英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1229 - 跨行转账要免费,然并卵?(在线收听

Topic 1: Housemaid Kills Old Employers to Get Salary Earlier
Recently, the news of a housemaid killing her 70-year-old employer to get her wages has shocked the nation. And that was not the first employer she killed. Why could she kill so many people without being caught in time?
Topic 2: China's Central Bank Demands Free Money Transfer
China's central bank has urged banks to stop charging fees for online transfers, those fail to comply after April 1 will face fines. The move is said to help the banks compete with Internet-based payment services.
Topic 3: Surrogate Pregnancy
One subject of debate among lawmakers discussing China's family planning reforms has been surrogate pregnancy. Legislators deleted a provision banning surrogate pregnancies in the draft legal amendment. However, suggested surrogacy is still something that needs to be further studied and discussed. What's the problem with surrogate pregnancy?
Topic 4: Online Sarcasm – Funny or Hurtful?
If a person asks for relationship advice in a WeChat group chat, like "My boyfriend hasn't touched me in two weeks. What should I do?" she will get responses that she never expected. For example, "Your breasts are small, but your face is big," "No need to lose weight. Your ugliness has nothing to do with your weight," "When is the last time you had a shower?" Of course, they were most likely jokes; but I'm sure as the victim of online sarcasm, the girl feels uncomfortable. Have you encountered this and how do you go about it?  