

  神话人物 Mythological Figures
  八仙 the Eight Immortals
  嫦娥 Chang'e ( the Chinese moon goddess)
  伏羲 Fu Xi (God of Fishery and Husbandry)
  福禄寿三星 the three gods of fortune , prosperity and longevity
  共工 God of Water
  后羿 Houyi (a legendary hero who shot down nine suns )
  黄帝 Yellow Emperor
  夸父 Kuafu (a fabled sun-chasing giant )
  女 Goddess of Sky-patching
  盘古 Pan Gu (creator of the universe )
  神农 Patron of Agriculture
  禹 Yu ( the reputed founder of the Xia Dynasty )
  祝融 God of Fire
  古代建筑 Ancient Architecture
  塔 pagoda
  琉璃塔 glazed stupa
  舍利塔 dagoba; sarira stupa ( a pagoda for Buddhist relics )
  舍利子 sarira remains from cremation of Buddha's of saints' body
  喇叭塔 Lamaist pagoda
  楼 storied buildings
  钟楼 bell tower
  鼓楼 drum tower
  阁 pavilion
  烽火台 beacon tower
  华表 ornamental column
  牌坊 memorial archway