新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 20:00 2015/12/23(在线收听

The Beijing HourEvening EditionBob Jones with you on this Wednesday, December 23, 2015.
Welcome to the Beijing Hour, live from the Chinese capital...
Coming up on the program this evening...
A survivor of the Shenzhen landslide is said to be in stable condition after receiving emergency surgery.
China's Special Representative on Climate Change praises the recent Paris conference but warns of the tough task ahead.
And top economic planners unveil a scheme to turn 100 million Chinese farmers into urban dwellers.
In business... China is to revoke private fund management qualifications for several banks.
In sports.... We have top teams involved in China Basketball actionIn entertainment.....A slew of new movies announced by the China Film Company for 2016 .
Top NewsLandslide Survivor in Stable Condition after Surgery, Rescue ContinuesAnchorA survivor was pulled out of the debris from a landslide at an industrial park in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen early Wednesday morning.
The man is said to be in stable condition after receiving a surgery.
So far the bodies of four victims have been recovered from the site.
About 70 people are still missing.
CRI's Qian Shanming has more.
ReporterThe survivor Tian Zeming had been buried for 67 hours after the landslide hit the industrial park in Shenzhen on Sunday.
After detecting signs of life at around 3:30 am, rescuers successfully rescued Tian just over three hours later.
Armed police officer Wang Yongxing is one of the rescuers who pulled Tian out of the debris.
"Since it is a four storied steel concrete building, its structure is very complex after the collapse. To avoid secondary injury to the survivor and ensure the safety of rescuers, we can't be too carefull."Tian left the operation room at around 11.20 local time, after a three-hour procedure to remove damaged tissue.
He was then sent to a ward at the Shenzhen Guangming hospital of Guangdong Province.
President of the hospital, Wang Guangming, gave details of Tian's condition.
"The victim, Tian, is 21 years old. He was brought to the hospital by ambulance at 06:53. The victim is extremely weak, suffering from severe dehydration and with multiple injuries. Soft tissue injuries and fractures can be found on his body. Severe crush injury and cutaneous necrosis can be found on his right lower limb."Tian, a migrant worker from southwest China's Chongqing, was able to speak when found.
He reportedly told rescuers that one of his co-workers remained trapped under deep rubble. The rescuers found a dead body near the place where they found Tian, but haven't confirmed the identity of the victim.
Gao Cunyi with the Guangdong public security and fire control authority said they have found several areas with signs of life among the 14 buildings which were engulfed.
"We have found four spots with signs of life at this time. At one spot we found survivor Tian, at another we found a dog which was still alive, and at a third spot we just found a water tank. Now we're continuing to dig at the remaining spot, but the signs of life are weakening and have almost faded. But, we haven't given up yet."Residents and workers at the industrial park who escaped from the tragedy have also been helping the rescuers locate possible locations where their family members and colleagues may be buried.
Deputy leader of the third armed police traffic brigade, Chen Lijin, said the glutinous mud poses a great challenge to the rescue work.
"The mud is muck transferred here. Having been soaked in rain, it becomes very glutinous and difficult for machines to operate in. So it is difficult to dig it, and our equipment falls in it, so it's very difficult."Despite the difficulties, rescue efforts are still underway and the excavation has been expanded.
China's cabinet has set up an investigation team to look into the causes of the landslide.
For CRI, I'm Qian Shanming.
Beijing Lifts Air Pollution Red AlertThe Environmental Protection authorities in Beijing have lifted the second red alert for air pollution this year.
The alert was issued last weekend as the Chinese capital was forecast to experience a new bout of choking smog, with the air pollution expected to stay at the most hazardous level for at least 4 days.
China has a four-tier warning system, with red as its most severe level, followed by orange, yellow and blue.
Despite the lifting of the alert, many citizens said they didn't feel that the air quality today had improved much at all.
Wang Bin, an official from the Beijing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, explained why the red alert was lifted ahead of time.
"We predicted on Tuesday that the air quality next day would improve gradually from north to south. That's why we lifted the red alert in advance so as to help the citizens to arrange their working or leisure plans better and more reasonably."Experts have also found that although the air quality improved somewhat in the first half of this year, the pollution level rebounded even more sharply in November and December.
Zhang Dawei, head of Beijing Municipal Environmental Monitoring Center, said the air quality forecast could be affected by a variety of factors.
"The forecast of air quality is very complicated and technical. Its results are based on not only the weather forecast, but also the pollutant discharge situation. The factors affecting the results include both physical ones and chemical ones. "Beijing was hit with severe air pollution on Tuesday. Municipal Environmental Monitoring Center forecast the density of PM2.5 may exceed 500 micrograms per cubic meter on that day.
Meanwhile, China's northern Hebei Province and the port city of Tianjin also issued their first-ever air pollution red alerts on Tuesday.
Hebei, which is home to six of the ten most polluted Chinese cities in November, also issued its first red alert for smog Tuesday noon.
Paris Agreement Implementation Could Help China to Reduce Smog: EnvoyChina's air pollution needs to be reduced by 42%, if it is to reach the goals set out by the Paris climate change agreement.
China's Special Representative on Climate Change at the Paris conference Xie Zhenghua made the statement during a news conference on Wednesday. Xie praised the Paris agreement for the global participation to fund development and battle climate change.
"The Paris agreement addressed the funding issue, which was a concern among developing countries. Under the deal, developing countries can voluntarily participate in South-South cooperation. It also requires rich nations to provide 100 billion dollars in funding each year to the developing world by 2020, which is to be extended after that. The agreement engages all countries but also upheld the principle of differentiated responsibilities. It is a fair and considerate document. "In June, China submitted to the UN its Intended Nationally Determined Contributions to curb climate change. Among other goals, it said China aims to peak carbon dioxide emissions by 2030 or earlier.
Xie Zhenhua said to achieve those goals; China needs to upgrade its industrial and energy consumption structures, in addition to exploring new energy sources, such as nuclear energy.
"We need to ensure the safe development of nuclear energy, including the secure use and management of equipment, and finding safe locations. China has done a lot of work in this area, in terms of deciding inland locations and the timing of construction of nuclear power plants. We have begun some work in our coastal areas, while nuclear power technology is being upgraded. Based on China's needs, we should further develop nuclear power."Xie also expressed confidence in China's ability to balance economic and social development with better environmental protection.
Chinese Vessels Carrying Standard Equipment, "Beyond Reproach" in Its Own Waters: FM SpokesmanThe Chinese foreign ministry has defended its coastguard patrol near the Diaoyu Islands in the East China Sea.
Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said on Wednesday at a daily news briefing the regular patrol did nothing wrong and so is beyond reproach.
"The Diaoyu Islands and its affiliated islets have been an inherent territory of China ever since ancient times, so patrols by Chinese coastguard vessels in the relevant sea waters are beyond reproach. The Chinese coastguard vessels carry standard equipment and are no different from international practice."Hong made the remarks in response to Japanese media reports that a Chinese coastguard ship armed with four gun turrets had been spotted near the islands on Tuesday afternoon.
It was reportedly the first time an armed Chinese coastguard ship had been sighted near the area.
Chinese Naval Hospital Makes First South American Stop in PeruThe Chinese naval hospital-ship Peace Ark has arrived in Peru, the first South American docking point for the vessel.
The Peace Ark is on a seven-day medical service visit to Peru. The goodwill trip is the last stop of a three-month mission that has also included stopovers in the US, Mexico and Barbados.
Senior Captain of the Peace Ark Task Group Guan Bailin says the crew is eager to provide medical care to the locals.
"It's our first visit to Peru, the first visit to South America. It seems that medical services are needed here. We also want to provide the best medical services to the Peruvian people, and if necessary, we can come back."Peru's Minister of Health Anibal Velasquez toured the ship on Tuesday and welcomed the visit.
"This hospital is a highly qualified hospital. It's like bringing a hospital from China to Peru. It's a hospital that has 300 beds with eight operating rooms, with laboratories, diagnostic service, and medical staff. For us it's important, not only because it can assess people who require specialised care, but also an exchange of science and technology with China, for which we are very thankful."The Peace Ark will perform around 2,000 free procedures during its stay in Peru.
100 Million Farmers to be Urbanites: OfficialAn official from China's top economic planning agency has revealed that China is planning to turn 100 million farmers into registered urban residents.
The measure is meant to encourage more people to buy real estate in cities so as to alleviate the massive housing glut.
Xu Shaoshi, head of the National Development and Reform Commission, says the plan will be carried out from next year.
However, Xu has not specified when the plan would be completed.
China's housing market took a downturn since 2014 due to weak demand and oversupply.
100 million Farmers to be Urbanites: OfficialThe official re-evaluation comes as a national conference on urban development is held to underline the need to develop cities in a more people-oriented way.
It also promised more equality for migrant workers in urban areas.
In an attempt to focus more on urban problems and ways to solve them, this year's Urban Development Conference in Beijing has shifted its focus away from infrastructure construction towards proper urban development.
Those at the event say this is the first time in 37-years the focus of the annual session has not been on infrastructure building.
And for more on the conference, CRI's Zhan Yang spoke earlier with Victor Gao, Chairman of the China energy security Institute.
Back anchorThat was Victor Gao, Chairman of China energy security Institute, speaking with CRI's Zhan Yang.
Gadgets Brings Benefits around the WorldAnchorThe recent World Internet Conference in Wuzhen in China highlighted just how many new gadgets and devices there are in the pipeline that are about to make our lives much easier and more productive.
And the ideas just keep coming. CRI's Wang Mengzhen takes a look at some of the latest devices being produced by companies around the world.
ReporterA new alcohol-detection device called the Breeze made by Breathometer Inc. from the U.S. has been produced to help reduce the number of drink-driving cases which have already claimed many drivers' lives.
Brian Sturdivant, Vice President of Marketing of Breathometer Inc., explains how it works.
"The Breeze product actually allows you to simply blow into this for about five seconds, and the results are coordinated and linked wirelessly to our app on your smart phone, it will deliver your current BAC level, blood alcohol concentration level."He added that the device could also tell drivers when they're likely to sober up, and can even call them an Uber taxi if they have drunk too much and shouldn't drive.
At this year's Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, a smart watering system produced by an enterprise called Parrot was on display.
The Parrot H2O contains sensors taking information about plants' moisture, fertilizer level, amount of light and air temperature, which connect to a Bluetooth device.
By entering the plant type into a database, the H2O will figure out how much water to give and will dispense it through a tap automatically.
Arthur Petry, the spokesperson of Parrot, said it will help take care of the plants at home if all of the family members go away for a long time.
"Fill it with water and you can go away for three weeks, it will take care of the watering. In the application, you select your plant in a huge database of 8-thousand plants. For each plant we know the specific needs, we worked with botanist experts."Apart from plants, another gadget aimed at pets was produced by Binatone.
The electronic collar, Scout 5000, could help owners pinpoint their pets' whereabouts quite accurately.
It will not only film the pets' encounters but also provide a database to track them over a period of time.
Jessica Stoddard, Binatone's Director of Product Marketing, says the owners could also see what the pets are seeing through a special wide-angle lens.
"The most exciting part is that there's a wide-angle viewing camera on this. So therefore, you can see what your dog sees. Through the app, through our Hubble app, you are able to access this live video."Meanwhile, a company in Hong Kong has designed a robot to tackle wildfires, which often cause enormous economic and human damage every year.
The robot uses thermal imaging sensors and advanced artificial intelligence vision technology to spot fires in areas as small as 2 square meters or within a 5-kilometer radius.
Researchers say it has recorded a 100 percent detection rate in multiple field trials and deployments since 2010.
For CRI, I'm Wang Mengzhen.
US Drone SalesAnchor2015 has seen a new record set for the sale of civilian drones in the US.
However, with reports of dozens of near misses with passenger planes and fears over privacy and security, the US government is scrambling to put appropriate regulations in place.
Kevin McAleese has this report from the US capital.
ReporterUS interest in recreational drones is soaring.
Consumer experts, like Brian Mark Walter from the Consumer Technology Association, believe the technology could soon be part of a multi-billion dollar industry.
'400,000 drones will be sold to consumers and overall we predict that over 700,000 will be sold this year, a 63 per cent increase over last year'
Non-military drone providers at this year's National Drone Show put the rise in sales down to affordability and ease of use...Matthew Creger, of Intelligent UAS, a civilian drone provider said the appeal was clear.
"You can get them right out of the box, power your batteries, power your transmitters, plug it in and be up and flying within ten minutes"Despite that growth industry specialists at this year's US National Drone Show, such as Flight Instructor Gene Pyson say the US has serious competition especially from the Asian Market.
'China has the low cost nature so most of the products are being commercially manufactured in China, so China is way ahead in terms of regulations than other countries are far behind the US is trying to catch up because they see a looming billion dollar industry and they see jobs and a lot of potential'
But civilian drones have raised privacy and security questions with the US Federal Aviation Administration announcing new regulations and possibly a registry to track the many drones now flooding US airspace.
DC-based Aviation lawyer Christine Walls says the FAA is trying to keep pace with the rapid rise in so-called unmanned aerial systems.
Golf courses, railway companies interested in getting air shots of railroads wanting to check their tracks, flooding, track maintenance, previously available'
Under the new FAA regulations drone-flyers who break the law could face fine's of up to $250,000 or even 3 years behind bars... penalties the government hopes will deter illegal-drone activity in US skies.
For CRI, I'm Kevin McAleese in Washington.
Egypt Hires Airport Security Consultants after CrashEgypt said Tuesday it has appointed a global consultancy firm to review security at its airports.
The announcement came nearly two months after a Russian airliner crash in the Sinai killed 224 people.
Egyptian minister of tourism, Hesham Zaazou, said at a news conference that the government has appointed London-based 'Control Risks' to commence work immediately to provide a comprehensive review of airport security in Egypt.
"Control Risks assignment will be extensive and will review the progress and enhancements already made at our airports, and benchmarking existing security procedures and operations, equipment, access to airport operations, together with existing training methods. This will commence with the airports at Cairo and Sharm El-Sheikh immediately."Zaazou denied that the hiring of Control Risks had anything to do with the airliner crash in Sinai.
The Metrojet disaster has dealt a heavy blow to tourism in Egypt, a cornerstone of its already faltering economy.
US Arrests Teenager for IS RecruitmentThe US authorities have indicted a teenager accused of recruiting for the Islamic State militant group.
Jalil Ibn Ameer Aziz of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, was arrested on December 17th. A federal grand jury on Tuesday indicted the 19-year-old on charges of conspiring and attempting to provide material support to IS.
Director of Pennsylvania's Department of Homeland Security Marcus Brown says Aziz has been on law enforcement's radar for two years.
"The joint terrorism task force has had its eye on him for a long time. At one point where he became radicalized where he was going to take some action that concerned law enforcement and that's when law enforcement stepped in."Prosecutors said Aziz had used at least 57 Twitter accounts to advocate violence against the US and propagate support for the Islamic State militant group. He is scheduled to appear in court on Wednesday local time.
New South Wales Arrests Two in Terror RaidAustralian authorities arrested two men in a counter-terrorism operation in Sydney on Wednesday.
Deputy Police Commissioner of New South Wales Catherine Burn made the announcement.
"Today we have conducted a further two arrests, which brings this to a total of 13 people we will have put before the court under Operation Appleby."The two men, a 24-year-old and a 20-year-old, will be charged with terrorism-related offenses.
Burn added there are no existing security threats known to local authorities.
"There is no specific threat, there is no current threat, there is no pending threat, and at this time of the year when we are moving into Christmas and New Year, please make sure that you go about your business. Be vigilant, but get out and about and make sure that you do what you would be doing. We don't have any information that there is any specific threat."Burn said Wednesday's arrests were related to events that occurred in Australia last year.
Australia Deported French National Days after Paris AttacksIt's been revealed that two days after last months Paris terror attacks, a French national carrying extremist materials was arrested at an Australian airport and then deported.
Australia's Immigration Minister Peter Dutton made the announcement on Wednesday.
"The CTU (Counter Terrorism Unit) officers in this case have detected this man coming in from France. He was in possession of mace and prohibited items otherwise. Obviously we've liaised with the French authorities, the man was detained overnight at Maribyrnong and he was returned to France the next day."Dutton said there was no information linking the man to the Paris attacks, and the man's motives for being in Australia remain unknown.
Megaupload Boss Can be Extradited from NZ to USA New Zealand judge ruled on Wednesday that the colorful Internet entrepreneur Kim Dotcom and three of his colleagues can be extradited to the United States to face criminal copyright charges.
Judge Nevin Dawson said the court found that all the respondents are eligible for surrender on all 13 counts in the superseding indictment.
The ruling came nearly four years after US authorities shut down Dotcom's file-sharing website Megaupload, which was once one of the Internet's most popular sites.
Prosecutors say it raked in at least 175 million US dollars, mainly from people using it to illegally download movies.
The US has charged them with conspiracy to commit copyright infringement, racketeering and money laundering.
If found guilty, they could face decades in jail.
WeatherBeijing will be cloudy tonight with a low of minus 5, tomorrow will be cloudy and hazy, with a high of 4.
Shanghai will have slight rain tonight with a low of 8, also rainy tomorrow, high of 10.
Chongqing will see slight rain with a low of 7, also rainy tomorrow, high of 10.
Lhasa will be clear with a low of minus 7, tomorrow will be sunny with a high of 9.
Elsewhere in Asia,Islamabad will be cloudy with a high of 15.
Kabul, cloudy, 5.
Down in the Southern Hemisphere.
Sydney, rainy, high of 23,Brisbane, rainy, 27,Perth, cloudy, 30,And finally Auckland, New Zealand will have slight rain with a high of 18 degrees Celsius.
Headline NewsNational New Area Approved in Harbin, NE ChinaThe state council, China's Cabinet, has approved the establishment of a new national zone in Harbin, northeast China's Heilongjiang province.
The Harbin New Area will be the first of its kind in China to focus on China-Russia cooperation.
Heilongjiang shares a 3,000-km border with Russia.
The project will also focus on northeast China's traditional industrial bases.
It will be the 16th state-level New Area approved by the authorities to pilot the country's reform and opening-up policies.
The first new area was created in Pudong, Shanghai in the 1990s.
Xinjiang Publishes Magazine for MuslimsNorthwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region has published a bimonthly magazine for its 13 million Muslims.
Xinjiang Muslims, launched by the regional Islamic Association and Xinjiang Islamic Institute, covers policy, law and scripture explanation, Islamic doctrines, mosques and fortune stories.
The magazine is published in three major languages in the region, Uygur, Mandarin and Kazak.
A website for Muslims was also launched on Tuesday.
Vietnamese Top Legislator Leaves for China VisitA senior Vietnamese legislator is heading to China for a five-day visit.
The trip by the Chairman of Vietnam's National Assembly, Nguyen Sinh Hung, is the first of its kind by a top Vietnamese parliamentarian in 8 years.
He's coming to China at the invitation of senior Chinese legislator Zhang Dejiang, and the visit is expected to offer opportunities to promote ties between the two legislative bodies as well as exchange major concerns on bilateral ties.
This year also marks the 65th anniversary of the establishment of China-Vietnam diplomatic relations.
7 More Bodies Recovered, 64 Still Missing after Boat Sinks in IndonesiaRescuers have found seven more bodies after a boat carrying 118 people capsized in eastern Indonesia on Saturday.
This has raised the death toll to 14 as the search for those missing enters its fifth day on Wednesday.
So far 40 people have been rescued and 64 others remain missing.
The ill-fated ferry was heading to the Siwa seaport of South Sulawesi from Kolaka in the southeast when it was reported missing on Saturday.
Boat Sinks off Greek Island, 11 DrownedIt's reported eleven people drowned after a boat carrying migrants capsized en route from Turkey to the Greek island of Farmakonissi.
Greek authorities say 15 people were rescued, with two still missing.
Five children were among the 11 people who lost their lives.
The latest UN report suggests the number of refugees and migrants who fled to Europe in 2015 has surpassed 1 million.
Roughly half of them were Syrians fleeing the ongoing war in their country.
Meanwhile, over 3,600 people have drowned or went missing while making the journey this year.
Biz ReportsMarket PreviewAnchorTime to check today's business news, starting with the closing numbers here in China.
Mainland markets closed down on Wednesday, as market sentiments were low with the year-end approaching.
Shares in communications, internet security and media brokerages led the losers.
At the close, the Shanghai Composite Index lost 0.4 percent.
The smaller Shenzhen Component index declined 1 percent.
The small-cap ChiNext Index tumbled some 2 percent.
In Hong Kong, the Heng Seng moved down 1 percent.
Elsewhere in Asia,Tokyo shares ended lower, as many investors sat on the sidelines ahead of the market's closure for a national holiday on Wednesday.
The benchmark Nikkei 225 dropped 0.2 percent.
In South Korea, the KOSPI added 0.3 percent.
Singapore's Straits Times index was up 0.4 percent, despite the country posted the 13th fall in consumer prices.
And finally,Australia's ASX/200 gained 0.5 percent.
China's Central Bank Extends Forex Trading HoursChina's central bank says the country's foreign exchange market will extend trading hours by 7 hours starting from January 4 next year.
Trading hours for the yuan in the Shanghai-based exchange will last till 11:30 pm local time.
The People's Bank of China, along with the forex regulator, said in a statement that they will also allow more overseas banks to enter the interbank forex market.
The move is seen as a way of helping the country's aim to encourage the yuan's international use and support its entry to the IMF's currency basket.
China to Revoke Banks' Private Fund Management QualificationsChina's banking regulator is reportedly to revoke the fund management qualifications of 17 domestic banks.
It's understood the regulator has issued informal guidance to banks, warning them that their registrations will be removed.
The Banks include China Everbright Bank, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, Ping An Bank, Bank of Beijing and other 13 banks in the country.
Their registrations were issued earlier this year by China's Asset Management Association, which is under the supervision of the country's securities regulator.
But the registrations apparently conflict with China's commercial banking law that bans banks from directly investing in non-bank financial institutions and companies.
The move means a setback for Chinese banks, which have been seeking to address shrinking profits following a series of interest rate cuts.
China's M&A Set to Hit New Heights in 2016: ReutersAnchorNew figures are suggesting Chinese acquisitions in the Asia Pacific region have helped push the value of annual deals past one trillion U.S. dollars for the first time.
The same set of data also shows Chinese companies have spent a record 102-billion U.S. dollars on mergers and aquisitions so far this year.
Analysis by Reuters is suggesting investment banks expect this coming year to see an even bigger splurge by Chinese firms.
For more on this, CRI's Paul James spoke earlier with John Ross, senior fellow with the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin University.
Back AnchorThat was John Ross, senior fellow with the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin University, speaking with CRI's Paul James.
Fund Mulled for Cutting Steel GlutChina's industrial association is considering a fund to cut excessive output in the steel industry.
The China Iron and Steel Association said the steel industry will have to slash production in the coming years.
But it did not specify the size or other details of the fund.
At the same time, a report predicts that China is likely to see a 5-percent decline in steel consumption in the past year, the first drop in two decades.
The report, by a research institute under the State Council, attributes the drop to weak market demand.
Li Xinchuang, head of the institute, says this year marks a turning point for the steel industry.
"There have been dozens of steel companies shut down, with a total capacity of 60 million tons. I think we will see more closed down in the future. Because we don't need this many companies now, nor this much capacity and production. So 2015 is a turning point for the iron and steel industry."Crude steel output edged down 2 percent during the first ten months this year and yet less than 90 percent were actually used in the same period.
The excessive stockpile has dragged down prices and hurt profits, with nearly 50 percent of steel produced by companies under deficit.
China's Rail Linking Central Asia to Start Construction in 2016Construction of a railway linking China, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan will start in the coming year.
The President of Kyrgyzstan Almazbek Atambayev said the project will boost economic growth in his country, as it will provide the landlocked country with easier access to ports.
It is estimated that the project will cost some 2 billion U.S. dollars.
Once completed, the rail is expected to transport some 20 million tons of goods annually.
Atambayev also added that they are considering extending the rail line to Iran.
The decision was announced after Chinese Premier Li Keqiang urged resumption of talks on the project during a meeting with his Kyrgyzstan counterpart Temir Sariyev earlier this month.
Talks on the 500-kilometer railway started in 2008 but the project was later shelved.
China Southern Airline Buys $2 Billion Planes from AirbusChina Southern Airlines has announced an order to purchase 10 Airbus aircraft worth over 2 billion U.S. dollars, to help meet the growing demand for travel in China.
The wide-body aircraft are expected to be delivered between 2017 and 19.
The Guangzhou-based company placed an order for 110 planes valued at 10 billion dollars from Boeing only last week.
The market is expected to see more orders from Chinese airlines as the country is forecast to surpass the U.S. as the world's largest aircraft market in two decades.
Airbus last year said it would develop a regional variant of the plane for the Chinese market.
China's AVIC Ordered to Pay 70 Million to U.S. Wind FirmAn arbitration award has ordered China's Aviation Industry Corporation or AVIC to pay over 70 million U.S. dollars to an U.S. wind firm for breach of contract.
AVIC did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
SportsCBA/NBA UpdateIn live CBA action from the court,New leaders Zhejiang Lions are facing Liaoning. It will be interesting to see how good Liaoning really are without Guo Ailun.
Liaoning have received a 100-thousand yuan fine from the Chinese Basketbal Association for violent fan behavior.
A 17-year-old fan threw a water bottle that landed on Guo Ailun's face and slit open his bottom eyelid after Liaoning's last game against Zhejiang.
The fan, surnamed Liu, is being held by the police.
Third-placed Guangdong and Sichuan are clashing in a well-matched game. Both teams are locked at a 15-5 record and the result will separate them from the tie.
Other action tonight sees Xinjiang playing Beikong,The Beijing Ducks hosting Tongxi,Bayi going up against Shanxi,Qingdao entertaining Shanghai,Tianjin visiting Jiangsu,Jilin at home against Zhejiang,And Fujian on the road to Foshan.
Over in the NBA,Kobe Bryant tied a season high 31 points as the Lakers rallied from 21 points down to beat Denver 111-107.
Miami couldn't turn their lead into a win as they were bounced by Detroit 93-92.
Toronto downed Houston 103-99,And it is Memphis over Philadelphia 104-90.
Evergrande Defender Kim Young-gwon Voted South Korean Footballer of the YearIn off-pitch football news,Guangzhou Evergrande defender Kim Young-gwon has been voted South Korean Footballer of the Year.
Kim led South Korea to the East Asian Cup title as captain in the summer.
He won the Chinese Super Leauge title and came to a fourth-place finish at the Club World Cup with Chinese giants Guangzhou Evergrande.
Draw for 2016 Copa LibertadoresElsewhere in football,The groupings of next year's Copa Libertadores have been decided after a draw at South America's football governing body Conmebol headquarters at Luque.
The President of Conmebol, Wilmar Valdez, says the strongest teams from the region will make it a very special event.
"This time round, clubs with great history have qualified, many of them have won the cup multiple times, and others want to enter this great history. We can expect a very special cup."Twenty-six teams are drawn into eight groups of four, with six more teams from phase one qualifications to complete the last 32.
Defending champions River Plate from Argentina are in Group A with the Bolivian club 'The Strongest' and Venezuelan side Trujillanos.
Winners from the sixth tie in the first phase will complete this group.
River Plate's long-time rivals and champions of Argentina's Primera Division 'Boca Jonirs' lead Group B. They are joined by Bolivar, Deportivo Cali and a first phase team still to be decided.
Winners of the Brazilian Serie A 'Corinthians' fell into Group H which also has a team from Paraguay and Chile each, as well as a first-phase team.
The 32 teams will play home and away games in a round-robin fashion. The top 2 teams from each group will progress to the knock-out games.
The schedule for the Copa Libertadores is yet to be announced.
EPL Leaders Leicester to Liverpool on Boxing DayStaying with footballAcross England - Several Premier League games are scheduled for boxing day.
Surprise pack leader, Leicester on top of the table are away to Liverpool.
Manager Claudio Ranieri says the reason they've been doing so well up to now is because they are united and work consistently well in both training and in games.
It's my philosophy because every team I say 'how you play in training session, you play on the pitch, on the match.' And they fight a lot during the training session, and then you can look the result on the pitch. But it's important they are, very close each other, they are friendly. And this could happen. We don't have the high quality like City, Arsenal, but we fight together. Every ball for us is the last ball. That's what we believe. One ball is the last ball. First minute, last minute. It's important."Elsewhere,Chelsea's life in the post-Mourinho era continues as they prepare to take on Watford;Manchester City are playing Sunderland at home; city rivals United are at Stoke City;Bottom side Aston Villa are preparing to meet West Ham.
Kristoffersen Wins Second Alpine Ski World Cup Slalom TitleIn winter sports action,Norwegian skier Henrik Kristoffersen has won his second slalom title in Italy in the new FIS Alpine Ski World Cup season.
Kristoffersen established a one-second lead after the opening run and extended it in his second effort.
He finished with a combined time of one minute, 37.80 seconds.
The rest of the field was nowhere near Kristoffersen. Second-placed Marcel Hirscher is down by 1.25 seconds.
Marco Schwarz finished third.
The World Cup action resumes with a downhill next week after a holiday break.
CCTV Nominates Sporting Stars of the YearChina Central Television has revealed the nominees for the 2015 sporting stars of the year.
Swimmers Sun Yang and Ning Zetao are nominated for male athlete of the year. The category also includes Asia's fastest runner Su Bingtian, table tennis' world number one.
EntertainmentChina Film Company Unveils Movies for Chinese Theaters in 2016The China Film Company has announced a slew of new films for the Chinese cinema in 2016.
At a press conference held in Beijing on Tuesday, the company unveiled a partial list of 33 films that will be either screened or go into production in China next year.
Big budget film "My War" tops the films to be shown in China next year. 2016 marks the 65th anniversary of the Korean War, and the movie tells the story of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army and their sacrifices on the Korean Peninsula. The film stars Chinese actors Liu Ye and Wang Lu Dan.
Another historical epic "Xuan Zang" will also meet Chinese movie goers next year.
The China-India co production was announced during Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's state visit to China earlier this year. It tells the story of Monk Xuan Zang, who was accredited with bringing Buddhist teachings from India to China during the Tang Dynasty. Xuan Zang stars Chinese film star Huang Xiaoming. Internationally known Hong Kong director Wang Kai Wai served as the film's Artistic Adviser.
Critics' Choice Award Has 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Added to Nominees ListStar Wars has once again showed its mighty power, as "The Force Awakens" has received a Best Picture nomination at the upcoming Critics' Choice Awards.
"Star Wars: The Force Awakens" now joins 10 other films competing in the category.
The film was not screened in time for nominations, failing to make its way to the original list. But its nomination was revealed 8 days after the previous announcement.
Reports say in the wake of an "unprecedented outcry" from members, the Broadcast Film Critics Association held a special vote to determine if the rules could be bent to accommodate the movie.
The new Star Wars film has broken a number of records.
It crossed the 300 million dollar mark in North American box office in just five days, the fastest in movie history.
It garnered a staggering 247 million US dollars for an opening weekend, beating previous record holder "Jurassic World" by 40 million dollars.
The 21st annual Critics' Choice Awards will be held on January 17th in Los Angeles.
Actors Reveal Their Favorite Films in 2015As the awards season approaches, some actors and celebrities have revealed their favorites in the past year.
Mad Max 4 roared back into life this year, receiving both critical and commercial success.
The movie starred British actor Tom Hardy, who replaced Mel Gibson as Max Rockatansky - a monosyllabic loner wandering a post-apocalyptic wasteland, searching for safety in a dangerous, violent world.
"Game of Thrones" actress Natalie Dormer says the film is incredible.
"I loved 'Mad Max' I thought it was extraordinarily well made. Such an incredible movie. So well edited, another strong amazing female, three dimensional flawed female heroine, amazing movie."Apparently she is not the only fan.
The power of Mad Max even extended to India, where Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan also spoke of it highly.
"For me, my favorite film this year was 'Mad Max,' I just loved what they did with the whole film, how they got it back and revamped the whole thing. I am a huge fan of Tom Hardy, just the whole set up of the film."Mad Max: Fury Road is a contender for Best Film at the upcoming Golden Globe Awards.
George Miller is also in the running in the director category.
Meantime, Academy Award-winner Julianne Moore gives her heart to "The Diary of a Teenage Girl".
"It is so great and Bel Powley, what a great actor she is. She really is extraordinary and so so great in this role."The film follows a 15-year-old California girl in 1970s San Francisco.
She documents the transition she's been craving, narrating into a tape recorder her eager plunge into sex and adulthood.
Besides these some what intense movies, some celebrities voted for more entertaining stories such as Amy Schumer's "Trainwreck" and animated "Inside Out".
President Obama to Kick off Season 7 of Jerry Seinfeld's 'Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee'
Jerry Seinfeld's online comedy series "Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee" is going to have a presidential start in the new season.
US President Barack Obama will be the first guest of the 7th season of the series, which usually features Seinfeld with other comedians, as they chat in a car on their way to get a cup of coffee.
The episode finished shooting at the White House earlier this month.
Obama and Seinfeld were seen driving a 1963 Corvette Stingray Split Window Coupe and talking about life in the White House.
"Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee" will premiere on streaming service Crackle on December 30th.
Taylor Swift's 'Out of the Woods' Music Video to Premiere during New Year's EveTaylor Swift is going to welcome the New Year by releasing a music video for "Out of the Woods."The video will be played on December 31st during Dick Clark's New Year's Rocking Eve.
"Out of the Woods" is the sixth single from Swift's best-selling "1989" album.
The single follows a number of hits such as "Shake It Off," "Blank Space," and "Bad Blood,"The release of the video was announced by Rocking Eve's official Twitter account.
However, it is not clear what time exactly the video will be aired and if Swift will make an in-person appearance.
That's it for this edition of the Beijing Hour...
A quick look at the headlines before we go...
A survivor of the Shenzhen landslide is said to be in stable condition after receiving emergency surgery.
China's Special Representative on Climate Change praises the recent Paris conference but warns of the tough task ahead.
And top economic planners unveil a scheme to turn 100 million Chinese farmers into urban dwellers.
On behalf of the Beijing Hour news team, this is Bob Jones in Beijing, hoping you'll join us for the next edition of the Beijing Hour, to open a window to the world together...