英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1223 - 谁是又火辣又有才的男人?(在线收听

Topic1-The Decreasing Chinese Cheap Labor ForceAccording to an earlier foreign media report, China, the country that has the world's largest labor force population, is facing a decrease in its cheap labor force. Why is that?
Topic2-2015 Chinese City Ranking in Engaging in Social ActivitiesE-drive, the biggest internet designated driving service platform in China, has released a report looking at the situation that people engage in social activities in different cities recently. Why do people go for these social activities?
Topic3-Shanghai Fudan University's Female Students Shy toward SexA survey conducted by a youth committee of Fudan University in Shanghai has revealed 72 percent of their college girls remain single.
An interesting finding was on female student's attitude towards sex which discloses 20 percent of the respondents say they would be inclined to have sex or cohabitation with their partners before marriage.
Topic4-China's Only Matriarchal Society Threatened as Young Females Head to Cities for WorkFor hundreds of years, the Mosuo people have lived next to Lugu Lake in Lijiang, Southwest China's Yunnan Province, maintaining the only matriarchal society in China. But the old way of life is deteriorating as more and more young people choose to leave home and work in the cities. Should the traditional Mosuo way of life be protected in some way?  