英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1230 - 冯唐版《飞鸟集》,时尚or低俗?(在线收听

 Topic 1: Modern Translation of Stray Bird Gets Recalled

A modern interpretation of Indian writer Rabindranath Tagore's poetry collection Stray Birds has recently been recalled by its publisher, amidst controversy over the style of language used by the translator and Chinese writer Feng Tang.
Topic 2: New Second Child Policy May Create Teacher Shortages?
It is believed more and more teachers in kindergartens and primary schools will ask for maternity leave as 'The Second Child' policy is to be rolled out nationwide. But this already made a lot of school principals worried as 80% of school teachers are female.
Topic 3: Free Government WiFi Service
A recent survey conducted by New Express, a local newspaper in Guangzhou, nearly 70% of internet users say they have never used this free wifi service provided by the government. Why is that?
Topic 4: Spiritual Money Company to Go Public
A recent report says that a Chinese Spiritual Money Company applying for listing on the stock market has come into the spotlight online. Actually, there are a lot more companies with weird business listed on the stock market. Do you know any of them?  