英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1224 - 你赶上晚婚假了吗?(在线收听

Topic1-Chinese Style ChristmasAlthough a majority of Chinese people do not have a Christmas break, the country's youth have been increasingly getting into the holiday spirit.
Different from family reunions that often mark the celebration in the west, Chinese observe the day by getting together with friends, shopping, giving gifts and romance.
Topic2-Is Beijing's Points System for Household Registration Fair Enough?
The Beijing Municipal Government has soliciting public opinion on a points system for household registration or hukou. Is Beijing's Points System for Household Registration a better option to manage population?
Topic3-More Holiday for Couples with Two Children instead of Late MarriageChinese lawmakers are considering an amendment to the family planning law, which may remove the benefit of extra holidays for those who get married or have children late. What may happen if the amendment passed?
Topic4-The Neglected Country ParksCountry parks in Beijing have been open for eight years now. But many park-goers have complained that the facilities in these parks are in appalling condition. What happened to those parks?  