
 Baby lag宝贝时差

Baby lag refers to extreme fatigue and disorientation due to the sleep deprivation associated with parentinga baby.
This phrase is a play on jet lag, the fatigue and disorientation that results from a long flight across multiple time zones,which dates to 1965.
Baby lag
New parents who mistakenly put milk in a washing machine and socks in a fridge are suffering from "baby lag".
Top 10 bizarre baby lag mishaps by new parents
1. Putting milk in the washing machines (and socksin the fridge)
2. Falling asleep in the shower
3. Leaving baby in the car
4.Going out in pyjamas
5. Use hair spray instead of deodorant
6. Hang dirty clothes on washing line
7. Put shampoo on toothbrush
8. Pour baby milk over my breakfast cereal
9. Getting up and going to the office on a weekend(when not supposed to)
10. Put wrong clothes on children