest rates is a key part of China's financial reform. When can we tell that China has established market-oriented interest rates, what's the criteria for that?
Back anchor:
That was Gao Shang, senior analyst with Guantong Futures.
China's bond issuance soars in NovemberOfficial data shows the value of bonds issued in China increased 170 percent year on year in November.
China's central bank says 2.7 trillion yuan, or 415 billion U.S. dollars, worth of bonds were issued last month, up from 2.1 trillion yuan in October.
Of the total, 2.5 trillion yuan's worth were issued through the inter-bank bond market, 168 percent more than last November.
After China lowered the threshold for companies to issue bonds and allowed more foreign companies to buy Chinese bonds, bonds issued in the first 11 months of 2015 totalled 20 trillion yuan, up 80 percent from a year ago.
Record number of cars recalled in ChinaA record number of vehicles sold in China this year have been recalled for technical faults.
Senior official of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, Yan Fengmin, says as of last Friday, around 80 automakers had conducted recalls for 230 issues.
"Over 5.5 million vehicles have been recalled. The recall times increased 30 percent year on year, while the number of recalls rose nearly 20 percent on a year-on-year basis, setting a new record high."More than 25 million vehicles have been recalled since China introduced the recall system in 2004.
Engine problems are the main reason for the recalls, followed by airbag and seat belt defects, and electrical failures.
China, Pakistan sign financing agreement on coal power projectChina and Pakistan have inked a financing agreement on a coal power project located in the Thar Coalfield in Pakistan.
The project will cost over 2 billion U.S. dollars, including the exploitation of a 3.8-million-ton coal mine and the construction of a 660,000-kilowatt power station.
China will contribute 800 million dollars to the financing, while the Pakistani partners will provide 500 million dollars, mainly through China Development Bank and Habib Bank.
The project is expected to be completed by the end of 2017.
ZTE aims to double domestic smartphone sales in 2016China's top telecommunications equipment firm ZTE is aiming to double domestic sales of smartphones next year, by selling flagship models to target high-end users.
The company is now developing LTE chips, which will be used in smartphones supporting the current 4G and the next-generation 5G networks.
ZTE's vice president says the company is planning to become one of the top-three vendors in the domestic market in 2016, with sales doubling in the market.
In the first three quarters, ZTE sold more than 40 million smartphones, of which around 10 million were sold in the domestic market.
Toshiba to slash thousands of jobs in restructuring plansToshiba Corporation is set to cut nearly 8-thousand consumer electronics jobs after a 1.3-billion-US-dollar accounting scandal.
The Japanese company says it will sell its television manufacturing plant in Indonesia, and that eventual job cuts spanning the entire company could affect over 10-thousand employees.
Due to restructuring costs, the company expects a net loss of around 4.5 billion dollars in this fiscal year ending in March.
SportsBeijing honors Marbury with Museumsome CBA news first:
Beijing has opened a Museum on Monday, to celebrate former NBA star Stephon Marbury, who guided Beijing to three title wins in the past four years of CBA.
Marbury and his family were present for the unveiling ceremony of the new museum.
Also in attendance were Marbury's teammates and coach.
The 300-square-meter area showcases photo's of Marbury throughout the different stages of his career and life.
It also has all the different jersey's the CBA star has worn, from the Timberwolves to the Nets to Beijing.
The Museum is scheduled to open to the public on the 28th.
But this isn't the end for Marbury.
After a 6 game winning streak, Beijing is set to host Tonxi on Wednesday.
Chinese legend Yao Ming nominated for NBA Hall of FameFormer Houston Rockets center Yao Ming has been nominated for the Basketball Hall of Fame.
This makes him the first Chinese player to receive the honor.
The 35-year-old was drafted by the Houston Rockets in 2002 and spent nine years with the team.
But he was forced to retire in 2011 due to injuries.
Norberg and Limbacher win the World Cup Ski Cross eventIn some skiing news:
Victor Norberg and Andrea Limbacher won the World Cup Ski Cross event at Innichen in South Tyrol.
Norberg commanded the men's final event as he took an overwhelming lead over his rivals.
After the race, Norberg spoke about his struggle to win.
"Yeah, I just couldn't believe it actually winning today. I was...when I hurt my back in Montafon I thought actually that, 'I'm quitting this.' I was sick and tired of this, my back, but I got the best help I could ever have so we trained a lot and every time it was getting better and better so I'm just really happy to be here today."Norberg has stated that he has thought of the possibility of retiring after this race due to previous injuries.
No confirmation has been given regarding the ski champs decision.
And for the women's event:
The final was a thriller with Canada's Kelsey Serwa taking the early lead from reigning world champion Andrea Limbacher.
Shortly after, Alizee Baron would swipe the lead from Serwa in an attempt to close out on top.
But it would be Limbacher who would take the top spot, passing Serwa and Baron for the win.
This marks the end of the Austrian's dry spell for world cup competitions.
Limbacher last won a world cup competition 3 years ago14-0 Panthers continue to dominate American footballAnd for you American Football fans:
The Carolina Panthers are taking it all this year after beating the New York Giants, 38 to 35.
This marks the 14th game for the team, where they have remained undefeated.
Despite bringing home the win, the game was close between the two titans.
After playing the Giants, Panther head coach Ron Rivera spoke about his teams success.
"Well I mean it says a lot about us to be 14-0. The truth of the matter is to win this one in this fashion after struggling like we did in the third and the fourth quarter but be able to be resilient enough to win it at the end, that's huge. But we should have never got to that point. But again, give coach (Tom) Coughlin and his team credit for fighting the way they did. I mean this is a very scrappy football team, it's a young football team with some dynamic playmakers.
The panthers achievement of 14-0 puts the NFL team in the history books.
The only other NFL teams to have reached 14-0 have been, Miami in 1972, New England in 2007 and Indianapolis in 2009.
All of who went to the Super Bowl.
Jaromir Jagr becomes 4th highest scorer in NHL historyand in some Hockey news:
Jaromir Jagr has scored his 732nd goal to move past Marcel Dionne to become the fourth-highest scorer in NHL history.
The record breaking goal came during the Florida Panthers triumph over the Vancouver Canucks, 5-to-4 on Sunday.
This marks the fourth straight win for Florida, who are doing very well this season with 10 wins in their past 13 games.
Jagr's goal came in a power-play with 11.5 seconds remaining in the first period.
So far the hockey talent has collected 10 goals this season and is only nine away from Brett Hull in third place.
For first place, the record is set at 894 goals by hockey legend Wayne Gretzky.
That is 93 more than Gordie Howe, who resides in second place.
Santa's race through the streets of PeruAnd in some Christmas sports:
Santa impersonators stormed the streets of Peru's Huancayo to compete in a festive race.
Throughout the town, Santa's could be seen running through the streets, ringing bells and yelling "Ho Ho Ho".
The first Santas to win the race were awarded cash prizes and some sporting goods.
Female Santa racer, Ana Torres spoke about the challenging holiday race. "I said: 'I wonder when will I get there?' The girls cheered me on. 'We can't go on, you are lighter, slimmer.' That's when I really went for it. I didn't really think I'd make it."The Santa race was won by Samuel Rivera, who sprinted towards the finish line in a jolly fashion.
Other competitions involved in the event were, "best dressed Santa."The competition is highly regarded by the local people as a fun and festive way, to celebrate the holiday.
EntertainmentPeriod Drama 'Legend of Miyue' leaked onlineThe production company of hit TV drama "Legend of Miyue" has issued a statement calling for people to stop spreading illegal downloads of the program.
The statement comes as reports suggest that full episodes of the drama have been leaked online.
TV producer Cao Ping says they have taken legal action to safeguard their interests.
"We have called the police and the case has been accepted. The police have begun investigating and found some clues. The police are verifying the clues. We will fight against such illegal behavior ruthlessly. We hope netizens and audiences do not spread related sources.""Legend of Miyue" is a period drama set in the Warring States period between the 4th and 2nd centuries BC.
The drama follows Mi Yue, a princess from the State of Chu, whose son becomes the king of the State of Qin and Mi Yue becomes the first empress dowager in history.
The 81-episode drama stars Sun Li, Liu Tao, Gao Yunxiang and Jiang Xin.
The show is currently aired by Beijing TV and Oriental TV during prime time.
Viewers can also watch it through online platforms like LeTV and Tencent Video.
Steve Harvey apologizes for mistaking miss universe winnersMiss Universe 2015 host Steve Harvey has made an apology for saying the wrong name when announcing the winner on air.
Harvey says it was his mistake and that he takes full responsibility.
During the pageant, Harvey announced Miss Colombia as the winner of this year's beauty pageant.
However, organizers later had to step in and advise Harvey that Miss Columbia was actually the first runner-up.
Miss Philippines was then declared the winner.
She explained her confusion backstage after the show.
"You can see from my reaction, I didn't know whether to go up in front of the stage so I was a little bit hesitant as well because I wasn't sure if the announcement was finally right. I was waiting for cues from the floor director. And I looked back and the girls behind me were saying 'Go! Go! Go in front.' So that's when I walked to the front of the stage and I was just waiting for my crowning moment."It's the third time a contestant from the Philippines has won the title.
The competition started with women between the ages of 19 and 27 representing 80 countries.
For the first time, viewers had a chance to vote on the winner, in addition to four in-person celebrity judges.
Adele's "25" sells nearly 6 million, overtakes Taylor SwiftBritish singer Adele is on fire as her new album "25" has sold nearly 6 million copies in the US in just its first four weeks of sales.
She also overtakes Taylor Swift's best-selling album "1989" which sold 5.7 million.
However, she still has a long way to go before catching up to her previous album "21" which sold more than 11 million.
Her debut single "Hello" is also ruling the Billboard Hot 100 chart for an eighth week, marking her longest reign on the top of the chart.
"Hello" has spent has held the No. 1 position for the entire time.
She last dominated the chart with "Rolling in the Deep," which spent seven weeks at No. 1 in 2011.
WeatherBeijing will see smog with a high of 4 degrees Celsius.
Overnight temperatures should drop down to minus 1.
Shanghai will be overcast with a high of 14 and a low of 9.
In Chongqing, it will be overcast with a high of 10 and lows of 7.
Elsewhere in the world, staying here in Asia,Islamabad will be cloudy with a high of 13.
Kabul will see a little bit snow with a high of minus 1.
Over to North America,New York will have slight rain with a high of 18 degrees.
Washington D.C., also slight rain with a high of 19 degrees.
Honolulu, slight rain, 28.
Toronto, slight rain with a high of 12 degrees.
Finally, on to South America,Buenos Aires will have a little bit rain with a high of 33.
And Rio de Janeiro will be cloudy with a high of 31 degrees Celsius.
That's it for this edition of the Beijing Hour.
Recapping our top stories this morning...
Chinese authorities pledge to boost reform and innovation in 2016, starting a new five year plan for the country...
rescue efforts continue at the site of a landslide in Shenzhen, southern China, where more than 80 people are missing...
despite a ceasefire in Yemen, eight people have died in an airstrike...
In Business...China's central bank is said to be considering elimination of the benchmark deposit and lending rates...
On behalf of the rest of the Beijing Hour team, Shane Bigham in Beijing hoping you'll join us for our next edition of the Beijing Hour to open a window to the world together.