英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1228 - 吃过猪肉,看过杀猪吗?(在线收听

Topic 1: Surrogate Farmers
In South China's Pearl River Delta,some 300,000 surrogate farmersare toiling on lands abandoned by local farmers who moved into cities. However, they might lose the lands as the indigenous farmers are encouraged to go back home. What's the future for them?
Topic 2: Loans Targeting at University Students
Advertisements about small-amount loans are everywhere on university campuses in many cities and provinces. However, the safety of such loan remains in big question. Recently, a university student in central China's Hubei Province was found deeply in debt of over 700,000 yuan because of applying for such loans. Why are they so risky? How can students protect themselves?
Topic 3: Some Officials 'Not Corrupt, But Indolent and Sloppy'
China still faces challenges in rooting out corruption, according to He Zengke, director of the China Center for Comparative Politics and Economics. He said that while many officials were keeping their behavior in check, underperformance remained an issue. How to solve the problem?
Topic 4: Primary School Students Learn Traditional Culture from Watching Pig Killing
A primary school in Chongqing Municipality organized an extra curriculum activity where the students get to witness the slaughtering of pigs. It is said to be part of the efforts to teach the students about traditional way of living in the villages.  